The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima

Chapter 239: Possible Motives & A Good Time

Chapter 239: Possible Motives & A Good Time

Daichi completed his treatment and Jin was slowly regaining consciousness. At that moment he sensed Tsunade examining him and when he was about to speak he heard the older medic ninja giving her assessment. He was even more shocked at how long she expected him to live.

"What did you say?" Jin was so surprised he couldn't help but ask. It was then he felt the changes in his body.

He took in a deep breath of air and held it for a few seconds before letting it out. He clenched his fist and felt the energy coursing through his body. 'It doesn't hurt when I breathe. I don't feel any strain when I move. The aches and pains I've endured for the last half decade It's all gone.'

He looked shocked and turned his gaze to Tsunade. "What did you do? How? I thought you couldn't help me."

"I didn't. It wasn't me who saved you. It was him." Tsunade replied, pointing at Daichi.

"Yo." Daichi waved his hand at the man.

Jin sat up and looked at the boy in wonder. "You saved me Thank you."

"You're welcome." The Genin replied with a small smile.

"See Jin. I told you not to give up hope. Thank you Daichi." Kensei had a big smile as he gave his grandson a hug.

"Don't mention it, Gramps. It's nothing... Now before you all go celebrating there are a few things you need to know." Daichi's smile slowly vanished and looked at the two men.

Jin and Kensei looked at the serious expression on the boy's face and quieted down. Tsunade was also keenly observing her student.

Daichi looked at the two men and began. "Now as I'm sure you already know, you were poisoned. This poison is the most complex piece of compound I've ever come across and it was specific to you. Its properties, interactions, mechanisms They are all so complex and intricate that it took months for sensei to develop a resistance pill that would only slow the poison down. And even with my skills I'm afraid I've only been able to extend your lifespan and not cure you."

"What? But I thought" Jin began but Daichi interrupted him.

"Please let me explain. You'll understand once you have the full picture."

Jin nodded and stayed silent.

The Genin continued. "Based on my analysis this poison was created from a special genetically engineered plant. Genetic engineering techniques allow scientists to identify, isolate specific genes responsible for the needed trait and transfer those traits between different plant species. The plant used in creating this poison was the result of cross pollination of several different plants and then genetically modifying them. Whoever did this also added an unknown final element to make the poison more deadly. If you hadn't met sensei, you would have died in a few months in a slow agonizing way. This poison was designed that way."

While Tsunade kept a cool face, Jin and Kensei clenched their fists and anger was on their faces when they heard that.

"Now, I was able to identify the plants used in the cross breeding and went about the same way. I created the final gene-edited plant and extracted its enzymes."

Kensei's eyes widened as he began to understand what his grandson did. "Wait. You once said to me that the poison was hiding in his body Those enzymes from the plant revealed them, didn't they. That was what you injected into him in the beginning."

Daichi nodded. "Yes. Once the poison was revealed, it was easy to remove it and heal most of your internal organs and reverse some of the damages. I used some of my special medicines to boost your strength and immune system. You have another 8 years of relatively healthy life."

"But doesn't that mean you cured me?" Jin asked the boy, confused.

"Unfortunately no. While I was able to find the correct plant used, I'm not able to identify the unknown element added to this. And without that, I can't help you. If you had the cure then you would have had another 4 to 6 years added to your lifespan. But since I don't know what the compound is"

"But if we find the person responsible, and get that unknown compound, you can create a permanent cure, right?" Kensei asked the boy.

Daichi sighed and silently shook his head. "I'm sorry. But the damage is done. It's too late even if we did find the compound in the next week or coming days. His body has suffered too much damage these last several years. It won't help now."

Kensei looked down and clenched his fist as he thought about the situation. At that moment Jin spoke.

"Why do you look so down you idiot? I just went from being near death's door to having another 8 years of life. I'm not complaining." The man had a smirk as he got up from his medical bed.

Kensei sighed and nodded. "Yes. You're right. I should look at the positive side of this."

"Oh there's one more thing." Daichi took a small bottle filled with orange pills. "Take one tablet each week. Around 7 days apart. They're a modified version of the pills you've been taking."

Jin smiled as he took the bottle but then his smile slowly disappeared. "Daichi, thank you But there are two things I want to know."

"What is it?"

"At the end of my life span, seven or eight years from now, will I suffer again like these last few months?" He asked in a small tone.

