The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima

Chapter 254: A Common Enemy

Chapter 254: A Common Enemy

Yuta Genjira looked at Ryoma and the two Leaf ninjas standing near him. Seeing their expression he realized it. 'They know No. They don't have any proof. Father destroyed all evidence of my survival. I can't let my plans fall here.'

Yakumi and Yamaha looked at their father as the drama unfolded on the other side. "Let's hang back and watch. I have a feeling things are about to get interesting." Yamamoto said as he looked at the mediator and then to Yuta Genjira.

Ryoma looked at the stunned Yuta and explained. "If you're wondering what's in the file, I'll tell you. It's information on another company that in a few years could become as large as Satoru or the Rising Sun corporations. The 'Silver Wood Logging company.' Led by a man named Fujin Ginma. It's a company that's been competing with the two for several years now and they've been gaining ground fast. Have any of you ever wondered how that is?" He asked everyone present in the room.

The members of the Satoru family were surprised and turned to Yuta in anger.

"You see, almost 10 years ago Fujin Ginma lost his son in a tragic fire accident. At least that's what everyone believes. But the interesting thing is his dead son's facial features are almost similar to yours. After taking a closer look at your picture I realized that you also somewhat resemble Fujin Ginma. Now I find it hard to believe that someone who has facial features similar to Ginma's dead son is a close confidant of Tsuyoshi's youngest son. Coincidence?"

"That's it? That's your proof? Of course it's a coincidence. Yuta! Say something. Tell them that it's a mistake." Yusuke grabbed and shook his friend.

Yuta gave a nervous smile and looked at everyone. "Yes! This is all a misunderstanding. What reason would I have to betray my friend? I'm not even part of the company. And I'm certainly not an enemy."

Yusuke agreed and looked at Ryoma with anger. "That's right. He's been my friend for almost 10 years. He has no reason to do anything that would harm us. You're mistaken. You have the wrong person. Unless you're trying to tell us that he became my friend just to sabotage my family company at just 12 years of age"

Ryoma chuckled and everyone turned their attention to him. "That's exactly what I'm saying."

Tsuyoshi sighed and looked at the mediator. "That sounds a little far-fetched."

Ryoma nodded his head. "Yes. I agree. If I only had this as my evidence I would have just considered it a big coincidence and ignored it. But my guards had confirmation that it was him who sent the message to the enemy shinobi who wanted to kill me. I believe them a lot more than I do him."

Yusuke was getting angrier and so was Yuta. "You have no solid proof of your accusations. What you have is-"

"What if there is proof?" Ryoma's question quieted everyone. "Not of your attempt on my life. I already have proof of that but what if there is proof that you're Ginma's son?"

Yuta clenched his fists and became silent. 'No. There is no way he should know about'

The mediator continued. "Ginma's son was in a Fire accident. That was true and there were witnesses that said he had a burn scar in the shape of a star on the right side of his chest. About 4 or 5 inches big. Would you mind removing your shirt for us?"

Yuta stood still. He had been careful for the past 10 years to never show his scar to anyone.

"If you're not going to, then my guards will be forced to do it." The mediator said with a cold edge.

"No. Stop!" Yuta clenched fists and shook his head. 'I've been beaten.'

"There's no need. I have a burn scar on my right chest as you said." Yuta admitted with a defeated sigh because he didn't want to face further humiliation. 'Damn it. To think that years of my planning would fail here of all places.'

He looked at his friend and saw how his betrayal hurt Yusuke.

Yuta was a man who always thought he was smarter than those around him. He was arrogant but smart and cunning. He still remembered the words his father said to him. A conversation took place almost 10 years ago.

'If we can bring them down then our company would stand at the peak. We would have wealth and power to control an entire industry. But only you can make this happen. Infiltrate the Satoru corporation and bring them down from within.'

Yuta looked around and realized that trying to make excuses was pointless. 'I made a reckless mistake. I should have been more careful.'

"Yuta? Is Is it true?" Yusuke placed a hand on his friend's shoulder.

With anger on his face Yuta slapped the hand away. The youngest son of Tsuyoshi was heart broken.

Yuta paid his former friend no mind and turned to the Dealmaker. "How much do you know about me?"

"Enough to paint a rough picture. Your father faked your death when you were 12. He took advantage of your accident and used it to further his own goals. So almost a year after your death, under a new identity you met young Yusuke and became friends. But that was part of your plan all along. Fujin is a very ruthless man. He must have been the one who made you do it huh. Over the years you've gained the trust of Yusuke and his family and used private information against them. Disrupting their business on a small scale from the shadows and giving your father's company the edge."

Yuta clenched his fists and looked down. 'It's over. How did he I guess it doesn't matter anymore I'm so tired of playing this charade anyway'

Ryoma looked at the man and narrowed his eyes. "Now. I want to hear it from your mouth. You sent those ninjas to come after me to make sure these negotiations ended in failure. Isn't that right?"


That answer was like a physical punch to Yusuke who stumbled back from his friend. "How could you. I trusted you"

Tsuyoshi was furious as he looked at the young man. He was angry that someone had infiltrated his organization but even more that the person used his son as a pawn.

Ryoma turned to the silver haired Jonin. "Kakashi. Would you kindly restrain him and take him to an empty room. Make sure he doesn't go anywhere or does anything stupid."

