The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima

Chapter 238: Quest Completion & A Secret Meeting.

Chapter 238: Quest Completion & A Secret Meeting.

It was morning and Daichi was roaming through numerous gambling dens in the capital looking for his teacher. His search finally bore results when he stumbled upon Tsunade who was in the middle of a wager with an another gambler. As the small medic ninja walked towards them he saw the annoyed expression on Tsunade's face as she lost another match.

The gambler sitting opposite to Tsunade gave a small grin as he collected his rewards. "Sorry, Lady Tsunade. It seems luck is not with you this time. But maybe in the next round it will be. Let's say double or nothing."

The blonde woman sighed and shook her head. "Another time."

"Oh. I didn't realize the legendary Tsunade Senju was afraid of losing a bet. Very well. We'll stop here." The man had a smirk as he knew that would push her buttons. And he was right.

Veins popped up on Tsunade's forehead as she gave the man a death glare. "Fine! Double or nothing." She took a small scroll and opened it and showed the stacks of cash. The greed in the gambler's eyes wasn't missed by anyone.

It was at this moment that Daichi decided to intervene. "Hey. Wait a minute. Hold on."

The two gamblers turned their heads to Daichi.

"Morning sensei. Where is Shizune?" Daichi asked.

"She's at the hospital taking some extra work." Tsunade replied

Meanwhile the male gambler slightly narrowed his eyes as he looked at the child with the Leaf headband. 'He called her sensei. So that means this child must be Daichi Hekima So the boy is here huh. My Lord should know about this.'

The man said nothing as he watched the interaction between the teacher and the student.

"Isn't it a bit too early to start gambling?" The young Genin had an eyebrow raised as he looked at his medic teacher.

"Bha! What do you know? Don't you have more important things to do? Now Shoo! Go away. I'm going to win back my money." The Sannin waved her hand at Daichi and turned her attention back towards the man.

The man's grin widened as she accepted his challenge. Daichi just sighed seeing his teacher's reaction and decided to intervene before she could lose anymore. He stepped forward and spoke.

"How about you make a bet with me?"

"Huh?" The two people raised an eyebrow at the boy in front of him.

"Daichi, this is my fight. I can win the money on my own." Tsunade said annoyed.

"Mmhm. So what do you say Mr?" Daichi asked, looking to the other person.

"Sadoshi. And no. I'm not interested in making a bet with you."

"How much is the current wager?" The boy asked.

"108000 Ryo." The man replied, curious to see where this was going.

Daichi took out a scroll and placed his chakra into the seal. In a puff a large black briefcase appeared. When he opened it, Sadoshi's eyes widened looking at the contents.

"That's 1 million. Still not interested?"

Tsunade turned to her student and all of a sudden gave the boy a sweet, kind smile and spoke. "Hey. Why don't you go get Shizune and we'll head to someplace nice and relaxing. Just leave the case here. I'll keep it safe. Okay?"

Daichi had a deadpan expression when he heard his sensei. 'Even if she's talking to me her sight has never left the money even once. I can practically see the dollar signs in her eyes. Such a woman.'

"Not gonna happen. You know I wasn't born yesterday, right." Daichi ignored his teacher and turned his attention back to the man. "So what do you say?"

Sadoshi had a small frown on his face. 'This must be part of the reward he got for capturing the Phantom thief. That's a lot of money. Should I do it?'

The man was cautious but in the end his greed won. "Fine. But we're going to do this my way."

Daichi nodded and Sadoshi explained the rules. He would roll 3 dice simultaneously in a small cup and Daichi would have to correctly guess the number on the side facing up. A three round match.

Daichi had a stoic face hearing the terms but on the inside he was smiling.

The Genin took a look at the three dice inside the small cup before Sadoshi started shaking it and quickly flipping it upside down.

'Parallel Processing. Do your thing.'

With the help of his Mana skill Daichi was able to correctly predict the outcome three times leaving the man completely dumbfounded and a lot less richer.

He collected and handed the winnings to Tsunade and the two quickly left the area.

Sadoshi looked at the disappearing figure of Daichi and a small smile formed on his face. 'It seems I've underestimated him. I wonder how my Lord will assess him?'

Across the street as Daichi and Tsunade kept walking, the blonde Sannin suddenly asked. "You used that ability didn't you? The one that increases your brain functions."

"Yes. It's quite handy for stuff like this."

The blonde woman had a smirk as she heard that reply. "You know, part of the reason I didn't stop you from making that wager is because I was pretty sure you were going to win. After all, you told me yourself. You never make a bet unless you're sure you know the outcome."

The boy shrugged hearing that. "I take calculated risks. It just so happens that my calculations are much more accurate than others."

