The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima

Chapter 230: Blooming Flood

Chapter 230: Blooming Flood

Daichi and his clones were in training ground three working hard on the final variation of the Rasengan. It had been three weeks since the boy had begun his training there. Since the jutsu had the potential to be on the higher end of destructive nature, Daichi and his clones moved inwards into the training grounds.

Daichi and his Shadow clones were close to completing the Water version of the Rasengan and after hours of grueling work they finally did it.

A clone held a small fast swirling orb of water in his palm. There was a small mist surrounding the jutsu and the clone. The sound of ocean waves could be heard all around. The Water Rasengan was a pure blue sphere of energy with fast rotating currents. Due to the Mist surrounding the jutsu and the user, a small rainbow mirage could be seen around Daichi's palm.

"How is it?" Daichi asked his clone.

"It's heavy like with Earth Nature Rasengan but not to such a huge degree. The rotation and power of the water current in the orb is beyond what I expected. It's moving at such high speeds that it seems to be still..."

The real Daichi nodded. "Alright. Time to test it out."

At that moment another shadow clone stood several meters away from them and the clone holding the Water Rasengan got ready and rushed towards him.

The first holding his position used earth chakra to increase the strength of his defense and waited. Moments later the other clone was in front of his target and slammed the Water Rasengan into the test clone.

The second the Water Style Rasengan made contact with the enemy it expanded to several meters in a spherical vortex of fast moving water currents that completely captured the enemy.

The real Daichi looked on as his clone was completely trapped and immobilized inside the huge water sphere. The next moment he saw the flesh and clothes being torn off his clone before it vanished giving him its memories.

The fast lethal spinning spherical shaped water jutsu bulged and looked as if it was about to explode. And the next second it did. Hundreds of gallons of water poured out from the sphere in all directions. The force of the water current ripped apart and destroyed the ground, trees and boulders in its path. It was as if a small dam had burst and the stored water was rushing forward wiping out everything in its path.

Daichi and his few remaining clones jumped high in the air and landed on the surging current of waves. They steadied themselves and observed the aftereffects of the jutsu. At that moment another person joined them.

Daichi turned towards the newcomer and raised an eyebrow. "When did you get here sensei?"

"A few seconds ago. Just in time to see you test out your new technique." Kakashi nonchalantly replied as he looked around. The Water style Rasengan kept creating more waves of water for several more seconds before disappearing. The entire training ground was underwater with everything near them swept away by the force of the current.

Kakashi looked around and let out a small breath of air. 'It's as if a flood rampaged through here. The power of that jutsu is incredible So this is what a change in chakra Nature combined with the Rasengan looks like.'

[Reputation increases with Kakashi Hatake]

His attention turned to Daichi and the Jonin was silent for several seconds before he spoke. "You said you had an idea as to what the finished version of the Water style Rasengan would look like. Is this what you expected?"

Daichi nodded his head. "I knew that adding water nature to the jutsu would create something like this But still" Daichi looked around and sighed. "I didn't think it would be so strong."

"You used it on your shadow clone. What did it feel when the jutsu made contact with it?" Kakashi asked.

Daichi was as silent as he recalled the memories of the clone. "The moment the jutsu made an impact on me it expanded in an instant, completely trapping me. It was like the water prison jutsu but on a whole different level. I couldn't move no matter how much chakra I used and it didn't matter for long. The sphere of water had fast currents. They were moving at speeds far beyond what the normal eye could catch."

Kakashi was silent as his student described the effects of the new jutsu.

Daichi looked down at his arms and spoke. "Then I felt it. The water inside the sphere started shredding me. It was as if my skin and flesh were being peeled off my bones. My clone vanished the next second." The Genin was silent and then looked at his sensei. "I'm pretty sure that if this Rasengan is used on another person, by the time this jutsu is done only a clean skeleton of the target would be left behind. And that's if the bones aren't crushed and swept away by the torrents of water created afterwards. This is a pretty destructive jutsu that can change the battlefield."

Kakashi looked around and he agreed with his student's assessment. "Such a powerful jutsu. There is no doubt that Daichi just created an S Rank technique. And in just three weeks. Incredible.'

For Daichi several new system notifications appeared at that moment.

[Skill Water Extraction Technique has leveled up.]

[Congratulations. You have successfully trained a skill to its highest level.]

[500 Exp.]

[75 Exp.]


[Skill Water Affinity has leveled up.]

[Congratulations. You have successfully trained a skill to its highest level. ]

[500 Exp.]

[75 Exp.]

'Looks like my Water Affinity skill has maxed out. But I haven't completed training the third step of change in chakra nature. But it seems the system has deemed that my Water affinity skill is at its highest degree Hmm'

After thinking about it for a few moments Daichi had a theory.

'It seems I only needed to complete part of the third step of change in chakra nature and create a jutsu that combines water chakra and something extremely difficult like the Rasengan for my affinity to reach its highest point It must be why I only got one level up in other affinity skills when I completed the other Rasengans. I haven't started training in their third step.'