"No. Your body wouldn't have the strength to put up a fight at that moment When the time comes you'll pass away in your sleep or you'll most likely faint. You won't suffer."

Jin nodded with a smile. "Thank you."

"What's the second thing?" Daichi asked and the smile on Jin's face vanished and was replaced with one of fury.

"Who did this to me?"

At that question all eyes were on Daichi waiting to hear his reply.

The gamer ninja kept a cool face and was silent for a few moments before he replied. "I don't know. But whoever did this, they have resources, a deep scientific knowledge in multiple fields and are most likely very dangerous. But I don't know the identity of the one behind this."

While the two men nodded at Daichi's reply, Tsunade narrowed her eyes as she looked at the boy.

"We need to take precautions in case whoever did this attacks again." Kensei spoke.

"I don't think you need to worry about that, Gramps." Daichi said.

"Why do you say that?"

"Whoever is responsible was counting on Jin to die several years ago. But he lived thanks to sensei. But there was no other attack on him again. If this was personal then there would have been another attempt on his life. If I'm right, then Jin, you were just an experiment."


Jin was angry hearing that but Daichi continued with a calm face. "As much as it might make you mad to hear this, I believe you were just a test subject used to see the effects of the poison. They might have had another motive but I believe they're irrelevant now At least this is my theory."

Jin gritted his teeth but after several seconds calmed down. He took a few deep breaths and regained his composure. He looked at the boy and nodded.

"Thank you for sharing the information Daichi and for saving my life. If there is anything I can do for you just ask." The man smiled.

"I'll keep that in mind." Daichi smiled at the man.

Jin turned to Tsunade who was keeping quiet the whole time. He bowed to the woman and straightened. "Your student is truly magnificent. That speaks volumes of your skill as a teacher. I have you to thank for this new lease on life as well."

The blonde woman smirked at that. "You know my fee has just substantially increased, right?"

"Hahaha Yes. I'll have someone make the arrangements."

Tsunade nodded and turned to her student. "Daichi, come on. We still have some work to go over."

Jin and Kensei nodded and the Sannin and her student left the room.

"So what now?" Kensei asked.

"It's been a long time since I took a stroll through the capital and just enjoyed the sights Why don't you find Isen and tell him the good news. I'll be there shortly." Jin replied.

Kensei nodded and the two friends soon left the house in different directions.


Tsunade and her student entered the medical laboratory and the blonde Sannin locked the door behind her. "Why did you lie to them?" She asked her student.

Daichi looked at his teacher and knew what she was asking about. A few moments of silence passed before the boy gave his reply. "I didn't want them- Well I didn't want gramps to go after him."

The Sannin narrowed her eyes upon hearing that. "So you do know who's behind this don't you?"

"I have a strong suspicion."

"Please don't tell me it's who I think it is."

"I believe this is your former teammate Orochimaru's work."

The woman groaned hearing that name. "God damn it!... Why? What's your reasoning? Is it the snake venom?"

Daichi nodded. He began telling the truth with a small portion of lies mixed in. "Yes. The reason I suspected him was because of the complexity of this poison. At first I thought it was created just by crossbreeding various poisonous plants but I soon realized that it had to be more than that. And creating something like this takes time and energy. No one does something like this for a job or as a chore. They do it because they like it. Because it's their obsession. And as I said before, whoever made this must have scientific knowledge in multiple fields. There aren't many people that fit that category."

"So you began suspecting Orochimaru?"

The boy nodded. "Yes. I believe the unknown compound used was snake venom. But I needed to know for sure. It's why I had Shizune senpai bring me those venoms."

"And Were they used?"

Daichi shook his head side to side. "No. They show some similarities but none of those samples were the exact ones used. But the data and information I extracted led me to one conclusion. It was Orochimaru behind this. He created this special hybrid plant and added a snake venom that's unique or rare to increase the lethality of the poison. Since he has the snake summoning contract he must have used a species that's not been recorded."

Tsunade sighed hearing the explanation. "But why? He wouldn't do something like this on a whim. He must have a reason What does that big brain tell you?"

Daichi was silently contemplating on what answer to give his teacher. He sighed and spoke. "Over a month ago I came across one of Orochimaru's labs in the Land of Sea. He was experimenting with human-fish hybrids. We found several bodies that were used as test subjects."

The older medic ninja was surprised to hear that. 'He truly has lost all morals. That snake is not someone who stops once he has an obsession. He'll be a dangerous enemy in the future.'

