The Academy’s Barbarian

Chapter 37: I Shouldn't Have Done That (1)

Chapter 37: I Shouldn't Have Done That (1)

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It was the first Monday of March.

As the long winter came to an end and the warm spring breeze enveloped the campus, the first classes for the new students of the Arsene Academy began. And where else could it start but on the campus field.

"Alright, twelve laps to go!" Professor Miel's shout echoed as the students sprinted across the wide playground.

The reason for this unusual activity on the first day of classes was because the first lesson for Class-3 was the common subject of Physical Training. Not everyone found it equally challenging though.

"Ha! Hoo!" Ibella ran with a stable posture, maintaining rhythmic breathing. Her movements were well-coordinated, and those students who had chosen the Military Studies Department as their major found no difficulty in running around the field.

On the other hand, students from the Magic, Arts, and General Studies Departments were on the verge of collapsing; the physical training was even more grueling than the entrance exam.

And among them, there were those who were barely hanging on.

"Ugh! H-Heek! Ughhh..," a girl staggered, making pained sounds. It was Noah. She had reddened cheeks, sweat streaming down as if it were raining.

Professor Miel rushed over and shouted loudly, "Noah Darshen, out!"

It seemed like he was afraid she might actually collapse. Of course, she managed to avoid that fate by a hair's breadth, but only just.

Sitting under the shade of a cool tree, Noah absentmindedly stared at the field. While she was trying to steady her heavy breathing, a water bottle suddenly appeared before her.

"Take it."

"Oh, thank you."

Professor Miel handed her the water bottle.

As the cool water slid down her throat, her mind cleared. It was then that Professor Miel, who had been observing Noah, spoke, "I cant understand it. How did you pass the entrance exam with such physical fitness?"

"I had a letter of recommendation."

"Ah, I see, you have a strong backing."

Professor Miel's expression indicated understanding. Letters of recommendation could only be written by Royalty or Great Nobles.

"Still, it's better to build up at least some basic stamina. If you want to achieve good results in the mock battles coming up in two weeks."

"Ahaha, I'd like to do that, too, but..."

"Anyway, get some rest for now."

After patting Noah on the back, Professor Miel headed back to the playground. To run with the other students. Left alone, Noah pouted his lips, "........I really want to."

But she couldn't.

The reason lay in Noah's Characteristic.

[Name]: Noah Darshen.

[Age]: 17 years old

[Grade]: A+

[Trait]: Blessing of Mana

[Characteristic]: Investigation, Memorization, Magic Sight, Poison Immunity, Curse Immunity, Mastery of Languages, Frailty, Low Stamina.

Noah's newly revealed characteristics; of course, there were many positive traits among them.

Magic Sight allowed her to observe or interfere with the flow of mana, amplifying or diminishing the effects of magic or spells.

Mastery of Languages enabled her to understand, speak, and interpret all languages.

'But the problem is.'

.the two penalties at the end.

Frailty and Low Stamina.

First, Frailty could reduce her physical abilities by up to 70%, and the points she gained through training her strength and stamina were only a quarter of the normal rate; for example, if someone did 10 push-ups to increase their strength, Noah would have to do 40 push-ups for her strength to increase by the same amount.

And then there is Low Stamina.

This penalty increased the consumption of all types of stamina by an average of five times. As a result, Noah would tire more easily than others and experience strong fatigue.

'If it weren't for this penalty, my rating would be just above S-Grade..

But that wasn't going to happen.

Every Named character had a minimum of one and a maximum of three penalties, all in the name of balance like Ulan's penalty, Stone-headed.

She sighed in frustration when she suddenly heard Professor Miel shout, "Ulan! You can stop running!"

It was because Ulan hadnt stopped running even after achieving the target amount; he continued to sprint across the field, as if to show off his excellent stamina.

And as a result...

a cloud of dust particles exploded into the air as if driven mad.

"Cough, cough!"

"Argh! Dust in my eyes!"

The impact of this reached the students who followed behind him. Upon seeing this, Professor Miel shouted urgently once again, "Stop running, you crazy fool!"

Ulan pretended not to hear and continued running. As the field gradually turned into chaos, Noah cast a sidelong glance at Ulan, Ever since he got Kazan..

Ulan's stamina had become even better. Even after sprinting around the field for dozens of laps, he didn't show any signs of fatigue.