The two were silent for a while before Tsunade spoke again. "You found a solution to Jin's problem didn't you? You wouldn't have come to find me otherwise."

"Yes. I have."

"Is it a cure?"

"No. But I have a feeling Jin is going to be satisfied with the results." The two didn't say anything else and made their way to their patient's home.


Jin slowly opened his eyes and looked up at the ceiling. 'The pain has been significantly reduced. But I'll need a few more days of rest before I can get out of bed on my own.'

The man quietly sighed and looked around. His eyes then fell on Kensei who was dozing on a chair near his bed. A smile formed on Jin's face as he looked at his long-time friend.

"Napping in the middle of the day You're finally starting to show your age, aren't you old man Hahaha"

Jin's voice woke Kensei up from his short sleep. "Jin. You're awake."

"Yeah You look like shit." Jin replied with a smirk.

"Ha! Look who's talking." Kensei stood and went to get a glass of water for his friend.

Jin tilted his head and slowly drank the cool liquid held by his friend. "Aahh That feels good."

Kensei looked at his friend helplessly. His only hope now was his grandson.

"Don't look so grim. It doesn't suit you. Besides, there is an upside to all this." Jin spoke.

"What's that?"

Jin turned to his friend and smirked as he answered. "I get to haunt Danzo and make his life miserable."

"Ha! I doubt you could haunt someone who doesn't even believe in ghosts or karma or any of that. But I guess it's worth a try." Kensei replied with a smile.

"You know, with the life we've led... I always thought I'd die on the battlefield. Getting stabbed by an enemy weapon or falling prey to their jutsu. Never did I imagine dying in bed in such a sad state."

The smile faded from Kensei's face and he held Jin's hand. "Don't give up Jin. You can't give up now. There is still-"

"Don't. Please Just don't." A sad smile and acceptance was on Jin's face. "I've already made peace. It's okay. I'm ready to let go now."

Kensei shook his head upon hearing that. "I've known you long enough to know when you're lying Jin. You want to fight, don't you?"

"Even if I want to What's the point? Even Tsunade couldn't cure me. She did the best she could. But I won't live past another 3 or 4 months."

"I wouldn't be too sure of that." Kensei said as his lips slightly curled up. He sensed the presence of two individuals coming closer to their room.

"What are you talking about?" The former member of the guardian twelve asked his friend.

"He's talking about me." Daichi spoke as he entered the room with Tsunade following behind him. They wheeled in several medical equipments and began setting them up.

Daichi looked at his grandfather and gave a small nod. Kensei smiled as hope formed in him. He took several steps back to give the two medics their space.

"What's all this? What's going on?" Jin asked the two medic ninjas.

"As you know you've been poisoned, Jin. The problem I had until now was identifying the poison. But today my student has found a solution to that problem." Tsunade told her patient. "If this treatment works, you'll live a lot longer than just 4 months"

Jin's eyes widened in shock as he heard that. He turned his head to look at Daichi in disbelief.

"Hi. We met a year ago." Daichi waved at the man.

"I remember. Did you really find a cure?"

Daichi kept a cool expression and replied. "I'll explain everything after the procedure. Right now I'm going to put you under."

Jin couldn't say anything else as Tsunade placed the anesthetic over his nose and soon the man was unconscious.

"Is this going to work Daichi?" The boy's grandpa couldn't help but ask him.

"It will."

"Since this is a clean room, we can perform the treatment right here."

Daichi nodded to his teacher's suggestion and they both got to work.

Kensei was in the corner of the room watching the two medics.

Daichi created 5 shadow clones and they all placed their palms atop Jin and it started glowing green with healing chakra. The real Daichi gave a nod and Tsunade injected a vial of green liquid into Jin's body.

"It's working." A few moments later Daichi exclaimed seeing the results of the special enzyme he created.

"How long will it take for the poison to appear throughout the body?"

"A few minutes." Daichi answered his teacher.

The two ninjas waited for several minutes for the enzyme to take effect. They kept a close eye on the man's vitals and organ functions.

"Time for the second phase. I'm leaving it to you Daichi." Tsunade said and took several steps back.

The boy nodded and concentrated. "Beginning the incisions."

He along with his clones made 5 cuts along Jin's body. One on each limb and the last one on his chest. One of the 5 shadow clones brought a container filled with medical liquid. His real self and counterparts used their medical technique to gather and hold the liquid in their palms.

They injected Jin's body with the liquid and a few seconds later began to extract the liquid from the cut that was made. It had a dark purple foreign substance swirling inside.

Kensei narrowed his eyes as he looked on at the scene. 'So that's the poison. Who exactly is capable of creating something like this? And why did they target Jin?'

