The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima

Chapter 199: Capture the Mercenary

Chapter 199: Capture the Mercenary


3rd Minister's Home.

"Please. You can't do this!" A man wearing black and red luxury clothes with short grey hair, black eyes and goatee shouted in anger as he was held back by his guard.

"I can. It is in my authority to seize all of your son's assets." A cold reply that had no hint of mercy came from another standing on the other side.

The well dressed man fell to his knees. "Please, Lord Taji. Have mercy on him. He won't survive"

The second man, Lord Taji, looked down at the person who was on his knees crying. He sighed as he thought about the situation. 'Sometimes justice must be impartial and merciless.'

"You said your son won't survive? What about all the people he exploited? What about all the ones that were killed due to his greed? The wealth he built does not belong to him." Taji spoke in a cold tone.

After a moment he continued. "You asked for mercy? I'm only taking all of his wealth. I'm going to redistribute it to the right people. Jedayu Goda. I'm only taking your son's money. Not his life. That's mercy. And it's more than he deserves."

The man Jedayu looked up at the 3rd Minister. "He won't survive. I won't be able to protect him."

"Your son had a tendency to make enemies. If anything happens to him, then you can only chalk it up to karmic retribution..."

"You" The anger on Jedayu's face was palpable. The guards protecting the Minister raised their weapons and pointed them at the man. Lord Taji raised his hand, stopping his men from taking any action.

"Leave my home. There is nothing more to discuss."


The furious shout from the man made Lord Taji angry. "You forget your place, Jedayu! How dare you raise your voice against me in my own home. Restrain him and take him to the holding cells."

Jedayu and his guard Junichiro were restrained, escorted out and taken to the holding cells in the capital. Taji looked on and as his guards were escorting the two out, he saw the right palm of Jedayu's guard. A palm that had a burn scar in the shape of the figure 8.

Flashback End.

"A few days after that incident I heard that his son died. It was an attack from one of the many adversaries he created. I felt bad for the man who lost his son and I let him go. I kept an eye on him for a while. He and his wife moved away from the capital. After that I didn't hear from him again." Taji finished his story as he stood in his garden in his home.

"You said Jedayu's son committed crimes. What exactly did he do?" Daichi asked the man.

"Jedayu was a wealthy man but he worked hard for his money. He earned every coin that he has. His son on the other hand was the opposite of that man. He was cruel, vicious and had no problems lying and exploiting others There are several mines in and near the border of this country that hold several valuable minerals and elements. Jedayu's son Wakamu killed minor wealthy merchants and took over their businesses in secret. He paid off the right people to not get caught and once he had enough capital he bought the rights to some of the mines."

"He used people from minor villages to work in the mines, didn't he?" Daichi knew where this story was going.

Taji nodded his head. "Yes. He went to one of the smaller remote villages on the border of the country to avoid scrutiny. He had several people on his payroll to keep trouble out of his way and to keep his evil deeds a secret. At first he promised the people of that village money and riches but as time went by the people learned his true nature. He enslaved them and killed those that rebelled to make an example Only 23 years old and he already had a cold, black heart. In just a short amount of time he made plenty of money. But with that came enemies."

"Let me guess, rival businessmen, competitors and those looking to take over." Genma spoke.

Taji nodded. "Wakamu's greed only grew. He killed those that tried to take over his operations and took their wealth as well. But he made far too many enemies. It was at this time that Lord Ryuga and myself started learning the truth about him. And since it was my job to oversee the business operations, protection of merchants and people, I took immediate action I seized all his assets and imprisoned him."

Taji was silent for a few moments and then continued.

"Jedayu, hearing what happened to his son, spent a significant portion of his wealth to get as many influential people as he could on his side. At last I was forced to let Wakamu out of prison but that's the best they could get."

"And without his money and protection, the enemies he made came for him." Genma concluded.

Daichi had a thoughtful expression as he heard the full story. 'So this is a revenge plot. His son died and he couldn't save him. So that's why he went after Leorio. His son died and now Leorio has to suffer the same fate'

"An eye for an eye." Daichi muttered and the two men turned to the Genin. "Now it makes sense why he poisoned your nephew. Why he used a custom built poison He wants you to feel the same way he did."

Taji closed his eyes and took a deep breath of air. "What kind of a mind thinks this way?"

"The kind that has no problems attacking a family member of an official of the Royal court. Someone in enough psychological pain to not care about the stupidity of the situation from their perspective." Genma sighed and came near the minister.

"The poisoning of your nephew is the equivalent of writing one's own death sentence. He knows that if someone finds out what he did there will be no escape for him from death. So for him to do something so bold we need to proceed with the assumption that he's not done yet. You and your wife need to be careful."

The minister nodded in understanding. "These last several hours, all my guards and staff have been properly checked and interrogated. We don't have a spy. I'm sure of it."

"Then our best move is to find Jedayu and his guard."

