The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima

Chapter 209: A Birthday Party & Sinister Plots

Chapter 209: A Birthday Party & Sinister Plots

Hokage's Office

Hiruzen looked through the crystal ball and a happy smile was on his face as he saw Daichi help Naruto with his training. He looked at the Genin and his smile slightly widened. The old kage remembered the conversation he had with his predecessor about the genius child.

He also recalled the warning the reanimated kage gave him and the events that happened after.

"Saru, I've never known anyone with such talent. Even my brother couldn't master all the Chakra Natures to that degree at such a young age. Even I couldn't. And on top of that this boy learned medical ninjutsu as well? This is truly incredible."

Hiruzen nodded and smiled hearing his predecessor's assessment of Daichi. "Are you interested in training him for a short while, sensei? I'm sure the boy could learn a great deal from you."

Tobirama sighed and replied. "Such talent should be nurtured for sure and under a different circumstance I would have been very interested in training him But you know our situation. My situation. My existence should remain a secret. If anyone were to find out that I had been brought back to life, if the other villages get wind of this information, it would create chaos and throw all the plans you put in place in jeopardy. So for the moment my resurrection shall remain a secret and I won't be meeting anyone. But if an opportunity arises Well, we'll see With the way you speak about the child, he'll get more powerful quickly."

"Yes. He said his goal was to become the strongest in the world. I have no doubt he would become one of the strongest shinobis of his era."

Tobirama frowned as he heard that. "You told me he trains everyday and pushes himself to be better. But why? Why does he train with such intense discipline and why does he want to become the strongest?"

Hiruzen frowned at that question. "What are you getting at sensei?"

"There must be a reason for his need for strength beyond wanting to reach the peak. Something more. Everyone has something that drives them forward. My brother wanted to be strong to create a peaceful environment for the clan. The same went for Madara. That's the reason they wanted to be stronger than everyone around them. Similarly, this child must have some kind of reason beyond simply wanting strength or fame to push himself like this. Do you know what that is?"

Hiruzen shook his head indicating that he didn't know. Seeing this Tobirama, being the cautious man he was, gave his former student a warning.

"We must be vigilant. The child should be given guidance in his training but you should also keep watch. It's a delicate line to balance for people like us... Be careful of this child. Since you don't know what his end goals are, you should keep an eye on him. Power corrupts. And there is a chance this child could walk down Madara's path or even your student's path."

The second Hokage didn't know it, but those words shook Hiruzen. He didn't even want to think what would happen should Daichi become a traitor.

It was during this time that Shikamaru visited him in his office and invited him to Naruto's birthday party.

"So you want me to come to Naruto's birthday party tomorrow?" The old kage asked the child with a teasing smile.

"Yes Lord Hokage. If you aren't busy, that is..."

Hiruzen could see the nervousness of the young Nara. He chuckled and replied. "Hmm. I'll come. I'm glad you're such a good friend to Naruto."

"Well, I can't take all the credit. Daichi and the others are helping."

Hiruzen was surprised to hear that. He knew that even though Naruto and Daichi were friends, he thought the boy would be spending his time training and improving his skills.

"I assume this party will be at Naruto's apartment?"


"How are you going to get young Naruto out of there if you want to decorate his home? I assume you have a plan for that."

"Well, Daichi said he'll take care of it. He'll pick up Naruto tomorrow morning and keep him busy for the day."

Hiruzen looked at the Nara child with a calm smile and spoke. "Not a bad plan. I'll be sure to come. Thank you for informing me."

He saw the young academy student let out a breath and leave with a smile.

The next day Hiruzen woke up early and checked his crystal ball to see what Daichi was up to. He saw the Genin pick up Naruto from his home and even saw the clones cleaning the blonde's home.

Hiruzen watched as Daichi gave Naruto instructions on one of the more difficult Chakra control exercises and trained him. The grim feeling he had in his heart slowly vanished and a smile formed. Hiruzen watched the genuine and rare happiness on Naruto's face and relaxed.

