The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima

Chapter 231: Interlude: Orochimaru's plans

Chapter 231: Interlude: Orochimaru's plans

Hidden Mist Village.

A 3 man team from the Hidden Leaf village was hiding behind a bush and the thick Mist surrounding the area helped them stay unnoticed.

"It seems this is as far as we're going to get in the exams here." Kabuto spoke as he took several deep breaths of air and looked at his teammates.

"You know I'm not complaining. The faster we get out of this wretched village the better. This whole place gives me the creeps." A ninja with his face mostly covered spoke. He wore his forehead protector like a bandanna and had a similar purple attire to that of his teammates.

"Oh come on Misumi. You're not seriously scared of these Mist ninjas are you?" Asked the third member of the team.

"Scared. No. Wary. Yes. Some of these guys are killing anyone that they find. Friend or foe. So I don't want to stick around here any longer than I absolutely have to. And besides, you've already collected enough data on several ninjas here haven't you Kabuto?" The ninja identified as Misumi asked his teammate.

"Yes. You're right. I've collected and stored all the necessary info. Our mission here is completed. Let's get to the safe zone. We no longer need to continue with the exams." Kabuto made the decision and all three made their way to the designated safe zone.

The trio declared their forfeiture to the Mist Jonins and made their way to their Inn. Once they entered the room Kabuto spoke. "You two stay here. I'll be back soon." With those words Kabuto Yakushi vanished in a puff of smoke.

Mist village - Secret location.

"Here is all the information you wanted on the teams participating, Lord Orochimaru." Kabuto handed a small card to his master and took a couple steps back.

Orochimaru chuckled as he looked at his subordinate. "Kukuku... Excellent work Kabuto. I'll be sure to go through this and see if there aren't any promising talents Tell me, how are you new teammates?"

"Hmm Yoroi Akado and Misumi Tsurugi. They both have some level of skill but they're average. They're arrogant but don't have much skills to back it up. If anyone takes a look at them all they'll see are two Genin with a bit of an overinflated ego. Nothing else about them stands out. But I suppose that's by design. If you had assigned anyone more capable it might have drawn attention towards myself." Kabuto gave an assessment of his two new teammates.

"When the time comes, they will help you. I'm sure you can put their limited abilities to good use. Kukuku"

"Of course my Lord." Kabuto slightly bowed and replied.

"I heard that you met with my former partner and did a job for him several months ago. Tell me, what did he want?"

"You heard about that?" Kabuto Yakushi was surprised. He sighed and shook his head. "Of course you did. You have spies all over the land Yes. It's true. Your former Akatsuki partner Sasori did make contact. There were a few things he wanted from me."

"Oh He wouldn't have called you unless it was important." Orochimaru was curious as to what his former partner in crime and his organization was planning.

"Sasori called me to the Fire capital. He mainly wanted two things from me. The first was the analysis of your Immortality jutsu."

Orochimaru crossed his arms and leaned on the tree as he listened. "And what did my dear partner want to know?"

"Everything. From the specifics of your jutsu to what the effects would be on the vessels you already used them on. Lord Sasori wanted me to analyze the cells of the vessels you've already used and document the effects the jutsu had on them."

"Kukukuku How predictable." The former Sannin of the Leaf village couldn't help but laugh hearing Sasori's demand.

Seeing Kabuto's puzzled face, Orochimaru explained. "I'm not the only one looking to become immortal. Sasori also has a fascination with eternal life and he turned himself into a puppet to achieve that goal. Not many people know that secret but I found out during my time in that organization. So it's no surprise that he would be interested in my Immortality jutsu."

"What should I tell him, my Lord?"

"Kukuku What else Kabuto? The truth of course."

Kabuto Yakushi smirked upon hearing that response. "Of course Lord Orochimaru. I tried to analyze the cells of your discarded vessels but I couldn't get past your protection jutsu."

"What was the other thing my former partner wanted from you?" Orochimaru asked.

"Blood samples. The blood samples of the nephew of the 3rd Minister and his wife. I believe Sasori wanted to create a custom poison for them." Kabuto replied.

