The Academy’s Barbarian

Chapter 36: Course Registration (2)

Chapter 36: Course Registration (2)

Ibella's eyes widened in surprise, while Dilia tilted her head.

The moment the three were in the same space, Ulan was suddenly enveloped in a feeling of nostalgia and longing. It was only natural. The two women in front of him were once his precious comrades on the battlefield.

'It reminds me of the old days. the Sword Maiden and the Star Witch.

The two had gotten along quite well. Ibella's main duties were to lead the group alongside Ulan, and to escort Dilia, who was weak in close combat; this meant they spent a lot of time together.

Is that why? The two were close enough to believe they were almost real sisters.


It was a little different now; the atmosphere was awkward for some reason.

Aware of Dilia's presence, Ibella returned to her usual expressionless face, and Dilia looked at her with dry eyes.

Well, this is normal for now.

Even after joining the Hero's Party, it had been a long time since the two of them had gotten to know each other.

Right now, they were strangers. So of course it would be awkward.

Just as he was thinking that


Ibella's eyes suddenly widened; her gaze fell on the book Ulan was holding Legendary Weapons in Myths

"Is that the book you were looking for?" Ibella asked with a look of recognition, as if she knew this book.

"It brings back memories. When I was young, I used to read it often."

"Is it a famous book?"

"Of course it is. I think every kid who dreamed of being a hero or a knight when they were little has read it."

Ibella shared the same sentiment. When she was young, she also dreamt of being a hero.

"But isn't it better to read the revised edition?"

"Revised edition?"

"Yeah. The one you have is the old version, but there's a new edition that categorizes weapons and their locations."

Locations were mentioned too?

Ulan's ears perked up at the intriguing information. Seeing his interest, Ibella smiled faintly and offered, "You want me to find it for you?"

"Uhm, thanks for the offer, but I'm fine," Ulan shook his head. He decided to read the book first, out of respect for the librarian who had recommended it.

As their conversation was winding down, Ibella started speaking again, "By the way, Ulan, you are diligent."

"What do you mean?"

"Just what I said. Being here at this time means you've already finished your course registration, right?"

It seemed she had the wrong impression. So, he shook his head, "Wrong."

"Huh? Wrong about what?"

"I haven't done my course registration yet."

".........! Oh, you haven't done it yet?!" Ibella was taken aback.

"Then you better do it quickly! Most of the popular courses are probably already full. If you wait too long, you might not get the course you want,!" Ibella was echoing Dilia's words.

Ulan, on the other hand, remained composed, "Don't worry. I have it all figured out."

His tone was full of strange confidence and Ibella fell silent.

Only now did she realize her mistake. Ulan was not like her, he was a powerhouse who had already reached the realm of advanced-level knight.

Not only that. He was also a high achiever, having passed his entrance exams at the top of his class.

'Then he must be.

She likely believed he had a plan.

After judging so much, Ibella swallowed back what she was about to say. She assumed that Ulan must have something in mind.

She was wrong, of course.

Ulan's confidence stemmed from something he read in the brochure the day before.

The criteria for expulsion due to poor grades.

At Arsene Academy, students' grades were calculated at the end of each semester and those with consistently low grades were expelled.

If a student's average grade falls below a Grade-D, he or she will receive an academic warning.

Students who accumulate more than three such warnings were immediately expelled. Remembering this, Ulan clenched his fists.


He had two chances left.

So, even if he received low grades this time, he remained undisturbed. He could do better next time.

As they each entertained their own thoughts.

Ding! Ding! unexpected chime rang out.

It was the sound of noon.

"Oops! I should get going. I want to read a book in preparation for tomorrow's class."

"Okay. See you later," Ulan waved his hand to bid farewell.

A short time later.

Poke! Poke!

Someone poked Ulan in the arm. It was Dilia, who seemed to be sporting a slightly pouty expression, "That person, who?"

"Ibella Elearde. Don't you know her?"

"No," Dilia shook her head.

Judging by her reaction, they hadn't even met at the Academy. Seeing her demand for an answer, Ulan summarized her relationship with Ibella.

"She's a friend."


