The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima

Chapter 121: Medical Ninjutsu - Tests and Skills

Chapter 121: Medical Ninjutsu - Tests and Skills

"Wait! You made this?" Kensei asked Daichi in disbelief as he looked at the miniature version of himself in his hand.


"When? How? Since when do you know sculpting?"

"I learned it a few ago." Daichi shrugged and replied.

Kensei's jaw slightly dropped as he heard the nonchalant answer. 'A few days ago? This is something that takes months and years to learn I thought this kid was talented in just the ninja arts But, it seems I was so wrong His natural talent is unbelievable'

Kensei looked at the small statue and a happy smile formed. "Thank you Daichi. This is wonderful."

Daichi just smiled as he looked at the old man.

"So how is your training with Tsunade?" Kensei asked the boy.



Daichi was in Tsunade's apartment. "There are several components when it comes to being a medic. The first and foremost is knowledge. Then comes basic applications. Since you've done well on the first two parts, we'll move to the next stage."

The Slug Sannin and her apprentice were in front of a table that held three tall glass jars.

The first jar had two different colored sands mixed in. The second one had liquids of two different colors mixed and the third had 4 types of colored liquids.

Tsunade looked at Daichi and spoke.

"Alright brat, listen up. Your task is simple. I want you to separate the solids and liquids in the three containers into different layers. In the first jar it's the same compound, sand, but with two colors. In the second jar it's the same concept but instead of a solid substance you have to separate two liquids. In the third you have to separate not just 4 types of compounds but each one is similar yet unique. They might look the same but the substances are different from one another."

Daichi nodded in understanding. He looked at the three glass jars on the table. "You want me to use chakra and separate the compounds huh. This is similar to how one separates poison and other foreign materials from the tissue or blood"

The woman agreed. "Precisely. The antidote jutsu! Now get to work."

Daichi stepped near the table and went to the first jar. The container had green and blue sand mixed in. Daichi placed his palms above the container and concentrated his chakra. The sand in the container started to swirl.

Due to Daichi's precise control over his chakra, his sharp eyes and the knowledge of different compounds he was able to quickly finish the first task. Within a couple minutes Daichi separated the two colored sands into two layers. Green on the bottom and blue on top.

"Done." Daichi took a step back and Tsunade placed her hands on the container and used her chakra and started inspecting the jar.

Shizune was surprised at how quickly Daichi was able to finish the exercise. 'Even I couldn't complete it that fast on my first try. Lady Tsunade was right. His chakra control is unbelievable and along with his knowledge and ability to quickly identify unique substances Daichi's Truly incredible.'

Tsunade finished her inspection and stepped back. "Alright, start on the next one."

The Sannin watched the child step forward and place his hands atop the second jar and concentrate chakra to his palms. 'Separating liquids compounds will be much more difficult than solids.' She crossed her arms and let the kid focus on the task.

Daichi concentrated his chakra and the blended water of yellow and red began to swirl in the jar. He focused. 'This is a bit more difficult than before but I got this.'

It took a minute longer than before but Daichi was able to successfully separate the two colored liquids into different layers.

"Start on the last one." Tsunade ordered as she stepped forward and checked the results of the second jar.

She examined everything with a critical eye. 'Perfect. He perfectly isolated them down to the most minute point.'

It took a bit longer than the other two but Daichi successfully completed the third task as well.

He took a step back and let out a breath. 'Now I know why medical ninjas are so rare. This is tough. And I'm only just beginning. And if it's tough for me I can only imagine how difficult it must be for others For Sakura to learn from Tsunade in just 3 years Her talent for the medical arts is outstanding. But then again it wasn't just her talent. She had a purpose for her training.'

Tsunade examined the third container and was satisfied with the results. "Not bad. Your chakra control is precise and that's going to be your greatest advantage when it comes to learning medical ninjutsu."

At that moment Shizune brought a white doll and placed it on the examination table. Tsunade quickly made a large cut on its chest. She pointed to the doll and spoke.

"This is a special doll capable of mimicking the reaction of a human body when medical chakra is used on it. Your next task is to rejoin the wounded area on the chest. This is the healing jutsu."

Daichi stepped forward and concentrated chakra to his palms. He identified what part was damaged and quickly followed through on the healing. He accurately applied his chakra and the cut on the doll's body began to close. Daichi kept a steady flow of chakra and after a short while he completely closed the wound.

Shizune and Tsunade examined the doll and were impressed. "Well done. Two more and we'll be done for the day."

Shizune quickly brought the last two items and placed them on the table. It was a small branch with flower buds and the last was a fish.

Daichi's next task was to bloom the flower buds in a small branch.

Tsunade spoke. "This is similar to applying chakra to someone in life saving emergency situations. If you can make the buds bloom, you've succeeded."

Daichi once again began his work and focused. He sensed chakra in the small branch and more so in the flower buds. 'Hmm All things in nature have chakra. So even if it's cut off from the tree it still has chakra. For it to bloom I need to concentrate on the yang aspect of the chakra and apply it. Can't use too much or too little. It must be accurate.'

Due to Daichi's sharp chakra control and the skills associated with it he was able to easily alter the Yin and Yang ratios in his chakra.

And the results showed. The flower buds slowly started to bloom. A few seconds later the green chakra between Daichi's palm died down and he held the small branch with several bloomed flowers on it.

