The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima

Chapter 198: Interrogation

Chapter 198: Interrogation

It was early morning with the sun slowly making its way over the Horizon. Daichi got up, did some light exercises and got ready for his day.

At that moment Genma came into the room and greeted his ward. "Good morning. Sleep well?"

"Yeah, it was alright. So any new developments? You said you had an idea as to who made the seal."

The Special Jonin nodded. "Yes. There is a ninja who wasn't all that good when it came to the ninja arts but he had decent skills in Sealing. He was from one of the smaller villages surrounding the borders of the Fire country. About two decades ago he left his village and became sort of a freelancer."

"A missing nin? Why hasn't he been hunted down by now?"

"Well, he left his village on good terms and he helped us in some small but meaningful ways during the Third war. The threat he posed was minimal and since he hadn't committed any crimes and helped us when we asked he wasn't placed in the bingo books Last I heard, he's a freelancer working near the Fire country."

"What makes you so sure that he's our guy?"

"Well, aside from being an excellent seal master, he's also a good chemist." Genma said with a grin. "If I had to make a bet, I'd say that flash paper was his work."

"So assuming you're right, do you think he could be the person who planted it here?"

Genma shook his head negatively. "No. He's a contractor. He just makes what he's commissioned. And he always made it a point not to target anyone in the Fire country. That's a sure fire way to write your own death sentence. Now he may not have been the one to place it here but he did create the seal."

"So the shinobi stationed here will bring him in for interrogation?!"

"Yes. I gave the information to the necessary people. They'll find him. He's our best lead. So all we can do is wait." Genma then asked something that's been on his mind. "Yesterday you said you needed a sample of the original thing to find a cure Is this poison really that complex?"

"Well if this were a poison that affected everyone it came in contact with, then regardless of how complex its chemical make-up was or what compounds were used, I could easily come up with a counter agent."

Genma nodded as he paid close attention. "And you said the poison used on Leorio was a custom built one specific to his DNA."

Daichi nodded his head. "Yes. If I had Leorio's uncontaminated blood sample I could have reverse engineered the poison and then created a cure. But since we don't have that, we need the original sample of the toxin or something close to it."

"And there's no other way to create a cure?"

"Well, there is. It's just that, it'll take time. I'd need 3 or 4 days at least."

The special Jonin ninja sighed and sat on one of the chairs. "And that's time we don't have."

The Genin sat down opposite and both shinobi were silent. A few moments later Daichi broke the silence. "What about the spy in Lord Taji's Mansion?"

"An investigation is currently underway. We don't even know if there is a spy so everyone is under scrutiny save for a few people. So far we haven't found anyone suspicious. A request for a Yamanaka clan ninja is already sent to the village." Genma replied.

Daichi nodded. "Hey sensei, when they begin interrogating that chemist guy, I should be there."

Genma raised an eyebrow at that strange request. "Why?"

"Lady Tsunade taught me several things. How to check someone's vitals and spot when they are lying was one of the many lessons she imparted on me. We'll be able to move much faster with our investigation if we could get our answers quicker"

The special Jonin closed his eyes and sighed. Several seconds later he opened his eyes and gave a small nod. 'Hope this kid's ready to see the ugly side of shinobi life.'

Daichi leaned back in his chair and thought about what his shadow clones were up to.

'One of them is with him and the other is in the Lab analyzing the blood sample. Since they haven't popped I guess there hasn't been any new developments Guess all I can do is wait'

Genma leaned back into his chair and closed his eyes. He had been awake all night and was tired. Daichi decided to meditate and wait for news from the guards.

Time went by and a couple hours after noon a ninja came to them with a scroll. Genma took the sealed scroll and looked at the information written inside. "They found him. He's here."

"Well let's not waste any time." Daichi got up from his spot and the two ninjas quickly made their way to where the suspect was being kept.

The building the man was being held at was a special facility built to hold criminals and rogue ninjas for a short while until they could be transferred somewhere else or in rare cases executed.

"Are you sure about this Daichi?" Genma stopped before entering and looked at the kid.

The Genin wordlessly nodded and the two entered the building. Soon they were escorted to the cell where their target was being kept.

Daichi looked around and kept committing the routes and cells to his memory. 'I might never know when I'll need this information.'

Soon the two ninjas reached a cell. The Genin looked around and wasn't that impressed. 'Standard interrogation chamber. Table and chair in the middle with the suspect strapped to the chair and a one way mirror.'

As Daichi looked around, two people came near them. One was the Minister Taji Mayima and the other was a ninja wearing the Leaf headband and Flak jacket. The Leaf nin didn't spare Daichi a second glance and entered the room.

The Gamer ninja instantly used 'Observe' on the shinobi. 'Level 62. A Chunin and an interrogation specialist.'

The minister was surprised to see Daichi there. "What are you doing here?"

"I can monitor his vitals and tell if he's lying or not" 'I also want to see their interrogation tactics up close. If I ever needed to use those tactics or in case I needed to create counter measures to protect myself'

"Thank you for the assistance but I think Heiji there can get the answers we need from him quickly."

He turned his attention to the man who was tied up in his chair and unconscious. "So that's the man who created the seal that was used to infect my son huh."

Daichi sighed and spoke in a soft tone. "I can help. I know you're angry but if we have the wrong information or if it takes too much time I'm sure you know what you have to lose I just want to help."