Friend. A silver eyebrow twitched slightly at the word.

It was something Dilia didn't have.

Whether due to her status as a Princess of the Kingdom or her reputation as the Star Witch, few people were willing to say hello to her. Except for one, Ulan.

"Are you... close with her?"

"We are."

The answer came without hesitation.

Her golden eyes trembled.

After a moment, Dilia bit her lip slightly. And then she asked the question directly, "Then, what about me?"


"I, to you, what?"

During the entrance exam, Ulan said. To him, Dilia was someone important. Someone who would be with him for 30 years.

Dilia wanted to confirm the true meaning behind his words at that time.

Meanwhile, Ulan was thinking about his answer.

Originally, he had planned to say that she was a precious comrade.

However, that was a relationship from his past life, the relationship between the old Ulan and the Star Witch. On the other hand, the relationship between the current Ulan and Dilia was a bit awkward to call comrades.

So, if he had to, he'd say

It will be a relationship that shares the truth.

"The truth?"

Was the unexpected response because of that?

Doubt flickered in Dilia's eyes. Ulan nodded in agreement and explained, "Because I only told you."

Told me, what?

That we will be together in the future.


Her golden eyes turned round; it was a face with an expression of bewilderment. Dilia, who was suddenly flustered, lowered her head, her ears red.

"It's, it's, you know, uh, uh," Dilia stammered, fidgeting with her fingers. After a while, she looked up gently. Then, with a flushed face, she asked cautiously, "I'm special, you mean?"

"In a sense," Ulan answered immediately.

It was true. Even after going back to his past life, he had never told Noah, with whom he had spent a relatively long time, the whole truth.

But Dilia is different.

In his past life and in this one.

Dilia Arpen was one of the most intelligent people Ulan had ever known. That's why, someday, he planned to tell her the entire truth and ask her why he had been sent back.

So he confessed willingly.

Meanwhile, Dilia's face was as red as a ripe apple.

And for good reason.

When one thinks of someone special, they only think of.!

Because there's only one thing that comes to mind.

Dilia swallowed nervously.

But even as she did, she wondered if maybe all of this was just a mistake. She shot a cautious glance at Ulan.

Then her eyes widened.


Bright crimson eyes shining brightly.

The moment she saw the sincerity in those eyes, Dilia's face turned bright red.

What should I do? Maybe... maybe I'm just imagining things.

There was no way someone could look at her with such a serious expression. Looking back on everything she had heard until now, she couldn't dismiss it as mere imagination.

A future together. Plus, he said she was someone special.

'What, what do I say?

She couldn't just stay quiet like this.

She had to say something. Ulan had mustered the courage to say this. Dilia tightly clenched her robe and took a deep breath before she finally spoke, ".......Thank you. I'm glad."


"But, can I think about it a little more?"

"What do you mean?

"I mean, this is the first time something like this has happened."

Thank you? She had to think about it?

What was she saying out of the blue?

Seeing Dilia struggling to continue, Ulan's expression was puzzled. But he had caught onto the context of the conversation.

I don't know what shes thinking, but.

Thinking was her prerogative. So, Ulan nodded, "Sure."

"........Yes, I will do that," Dilia turned her reddened face away.

After that, she seemed like she was about to say something else but stopped herself. Instead, she quickly jotted something down in her notebook and then turned it to show Ulan.

I have to go. I'll see you later.

With those parting words, Dilia left Ulan's side almost as if she were fleeing.

A strange girl. Ulan chuckled and then checked his watch, "I should probably go too."

To apply for course registration.

Ulan quickly left the library.

Sunday afternoon, 1:20 PM.

After finishing his lunch, Ulan left the cafeteria to head for course registration. As he walked, he came across a familiar face at the entrance of the hall.

"Ah, Ulan."

It was Noah. She stopped in her tracks, holding a book covered in blue amulets.

"Where are you going?"

"To register for courses."


For a moment, Noah doubted her ears, "Wait, you haven't registered yet?! Why?"

"I had something to do."

"What could possibly be so important...?"

Had he postponed his course registration?