The eyes of the other two occupant's in the room widened. Tsunade looked at Daichi and slightly smiled. 'He already figured it out! The fact that he can make the buds bloom means he can even alter the ratio of his spiritual and physical energy with absolute control And he got it on the first try too. His talent it's far beyond Shizune and possibly even me!'

Daichi moved on to the last one. 'Reviving the fish huh! Let's get to it then.'

Green chakra lit up around Daichi's palms and he sensed the life force of the fish.

'Too much chakra and it'll burn the cells and disrupt the circulation and too little, there won't be any effects I need to measure the amount of chakra needed accordingly.'

Daichi had to take several aspects of the fish into account. It's size, the strength of its chakra coils and tissue and more. He calmly and carefully stimulated its cells with chakra and before long the fish started to move and a few seconds later it started wiggling on the table.

"Congratulations. You've completed the necessary requirements to begin healing patients using medical ninjutsu. The fact that you got it so quickly It's impressive." Tsunade didn't hold back in her praise. She respected someone's talents and she could see that Daichi had an abundance of it.

"Today's session is over. Tomorrow we'll begin with medical ninjutsu on the patients and I'll show you the different techniques." Tsunade headed out after giving her instructions.

Shizune came near Daichi and had a smile on her face. "You did well Daichi. Your skills are very impressive. Your first day as a true medical ninja will begin tomorrow So make sure to get plenty of rest."

Daichi nodded. As he was about to leave, Shizune invited him. "Would you like to join us, Daichi? I'm sure Lady Tsunade wouldn't mind."

"No, thank you. I'm currently working on the first step of my lightning nature transformation. I'm a third of the way there."

"What!? Already? But it's only been like 4 days since you started on it." Shizune was shocked at his progress.

Daichi awkwardly rubbed the back of his head and slightly chuckled. 'I probably don't need to tell her that I only started on it 3 days ago since I spent the first day sculpting.'

"What can I say? I'm really good at that stuff Well I'll see you tomorrow." Daichi left the place and headed home. Due to Daichi completing the tasks so quickly, he was able to reach his home before noon.

As he reached home Daichi looked at the 4 new skills that appeared after he completed the 4 tasks.

Antidote Jutsu, Healing Jutsu, Regenerative Healing Jutsu, Mystical Palm.

Daichi checked the skill list and he saw that it had been rearranged. Just like his arsenal of Ninjutsu and Genjutsu were listed in different tabs, a new list was created with the name Medical Ninjutsu.

'Hmm This makes things easier. But then why isn't that the case for taijutsu? Why is it marked with the other skills?'

Daichi quickly came up with an answer. 'I have several ninjutsu and genjutsu and now I've learned 4 different medical techniques So for there to be a separate section for taijutsu I need to learn at least 3 or 4 different types of Taijutsu style huh At least that's the one that makes the most sense.'

Daichi went over the 4 new skills. He checked the effects and utilities of each skill.

'All are active skills at level 1. A C-rank jutsu with dangerous capabilities. The antidote Jutsu helps with identifying complex poisons and creating the necessary antidotes. It also increases my chance of making a custom poison but that's only after I level it above 75. With each level up the effects of the poisons or antidotes I create will increase. That will definitely come in handy.'

'Healing Jutsu. It's a simple jutsu which treats non critical wounds. The user gathers healing chakra and moves it around the injured area. Cuts and bruises are healed at a fast rate. While deeper wounds take time. Used for treating external injuries. It was created for ordinary ninjas who have average reserves. The jutsu uses less chakra so it can be used by many but it's not as effective as the Mystical Palm jutsu.'

Daichi had an idea as he read the details of this technique. 'If Lee and I ever train together then this would be perfect for him. It can heal his body's wear and tear and he'll be able to train much more And it doesn't affect the growth and strengthening of the tissues or muscles. With this jutsu his recovery time could be drastically reduced.'

Daichi then went over the details of the Regenerative Healing Jutsu. 'An advanced A Rank jutsu only used in severe life threatening situations. It's supposed to be performed on a patient alongside several other competent medic nins. An extremely difficult procedure. And it has a great chakra cost But I'll be able to do it on my own once I have enough proficiency in it and a large enough chakra reserve The effects of this skill will be much better once I level it up... Making that flower bud bloom was just the tip of the iceberg. It was to see if I was capable yet There is still a long way to go.'

His eyes then went to the last Jutsu he acquired for the day. Mystical palm jutsu.

'The user applies chakra to the wounded part of the body and accelerates the body's natural healing process. Can be used to treat both internal and external injuries. With each level up the HP recovered increases. Even though it requires a delicate chakra control it's on the low end of difficulty for an A rank jutsu Hmm It seems due to my knowledge and perfect chakra control the success rate of all the jutsus is over 80%. And since my gamer ability would auto correct any small mistakes I don't have to worry that much.'

After going through everything Daichi closed the skill list and went to the backyard. He dispelled his clones and the level up notifications for the Leaf scorching technique appeared.

Daichi spent the day training and by evening Kensei had returned home.


Author's Note:

If you like my story and want to read ahead, then check out my P.a.T.R.E.0.N page. I've uploaded up to 30 additional chapters there.

Patre /MonkWithAPen (No space)


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