'You're wrong about him sensei. He's no Orochimaru or Madara. Daichi has a good heart. And even if he somehow strays from his path, he has friends who'll bring him back.'

Hiruzen quickly got to work. He wanted to complete all the tasks he had for the day. Afterall, he had a birthday party to attend.


By around 2pm, most of the Rookie 9 had arrived at Naruto's home and started decorating the place with Ino in charge.

"Shikamaru, that banner goes there. It should be right below this table. Kiba, Choji! Move the table here."

Shikamaru sighed as he quietly did as he was told. 'I'm starting to remember why I don't like birthday parties. She's nagging even more than usual.'

"You know Ino, this would go a lot faster if you helped us." Kiba said as he and Choji moved the table to where the Yamanaka girl pointed.

"What are you talking about? I'm doing the most important job here?"

Shino, who was standing on the side hanging decorations raised an eyebrow at that. "And that is?"

The girl had a wide grin and replied in a cheeky tone. "I'm the party coordinator. It's the most important job. And besides, a delicate girl like me shouldn't have to lift heavy stuff when you boys are here."

Kiba snorted at that. "Yeah right. You're the farthest thing from delicate."

"What'd you say!?"

"Um.. Guys.. Please don't fight. We should focus on the decorations." Hinata said with a small blush as she tied the balloons and colorful strings to the side of the wall. 'I can't believe it. I'm in Naruto's apartment. Haa'

"Naruto and Daichi would only be here by 7 in the evening. We have plenty of time. So relax." Shikamaru sighed as he sat on the nearby chair.

Ino sighed and spoke thinking about their two friends training in the forest. "I wish it was me with Daichi in that forest. We could have a picnic. Play games... Naruto is so lucky. He gets to spend time with Daichi alone and even gets his help with training."

"Yeah but there's a difference. Unlike you, Naruto doesn't have a crush on Daichi." Choji said as he munched on a small snack to replenish his energy.

Ino hung her head down and sighed. The next second she became upbeat again. She had a metaphorical fire burning in her eyes. "On my birthday, I'm gonna ask Daichi for a date. We're going to have so much fun."

The boy's merely sighed and decided to keep their opinions to themselves. They all had one thought running through their minds. 'Good luck Daichi. May God have mercy on your soul.'


It was evening with the sun slowly disappearing over the horizon. Sweat poured down Naruto's face as he stood still on the wooden board and concentrated.

"Alright, you're starting to get the hang of it. But I think this is enough for today."

"Come on. We can train some more. I'm not done yet." Naruto said as he tried to keep his balance.

Daichi shook his head. "No. Your body needs rest. You can train tomorrow at home. Today, you need to rest and recover your strength."

The blonde boy reluctantly nodded and got down. Both Daichi and Naruto went to a nearby stream to get cleaned up.

Daichi already had fresh clothes for his friend. "Here. I took these from your home."

"But I could have changed at home."

"Just put these on."

The blonde shrugged and put on his new attire after freshening up. Shortly after, both of them headed to Naruto's home and Daichi noticed that the boy was in a great mood.

As they neared the apartment Naruto turned towards his friend. With a nervous smile and rubbing the back of his head, the boy spoke. "Thanks for helping me train, ya know."

Daichi smiled looking at his friend. "Don't mention it. Anyway it's getting late. I better head home." With those words Daichi turned around and slowly walked away.

Naruto waved and turned to look at his home. With a sigh he made his way to his door and opened it.



The second Naruto opened his door he saw the lights come on and his home, decorated. He saw his friends, Iruka sensei, Teuchi and Ayame wearing party hats and smiling at him.

"What the?" Naruto was completely surprised and taken back.

"Happy birthday Naruto." It was Daichi who said it as he sneaked up behind him.

The blonde boy was speechless and completely surprised. "Wow. You.. You guys threw a birthday party for me."

"Of course. It was Shikamaru's idea." The young Genin said with a smirk.