The Minister stilled and then sighed. He looked at Genma and the Jonin nodded his head. The elderly man knocked on the glass once and gave permission to Daichi to go inside.

The Genin went inside the room and stood near the culprit.


'Hmm Toshigo Heza. 41 years old. Level 70. Above average intelligence but his physical attributes are all normal. He's in the mid Chunin Range. Condition: Drugged. Sleeping.'

Daichi placed his palms on the man's head and it started glowing green.

"What are you doing?" The interrogator asked.

"I'm monitoring his vitals. His body temperature, pupil dilation, pulse rate and even the electrical signals his body is sending. I will know if he's lying or not."

The interrogator Heiji looked like he wanted to say something but then glanced at the mirror and then kept quiet. He knew the situation was extremely serious and he didn't want to offend the minister.

Without saying another word Heiji took a syringe and injected it's contents into Toshigo's arm and a few moments later the man groggily woke up.

"What the hell?"

He shook his head and quickly came to lucidity. He looked around and felt the bindings on his body. He struggled for a few seconds and then stilled.

"One minute I'm in bed and the next What's going on? Where am I?"

"You're in an interrogation room currently in the heart of the Fire capital." Heiji answered the trapped man's questions.

"Why am I here? I haven't committed any crimes or done anything against the people of this country."

Daichi paid close attention to him and then glanced at Heiji and gave a small nod.

'His voice and body movements suggest he's telling the truth. It seems this kid might have some skills.'

Toshigo then turned his attention to the Genin with the green glowing hands. "They're sending kids into interrogation now? You must be scraping the bottom of the barrel."

Heiji slapped Toshigo's face lightly a few times to get his attention back on him. "Hey. I'm the one asking the questions. Now, there has been an incident last night and now a lot of powerful people are upset and want answers. And they are willing to go far to get them. Co operate and you'll find yourself back home in one piece."

Toshigo was silent and then nodded his head. "What do you want?"

"You made a special flash paper with some sort of a seal on it didn't you?"

Toshigo was silent for a few moments and then nodded his head. "Yes. I did. It was made about 2 months ago."

"Who gave you the commission to make that item?"

Toshigo sighed and shook his head. "If I give out my client details like that then I won't have much of a reputation."

Heiji narrowed his eyes. "Even if it means inviting the wrath of the Fire Daimyo and the people of his court?"

Toshigo's eyes widened in panic. "Wow wow wow! Hold on. Fire Daimyo? People of the court? What are you talking about?"

Seeing the genuine panic and confusion on their suspect's face, Heiji decided to give him one chance. "The nephew of the 3rd Minister is dead via a poison that spreads through the air. Traces of your flash paper were found at the scene. You have one chance to come clean. Otherwise I'll have to resort to more barbaric tactics."

"I have nothing to do with that."

Daichi nodded his head and Heiji sighed and looked at the tied up man. "You have one minute to explain who gave you the order to create that paper with that seal and why. Go."

Toshigo sighed and began his side of the story. "2 and a half months ago a man came to see me. He was in disguise and said he wanted a special seal that could dispense aerosol particles into the atmosphere in a small space. And it had to be done in a way that would leave no evidence."

"And you didn't ask what he was going to do with it?"

"I did. He said he was going to use it for a robbery in some minor village in Lightning country. The seal was going to be infused with sleeping gas and he said he was going to use it on some guard."

Daichi didn't detect any lies and indicated as such to the interrogator.

Heiji sighed at the situation. 'His tone, throat and eye movements all indicate he's telling the truth. And this kid is also convinced of that His history suggests he's telling the truth. He has made it a point not to antagonize anyone in Fire country. So we're just looking at a patsy and an unknowing accomplice.'

"Look. I had no idea about poisoning the Minister's nephew or any such. If I did, I would have backed out. I'm telling the truth." Toshigo said with a pleading tone.

Heiji sighed and spoke. "The sad thing is we believe you. But Lord Leorio is dead. So if you wanna walk out of here, then you'll have to give me something."

The culprit was silent for a few moments. "He was in disguise. Most of my clients send one of their underlings or disguise themselves to see me. So I didn't think much of it But there was one detail that stuck with me He had a scar on his right palm."

"What kind of scar?" Heiji leaned in.

"I think it was a burn mark that was healed long ago. It looked like an 8. The scar was in the center of the palm. I don't remember much else."

Heiji motioned for Daichi to stop. The Genin stopped using his technique and quietly left the room.

Outside the room Genma sighed as he heard the description. "Finding someone with that scar in such a short time Even assuming they're in the capital"

Genma turned to the man and saw that Lord Taji was silent and in deep concentration.


"That scar he mentioned I know that from somewhere I've seen it. I just can't seem to remember where" Taji said in a low voice.

Genma frowned as he heard that. 'So he met the person behind this. That means whoever did this has some sort of a connection with him Could it be because of the position as the 3rd Minister or could it be an enemy his nephew made.'

At that moment Taji gasped almost in shock. His eyes widened as he remembered a face he'd almost forgotten. "I know who did this. I know who poisoned my nephew."

Daichi and Genma looked at each other in surprise.

'Looks like we have a new lead.'


Author's Note:

If you like my story and want to read ahead, then check out my P.a.T.R.E.0.N page. I've uploaded up to 30 additional chapters there.

Patre /MonkWithAPen (No space)


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