"Fascinating. Sasori wouldn't interfere with the Fire Capital's Royal court members unless it was on orders from the Leader. I wonder what they wanted."

"Unknown. But I have a hypothesis."

Orochimaru was silent and motioned for the grey haired spy to speak his mind.

"I believe the Akatsuki was planning to create friction between the Fire Daimyo and Earth Daimyo and use the chaos to their advantage. If I'm right then they would have also used the situation to create an internal power struggle in the Fire capital royal court and use it to their advantage. But how they would accomplish such a thing? I'm not sure" Kabuto gave his theory.

Orochimaru gave a small laugh at that. "Zetsu would be used for such an occasion. He is an expert in intelligence gathering, frame up and subterfuge But I haven't heard anything drastic happening in the Fire capital. So I'm assuming the plan failed."

"Yes. The Genin Daichi Hekima happened. The minister requested for the boy's help and he was able to save the nephew from Sasori's poison."

The Snake sannin raised an eyebrow at that. "Really? He can already counter poisons created by Sasori? Kukuku." Orochimaru's grin widened and his tongue extended as he licked his lips. "I'm quite excited to meet him."

Kabuto was keenly observing his master throughout the conversation and it's why he knew that despite his master laughing, Orochimaru seemed irritated for some reason.

"You seem displeased my Lord."

The snake Sannin had a wide creepy grin as he looked at his subordinate. "Oh really? Do I look unhappy to you, Kabuto? You think you can read me so easily?" The next instant Kabuto tilted his head to the side and avoided a piercing stab from the Kusanagi sword. The sword struck the wall behind Kabuto and left a big crack.

Kabuto calmly stepped to the side and looked at his master. "I would never presume to understand your thoughts, my lord. But right now, yes, you do seem agitated."

The Snake Sannin pulled the sword and stored it away, chuckling. "Kukuku Those keen eyes and that boldness are some of the reasons I keep you around Kabuto Well then, why don't you tell me why I'm displeased."

"Hmm" Orochimaru's student was silent for a few moments before he spoke. He already had an idea as to what was bothering his master. "Daichi Hekima's absence from this exam."

"Yes. I was hoping to meet the talented Genin but it seems he is a no show here as well."

"Maybe his Jonin teacher Kakashi Hatake didn't nominate him for the exam." Kabuto gave a reasoning for Daichi's absence.

Orochimaru shook his head at that. "No. Kakashi is a prideful man. And he is perfectly capable of assessing the talents of student. I have no doubt that he nominated the boy for the exam Yes. I'm sure he did. So the only reason the boy wouldn't be here is if my dear sensei rejected the nomination for some reason. I don't like it when someone else interferes in my plans. And this is the second time. Even when I'm away from the village, my dear sensei is becoming a thorn in my side."

"Perhaps Lord Hokage was worried about Daichi's safety. There is a civil war going on in this village and if Daichi comes, with his fame he'll be an easy target. Maybe the Hokage is holding him back so he can compete in the next exam taking place in the village." The bespectacled Genin gave his reasoning.

Orochimaru listened and nodded. "Perhaps But it's annoying that I didn't get to meet him again There are others from several nations that are also here to see the skills of Tsunade's youngest student. Since he's a no show here perhaps they might attend the next exam happening in the village Now that would be a perfect recipe for chaos. Kukuku."

"I wouldn't be too sure about that. I think the Hokage is looking to use Daichi to make a statement." Kabuto said. He collected certain information about the Genin before coming to the exam.

Orochimaru slightly tilted his head and looked at his subordinate. "Oh, what makes you say that Kabuto?"

At that the grey haired Genin took a scroll from his pouch and tossed it to his master. Orochimaru caught the scroll and opened it. It contained a great deal of information on Daichi and the missions he undertook.

"Before coming to the Chunin exam I infiltrated the records room. I got a hold of the missions Daichi took since he became part of the two man Team with Kakashi." Kabuto spoke as Orochimaru looked through the documents. His grin disappeared as he looked at the details of the last mission Daichi participated in.

Orochimaru narrowed his eyes and looked at his subordinate. "How accurate is this information?"