"Come on. Make a wish." Choji said, pointing towards the cake with orange frosting. The whiskered blonde had a big grin and immediately went near the cake. He closed his eyes and blew the candles out. Everyone near him smiled and gave him presents.

Daichi stood near the door and looked at the scene with a big smile.

"I've never seen him so happy before."

Daichi was startled to hear the third Hokage's voice coming from behind him.

He looked at the old man and was surprised. Hiruzen had his eyes focused on Naruto. He had a sad expression as he gazed at the boy but he quickly put on a smile as he noticed Daichi's look.

The old kage patted the Genin on the shoulder and spoke. "You're a good friend to Naruto, Daichi. He's lucky to have you."

The young Genin turned towards the boy smiling and laughing in the middle of his friends. "It's no big deal. It's just a birthday party."

Hiruzen laughed hearing that response. "To him its much more than just a party... Well, I suppose it's time I greet the birthday boy." With that he entered the room and Naruto immediately ran to him.

"Gramps. You're here."

"Of course. I couldn't say no to this. Here. Happy Birthday Naruto." The Hokage said with a smile, handing the boy his gift.

Daichi looked around the apartment and into the streets. He sighed as he didn't sense 'his' presence. Without wasting any more time, Daichi joined the party.

It was a small celebration and before long the cake was cut and everyone had a piece. Naruto was eager to go through the gifts everyone had given him.

The first gift box Naruto had opened was Hiruzen's. It contained new ninja gear and tools. "Oh man this looks so cool. I can't wait to try it out."

"I'm glad you like it."

Teuchi and Ayame gave their gift next. "This coupon will get you 10 free premium Ramens. But only 1 per month." "Happy Birthday Naruto."

The blonde boy held the small coupon as if he was holding a precious delicate jewel. "I'm gonna keep this real safe, ya know. Thanks old man Teuchi. Big sis."

Iruka gave a new Kunai and Shuriken set to the boy and wished him as well. Hiruzen smiled looking at the teacher. 'He's come a long way from the man who once couldn't even be near the boy.'

It was the future Rookie's turn to give their presents. Naruto was excited as he went through each one. Hinata had a huge blush on her face as Naruto opened her present.

"Wow. Sweets. That's awesome. Thanks a bunch Hinata."

"Haaa" The shy Hyuga girl just poked her fingers and looked down.

Shikamaru gave a board game while Choji gave a BBQ recipe as a gift. As Ino, Sakura, Kiba and Shino were giving their gifts Daichi went outside and looked around.

'He's still not here. So he decided not to show up huh. I suppose I should have expected this. Sasuke isn't the kind of guy who would waste his time with things like this.'

With a sigh he stood there and looked up at the night sky. He saw the stars and just closed his eyes and enjoyed the peaceful atmosphere.

A few seconds later he sensed another presence behind him.

"You know sometimes you brood even more than Sasuke. I didn't think that was even possible. Someone outbrooding him."

A chuckle escaped Daichi's lips hearing that. He turned around to look at his friend. Shikamaru stared at Daichi with a questioning look.

"Maybe I was just thinking about the future."

"You sound like an old man when you talk like that"

"Hahaha I prefer the term mentally matured."

"Daichi, you don't need to worry so much. I'm sure everything will work out fine."

"Maybe you're right Shikamaru Oh! I almost forgot to give him my present. Come on."

Daichi went to Naruto and gave him a gift. The blonde Jinchuriki eagerly opened it and saw that it was a scroll. When he rolled it open, it took his breath away.

In it was a marvelous painting of their group with Naruto in the middle and everyone smiling. It looked so life-like and beautiful that it made everyone speechless.

"Oh my god. It's so beautiful." Ino said as she looked at the painting.

"Yeah. I didn't know you could draw like that."

Daichi smirked and shrugged. "I'm a man of many talents."

Naruto turned to his friend and Daichi saw a few drops of tears in the corner of his eyes. "Thank you Daichi. I'll cherish this forever."

The Genin nodded with a smile. "Happy Birthday Naruto."


