The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima

Chapter 58: Interlude 03 - The Council Elders and Ren Uchiha.

Chapter 58: Interlude 03 - The Council Elders and Ren Uchiha.

Hokage Residence

In a private chamber in the Hokage residency, Hiruzen Sarutobi and his three advisors were having a meeting. Homura Mitokado, a former member of Team Tobirama sat to his right while Koharu Utatane positioned on Hiruzen's left. And directly across from him is his friend/rival and the commander of the root forces, Danzo Shimura. The meeting had a slightly tense atmosphere due to the topic of their discussion.

"The Uchiha are getting more and more restless with each day. It won't be long before they launch the coup d'etat. We need to handle them before anything happens." Danzo's voice was stern and it showed no hint of mercy.

"The Uchiha clan are formidable. It won't be easy to do something like that. And besides they are one of the founding clans of the village. We can't just attack them out of nowhere. It would destabilize the village." Hiruzen countered.

Hearing Hiruzen's words, councilor Homura gave his thoughts on the matter. "I understand your points and concerns Hiruzen. But if Fugaku launches the coup d'etat, then there will be severe casualties. And the village will become destabilized nonetheless and the other nations will take that opportunity to attack us."

Hiruzen grunted hearing him. He knew Homura was right but it didn't sit right with him to attack the clan out of nowhere like that.

"Both Danzo and Hiruzen make good points. But both of those plans have demerits to them as well" Koharu said. The rest turned to her. "If we launch a preemptive attack and kill the conspirators then we can stop the coup before it even starts. But it would lead to resentment from the Uchiha's that remain alive. And they could plot another coup again. And also, the other clans would become wary of us. This would build a rift within the village and any outsider would be able to take advantage of it." Koharu stopped for a moment and looked at them. She continued after a few seconds.

"On the other hand if they successfully launch the coup d'etat then there will be deaths on both sides. The village and the clan will suffer casualties and it would weaken the village and the Fire nation as a whole. The Tsuchikage and Raikage are currently looking for any weaknesses we might present. They would definitely attack us and it would start another war." She stopped and sighed. "Both options have their merits and demerits. So we need to proceed carefully."

Hiruzen and Danzo became quiet after hearing her words. They knew she was right. This was a delicate matter that had to be dealt with carefully.

"Whatever decisions we make we have to do it quickly. Time is running out. We need to come up with a plan." Homura crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair. "Has Itachi given any updates?"

"Yes. They haven't yet decided when to launch the coup. But Itachi tells me they are gathering resources like battle gears and weapons and preparing themselves. But it's a slow process since they don't want to bring attention to themselves." Hiruzen replied with a downcast expression.

"Tobirama sensei warned us of the Uchiha. We should have kept a much closer eye on them. If we had we wouldn't have suffered an attack and lost a Hokage." It was a slight jab at Hiruzen from Danzo. The third Hokage reduced some restrictions placed on the Uchiha clan during his reign before the ninetails attack. He believed the Uchiha would become more comfortable and integrate more with the village with time.

Hiruzen didn't rise to the bait and stayed quiet.

"This is no time for your old rivalry Danzo. We need to stick together and figure out a plan." Koharu slightly rebuked the one eyed root leader.

"Right now we have Itachi working undercover and he'll inform us if they decide to try anything. So for the moment let's try to settle this diplomatically. The Uchiha clan hasn't attacked us yet. So there is still time for negotiations." Homura remarked and they all sat in silence.

"What a truly troubling time." Hiruzen mumbled but the other three heard it. Hiruzen looked at his advisors. "I had hoped Itachi would have been able to persuade Fugaku from this course of action but with each day it seems more and more unlikely. Still You're right Homura. They haven't done any damage so far. I'll try to come up with a viable plan and settle this peacefully."

He sighed and got up from his seat. "Let's adjourn for now. I still have much work to complete back at the office." The Hokage was about to leave when Danzo stopped him.

Danzo looked his friend in the eyes and had a serious expression. "Hiruzen. The Uchiha is an important military force in the village. If anything happens to them we will be severely weakened. I understand that. But If they decide to move forward with this ridiculous plan of theirs, then they will force my hand"

"Danzo" Hiruzen saw his resolute face and knew he wouldn't be able to change his mind.

"If anything happens I will move to protect the village. No matter the cost" Danzo stared at Hiruzen for a few more seconds after saying those words and then slowly left.

"He's more extreme than usual" Koharu muttered looking at the retreating back of their fellow advisor.

"Let's just hope everything gets settled peacefully." Homura added and both of them left. Hiruzen stood there with a heavy heart.

'I should be enjoying my retirement right now. Spending time with my family and smoking myself to death. But instead I'm here trying to stop what might become the linchpin to the fourth great war I can't believe I'm resenting you for dying, Minato..' The Hokage then left his residence and made his way to his office.

Hiruzen stamped the documents piled up after going through them. He assigned missions to the teams and went through the budget of the village. He looked over the various papers and after several hours he was almost done. At that moment a chunin walked in with his schedule for the next day and a message.

"Lord Hokage. Daikoku Funeno is here to see you." She informed him.

"Send him in." Hiruzen motioned. The chunin left and shortly afterwards the academy instructor came in.

"Lord Hokage." Daikoku sensei greeted his leader.

"I take it the academy exams have been completed." Hiruzen asked him.

"Yes sir. They went without any problems." The class instructor nodded.

"So what's this about?" The Hokage asked him.

"I came mainly for two reasons. Both of them are in my class." Daikoku started.

"Go on."

"The first is regarding a student named Daichi Hekima. He's at the top of the class and I've gone through his exams papers shortly before coming here. He'll retain his top spot in the class for the second year as well.."

