The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 692 - Turning Point for the Hydra Civilization

Chapter 692 - Turning Point for the Hydra Civilization

’Kill us... Please...’

Perchet eyed the Flood Dragon carefully. As a former subordinate god under Halmut, Perchet recognized the despair behind her eyes and the meaning behind her earlier cries of warning.


Perchet roared without any telepathy, letting all of Glacier Reef shake from the sound of his voice. His control of sound made speaking normally underwater easier than a d.o.g.g.y paddle through a stream.

Everyone fighting overhead suddenly felt that same ringing from earlier, forcibly halting their fights. Perchet, in hybrid form, then hurled the frying Flood Dragon back toward her comrades. The God of Sound then appeared there and caught his own thrown effortlessly. He eased the ringing now that he had everyone’s attention.

’The Flood Dragons will now die, but at their hands.’ Everyone was startled to see Perchet pointing at Jinbe and the giant two-headed frost body. ’As Jack’s newest demigods, you’ll be the ones to kill them and gain their EXP.’


One of the Flood Dragons wanted to say something but the ringing picked up again, far worse than before. Blood seeped out of one ear as that Flood Dragon twisted and rolled in the water.

’Jinbe, you first.’

’You know me?’

Perchet nodded. ’I’m also with Jack. He sent me here in case this happened and your relayed information let me act soon enough to stop them. For that, you’ll be the next to ascend before Raztol.’

’... Alright...’

All eyes were on the contorting Flood Dragon with a high-pitched grinding mentally crippling their mind. The other Flood Dragons watched, experiencing a lesser tone of the same stifling sound attack. But they weren’t sad. In fact, a couple of them were smiling.

Jinbe lunged into the twisting dragon and latched his fangs into the dragon’s neck while his many arms tore the dragon’s wings apart. Finally, one arm snapped the weakened neck, rendering the dragon lifeless.

Suddenly, energy began to swirl around Jinbe’s body. It was both blue and yellow, proving that he did have water and earth affinity even if he lacked any skills using them.

’You’re next, Raztol.’

Another Flood Dragon started to writhe in pain as the hydra head and consul separated into their individual bodies. Raztol asked, ’Can’t you help Wingreig as well? He--’

’I’m sure Jack will help him later. Better Jack than me, I would say,’ replied Perchet. ’Now don’t waste time.’

’Right...’ Sighing, Raztol was in awe at how the tables had turned in their favor.

Raztol had no clue how many people Jack had on his side but the appearance of someone like Perchet proved to all hydra elders just how easily Jack could’ve stormed through Glacier Keep. With someone controlling sound waves to that incredible extent, Jack could freely kill any hydra without giving them a chance to fight back or plea for mercy.

Forming a frosty spear of condensed, pure water energy, Raztol skewered the Flood Dragon clean through the next along with its wings.

Now, blue energy began to swell up from within Raztol for all to see.

But Perchet wasn’t done. While Jinbe and Raztol began their ascension to awe the hydras able to spectate, Perchet looked to the remaining two dragons. ’Any last words?’

One shook its head as Perchet sent a pulse of sound to fry its brain, giving an instant, painless death. But the lead Flood Dragon nodded slightly. ’Thank you... I’m glad you stopped us in time...’

’I’m sorry it had to be like this...’

With a sigh, Perchet gave her a painless death as well. He still held her but her limbs hung loosely at her sides, motionless.

Perchet then stored her body, as well as her fellow Flood Dragon corpses. Luckily, Jinbe was busy ascending and wasn’t able to eat his kill.

’Is it safe now?’

Perchet turned and smiled at Wingreig. ’Yes. They can come out now.’

’COME!’ Wingreig shouted. ’Come and see our head ascend to godhood!’

The atmosphere suddenly shifted from tense and on-edge to celebratory and excited. Hydras poured out of the tunnels and darted toward the Glacial Palace. The swirling energy was quite the sight to see with Glacier Reef’s beauty in the background.

Those hydra elders were the first to arrive, however, admiring the growth of the hydra head and the success against the invaders.

’Wonderful!’ Hindrad shouted as he and the straggling elders reached Wingreig. ’With a god of our own, we can protect Glacier Keep and ward off--’

’Shut up, Hindrad.’

Glaring at his fellow consul, Hindrad scoffed, ’How dare you--’

’You know nothing about victory in battle, nor about any sort of battling. You’ve grown fat over time and only fought for experience, getting lucky to advance quickly through the use of sacred fruits. Among the elders, you’ve worked the least to gain your status,’ stated Wingreig, not caring who around them overheard his words. ’I’ll be speaking with Raztol later about your removal as an elder, let alone as consul. Enjoy it while you can...’

Finished with his rant, Wingreig turned and ignored Hindrad’s replies. Also, Wingreig passed Artrat and the older elders that had turned tail. He stopped only in front of the younger, able-bodied elders that had dared face divine might.

’As the head promised, you’ll soon receive your new standings as high elders among the Body Council. After his ascension, we’ll deliberate the details but I must thank you for your courageous assistance. You have our gratitude." Wingreig bowed formally to the dozen elders, leaving those that had been ignored in silence and confusion.

Those youngest elders were touched by Wingreig’s actions but so was the hydra populace. To them, it was easy to see a difference among the elders. While those that had retreated were untouched, Wingreig and the elders he bowed to were covered in burns and claw-marks. Without any trouble, the hydras were able to tell who had fought for them and who hadn’t. What stunned them further was that their long-time enemy, the Ancient Crustacean, was more willing to fight than the majority of their elders.

Perchet breathed easy, happy to see that his help went according to plan. ’Jack, everything is taken care of here. Expect a surge in levels, shortly.’


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