The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima

Chapter 210: C Rank: Retake the Fortress 01

Chapter 210: C Rank: Retake the Fortress 01

It was a few days after Naruto's birthday. It had been a long time since Daichi had spent some time with his friends just enjoying the moment. But now he was back to training.

The Genin was in his designated training ground improving his control over the water chakra nature. He was gathering water particles from the air and holding them before letting it go.

[Skill Water Extraction technique's level has risen by one]

Daichi wiped the sweat off his brow as he looked at his progress. 'Hmm Good. The volume and speed of the water gathered has increased significantly. It won't be long now. Next time I visit the dungeon I'll have to see if I can do it If I can mimic ice release then that opens up a whole new world of possibilities for me Hmm.. No. It's still too soon.'

"I see you're already hard at work."

The boy looked around and saw his sensei casually leaning on a nearby tree.

Daichi nodded. "I'm getting close. Soon I'll be ready for the next step."

Kakashi's one eye slightly narrowed after hearing that. 'The next step? Creating such powerful water jutsu from the atmosphere is already considered the pinnacle. So what would he'

At that moment the Jonin remembered what Daichi said in the Hokage's chamber. 'Ice release He's going to try to manipulate water on a molecular level I was able to copy the jutsu during my time in the land of Snow thanks to my Sharingan but for someone who doesn't have that advantage Is it possible? Can he do it?'

"Are you sure something like that is even possible?" There was skepticism in the silver haired Jonin's voice.

"I believe so." Daichi knew it was possible. He remembered Kakashi copying an Ice move during a mission in the snow country and the information his system showed on Water Affinity proves that creating and mimicking Ice release was possible.

"Good luck." Kakashi said nothing more on the subject and started walking with Daichi quickly following him.

The two ninjas made their way to the Hokage tower. Just as they reached the entrance another voice called out to them.

"Kakashi! My youthful rival. You're here too."

The two man Genin team looked and saw Team Guy headed towards them.

Kakashi sighed and looked at the fellow Jonin. "Guy. Don't you usually take missions much earlier?"

"True. But today I put my team through some extra morning workouts."

The silver haired Jonin just nodded and turned back.

"Daichi. Are you here to take a mission?" Lee asked with a big grin.

Daichi looked at his friend and nodded. 'He's been training. I can tell, his chakra is much stronger With my pills, recovery time has been reduced and thus his training time has been significantly increased.'

"Yeah. I'm hoping to get a C Rank mission." The Gamer replied.

"Cool. We're here for a C Rank too. We've done a few easy ones but now I'm looking for one with a little bit more challenge." Tenten had a grin on her face as she looked at the Genin.

The two teams made their way to the Hokage's chamber and exchanged pleasantries.

"So young Daichi, have you been training in Taijutsu?" Guy asked Kakashi's student.

"Well no actually. I'm more interested in Ninjutsu at the moment. It's my specialty. I'm currently training my Water Chakra Nature."

"I see. Are you perhaps trying to follow in my youthful rival's footsteps? He's someone who can use a wide variety of Ninjutsu." Guy said and looked at Kakashi but the silver haired Jonin was engrossed in his new book and totally ignored the green spandex wearing man.

Waiting for several seconds and seeing Kakashi's non response, Guy just had tears running down his face. 'Ghaa. That cool attitude is so annoying'

Daichi smirked and spoke. "I'm focusing on one Chakra Nature now. Once I'm done with water I'll move on to the next."

Guy gave a wide grin hearing that and nodded. "That's good. Learning too much without mastery won't help you in the long term."

Neji, hearing the conversation, just narrowed his eyes. 'Taijutsu isn't his specialty? And even worse, when he defeated us he didn't use any ninjutsu How far ahead of us is he?'

The teams soon stood in front of the Hokage.

"Team Kakashi and Team Guy. It seems you two are right on time. I have two C Rank missions and I think your teams would be perfect." Hiruzen said, looking at them. He handed a scroll to each of the squad leaders.

"Team Kakashi. Your mission is in Tea country. There is a small fortress in that country that was built during the early days. The Toujin Fortress. About two weeks ago, a bandit team infiltrated the fortress and made it their home. Based on the information we were given, there are about a dozen bandits and one shinobi. Estimates put him somewhere between High Genin to mid Chunin. Your task is to capture the bandits, eliminate the rogue ninja if necessary and free the fortress. You can meet up with the Daimyo of the Tea country and he'll give you more information."

"Yes sir." Kakashi and his student nodded.

[Quest Created - Retake the Fortress.]

[You have been given a new C Rank mission. A bandit group led by an unknown person has taken control of the fortress in the Land of Tea. Defeat them and recapture the fortress.]



Defeat all the bandits.

Defeat the unknown ninja.

Rescue hostages (If there are any.)

Complete the mission without damaging the Fortress.

Complete the mission to the Tea Daimyo's satisfaction.



[15000 Exp.]

[+1 Dignity Stat]

[Reputation increases with the Client.]

[Reputation increases with people in Tea country.]



[-8000 Exp.]

[Reputation decreases with client and Hokage]


[Accept Y/N]

Daichi read the contents and accepted the quest. 'Hmm No chain Quest or hidden agendas. Looks like this is a simple, straightforward mission.'

Kakashi and Daichi left the office. "We might be in the Land of Tea for a couple days. So pack your gear accordingly and meet me at the gates."

Daichi nodded and the two ninjas separated. The Genin went home and packed the needed supplies and headed out.

'The old man is at the capital again. He's been making frequent trips. It feels like I haven't spent that much time with him these days.'

Daichi sighed as he walked to the gates and waited. A short while later he saw his sensei and Team Guy coming towards him. Lee ran up to him and gave a big grin. "Looks like we'll be traveling together."

