The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima

Chapter 255: The Prankster of the Leaf

Chapter 255: The Prankster of the Leaf

March 19th. Hidden Leaf Village.

At the crack of dawn a blonde academy student left his apartment with several large cans of paint in his hands. He was slowly and stealthily making his way towards the Hokage Monument and it wasn't long before he reached his intended destination.

'Phew. No one has seen me so far.' The student was none other than Naruto Uzumaki. He looked at the four faces carved into the mountain and a mischievous grin appeared on his face.

'Time for one last big prank before I become an awesome ninja Hm This is gonna take a lot of time. I'll probably be late for class Oh well. Tomorrow is the real exam and it's only revision day today. I'm sure Iruka sensei won't mind.'

Convincing himself that Iruka won't come after him, Naruto got to work. With the tree climbing skill it was easy for him to quickly scale the mountain while holding on to several cans. Once he reached the top, he put his cans down and opened them. Each one was filled with a different paint.

Naruto looked at the four Hokages and grinned. "Time to give you all a makeover."


Iruka was taking attendance and noticed that one student was missing. He groaned as he realized who it was. "For the love of Where is Naruto?" He asked, looking at Shikamaru and Kiba.

They looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders. The academy instructor groaned and got up from his seat. "I'll be back. Make sure you all behave." With those words Iruka left the room.

"Argh. Where the heck is Naruto? Did he oversleep or something?" Ino asked with slight frustration in her voice. "I wanna get this day over with."

"I'm sure that idiot just forgot about today and is still probably in bed. We did get a two week break after all." Sakura said nonchalantly. She looked at Sasuke who was sitting at the other end of her bench and blushed. "H-hey Sasuke. Did you study for the exams? Good luck tomorrow. I bet you're going to be rookie of the year."

The Uchiha only glanced at the blushing pink haired girl in silence.

'CHAA! Come on Sasuke. At least respond. I just gave you a compliment.' Inner Sakura shouted in her mind.

Sasuke looked at her with a silent serious gaze that made the girl nervous and then he turned his attention back to the view outside the class. 'What's the point of that title? It's meaningless. Especially now that he's not here'

Seeing her crush dismiss her, Sakura hung her head down and sighed. Ino who was sitting beside her just patted her back. 'While Sasuke is cool and strong, he's not as cool as Daichi But I think it's better I don't say that right now.'

"So (munch) Um where do you guys (munch) think Naruto is?" Choji asked in between eating his chips.

"He's probably asleep. Or he's out doing something dumb. I'm pretty sure it's one of those." Kiba replied.

"Arf arf." "See. Akamaru agrees."

Hinata who was silently sitting near Kiba sighed. 'Naruto? Where are you?'


"NARUTO! ARE YOU IN THERE? OPEN UP!" Iruka was standing in front of Naruto's apartment and banged on the door several times. He became frustrated and used his sensory skills.

'He's not here? Where the hell is this kid?'

The academy instructor sighed and jumped to the street. At that time he saw several people pointing in the direction of the Hokage Monument. Their expressions were of disbelief and anger. Iruka turned around to see what the commotion was about and in moments his eyes widened like dinner plates at what he witnessed. "No. He didn't"

The four faces on the Hokage mountain, the pride of the Leaf village, were vandalized.

Naruto was standing on a nearby building admiring his work. 'Man I am the best.'

The First Hokage had a big red nose and two green swirls painted on his cheeks.

The Second Hokage had white paint running down from the corner of his eyes and from one side of his nose, making it look like he was crying and had tears and snot running down his face.

Naruto painted a monocle, a handlebar mustache and red blimp lips onto the Third Hokage's face. It added a comic touch to the stern and dignified features of the current kage.

On the Fourth, the mischievous prankster painted comical eyelashes around the eyes. He drew poop on the right cheek with brown paint and a red X mark on the left cheek.

"Hahahaha! Oh man, they look hilarious." The blonde academy student laughed out loud to himself.

"You brat! Do you have any idea what you just did?"

Naruto turned to the direction of the shouting and saw two ninjas running towards. "Time to get out here. But first..."

The boy made a hand seal and immediately a small firework flew up into the sky exploding into different colors. 'It's a good thing I saved some of these from the Rinne festival.'

With a big grin on Naruto's face he jumped from his spot and took off. "Haha! Catch me if you can. I'm gonna be the best ninja there is. Believe it!"

Hiruzen was on a nearby balcony looking at the scene with a tired sigh. 'Oh Naruto. It's clear that these pranks are an expression of your frustration with the villagers and your way to rebel against the village that largely ostracizes you But I thought you had outgrown these childish tantrums If Tobirama sensei sees this and catches you, you're done for.' He let out a puff of smoky air, shook his head at the boy's antics and went back inside.

"Come back here you damned brat."

"You're gonna have to move faster than that, losers." Naruto saw a junction up ahead and immediately made several hand seals. Three perfect clones popped into existence running beside him. The four Narutos each took a separate path and the two ninjas following him were momentarily confused and followed after the two closest to them.

After everyone was gone a trash can near the corner was suddenly covered in smoke and Naruto stood in its spot. "Ha! You can't catch me. Those suckers. Getting rid of them was easier than I thought."

"Oh yeah! You think so huh?!"


Iruka's sudden voice startled the boy so much he stumbled forward and fell onto his face.

"Oww.. " Naruto slowly picked himself off the ground and rubbed his face. He turned around to look at his teacher. "What the? When did you get here Iruka sensei?"

The academy instructor had a tick mark on his forehead. "The better question is WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?"



Naruto was struggling against the rope bindings Iruka had him in.

"I'm so tired of this. My patience has a limit, Naruto. Today is revision day. You failed the graduation test two times already. So you're the one who needs it the most. Tomorrow is your last chance. But instead of studying and improving your techniques you're out there pulling pranks and wasting everyone's time."