"Hmmm Daichi huh. I'm aware of the boy. I know he's talented. But you wouldn't be here if it was just that, would you? So what is it?" Hiruzen asked him. He was curious as to what the teacher wanted.

"I've been keeping an eye on his progress throughout the year. And during his latest Taijutsu fight with Sasuke Uchiha I noticed that he was holding back by a wide margin. He is far above the current grade. He won't learn anything from class if he stays with the current year students. So I believe it would be best for him to skip a year and jump ahead" Daikoku stopped and looked at the Hokage.

Hiruzen went over the information he had on the boy. After reading the reports from Anbu on Daichi's skills from the Yota incident, he was inclined to believe and agree with the academy instructor. "So he's grown to such a point huh. If you're telling me he's ready to jump ahead then I believe you. I'll take your words into consideration. I'll talk with Daichi and see if he's interested in skipping ahead"

"Thank you sir He has great potential. It would be a waste if he stayed in the academy any longer than he had to." Daikoku said with a smile. He was always happy to spot talents and help them.

"Now what's the second thing you wanted.?"

At this question Daikoku's face became somewhat serious. "The next matter is somewhat more difficult to address"

Seeing Daikoku's face Hiruzen had an idea as to what it might me. "Does this have anything to do with Naruto.?" He asked in a neutral tone.

Daikoku sensei took a short breath and answered. "Yes sir."

Hiruzen sighed hearing the answer. He knew the boy was a troublemaker. 'It seems the boy's antics are getting to the teachers.'

"What did he do?" Hiruzen asked the chunin ninja.

"Well.." Daikoku knew that the Hokage looked out for the boy. So he chose his words carefully and began his explanation.


Somewhere in the Uchiha Clan district.

Ren Uchiha was walking down the road with a solemn gaze. He had just left another secret clan meeting in the Naka Shrine. The agendas put forward in the meeting were weighing down on him. Before long he reached his home and was embraced by his beloved wife.

"You look afraid. What's wrong?" Kimiko asked him.

"It's the clans' decisions. They're going to go through with the coup. They're preparing." Ren said with a tired voice.

"How long ?" Kimiko knew what would happen if the clan launched an attack on the village.

"There isn't much time left. 1 or 2 months at most. They're gathering weapons and other utilities to fight It's going to be a bloodbath." Ren was loyal to the Uchiha but he was also someone who deeply cared about the village. He couldn't go against the clan but he was determined to not attack the village.

Kimiko held her husband tightly. "I still don't understand why Fugaku would go through with something like this"

"It's not just Fugaku. Yashiro is providing him with some top secret information. I have no idea where he's getting them from But he was able to convince a lot of members that this is the only way. And Inabi and Tekka are also backing Yashiro with this plan."

"So they were able to convince everyone.?"

"Most Some still disagree and think that launching a coup is extreme but Those numbers are dwindling with each day." Ren saw that his friends and co-workers were getting swayed to the other side as each day passed.

"I can understand their frustration and anger." Kimiko's words shocked Ren.

"What? So you agree with them?"

"No I don't agree with the coup d'etat plan But considering how the village treats us these days I can understand their anger. I'm not siding with them. But I get where their resentment comes from." Kimiko replied.

Ren knew what she was talking about. Ever since that night 7 years ago, everything changed. "Nobody trusts our clan after the Nine tails attack. They think we had something to do with it. And now Everything is spiraling out of control."

It was at that moment they heard the cries of their daughter. Kimiko went to her crib and picked her up.

"If the clan attacks the village, one of two things will happen. We win but suffer many deaths and weaken the clan. It will lead to other clans or other villages taking advantage of the situation and it will only create more chaos."

"Two We all die. Or even if the leaf decides to be merciful and spare those of us who were against the idea, the villagers would look at us as traitors for the rest of our lives." Kimiko then looked at the baby in her arms.

"They would look at our little girl as if she was a criminal. Treat her like a traitor. Like they're doing to that Naruto boy Even if she had nothing to do with this The people would still blame her and take their anger out on her."

Hearing his wife's words Ren closed his eyes as if he was in pain.

Kimiko looked at her sleeping daughter. After a few moments she made a choice. "I don't want that"

Ren looked at his wife. Kimiko looked at Ren and spoke of an idea she just had. "I don't want our daughter to grow up and be treated like a criminalLet's Lets leave the village?"

"What?" Ren had wide eyes as he heard his wife.

"When the clan launches the coup, we leave the village. Both the clan and the village will be fighting each other. That will be our opportunity to escape. Once we leave, we don't look back. We'll find someplace far away... I can't go against the clan but I won't support their decision either. This is the only solution I can think of." Kimiko explained.

"Kimiko. If we do this we'll be leaving everything and everyone behind. And where would we even go?" Ren asked her.

"I'm sure we can find some place. Don't forget. I do have some training in infiltration and espionage. I'm sure we can find someplace safe and survive. What do you say?"

Ren thought about the plan. After thinking about it for a while he wanted to make sure this was what she wanted.

"Are you sure about this Kimiko?"

"Yes. For our daughter." Kimiko nodded.

Ren hugged his wife and child. "For our daughter It's decided. The night the Uchiha clan launches the coup, we escape the village. And we don't look back."

In the coming weeks they would make preparations to leave undetected. Ren memorized an escape route that would have the least resistance. They slowly liquidated their assets without attracting attention. They would go through the plan everyday to make sure they covered everything.

But what they didn't know was that they would never get the chance to enact that plan.


Author's Note:

Just saw One piece chapter 1051... SUPERB!!! Who else thought Momonosuke was handsome?


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