"My men will help you with the search."

With a detailed description of their targets, Genma and Daichi left the Minister's home and began their search. Several of the Royal guards and Leaf ninja stationed at the Capital also lend their hands.

Time went by and soon it was night time. The minister was at the Daimyo's palace reporting his findings to Lord Ryuga while his wife was home.

Fuyi Mayima was in bed alone with tears running down her cheeks. She stayed up late and soon felt too tired and slowly went to sleep. A couple hours later a shadowy figure in black clothes entered her room from the open window. He looked at her sleeping form for a moment and then took a knife from his pouch.

Just as he was about to plunge the knife into the old woman's heart a senbon came from the shadows with great speed and struck the assailant's right shoulder, paralyzing the arm. It was also coated with a special enzyme that momentarily disrupts the chakra in one's body rendering the person unable to use jutsu.

'What the?' Before the enemy could even process what was happening several chakra threads came from the shadows and restricted his movements.

The next second the door to the room opened and Genma came in. He had long ninja wire in his hands and he quickly restrained the enemy.

"You can come out now, Daichi."

From the spot where the senbon came Daichi appeared. He changed his Chakra strings to lightning and quickly knocked the intruder unconscious. 'Strange. It didn't look like he felt any pain when I electrocuted him.'

"Looks like your plan worked Genma sensei." The boy spoke as he looked at the knocked out ninja.

"Mmmhm. If you can't find them, make them come to you." The Special Jonin had a smirk as he rolled the senbon in his mouth.


Genma and Daichi met with the Minister in the evening.

"You said your Guard Tadashi was a sensory ninja. Do you have anyone else under you who are also sensory ninjas?" Genma asked the Minister.


"We've been searching the capital and surrounding area. But still nothing. They must have gone underground or left the country."

Genma nodded to Daichi's theory. 'Its a possibility.' The odds of finding them in time were dwindling with each second and the Special Jonin knew it.

"But we need to find them." The desperation on the minister's face was evident.

The Jonin ninja was silent for a few moments and then shared an idea. "If we can't find them Then how about we make them come to us?"

It only took Daichi a second to realize his superior's plan. "Wait. You're talking about setting up a bait and trapping them? What makes you so sure that they're even in the Capital? If I were Jedayu I'd put some serious distance between this place and myself after what happened."

"Guys who are so motivated by revenge They have a one track mind and they're somewhat easy to predict if you know their personality." Genma turned to the minister. "You said he loved his son very much, right?"

Taji sighed and replied. "Yes. It was one of his few faults. He loved his son too much to see what Wakamu was becoming. And even then"

"Someone like that I have a feeling he's still here in the Capital. That flash paper wasn't easy to find. And without that paper we never would have reached Toshigo and wouldn't have known about Jedayu. So for the moment he must think he's safe. He will definitely try to attack. We need a bait." Genma looked at the Minister.

Lord Taji sighed as he saw the ninja's look. "I'm not happy with this but I suppose I have no choice. What do you need me to do?"

Genma shook his head. "Forgive me Lord Taji but it's not you I was referring to"

"Then who?" The minister's eyes widened in shock and then turned to anger. "Absolutely not. I won't put her in danger. I will be the one."

Genma refused. "Setting you up would be too obvious and it probably won't work. And we need Tadashi to leave as well."

"What? Why Fuyi? And why does Tadashi need to leave?"

"This attack on your family was well prepared. To execute this plan so well, they must have intel on you. Your daily routine, number of guards, their abilities. The day Leorio was poisoned, your guard Tadashi only left the house for three hours when he was accompanying you. We have to assume the intruder got inside and placed the seal at that time. So there is a good chance he must know that Tadashi is a sensor ninja."

Taji nodded to Genma's reasoning. "Makes sense."

"If you're here in the house and your guard Tadashi isn't then it might look like you're vulnerable for an attack but a smart person would be able to tell that it's a trap. Same goes for the reverse. If your guard is here and you're not, it shows that we're waiting for the enemy."

"Why can't you be the bait? You can transform into someone else can't you?" The minister asked and Genma sighed.

"We can do that but the chances of our enemy finding out that something is wrong is too great. The plan might fail. We have to do this for real."

Taji was silent as he heard Genma's plan. "So you want me to leave and take Tadashi with me. And leave Fuyi here alone at the mercy of a killer?"

"She won't be alone. We'll keep her safe. We promise." Daichi spoke and the minister looked at the strong confident face of the Genin. After a few moments he sighed and reluctantly agreed.

Both ninjas created shadow clones and together the group was seen leaving Taji's home. Daichi and Genma headed away from the house while the minister made his way to the Daimyo's castle.

'Don't let anything happen to Fuyi.' Saying a prayer in his heart, the minister left with heavy steps.

The shadow clones of Genma and Daichi continued their investigation and movements in the streets.

Flashback End.