Kakashi nodded and did exactly as he was told. As the two left the room Yamamoto stepped forward.

"Tsuyoshi. It seems you're not even competent enough to sense the enemies near you. How can I form an alliance with you if this is the state of your family?" Yamamoto stepped forward and couldn't help but take a jab. The two were rivals trying to outdo the other after all.

"Why you" Tsuyoshi gritted his teeth and was about to argue but Ryoma's mocking laughter stopped him.

The mediator looked at the head of Rising corporate with a big grin on his face. "You know that's funny. The same could be said for you."

Yamamoto narrowed his eyes. "What do you mean?" He asked with a frown on his face.

"There is an employee in your company by the name of Volga isn't there?"

Yamamoto slowly nodded his head in silence.

"Well, it turns out he is also someone Fujin has sent to spy on his competition. So if you want to talk about incompetence then save a finger to point in the mirror."

The president was surprised to hear that there was an intruder under his nose as well. 'To think Fujin would be so bold I'll have to teach him a lesson.'

"How do you know this information?" Yamamoto's eldest son asked.

"I have my ways." Ryoma glanced at Daichi and the Genin had a smirk on his face.

Ryoma stood in the center and gained everyone's attention. "For the last half decade Fujin has been using his spies to turn you against each other. A number of the conflicts you've had with each other They were all set in motion by him. You two got played. You don't have to blindly take my word for it. Everything I have is compiled in the folders you're holding."

"What are you going to do about Fujin and his company?" Tsuyoshi asked Ryoma.

"Lord Taji has been compiling evidence against him. It's come to light that he's been involved in some illegal trade and with everything that happened here he's done for. You leave Fujin to us."

"So where do we go from here?" Yamaha Hideshi stepped forward and asked the man.

Ryoma sighed and looked at everyone. "To a better future hopefully. I'm sure you have a lot to discuss amongst yourselves. But do keep this in mind. If you do not change and find another path forward, this will only be the start. There will be many more who will come for you and next time it won't be me who'll be in danger."

The meeting soon ended with the two parties agreeing to meet the next day.


During that early morning, Ryoma had sent a message to Lord Taji about everything that happened and had arranged for a prisoner transport for Yuta Genjira. A few hours after he was caught two ninjas came from the capital to escort the tied up man.

Meanwhile Kakashi had also sent a discreet message to the Hokage informing him of the two captured Root ninja. Several hours went by and Kakashi was in the forest waiting for a response from the Kage. It was evening and as leaned against a tree reading his book, he sensed the presence of three people.

Kakashi looked up and saw 3 ninjas in Leaf Anbu gear. The Jonin had his Sharingan out just in case so he immediately recognized the three. They were ninjas who worked under him during his time in Anbu and he trusted them.

"Hey Kakashi senpai. Been a long time. Looks like Jonin life suits you."

The silver haired ninjas covered his Sharingan and chuckled. "It's good to see you three as well."

He made a hand seal and released a Genjutsu. Immediately the form of two unconscious root ninjas appeared nearby. "Take these two back to the village. High priority cargo. I'm sure the Hokage has already briefed you on the situation, yes?"

"Yeah. They're under Danzo right? We're going to take them through the secret channels underneath." One of the Anbu replied.

Kakashi nodded and the three soon left with their prisoners. The Jonin just stood still and let out a long tired breath of air. 'I wonder how Danzo is going to react when he finds out about this? I have a feeling things are going to get hectic once we return to the village.'


That night: Leaf village - Root Base.

A meeting was taking place between the second in command of the Root and Fu. Fu Yamanaka was giving his report on the teams under him and soon two names came up.

"So Tao and Enji hadn't reported back yet?" The unknown ninja asked.

"No sir. They were supposed to return yesterday but there hasn't been any word. Tao hasn't notified us of any changes or updates in their mission as well."

The masked commander was silent as he looked at the blonde ninja. "Who are the ones in charge of the mission they were set to sabotage?"

"Hmm If I recall correctly then it's Kakashi Hatake and Daichi Hekima."

"Those two are skilled. Especially Kakashi. He was a former Anbu captain Tao and Enji might have been captured."

"Tao has been trained to escape capture. His aerial ability gives him an advantage in escaping."

"Still We need to be careful. Send word to the others to be on alert. If those two are captured it will bring trouble for everyone. If they are indeed caught, then you have permission to eliminate them. The secrets of the Root cannot fall into anyone's hands."

"Yes sir." Fu vanished leaving his superior to adjust his plans.


The negotiations between the two parties resumed the next day early in the morning. As Daichi stood guard several feet behind Ryoma his mind wandered to what his classmates were doing. Specifically Naruto. Daichi had been waiting for this day since the moment he woke up in this world.

'This is the day. I wonder if Naruto would paint Hokage Monument like in canon or if there would be any changes I'll find out when I get back.'


Author's Note:

Everyone has been waiting for this for a year and a half. It's beginning. The start of canon.

Next chapter: Prankster of the Hidden Leaf

If you like my story and want to read ahead, then check out my P.a.T.R.E.0.N page. I've uploaded up to 30 additional chapters there.

Patre /MonkWithAPen (No space)


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