Somewhere else in the Leaf village a man was heavily drinking alcohol to numb the pain in his heart. He was home and only had one companion.

"Here. Have another glass. It'll help." The second figure gave another glass full of liquor to the inebriated man.

"Y-you know Mi-Mizuki You're a real Friend."

The Chunin and academy instructor Mizuki gave a sad smile as he looked at his friend.

"You know you need to stop, right. This isn't helping you." The Chunin said with a kind tone. He sounded like he wanted nothing more than to help his friend.

"I can't move on Mizuki. My wife and my son died in that attack And that brat" The man stopped and looked at the academy instructor. Even under the influence he still has some small semblance of self control.

"I know Kirai. They didn't deserve what happened to them." The academy instructor poured two glasses and held one out for his friend. He raised his glass and with a somber look spoke.

"To your wife and son."

The man now identified as Kirai raised his glass in response and they drank to the departed souls. They stayed in silence for a few moments before Mizuki spoke up.

"It's not right, you know. That fox brat living like he has no cares in the world. You know what makes me angry? That brat was having a party in his home."

"What!?" The drunk Kirai was furious hearing that.

"Yeah. That fox brat managed to trick his classmates into becoming friends with him and they threw him a birthday party. They may be fooled. But we know the truth."

Mizuki looked at the man dead in the eyes and spoke with a serious tone. "That brat is the nine tails. He's dangerous and he'll one day destroy the village."

Kirai was surprised at that admission and he realized that Mizuki understood him. "I I hate him. I want that monster dead." He spoke as he tightly gripped the glass in his palms.

"DAMN IT!" Kirai suddenly stood and threw the glass into the wall, shattering it. "How can How can we live in peace when we know that a monster is walking among us And worst of all, the Hokage wouldn't do anything about it." Kirai ranted.

"You need to calm down. Here. Have another glass. This will help you." Mizuki gave the man another glass of alcohol and calmed him down.

The Academy instructor was silent for a minute before he spoke. "That fox brat will graduate this March. When that happens we'll all be in trouble."

Kirai nodded with that sentiment. "But what can we do? We're just two Chunin."

"Hypothetically, if we could get rid of that monster and save this village would you do it?" Mizuki asked the man.

Kirai nodded his head without hesitation. "Yes. I.. love this village. I don't don't want the nine tails attack to happen again. Do you Do you have a plan or something?"

Mizuki sheepishly smiled and shook his head. "Nah. It's nothing. Just forget I said anything."

"No. Tell me. Do you really have a plan to get rid of that beast?" Kirai placed a hand on Mizuki's shoulder and almost pleaded.

"I do. But I will need your help."

Kirai nodded his head and spoke. "Whatever you need to get rid of that monster." The man was looking at his friend but failed to see the evil intent hidden behind the academy teacher's eyes.

"Alright. Here's the plan." With that Mizuki set the first stage of his plans in motion.


Author's Note:

Hi guys. Hope you enjoyed the chapter. I wanted to show the good side and the bad side of the situation. Naruto had his first birthday celebration. But Mizuki has some evil plans in mind. What will he do? Stay tuned to find out.

Tobirama is a cautious person. so I would imagine that this is his reaction to someone like Daichi. Now for those of you looking forward to the Daichi and Tobirama meet [SPOILER: Well, let's just say it won't happen any time soon but they will meet. What I mean is when Canon starts an incident will occur and those two will come face to face At the moment I will just say this. Look forward to Daichi vs Tobirama]

I'll be planning the next arc and the canon chapters these next few days. We're close. No one is more excited about writing it than I am. But I also dread it a bit What if my readers don't like it or what if I mess it up? During those moments I just remind myself to write one chapter at a time and do my best. We'll see how it goes.

So I'll see you guys with an update later.

Hope you guys can wait patiently. And I dearly hope you're enjoying my story.

Thank you for the support everyone.

If you like my story and want to read ahead, then check out my P.a.T.R.E.0.N page. I've uploaded up to 30 additional chapters there.

Patre /MonkWithAPen (No space)


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