Daichi used his information acquisition skill on the man currently restrained in the middle of the interrogation room. There was Heiji and another ninja from the Yamanaka clan trying to gather intel from the suspect.

'His name is Junichiro. Age 38 and Level 80. Jedayu took him in from the streets when he was young and raised him. He's trained in information gathering and stealth skills. High Chunin level ninja and Jedayu's trusted bodyguard.'

As Daichi read the information his system showed, he found something that surprised him. 'Well this is interesting.'

The young Genin looked at the man sitting silently and knew the information he read changed everything. 'If we keep going like this we won't get anything in time. Should I inform them now?... No. I'll wait and see how this plays out? If that Yamanaka can get inside his head then my assistance won't be required.'

Daichi, Genma, Yondu and Lord Taji were waiting silently outside as the interrogators did their work. Almost 30 minutes passed and still there was no progress.

The Yamanaka ninja trying to read Junichiro's mind stopped his jutsu. He looked at Heiji and shook his head and both of them stopped their work and got out.

"We have a major problem." The Yamanaka clan ninja said.

"That's obvious." Yondu muttered.

"This guy is a lot tougher than he looks. His pain tolerance is extremely high. And he hasn't shown any fear. His mental fortitude is much higher than your average ninja." Heiji only met a handful of people with such intense discipline, strength and loyalty.

"And it's not just that. His mind has several strong barriers preventing anyone from getting any information." The blonde mind reader informed the group.

"How long would it take you to get past them?" Genma asked.

"Whoever created these shields did their job well. It would take me a day, at least, to break through them."

"Damn it. We don't have that kind of time!" Taji clenched his fists and gritted his teeth in helplessness.

Heiji turned to Daichi and spoke. "Hey, you're a medic ninja right. Can you check his body and see if there is something wrong with him?"

"What are you getting at Heiji?" Genma was puzzled at the man's request.

"Even during all the physical pain I inflicted, he didn't even flinch. That kind of pain tolerance I've never seen anything like it"

Daichi hummed and looked at his temporary sensei. Genma nodded and the young medic entered the room and made his way to Junichiro. The man was silent as the Genin came to him and started examining him.

Daichi's hands glowed green and his analysis confirmed what his 'observe' skill showed. A couple minutes later he stopped his jutsu and got out of the room.


"You were right. He has Congenital Anhidrosis. It's a very rare genetic mutation that doesn't allow one to feel physical pain."

"So that's it. Now it makes sense." Heiji sighed and muttered.

"What about other sensations? Like touch and heat?" Yondu asked the boy.

"I checked. His senses are numb. Even if you freeze his hand or put burning hot coal on his palms, he would only feel a mild temperature difference. Nothing that would make him uncomfortable."

"Great. So we have a guy who can't feel physical pain and has mental blocks that can stop a Yamanaka. How are we supposed to find Jedayu like this?" Taji's frustration was felt by everyone but Daichi. He had an idea as to what kind of a man he was dealing with.

Daichi thought about what he was going to do next. 'I need to complete this mission and the only way to do that is to extract the information from that guy. I need to get a sample of the poison before it's too late Looks like it's time for me to play the villain.'

"Let me talk to him." Daichi suddenly spoke up.

Everyone looked at the Genin in confusion.

"I don't think you can appeal to the kind nature in him. I have a feeling he's not going to open up to you that way." Genma said to the boy.

"We don't have any other option right now. Let me talk to him. Just 10-15 minutes. I'll be done by then."

The adults looked at each other and then Taji and Genma nodded, giving their permission.

"Daichi, do whatever you have to do." The 3rd minister said in a hard cold tone.

Genma frowned at that but didn't say anything.

"I'm only gonna talk to him sir." Daichi said and entered the room.

The Genin closed the door behind him and looked at the man. He had bloody lips and small wounds and bruises all over his body. Daichi sighed and went to the corner where a small can of water was placed. He took the cup on top of the can and drank a mouthful. He filled the cup again and turned to the other occupant in the room.

Daichi went near the silent man and placed the cup near his lips allowing him to drink.

Outside the room Heiji frowned at the scene. "What is he doing? He's not gonna get him to talk by showing him kindness. And by giving him water, that man will regain some energy and will be able to hold out much longer. This was a mistake."

"Be quiet. Daichi isn't an idiot. He knows what he's doing. Let's give him his 15 minutes." Genma said in a cold voice and the Chunin didn't say anything else.

Inside the room Junichiro drank the cup empty and sighed. He kept silent and looked at the boy. Daichi placed the cup back in the corner of the room and sat on the chair opposite to him.

"I heard your name is Junichiro. Let's talk." Daichi gave the man a small smile and began.


Author's Note:

Another 3k Chapter. I'm on fire.

If you like my story and want to read ahead, then check out my P.a.T.R.E.0.N page. I've uploaded up to 30 additional chapters there.

Patre /MonkWithAPen (No space)


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