The benefits didnt stop there.

The limits of his existing physical abilities had also doubled. Through training, he would likely become even stronger in the future.

Should I go all in with Ulan?

Since he's obtained Kazan

Why dont I give all the remembered Hidden Pieces and treasures to Ulan and have him break through all the main scenarios with his power?

She had considered such thoughts.

However, she couldn't make a hasty decision.

Because Ulan.

.dies while fighting the Giant King Largtan.

This is the fate, the role, the purpose of Ulan as a Named character. No seasoned player had ever managed to change his fate.

'Of course, this time hes got Kazan, but.'

Still, she couldn't help but hesitate.

If she invested everything in Ulan, but in the end, he couldn't escape from his predetermined fate, then everything would be ruined.

As she pondered the future for a while...

"Sylphie Ludhina, out!"

A second elimination occurred.

A girl with ashen-colored hair staggered toward her, looking as if she might collapse. Seeing her, Noah immediately snapped out of his thoughts.

[Name]: Sylphy Ludric

[Age]: 16 years old

[Grade]: D(B)

[Trait]: Bloodline Succession

Initially, she tried not to pay attention to her.

She was an insignificant character without any recollections, meaning she wasn't that important. But despite that, there were too many suspicious things about her.

Why is she hiding her name?

The name registered with the student body was Sylphie Ludhina.

However, the name displayed in her status window was 'Sylphy Ludric.' Through this, she realized that she intentionally hid her name and enrolled.

And one more thing.

She realized this fact belatedly.

........she has the same last name as Kazan Ludric.

Was this a mere coincidence?

Or did it mean she had inherited Kazan bloodline?

This part required further investigation.

Because all Noah knew about Kazan was that he was a Hero of the ancient Desert Kingdom.


Her grade was also suspicious.

If it's a D rank, then it's just a D rank. I've never seen another rank displayed in parentheses like with Sylphie; her trait was equally unfamiliar.

What's 'Bloodline Succession'?

The first thing that came to her mind was the possibility of a vampire.

But then she shook my head.

Because all vampires in this world couldn't walk under sunlight.

On the other hand, Sylphie was running around the field perfectly fine under the sun. So, the possibility of her being a vampire was close to zero.

It's suspicious. Too suspicious.

As Noah narrowed his eyes in thought

"Um, umm..."

suddenly, Sylphie approached her. with a slightly awkward expression.

"Did something get on my face?"

"....N-No, nothing."

She probably stared at her too blatantly. Noah stammered a response and quickly turned her head. With that, she had another person to watch out for, in addition to Dirac and the Star Witch.

And as time passed...

"Today's class ends here."

Professor Miel announced the end of the class.

Looking at the exhausted students, he lightly tapped his palm, "You all worked hard running since morning. Take showers and move to your respective classrooms. See you later during the closing time."

With that, he dismissed them and the students headed to the shower rooms.


Cold water poured from above his head. Ulan felt his heated body gradually cooling down. After he finished his shower and dried himself with a towel, he clenched his fist.

I'm overflowing with power.

After all that running, he still had strength left; no, to be more precise, he felt like his stamina was replenishing immediately after he used it.

Just from getting a tattoo, I have this kind of effect.

Looking at the Mark of a Hero in the mirror, Ulan's eyes glittered with seriousness.

Maybe in this life

he might really be able to reach the realm of Superhuman. It might happen faster than he thought. With a newfound determination, Ulan stepped out of the shower.

And at that moment

he came across a familiar face.

"Ah, Ulan."

A girl with pale blonde hair in a bun Ibella Elearde.

She, too, had just gotten out of the shower. As Ibella noticed Ulan, her eyes widened slightly.

The reason was simple.

Ulan's arms, as sturdy as steel, and among them, the prominent veins.

No, why are those veins so.

How can it be attractive?

Though they were just veins on muscular arms, they captured her attention at a glance. In that moment, she felt an indescribable wildness throughout her body.

"What are you looking at?"


"Did I get something on my arm?"

"Oh, no. I was just lost in thought."

"What were you thinking about?" Ulan asked, and Ibella closed her mouth. There was no way she could tell him.

Because all she could think about was how much she wanted to touch those prominent veins or feel those muscular biceps.

"Ahem! Well, that's a secret."

This won't do. Let's change the subject.