Noah looked incredulous when Ulan answered confidently, "I have until 6pm to register. It's not too late to start now."

"It's already terribly late!?" Noah denied vehemently.

Yes, course registration was open from 6 AM to 6 PM. However, this just meant that the registration period was during these hours. In reality, by 7 AM, half of the available courses were already full.

And now it was past noon, and he hadn't registered yet? Noah looked agitated and shook her head, "This is not the time for this. You need to go quickly now! I'll help you."

"Um, thanks for the offer."

It was always good to have Noah around to help.

Ulan nodded his head slightly.

As they made their way to the lecture hall together, Noah asked with a perplexed expression, "By the way, have you decided which courses to register for?"

"Of course I have."

Ulan rattled off the courses in his major that he'd given Dilia earlier. Then Noah asked, as if she'd suddenly realized something odd, "Huh? Tracking? Why would you take that?"

"I'm searching for something."

"What is it?"

"I can't tell you that," Ulan said firmly.

Noah was certainly helpful. But whether she was an enemy or an ally, he couldn't tell yet. He had too much to hide. So Ulan hid his purpose.

Thankfully, Noah didn't press further.

"Alright, then. So your major courses are Combat Techniques, Martial Skill, and Tracking. What about your minor courses?"

"General Studies."

"General studies?" Noah asked, surprised.

Ulan gave her the list of courses he had prepared. After a moment, Noah approached him with a subtle expression, "Ulan..?"


"Do you happen to know what advanced mathematics is?"

"Don't underestimate me so much. Even if my knowledge is limited, I do know that much."

"Okay, then answer the question."

"Of course, you mean multiplication, right?"


I lost! At this rate, I'll definitely lose!

Cold sweat trickled down Noah's back. The thought of having to intervene consumed her mind.

She quickly thought through her options and chose the path of least resistance.

".........Let's start with the Military Studies Department for now."

"Huh? Isn't General Studies closer from here?"

"True, but the courses in Military Studies tend to fill up much faster than General Studies. Also, your major is more important than your minor."

It was a valid point.

Thus, Ulan went along with Noah's suggestion.

Some time later, Ulan and Noah had successfully completed the course registration for the Military Studies Department. Combat Techniques, Martial Skills, and Tracking Magic all three courses had available slots.

"Phew, that was lucky. It's already past 2 PM, and there are still seats available," Noah breathed a sigh of relief.

Then Ulan changed direction, "Next is the General Studies department."

".........Ah," Noah stiffened at the words.

She'd been so focused on the Military Studies course registration that she had forgotten the important fact.

Uh, what am I going to do?!

Panicked, she paced back and forth.

She couldn't let Ulan apply for other courses in the General Studies department, let alone advanced mathematics. If he received an F grade in any course, it would immediately result in an academic warning.

And if he accumulates three warnings..

It would lead to expulsion without a doubt.

Taking General Studies courses at Ulan's current level of knowledge would almost guarantee expulsion.

I have to stop him!

Even if she has to honestly call him a blockhead, this was the only way for both Ulan and me

Noah's eyes flashed with intent. However, things turned out differently. Her worries were for naught.

"What? You want to take my course?"

"Uh-huh! We're already at capacity."

"I'm sorry, but it's not possible for you."

Professors turned Noah away one after another, and even hurriedly left their seats to avoid him.

Fortunately, the professors from the History Department were an exception. The professor in charge of advanced mathematics, on the other hand, had bubbles forming around his head when he saw Ulan and fainted on the spot.

"Professor! Snap out of it, Professor!"

"Hurry to the hospital room!"

The old professor was carried out on a stretcher.

Watching this, Noah realized that there was a common thread among the professors she had met.

'Ah! They were all at the entrance ceremony.'

The day Ulan had shouted the battle cry of friendship; many students and professors lost consciousness.

And most of the professors who had fainted then were from the General Studies and Arts departments.

It made sense. Unlike the professors in the Military Studies or Magic departments, these professors were simply knowledgeable civilians.

'Given that perspective, it's understandable.'

From their point of view, Ulan was more than just a barbarian terrorist.