Daichi continued. "Based on my understanding, Orochimaru's fascination lies with the human body. I believe he's trying to edit and manipulate the human genome to create something more The cross pollination and gene editing he did in those plants must have been a test to see if it was possible. At least this is the theory I have"

Tsunade groaned thinking about the coming headache and pinched the bridge of her nose. She then looked at her student and spoke. "I'll make a report of this and send it to sensei. When you get back to the village, he will want to see you and know what you know."

"I understand sensei."

A few moments of silence later Tsunade spoke. "Kensei and Jin aren't idiots. You gave them enough clues to point towards Orochimaru. And they also would know you suspect him as well."

Daichi agreed. "Yes. I'm aware. It's a calculated risk. If I told them nothing then they would know I'm lying and would know something was up. Those two would be even more determined to find the enemy and Kensei would end up going up against Orochimaru. It's not a certainty but this outcome is one with higher probabilities. But this way, by giving them something, they'll investigate but won't make a move on Orochimaru unless they are certain and they have a reason to. Those two know the threat he poses. So they won't move recklessly."

The woman nodded and crossed her arms. "I guess time will tell how things will play out... So now that our work here is done, do you have any plans?" She asked changing the subject to lighter topics.

Daichi smirked and replied. "Well I've been wanting to go to the Phoenix restaurant for a while And maybe hit the gambling dens with you. We could take them all down."

"Ohh.." The blonde woman's eyes sparkled with excitement and the two medics soon left Jin's home.


It was night time. Shizune was walking through the streets of the capital looking for her master. She went to Jin's house but didn't find her there.

'Where could she have gone? There's no sign of Daichi as well.'

"Oink oink." At that moment, Tonton who was with her made a nose and pointed in a certain direction.

"Did you pick up Lady Tsunade's scent Tonton?"

"Oink!" The pig nodded and ran with Shizune right behind it. Soon they made their way to a small tavern and found her master along with Daichi drinking and laughing in a booth in the corner of the room. Shizune sighed seeing the scene and as she got closer she heard Daichi speaking.

"And he said, 'My head is feeling a little numb'. And I said 'is it your skull, is it numb? That's it! You're a numbskull.' Hahaha" Daichi said laughing at his own joke.

The Sannin also laughed hearing that. "Hahaha Daichi, that is the most horrible pun I have ever heard." Her cheeks were flushed and she was slightly slurring her words. Proof that she was tipsy.

Shizune came near the two and looked at them. She immediately realized that both were drinking. "Oh my god! Lady Tsunade! Did you let Daichi have alcohol?"

"Calm down Shizune. It's just a little bit. No big deal. And And besides, look what I got." Tsunade waved Shizune's concerns and showed her the big suitcase that was near her. The woman opened it and Shizune was surprised to see it filled with cash.

"My lady! Where did you get that? Please tell me you didn't borrow it from someone shady. Or rob someone." The last part said in an almost quiet tone.

"Relax. Daichi and I went to a few casinos and we won this fair and square."

Shizune's eyes widened even further. "You took him gambling!?"

"Yup. He's my lucky charm. We make a great team, don't we Daichi?" Tsunade replied, grinning.

"Sure do. You build them up. I knock them down." Daichi downed another glass of alcohol and extended his arm for a fist bump which the Sannin reciprocated. 'Aahh. I missed the taste of alcohol. It's a good thing I created 'that' skill. It's a risk having it ON but still... Well at least it can get me drunk.'

At that moment someone else joined the conversation. And they didn't sound pleased.

"You took my grandson gambling and drinking?" Kensei's angry tone as he looked at Tsunade made everyone pause.

Jin was grinning from behind the angry ninja and gave Daichi a secret thumbs up.

Tsunade looked at the angry Kensei and just said one word in a flat tone. "Whoops!"

The old veteran ninja narrowed his eyes and growled at the woman's antics.

Meanwhile Daichi was pouring another drink and enjoying himself. 'Aaahhh. This is the life!'


Author's Note:

For anyone wondering, in his previous life Daichi(Thomas's) older brothers used to sneak him alcohol when they got together. And he enjoyed the taste.

If you like my story and want to read ahead, then check out my P.a.T.R.E.0.N page. I've uploaded up to 30 additional chapters there.

Patre /MonkWithAPen (No space)


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