While she was thinking about it, she noticed the class schedule in Ulan's hand.

"Is that the class schedule?"

"Yeah. It's the timetable."

"Do you mind if I take a look?"


Ulan handed her the schedule right away.

Thankfully, she managed to steer the conversation in a different direction. With a sigh of relief, Ibella looked at the schedule with curious eyes. The first thing that caught her attention was the name of the next scheduled class.

Understanding and Detecting Mana Flow. Commonly known as Mana Detection.

She had a peculiar expression as she saw the course from the Magic Department that stood out. Students majoring in Military Studies usually didn't opt for courses from the Magic Department.

Ulan, on the other hand, was an exception.

'Didn't they say that he was proficient in magic?'

She seemed to have heard that somewhere.

Ulan was already very skilled in combat, but how powerful would he be if he learned magic?

Ibella glanced at Ulan.

There was a look of longing in her eyes.

And the next course is..

Professor Stella's 'Practical Hunting'.

Ibella swallowed hard at this.

She had originally wanted to register for this course. But the slots filled up earlier than expected, so she couldn't enroll.

Huh? But how did Ulan manage to get in?

When Ibella went to register for the course, it was after 7AM. Ulan, on the other hand, didn't start registering until after noon.

And at that moment of doubt...


For a moment, she stopped thinking.

Her teal eyes were fixed on the name of the next class. It was about Martial Skill.

And the moment she saw it...

All the questions and doubts that had been swirling around in her head vanished.

"Ulan! Did you register for Martial Skill?"


"That's Ethan's class, right?!"

"Um, probably."

Ibella flushed at the reply.

There was only one reason; she was in the same class as Ulan.

Oh, thank God.

She felt a deep sense of relief.

It was understandable. Ulan was the first friend she'd made at the Academy, and he was also someone she looked up to.

"Hehe, I guess I'll see you again this afternoon then."

As she burst into joyful laughter...

a bell chimed from the clock tower in the square. It meant the morning lectures would soon begin.

"I'll head there first. See you later!"

"Sure. Do your best," Ulan waved his hand in farewell.

A little while later, after Ibella had completely disappeared...

a familiar voice softly touched his ear.

"I'm sorry. Did you wait for long?"

It was Noah, fresh out of the shower. Perhaps due to the warm water, her face was flushed; a pleasant scent seemed to come from her damp hair.

With the arrival of warmer weather, she had shed her usual thick fur coat and outerwear. In other words, Noah was dressed much more lightly.

"Stop staring, it's embarrassing."

Did she sense Ulan's gaze?

Noah spread her palm over her face.

"You're even smaller with your coat off."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"In every sense."

".......Sorry for being small."

Noah made a chubby expression, pouting.

Without hesitation, she reached out and took Ulan's arm, pulling him along, "Come on, let's go to class."

With the warmth transmitted through her small hand, Ulan nodded in agreement.

Five minutes before the start of the lecture.

Professor Dirac looked at the students flooding into the classroom. Among them, there was only one who caught his attention. It was undoubtedly Ulan.

.........What the hell is he up to?

No matter how much he thought about it, Dirac couldn't understand why Ulan would want to attend this lecture. Suddenly, a conjecture crossed his mind.

Could it be because he got an S-Grade in the specialty test, he thinks he can do well in the future as well?

It was a reasonable guess in its own way. After all, Ulan had a simple and underdeveloped mind, fitting for a barbarian. Understanding the situation at last, Dirac's lips twisted into a smirk. It was a cold smile.

A barbarian who doesn't even know the topic.

He probably wouldn't know. The current situation was like thrusting one's head into a wolf's mouth.

This time, I won't miss out.

Even though he had failed due to Head Deflyn's intervention during the specialty test, Dirac had no intention of letting it go easily this time. Above all, his brother-in-law, Count Dermore, was not pleased with the fact that Ulan had not failed.

You're definitely getting an F-Grade.

Dirac had two chances. The midterms and finals. He had planned to ensure that Ulan received the lowest grades possible in both exams.

But before that...

He had to repay what Ulan did to him during the specialty test. He had already thought about how to repay him, so he swallowed down his bitter laughter.

A while later..

Ding! Ding! Ding!

the bell rang, signaling the end of the break and Professor Diracs lecture began.

(End of Chapter. . . . . . . .)

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