Daichi and his group of shadow clones worked for almost half an hour before their second phase of treatment was completed.

'Most of the poison became visible and was extracted. But there is still some deep within his cells.'

"Beginning phase three." The shadow clones closed the incisions perfectly while their creator took out his three special medical concoctions to inject into the sleeping man.

'Thanks to Parallel Processing I was able to revamp the formula and make the effects of these much stronger. They are now much more effective than when I used it on Leorio.'

Daichi injected the 'X Purge shot' into Jin and examined his state. 'It looks like the poison is being eradicated at a faster rate than I thought. Must be because I extracted and removed most of it manually.'

Daichi took the 'booster shot' vial and quickly injected it next. 'Now that your immune system has recognized the poison it will be able to resist it much more effectively.'

The final 'Life blood' vial injected gave some color to Jin's face. Already his physical state was improving quickly.

'Time for the final step.'

The clones stepped back and dispelled themselves while Daichi prepared himself to use one of his strongest medical skills. He made several seals and placed his hands on top of Jin's chest.

[Skill Health Manipulation is now active.]

'Right now I can increase or decrease the health of a target by 12% and a 33% chance of manipulating the biological chemicals. Now that I can manipulate Life force more easily, I'll be able to use Health Manipulation more effectively. And with the power of added regeneration I'm sure his lifespan has increased by at least 5 or 6 years.'

Daichi was able to successfully use his skill to its maximum efficiency. He kept up the treatment for over 10 minutes before stopping.

[Skill Health Manipulation has leveled up.]

[Health Manipulation skill has reached Level 20. Grade of this skill has increased from Average to Good. New effects are added to the skill.]

He took a few steps back and wiped his forehead. He turned to look at his teacher and gave her a nod.

After that Daichi began going over the quest completion notifications that appeared in front of him.

[Would you like to mark this quest as completed?]

'I only have a couple weeks left before the one year time limit to find the cure is up. I'm sure Orochimaru is behind this, but finding the secret compound he used is going to be a pain. It's not worth it.'

'Yes. I would like to mark this quest as completed.'

As Daichi's intentions were made clear, new notifications appeared.

[Quest 'Heal Jin' has been completed.]



[10000 Exp.]

[1500 Exp.]

[Reputation increases with Isen, Kensei Yasaji.]

[Reputation increases with Jin, Tsunade Senju and an Unknown person.]

Tsunade walked up to the sleeping man and began running her chakra throughout his body. She did a thorough scan and turned to Daichi with a grin. "Look at that. You actually did it."

Kensei could keep his silence any longer. "What happened? Is he cured? Did you save him?"

"Let's just say that Jin has another 7 to 8 years of healthy life to look forward to." The Sannin replied with a smirk.

"What did you say?" The shocked question came from Jin who was wide awake.


Fire Capital - Unknown Location.

At the same time as Daichi was healing Jin a secret meeting was taking place.

"You wouldn't come to me in such secrecy unless it was something important So what is it, Sadoshi? Speak." A man covered by darkness ordered in a menacing tone to his kneeling subordinate.

"I came across Lady Tsunade's student. The one you were interested in." Sadoshi spoke in a respectful manner.

"So you met the boy?"

"Yes my Lord. He came into my shop. It was indeed Daichi Hekima. Based on what I gathered he's not here to complete any mission on behalf of the Leaf village. It seems to be a personal matter of sorts."

"I see. You did well informing me, Sadoshi." The voice said, chuckling.

"Of course. It is this humble servant's pleasure to serve you my Lord." With those words Sadoshi vanished from the room.

"So you've come back to the capital. Sooner than I'd expected. It's time we've met Daichi Hekima Huhuhu." As a dark chuckle escaped the unknown man's lips, the curtain that covered the windows was moved to the side, filling the room with bright light.

"Ow. Ow. Hey, stop that." The figure tried to cover his face from the sunlight and his menacing tone changed to one of childishness.

"Are you done trying to act like a cliche villain young master?"

Another voice came from the other side of the room. It was a middle aged man well dressed in a red and black suit. He was giving his master a raised eyebrow as heard the laugh. He sighed and shook his head at his master's antics.

"Booo You're ruining my fun Hotoja. Don't you know... It's much more entertaining to play the villain in public and be the hero in secret."

"Respectfully young master, I will have to disagree with that Still, about what Sadoshi said. Are you going to meet with that child? This is a good opportunity."

The unknown person turned serious and the smile disappeared from his face. "Yes. I want to know what kind of a person he is underneath. I'm also curious to see what his visions are for the future."


Author's Note:

If you like my story and want to read ahead, then check out my P.a.T.R.E.0.N page. I've uploaded up to 30 additional chapters there.

Patre /MonkWithAPen (No space)


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