The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima

Chapter 122: 5th Year - Life in the Capital

Chapter 122: 5th Year - Life in the Capital

"Concentrate. Keep the flow steady and hold" Tsunade was standing near Daichi and giving instructions as he healed the patient in front of him.

A minute later the green chakra between Daichi's palms died down.

[You have successfully healed your patient.] [134/10000]

Daichi let out a breath as he saw the notification. 'One step closer to completing the quest.' He wiped the sweat off his forehead and took a deep breath. He mind went to the quest he received after the first month of basic training.

[Quest created - Become a prodigal Medic Ninja.]

[Successfully heal the people that come to you for help. Time limit: Before the end of March next year.]


Heal 10,000 People using your medic ninjutsu within the given time limit.



[40000 Exp.]

[+20 Stat points.]

[Level of all medical skills that have not reached maximum would increase by 3.]

[Reputation increases with Tsunade Senju, Shizune, Kensei Yasaji, Sarutobi Hiruzen, Jiraiya and people of the Fire country.]

[New Title.]



[-3 Level.]

[New Title.]

[Reputation decreases with Tsunade Senju, Shizune and people of the Fire country.]

Daichi was unsure when he first saw the number of people he would have to treat. But after thinking about it for a while he knew that it was possible. '20 stat points is the equivalent of 4 levels and level increase of my medical skills by 3. There was no way I would have rejected the quest even with its penalty.'

Daichi focused on the present and looked at the sedated patient he just treated. He stepped back to let his sensei examine his work.

Tsunade checked the condition of the person on the hospital bed and nodded in approval. "His internal bleeding has stopped and you've set the bones perfectly. You healed most of the damage. Well done. The nurses will handle it from here."

Daichi and Tsunade then left the room and they were joined by Shizune. She had a wide smile as she looked at the boy.

"It's only been 3 weeks but your skills have improved so much in such a short time. You're a true genius Daichi."

Daichi had a small blush as he rubbed his head and smiled. "Thanks Shizune senpai."

"Now that today's work is done I'm gonna hit the casinos. Shizune, you coming?" Tsunade asked her former student.

"Yes of course my lady. Who knows, maybe we'll get lucky."

"Wait! Aren't you forgetting something sensei?" Daichi looked at the Sannin and with a small smirk.

Tsunade groaned as she looked at the boy "I was hoping you'd forget that but with that perfect memory that's not going to happen."

The three left the hospital and went to Tsunade's apartment. She sat down on the tatami mat and looked at Daichi who sat down opposite her. He took out three dice and put them in a small cup.

He shook the cup and quickly placed it on the ground upside down.

"Ladies first." Daichi had a smirk as he looked at the woman.

"12." Tsunade called.

"I'll go with 5" Replied Daichi. He slowly lifted the cup and saw the results.

"1, 2 and 4. Makes 7. Looks like I win again."

The blond woman had a slight twitch in her eyebrows as she looked at the boy who was trying to look innocent but failing due to his smug grin.

She let out a breath and went to her room and took a book from the shelf. She returned and gave them to Daichi. "There are advanced medical techniques in there that I developed a few years ago. Return it by the end of the week."

"Yes sensei." Daichi nodded and took the book.

Shizune let out a sigh as she watched the scene. She still remembered the event that led to this moment.

Three weeks ago.

"So you want to make another bet with me?" Tsunade asked Daichi.



"I want to. And I really like it." Daichi replied with a smile.

"Not interested brat." Tsunade replied and drank her sake.

"How about this?" Daichi opened a scroll and stacks of money appeared. "The bet is for 500,000."

Shizune was appalled. "Daichi, you're too young to gamble. You shouldn't do it."

"It's not a gamble if I know I'm going to win." Daichi said this to provoke the slug sannin and his strategy worked.

"Alright brat. What's the term?"

"But my lady"

"Not now Shizune. I'm about to win us some money." Tsunade said, keeping her eyes on the boy.

"If you win you keep the money. If I win I get another book on medical techniques you wrote. I know you haven't given me everything the last time And if I win, we do this again next week Until you win. But I doubt that's gonna happen."

"You cocky little... Deal! So what's the game?"

Daichi took out three dice and a small cup. "Each of the dice is a standard dice with 6 faces. So the highest number would be 18 and the lowest would be 3. I'll place them in the cup, shake them and place the cup upside down. Whoever calls the number or the number closest to the total of the three numbers on the dice wins. If it's a draw we do it again. Deal?"

"Let's do it."

Daichi shook the cup and then quickly flipped and placed it upside down.

"So wanna do the honors?"

"You're gonna lose and I'm gonna enjoy spending your money. I call 7!" Tsunade said with a confident smirk.

"Hmm I'm gonna go with 14."

Daichi then slowly lifted the cup and saw the outcome. 5, 6 and 2. A total of 13. The number closest to it was 14.

Daichi's eyes widened. "Haha! I won."

It was at that moment that Kensei came to the apartment. He opened the door and saw a grumpy Tsunade, Daichi with a wide smile and hands up in the air and between them were stacks of money and three dice. His eyes widened in disbelief.