[Water affinity - (Active/Passive)(LV. MAX): Water Release is one of the five basic nature transformations. It is commonly affiliated with Dog hand-seal. Once this skill crosses Level 85 the user can manipulate even the molecular structure of water to create ice or steam. Once this skill crosses Level 90, the user can combine it with other nature affinities which have also crossed Level 90.]

[Effects: ]

[200% Power increase in water attack jutsu.]

[200% Defense Increase in water defense jutsu.]

[99.9% Increase in success when creating water style jutsu. ]

[65% Decrease in Chakra Cost when using water style jutsu.]

'Hmm My water affinity may have maxed out but there is still room for improvement. With the water extraction technique I've learned to create water from the atmosphere and the nearby plants and I've learned to do it quickly. Now I need to learn to increase the power and volume of the water I need to use in my jutsu. With that the third step will be completed.'

"What are you thinking of Daichi?" Kakashi's voice snapped the Genin out of his thoughts.

Daichi was silent and then decided as a question of his own. "It's the second week of December. The Chunin exams have probably started and I'm still here. Did you not nominate me or is there something else going on?" Daichi asked his teacher.

Kakashi rubbed his hair and sighed hearing that question. 'Lord Hokage didn't exactly say to keep this information a secret from him' A few moments later Kakashi decided to be honest with the Genin.

"I did nominate you for the Chunin exam. But due to several important reasons your nomination was rejected."

Daichi tilted his head and looked at the silver haired Jonin, confused "And they are?"

"The current Chunin exam is taking place in the Hidden Mist village. There is a civil war going on over there and Lord Hokage has decided that it would be best if you wait for 6 more months."

Daichi's eyes slightly widened after hearing that information. 'Right. Mist civil war. That's happening right now huh. Is Mei still leading the rebellion or has there been a butterfly effect? I need to know more. This is the best chance to get more information out of him.'

"Sensei, can you tell me more about the civil war happening in the Mist village? If such a thing is happening then won't the other villages take advantage of the situation. There is potential for this whole thing to get out of hand and become a headache for all the great nations." Daichi looked at his sensei and spoke.

Kakashi sighed and replied. "You don't need to worry about it Daichi. Their conflict won't affect us too much. And the chances of other villages getting involved is slim. For one thing the resources of the Mist village aren't that abundant. And to battle them on their own turf is much harder than you think. Right now I believe the other kages are taking a wait and see approach to the whole thing regarding their village."

"What about the ones fighting the Mizukage? Who is the leader of the rebellion?"

"Based on what Lord Hokage told me, the one leading the rebellion is someone named Mei Terumi. A power kunoichi with dual Kekkei Genkai." Daichi nodded and Kakashi didn't elaborate further.

Daichi thought about the situation and he was glad that his actions hadn't caused any ripples in the Mist village. 'So Mei is leading the rebellion huh. It seems my influence hasn't fucked up canon on their side That's good. Maybe it's best that I wasn't nominated for the exam this time. I'll be more than prepared for when the next one comes.'

"So what are you going to name your jutsu?" Kakashi asked his student.

At that Daichi just smirked and replied. "Water Style: Blooming Flood."

"Not a bad name."

Daichi opened the skill list and looked at the details of the new jutsu.

[Water Style: Blooming Flood - Active (Lv. 01): This jutsu was created by mixing Water Chakra Nature to the existing jutsu 'Rasengan'. This technique is a powerful destructive jutsu that uses fast water currents as its weapon. There are several variations to this jutsu and the power and destructive capabilities can be altered.]

[Note: Using the fully formed variation of this jutsu can cause damage to the body but a really strong physique or sage jutsu can negate this side effect.]


[500 Damage points when striking and trapping the enemy in a water prison.]

[Deals an additional 10000% Damage to the enemies trapped in the water prison after 2 seconds. ]

[Destroys internal organs, flesh muscles, chakra coils of the body. ]

[Can expand and increase range according to the user's will.]

[CP cost: 2600 minimum]

'So it won't do much damage for the first couple of seconds but after that there is massive damage dealt. Hmm As long as it gets the job done I won't complain Now that I have all the variations of the Rasengan ready, it's time to try that.'

Daichi looked at his teacher who took his book out and was about to walk away. "Hey Kakashi sensei. There is one more thing that I want to try. And I'm going to need your help with it."

"What did you have in mind?"

Daichi had a wide grin as he replied to the question. "Ice Jutsu."


Author's Note:

This chapter might look small compared to the rest but that's because the previous several were unusually long chapters. This is a 2k chap and it's easier for me to write a 2k word chapter and thus updates will be faster.

Alright onto other matter,

There will be 1 chapter on completing the academy dungeon, and creating Ice jutsu, then December ends and Daichi will take some time off training and meet Aiko.

Several others will be making their moves as well during this time. Stay tuned to find out.

If you like my story and want to read ahead, then check out my P.a.T.R.E.0.N page. I've uploaded up to 30 additional chapters there.

Patre /MonkWithAPen (No space)


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