"Very. Before coming here, I took a detour to the Land of Sea. I spoke with a few people who were on the ship who watched the whole thing."

"I heard that the Lightning Twins recruited several people to their crew and made the Land of Sea their domain. I've heard of their warship but I didn't get the chance to investigate it myself." Orochimaru said.

Kabuto nodded and continued. "I got the detailed description of the warship and the weapons used. Daichi took a direct hit from a powerful cannon like that and managed to deflect it without much damage to himself. His physical strength is far from ordinary." Kabuto gave his reply and was silent.

"It's not just his physical strength." Orochimaru said. 'To stop something like that, he would have needed a strong body but also perfect chakra control and great chakra reserves. He's only 12 years old and already such a strong body at his age. It will only become stronger as time passes.'

The second this thought crossed Orochimaru's mind a new idea began to take root. He looked at his student and spoke.

"Tell me Kabuto, if another Jonin were to take a direct hit from that weapon, what are their chances of survival?" Orochimaru asked.

"Unless they have a powerful defense jutsu or special Kekkei Genkai technique then the chances of their survival is very low."

"And yet this Genin survived without much injury. Fascinating isn't it."

Kabuto was confused. "What are you getting at Lord Orochimaru?"

"The boy reminds me of Hashirama Senju. The first Hokage had a powerful physique and his blood held great vitality and powerful chakra. I believe the boy is the same. He must have some mutation similar to the first Hokage to have such a powerful body and I'm sure his chakra is just as exceptional. He would make a great vessel."

Kabuto's eyes widened hearing that. "But what about Sasuke Uchiha? I thought you wanted the power of the Uchiha clan."

"Kukuku Kabuto, don't you know me by now? One can't have too many toysKukuku I will give the young Uchiha the curse seal but I've changed my mind. Sasuke will be my backup. I'll give Daichi the curse seal as well. I'm sure he'll survive the procedure." Orochimaru chuckled, thinking about the new ideas forming in his mind.

"What exactly are you planning, Lord Orochimaru?"

"Imagine someone with young Daichi's body with a pair of powerful Sharingan. Kuku."

Kabuto's eyes widened. "Wait. But the Sharingan takes too much chakra to maintain. Kakashi Hatake is an example of that. And your experiments with Shin also proved that without Uchiha bloodline the Sharingan is weakened."

Orochimaru chuckled and looked at his servant. "Yes. I'm aware of that, Kabuto. But that's where Hashirama Senju's blood comes into play."

Kabuto was silent as he listened to his master.

"Young Daichi is already so powerful. Just imagine. His powerful body, combined with the First Hokage's cells and Sasuke's Sharingan eyes. A strong body, the powerful chakra and wood style of the First Hokage and the visual prowess of the Uchiha clan. I'll be unstoppable."

Kabuto wasn't as optimistic as his master about such a thing. "In theory having such a body would make someone near invincible. But my lord, the first Hokage's blood is too volatile. If the grafting procedure fails and Daichi dies, what then? You'd lose a valuable resource."

"Kabuto, I might be rash when it comes to my experiments sometimes, but I do know when to hold back. I will need to conduct some tests with Hashirama's blood. And I will need to use it on a specimen that is sure to survive the procedure so I can collect the necessary data."

"Does such a person exist?" Kabuto asked.

"Yes. I have someone in mind." Orochimaru chuckled and replied. "Once I have the crucial information I need, I'll bestow on young Daichi, my curse seal Kabuto, we shouldn't meet again for some time. My plans with Sand village will be on hold for now. I need to make some arrangements. Is my lab on Demon island still operational?"

"No my Lord. I paid a visit and everything's destroyed. And I'm pretty sure the Leaf ninjas raided that base before I got there." Kabuto replied.

"It seems, I'll have to create a new temporary base. And I know just where Kukuku"

Shortly afterward Kabuto and Orochimaru went their separate ways with Orochimaru making new plans to further his ambition.


Author's Note:

If you like my story and want to read ahead, then check out my P.a.T.R.E.0.N page. I've uploaded up to 30 additional chapters there.

Patre /MonkWithAPen (No space)


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