Naruto sat there with a bored look on his face as if everything Iruka just said went in one ear and out the other. He looked at the academy instructor and blew raspberries at the man.

Iruka had veins popping up on his forehead at the disrespect shown. "You little That's it." He turned to the rest of the class.

"Since Naruto missed the class with his foolish stunt, all of you are going to review the clone jutsu."

"Oh come on Iruka sensei" Tired groans were all around the room.

One by the students performed the technique and created two identical clones. Finally it was Naruto's turn. When Naruto walked in front of the class, Kiba leaned to Shikamaru. "100 Ryo says he's gonna do something stupid." The Inuzuka nin said in a low voice.

"That's a sucker's bet." Shikamaru said standing back with his arms crossed.

"Alright Naruto, perform the clone jutsu."

The blonde student grinned and made a seal. "Transform." The next second a sexy naked female version was standing in his spot and the Iruka completely lost his cool. "Gha!"

"Ha! Take that sensei. How do you like my sexy jutsu?" Naruto grinned as he looked at his teacher.



Few hours later.

"Alright everyone. Don't be late for tomorrow's exam. Dismissed." Iruka said to his students.

With the class over, Naruto was about to sneak away when he sensed his sensei standing behind him. "Where do you think you're going?"

"Umm Home?"

"Not until you clean every last drop of paint from that Monument."

Hearing the verdict, Naruto's shoulders slumped.

"Hey Naruto, need any help?" Kiba asked with Choji standing near him munching some chips.

The blonde's eyes widened and he smiled but Iruka put a damper on his happiness.

"No. You two go home. This is Naruto's mess to clean up." The academy instructor turned to the prankster. "You need to learn to take responsibility for your actions. Now come on."

"Yeah yeah Thanks for the offer guys but I got this." Naruto replied to his friends. Iruka's words did have an impact on him. Coupled that with his pride, he waves his friends off before making his way to the monument.

The two made their way to the mountain and Naruto started cleaning up the mess he made. Several hours went by with him washing and scrubbing the paint off the rocky faces. Even though he was working hard at cleaning the mountain, his mind was somewhere else.

'Tomorrow I'll pass the graduation exam and finally be a ninja. Then I'll be one step closer to my goal of becoming Hokage But for that'

Daichi's image appeared in Naruto's mind. 'I wonder what he's doing right now? I bet he's going on some awesome missions and stuff Oh man, I can't wait.'

"Stop daydreaming and get to work. You're not leaving here till you clean up every inch of this place." Iruka said from atop the face.

"I got it, I got it. It's not like I have anyone waiting for me at home." The blonde kid mumbled the last part but the chunin instructor heard it. His face softened as he looked at the boy. Several seconds of silence later he spoke in a gentler tone.

"Hey Naruto, once you finish up here, I'll take you to some ramen. You can order anything you want." The man said with a grin looking at his student.

Naruto had a wide smile when he heard that. "Awesome. I'll clean this up in no time. Believe it!"


Anbu Headquarters. Top Secret Division. Night time.

Hiruzen looked at the two ninjas restrained in their cell. Tao and Enji were tied up and unconscious in a chair. The room they were in had several seals that prevented them from escaping.

"Have you been able to break the seal yet?" The kage asked the Anbu shinobi near him.

"Forgive me Lord Hokage but I've not. These seals are designed in such a way that any attempt to remove it by force will result in the wearer's death. But that was by design. These were created to protect the mind and keep any enemy ninjas from obtaining any secrets."

"During the Second and Third world wars these kinds of seals were necessary. They kept critical information under wraps. But now They've become a hindrance. I need those two alive with those seals removed as soon as possible."

"Since this seal connects to the brain and the mind, I suppose it will take time to get the information out of their heads, even with a Yamanaka." The Anbu replied.

"Has there been any suspicious movements in the Anbu?" Hiruzen asked.

"No sir. We kept everything quiet and went by as routine. Since protocols for this section are extremely strict no one knows about these two other than the few you assigned."

"Keep it that way. Danzo will know somethings wrong soon if he hasn't already. Be prepared." Hiruzen left the chamber and made his way to his office.

He looked out the window and saw that the Hokage Monument was cleaned. 'Assigning Iruka to Naruto was an excellent idea. Now with his skills and training, Naruto is sure to pass tomorrow. Hm Should I tell him about the Nine tails? No That information could have great changes in his life. I'll tell him the truth when he matures a bit more and reaches Chunin.'

With a decision made the Hokage soon completed his paperwork for the day and went home.


Author's Note.

It's begun. I wrote part of the first episode of Naruto with adding my own little twists to it but it still feels like I copy pasted it. What are your thoughts

I didn't write the Iruka and Naruto - Ichiraku ramen scene for obvious reasons. They have a similar conversation to the anime and I felt that it was unneeded to add it here with small differences.

Anyway, This is just the first episode of canon. I'll make sure not to copy paste the anime into chapters. That would be boring and pointless. When Daichi gets back home, things are gonna be hectic

Now, your thoughts and opinions. I value them a great deal. If you feel that there is room where I could have improved this chap, comment below

Now for those of you looking for the stats of the people of the ninja world, I've posted a link in the thought area.

It's an excel sheet that shows a rough stat estimate.

Strength and agility will be similar for standard ninjas. But for some it many change with one stat being high and other being low. When it comes to Intelligence, most Jonin and Anbu have 90 to 110 intelligence. Shikamaru now has 70+ but it will grow and go above 110 with battle and life experience. Someone like Shikaku would have 150 or 200 INT

If you like my story and want to read ahead, then check out my P.a.T.R.E.0.N page. I've uploaded up to 30 additional chapters there.

Patre /MonkWithAPen (No space)


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