"Really? You have another mission in the Land of Tea?" Daichi asked his friend.

"No. We're headed to the Land of the Sea." Lee shook his head and replied.

"Ah. That makes sense." Daichi was familiar with the world map. The only way to get to the Land of sea is by boat. The port city in the Land of Tea would be the best route.

'It seems we'll be traveling together till we reach Tea country.'

At that moment the rest of Team Guy and Kakashi joined them and after notifying the gate guards the two teams left the village. The group of 6 ninjas were quickly moving through the trees. Since there were no civilians with them, they would quickly reach their destination.

"So what's your mission?" Daichi asked the other team.

"We're just going to get rid of some small-time pirates. They've been robbing a couple of ships coming from the Land of Sea. They sent the mission." Tenten replied.

"Sounds interesting. But since they're on a ship it might take time for you guys to find them."

Lee and Tenten nodded as they realized that Daichi was right. "We could set a trap. Get on a ship and when they try to attack, capture all of them."

"Not a bad idea So how is your training Lee? How's the pills?"

Rock Lee was excited to answer. He has been training hard and by taking the recommended doses his training time has significantly extended. "I'm healing much faster and now I can train for longer periods of time. Those pills are amazing."

"What are you talking about?" Even though it was only Tenten who asked this question, everyone else was listening too. As Lee's teacher, Guy already knew about the supplements Daichi gave to his student.

Daichi thought about what to say and then decided to answer. 'Tenten and Neji may not know it, but its not like it's a secret that I'm a medic ninja.'

"I created a few special pills with high nutrients that heals muscles and cells much faster. With it a person's recovery period is greatly reduced."

Tenten was surprised to hear that. "Wait a minute. You created the pills? But don't you need to learn about medicine to make something like that?"

It was Guy who replied. "My young students. Daichi here is also a medic ninja. He's trained under the best and is quite capable in using medical ninjutsu."

Lee's two teammates were shocked to hear that. Tenten looked at Daichi with new eyes. 'He's a medic ninja too? And to become one at such an age It's amazing.'

Neji looked at Daichi from the corner of his eyes. After their battle he did some research on the Genin and found that he had been away from the village for two years. 'He didn't learn medical Ninjutsu from the hospital at the village or I would have found out about it earlier. So that means he learned it during his time outside. That means He learned medical ninjutsu in just two years.'

The Hyuga frowned thinking about the implications. 'I need to get stronger quickly. The next time we fight, I need to make him take me seriously.'

"When did you learn Medical Ninjutsu? I thought you were only allowed to learn that stuff after becoming a Genin."

"Daichi was in the Capital for two years before he took early graduation. He showed talent in the medic field and trained at the hospital there." Kakashi replied for his student while eyes never left his new book.

"Wow." Tenten and Lee made small talk while Neji stayed silent. Soon the group reached the Land of Tea. They made their way inland and soon reached the Daimyo's mansion.

"It seems this is where we part ways. Kakashi! Good luck on your missions. Show those bandits scum your shining spirit." Guy gave a thumbs up and then turned to his students.

"Alright team. The port is only 2 kilometers away from here. Let's race. Last one to reach the port does 500 pushups. Show me your YOUTH! Begin!" Without waiting for a response from his students, Guy took off and Lee immediately followed him. Neji and Tenten sighed and quickly went after them.

Kakashi sighed as he saw the dust trail left by his friend. 'Where does he get all this energy?'

The Jonin shook his head and turned to his student. "Come on Daichi. Let's go meet the Daimyo."

The two met the guards outside the mansion and after confirming their identities were led inside. Soon the two ninjas were in front of the Daimyo of the Land of Tea.

Daichi paid close attention to the man's facial features and let out a small breath of relief. 'Yukata Genjima. This guy looks like the canon counterpart. I remember that Naruto had to complete a mission here. Based on my memories, this guy should be a fair and good ruler.' Daichi used Observe and confirmed the information.

The Daimyo smiled as he looked at the two Leaf ninjas. As his eyes landed on Daichi the smile dimmed. "Thank you for coming so quickly. But may I ask something?"

Kakashi nodded, already having an idea as to what the man was going to ask.

"Why is there only 1 Genin? As I recall, you normally have 3 Genins and one Jonin in a new squad, correct?" The Daimyo asked in a polite tone. Even though it was only one Genin he didn't want to come off as rude.

It was Kakashi who replied. "Well sir, we're a special team. Daichi here may be Genin but its in rank only. His skills are on par with a solid Chunin. He is quite capable."

The Daimyo took a second look at the boy and nodded. "Very well. Since you have such an evaluation of the child, I won't ask about it anymore. Now onto the matter at hand."

The Jonin nodded and the Daimyo relayed the situation to the duo.

"There is a fortress in our land that was built almost 98 years ago. The Toujin Fortress. It's at the heart of our country and has been a pride to us. There are several precious items in that fortress that's worth a fortune. Around two weeks ago, a dozen bandits entered our country and forcefully occupied the fortress. They were led by a ninja."

"Do you know the identity of the ninja?"

The Daimyo shook his head at Kakashi's question. "No. But my people have estimated that this person must be a strong Genin or Chunin level ninja."

"Have they taken any hostages or killed anyone?" Daichi asked.

"No. But they have looted several establishments here in the country. Your task is to retrieve what they stole and get rid of them. How you accomplish this is up to you."

Kakashi and Daichi nodded and both were silent for a few moments. After a short while thinking things through, they had an idea as to how to proceed.


Author's Note:

This mission will be completed by chapter 213. And then we'll move on to even more exciting things. I'll see you guys tomorrow with next chapter.

If you like my story and want to read ahead, then check out my P.a.T.R.E.0.N page. I've uploaded up to 30 additional chapters there.

Patre /MonkWithAPen (No space)


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