And if he went on a rampage during the class, they wouldn't be able to handle it. That's probably why they refused to teach, regardless of how many people were in the class.

'It's lucky.'

She never expected that Ulan would be refused from all three courses in the General Studies department like this.

"........This is difficult."

Ulan's expression grew serious; he hadn't anticipated such a result.

At that moment, Noah cautiously spoke up, "Do you mind if I recommend a course?"

"For me?"

"Yes, what about the Magic department?"

"That's tough. I can't use magic."

He didn't even know the principles behind magic; he had barely passed the mana detection test during the specialty test, thanks to sheer luck.

Noah was surely aware of that as well. Then why was she recommending courses in the Magic department?

That's when Noah answered, "Ah, it's alright. There are courses you can take even if you can't use magic."

"There is such a thing?"

Ulan looked skeptical and Noah nodded her head, "Yes. There's a course called 'Understanding and Detecting Mana Flow' and another one called 'Magic Combat.'"

Understanding and Detecting Mana Flows, he knew; it was in the same category as the specialty test Ulan had taken, but the lectures mentioned later were new to him.

"What kind of course is Magic Combat?"

"It's a course that teaches you how to combat mages. It was in the Military Studies department until last year, but due to the nature of the course, it requires a lot of collaboration with the Magic department. As a result, they switched it to the Magic department this year."

Based on the assumption that the opponent was a Mage, the course apparently taught various techniques and methods for effectively battling Mages.

Consequently, whether one could use magic or not didn't matter. In fact, many students who weren't interested in the Magic department had applied for these courses.

"Learning how to fight against mages..."

It sounded good.

He already knew a few methods, but the more he knew about combat, the better, "Understood. I'll take your advice."

"Good decision," Noah smiled brightly.

Fortunately, Ulan successfully registered for these two courses without any issues.

Although during this process, Professor Dirac, who was in charge of mana flow, looked at Ulan strangely, he didn't reject him from the courses.

After all the registrations were completed, Noah had a satisfied smile, "Hehe, now I have one course that overlaps with Ulan."

Noah opened her course registration list.

The first entry was the course called 'Understanding and Detecting Mana Flow.' Seeing this, Ulan asked somewhat unexpectedly, "Did you also register for this?"

"Yes, because I really wanted to learn it!" Noah's eyes sparkled. Of course, there was another reason. A hidden event would occur during this course.

On the day of the midterm exam, Professor Dirac gets swallowed by magic and transforms into a monster.

And he becomes an event boss; defeating him would lead to fairly generous rewards and various privileges.

But it's scary to do it alone

She dragged Ulan into it. And since he was also in a tight spot, it was a win-win situation.

This time, she must absolutely secure the rewards.

After making up her mind, Noah smiled and said, "I'll be counting on you, Ulan."

"I'll be counting on you too."

After exchanging a friendly farewell, Ulan's final list of courses was compiled.

Military Studies Department

[Combat Techniques]

[Martial Skill]


Magic Department

[Understanding and Detecting Mana Flow]

[Magic Combat]

"Huh? There's one more."

That's when Noah's eyes widened.

First-year students were given a total of 20 credits one credit was subtracted for Physical Training and Basic Studies each, both of which were common courses.

This left 18 credits.

Since each department course was worth 3 credits, one needed to register for a total of 6 courses.

"Sigh, there's no helping it. We'll have to go around again and see which courses to take."

"No, you don't need to do that," Ulan shook his head.

He had set aside a separate course just in case something like this happened. It was Stella's course, 'Practical Hunting.'

"What? Practical Hunting?"


"But that's a popular course even within the Military Studies department. There probably won't be any seats left even if we go now."

"It's fine."

Since Stella said she'd make room for him, Ulan reassured Noah.

Ulan went to find Stella, accompanied by a worried-looking Noah. A while later, when she saw what lay before her, her eyes widened.

"Ulan! I knew you'd show up!" Stella beamed as she hugged Ulan.

With Stella's enthusiastic welcome, the course registration concluded relatively successfully.

And the next morning

the first class at the Arsene Academy began.

(End of Chapter. . . . . . . .)

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