"Are you teaching my grandson to gamble?" Kensei asked as he gave the woman nasty look.

"I did no such thing! And why are you criticizing me?"

Shizune who looked at the whole situation could only sigh.

Present Time.

"Oh before I forget I have something for you two." Daichi took a storage scroll from his pocket and took out its contents.

There were two paintings. One of Shizune and the other of Tsunade.

"Here. I know it's not much but this is a small token of my appreciation."

Shizune took the painting of herself and was impressed. It was as if she was looking at a real live person. "Wow, Daichi. It's incredible. Thank you."

"Not bad." Tsunade looked at the image of herself and spoke.

[Reputation increases with Tsunade Senju and Shizune.]

Daichi smiled and left the place a few moments later. He had several things running through his mind.

'In the next couple years she should encounter at least 1 good luck moment and win against me. That way I will complete the second half of the conditions required to open the luck stat. But her winning would also mean bad luck and danger. Have to be ready for that too.'

Daichi made the bet so he could open the luck stat and to get more information and knowledge. A win win from his point of view.

He quickly reached home and completed the daily assignments and went to the small training area behind the house. He sat down and thought about everything he had to do and how to fully utilize his gamer ability.

'I learned several Ninjutsu, Genjutsu and medical techniques and now it's best to improve the level of those skills. I'll create or learn more skills during my Genin days.'

Daichi then thought about the other important skills he would need. 'I can create weapons that this world has never seen. But I would have to learn blacksmithing. And if I want to create objects like the Atamagai's cloak then I'll need to learn Tailoring and Sealing Arts. But that's not all My combat skills and weapons skills are lacking. I also need to learn different Taijutsu styles to improve my hand to hand combat and I need to learn to handle different types of weapons'

Daichi let out a breath and looked at the sky. 'There are so many things I have to do With this year focused on medical training, I won't be able to focus my attention on anything else other than the chakra control training. Next year it will most likely be the same and I have to start on the Creation Rebirth technique. So I'll have to postpone everything non critical until after I become a genin.'

Daichi let out a breath and took a leaf between his index and middle fingers. He ran chakra through it and in a second the entire leaf was in a wrinkled charred state. Proof of mastery of the first step of the Lightning nature.

[Lightning - Leaf scorching technique - (Active/Passive)(LV. MAX): A lightning chakra affinity training skill obtained.]


[100% increase in Lightning Chakra control.]

[CP cost : 5/sec.]

'I'll start on the second step in a couple days when Kensei comes home.'


Daichi started on the second step of the lightning nature. Unlike the others where Daichi had to train by separating the waterfall, this time Daichi had to cut through a giant boulder.

Kensei stood near him and spoke. "For the earth chakra nature, we blocked the waterfall, for the fire you separated and when training water nature you had to control the flow of the water and stop the waterfall. But this time we won't be training on the waterfall."

Kensei created a giant sturdy long earth wall. It was over a dozen inches thick and over 3 meters long. "Your goal is to pierce through the rock wall. Coat your hands in chakra and change it to lightning nature. Then slam into the wall and release the energy. You need power and precision for this. When you release the chakra make sure not to spread the lightning chakra. It will reduce the power."

Daichi nodded in understanding. He began training. 'The natural advantage that lightning has over earth won't matter much here. This wall is far stronger than normal. The old man used quite a bit of chakra to create it so it's going to be especially strong.'

Daichi quickly coated his hands in lightning chakra and thrust his palms forward. The moment he made contact with the rock surface he released the chakra with the intent to pierce through. But his efforts only resulted in creating small scratches on the surface of the rock. 'I need to concentrate the lightning to a point and increase the piercing power.'

Created a few clones and resumed his training. A few minutes later he got the Skill 'Lightning - Rock Piercing Technique.'


Daichi attended medical training at the hospital and worked on his chakra training at home. He also worked on his sculpting and improved his painting skills as well.

Daichi was able to create unique sculptures of various animals and sold them to 'Terra crafts house' owner and head sculptor Mormon.

The man was surprised that Daichi knew sculpting and was able to make such detailed sculptures. Since his impression of the boy was good and recognizing another talented artist, the man bought the sculptures from Daichi at a reasonable price and sold them at his shop.

Daichi made sure to mark every sculpture with a small unique signature because he knew it's value would increase in the future when his fame increased.

That's how it went for him. Daichi was busy almost all the time and he was happy about it. With each passing day his various skills improved and he was getting stronger and stronger.

Months passed by and it was December. Tsunade gave Daichi a few days off and he was currently alone in his house. In his hand was a Dungeon Key.

Daichi got it as a random reward after he completed the daily exercises.

The key was white in color indicating that it was a normal dungeon and the opponents would have a level gap of +5 or -5 with Daichi. Without wasting time he activated the key and disappeared from the room.


Author's Note:

Fear not! The dungeon run will only be just 1 Chapter

If you like my story and want to read ahead, then check out my P.a.T.R.E.0.N page. I've uploaded up to 30 additional chapters there.

Patre /MonkWithAPen (No space)


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