The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 691 - Siege on Glacier Reef

Chapter 691 - Siege on Glacier Reef

’Yes... How many are there?’ Jinbe asked.

Raztol replied, ’Wingreig and I will take one as well. Hindrad and Artrat will work with the remaining elders to ward off the final two. They’ll be here soon, so there’s no time to waste.’

’MY FELLOW HYDRAS!!!’ Raztol’s telepathic shouts passed over the reef and somewhat calmed the rising tension of the hydras below. ’Hurry to Glacier Keep and the tunnels below. That’s the only way to remain safe!’

The panic wasn’t gone but it had become somewhat orderly as hundreds of hydras rushed into the tunnels of Glacier Reef to hide. Those at the reef’s center hurried toward Glacier Keep, the safest of all places.

Turning to the elders, Raztol commented, ’Any who are too afraid to face deities such a Lunara, retreat now and guard the tunnels. This is your only chance.’

It took a moment but the first two elders to concede swam off toward the keep’s entrance, standing guard. More followed and took guarding positions along the many tunnels.

’Then allow me to guard the keep!’ Hindered shouted as he and some of his followers rushed off. They roared and forced the hydras in the way to clear a path as Hindrad charged toward Glacier Keep’s entrance.

Sighing, Wingreig looked to those that remained with a faint sense of hope. ’Thank you for remaining...’

’Artrat, either stay and fight till your dying breath or join the guards below,’ Raztol declared loudly. ’Any who are weak-hearted will only hold back those that they are joint with. Is that understood?’

’... Understood...’

Artrat and a few others left as well, taking guarding positions at tunnel entrances.

’Won’t we need them?’ asked one of the remaining elders.

Wingreig shook his head. ’No... The head is right. When we merge together, their cowardly thoughts will only hinder us.’

’It’s okay to be scared. I’m terrified right now...’ admitted Raztol, startling the younger elders that had stayed with them. ’But bravery is the act of rebelling against your worst fears! All who have remained and don’t desert from this point on will receive a new title as high elders! Your strength won’t go unnoticed, nor will your courage to stand in the face of our greatest foe yet!’



Raztol’s rallying roar was met with the roars of Wingrieg and the remaining 12 hydra elders, which contained all seven of elders that had refused to fight Lunara before. This call echoed through the reef and filled the hiding hydras with another sense of hope and pride.

’Here they come...’

As the Flood Dragons were coming into view, Raztol and Wingreig merged to form a giant two-headed frost body. The other twelve elders formed two groups of six, each preparing to face one of the lv. 90 Flood Dragons. And Jinbe’s resolve remained firm, even rushing forward to meet the dragons head-on.

’Evade or die!’ the leading Flood Dragon cried over and over. Tears would have been streaming down her cheeks had the water surrounding them allowed it. ’Just evade or die!’

Jinbe reached the dragons first, evading the incoming plume of boiling water and lunging at the lead dragon. His club-like forearm crashed into the dragon’s jaw, forcing her aside. But another dragon come forward and challenged Jinbe.

Raztol and Wingreig attempted to reach the lead dragon as well but they were also routed aside by a different foe.

The remaining hydras roared as they too tried to attack the dragon in the lead. They all hoped that doing removing her would result in a ceasefire or a degree of confusion. However, they were annoyed to find themselves warded off by the third Flood Dragon and not the leader. That gave the lead Flood Dragon the chance to continue her charge while the twelve hydra elders punished the guarding dragon.

’Don’t let her through!’ Raztol and Wingreig roared together but were stopped by their opponent.

One of the elder groups darted toward her and hurled an attack but the Flood Dragon spat out a torrent of boiling water to extinguish the spray of frozen lances.

Below, Artrat stood shakily. Like many of the hydra elders, he had rarely experienced combat and had always enjoyed a cushy lifestyle, which was very much unlike the elders who had dared stand and fight above. But now, a dragon managed to slip past and was swimming directly toward him and Glacier Keep. Frozen in fear and hesitation, Artrat opened his mouth but said nothing to his fellow elders guarding the tunnel nor to the approaching dragon.

’Allow me...’

Strangely, a soft voice passed over the entire reef. None of the hydras knew where that voice came from, nor did the dueling Flood Dragons.

Only the leading Flood Dragon recognized that voice. She tried to look back but was suddenly broadsided and thrown into the walls of Glacial Palace, crashing landing through at least a dozen rooms.

’Sorry, but I can’t let you take the fruits nor harm the hydras.’

With a shaky gaze, the lead Flood Dragon was relieved. ’Perchet... how--’

’I never said I didn’t have water magic,’ stated the God of Sound, now only at lv. 90. ’Don’t think I’m incapable after switching sides and starting from scratch. Now, more than ever, I’m fearsome beyond your comprehension.’

’B-but... How are you--’

A sharp scratching sound suddenly rang through the ears of all Flood Dragon’s forcing them to lower their guards and receive the attacks of their opponents. The lead Flood Dragon trembled as the sound momentarily vanished.

’Did you know that sound travels better underwater? I’m sure you do. But did you know it only makes me all the more lethal?’ commented Perchet, filling the Flood Dragon with undeniable fear. ’Please explain yourself. As Kylon’s personal attendant and Lunara’s former guard, I know you well enough. Why do you dare attack Lunara’s home?’

’P-please...’ the Flood Dragon struggled to speak her mind. ’Please... kill us, Perchet.’

Startled to hear such a thing, Perchet asked again, ’Tell me, why do you--’

’Kill us... Please...’ begged the Flood Dragon.


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