The 31st Piece Overturns the Game Board

Chapter 25

Chapter 25

Borgo quickly tried to move his free hand.

Jamad hurriedly tried to grab that hand as well, but Borgo wasnt aiming for Jamad. He was aiming for his wrists that Jamad was grabbing.


...Not bad.

How dare you try to teach me! Hah!


Borgo was regenerating faster than before. His fingers, which had been crushed like twigs, were back to their original state before anyone noticed.

Borgo is getting stronger.

Seol could tell that he didnt have much time left.

Borgo was becoming faster, more violent, and regenerated faster the more time went by.

Maybe this might be our last opportunity.

This could be the last chance for Seol and Jamad to defeat Borgo. A heavy burden was placed on Jamads shoulders.

Whats wrong? You made such a scary face and now are you thinking youll lose? bragged Borgo.

There was a reason he was starting to brag now.

It was because even though Jamad used Earthquake Stance, Borgo had already survived his critical attack before. There was no way hed be scared of something he already conquered.

Ill show you what happens when you get in my way. Youre nothing more than just a big troll.

How fun.

[Borgo used Use Treasure.]



Borgo grabbed a sword with his regenerated hand. The sword itself was radiating a dangerous aura.

Borgo then ran toward Jamad without hesitation.

Was it because he had forgotten the fear of pain? Or was it because he had transformed into a completely different person through the course of this battle?

Regardless, Jamad wasnt just going to take it standing still.

Rumble Rumble Rumble

Jamads energy had changed.

His energy, which was already tough, had become fierce like a wild animal. It was to the point where his previous state almost seemed soft in comparison.

Jamad too still had something up his sleeve.

Ill wake you up.

Jamads stance became sturdier.

He put both his arms forth and separated his legs as if he was riding a horse. His legs were planted firmly into the ground like tree trunks.

Even Seol could tell at a glance that it had no openings.

Borgo felt that as well.

However, he chose to take the bolder option.

All I have to do is break it!

A body that constantly regenerated.

A body that had forgotten pain.

Borgo was definitely becoming stronger by the second.



The swords in Borgos hands both aimed at Jamad.

How inexperienced.

Jamad, sounding disappointed in his opponents shoddy swordsmanship, shook his arms.

And almost like a miracle, Jamad had grabbed both of Borgos arms.



Jamad gently eased his arms into Borgos armpits. Borgo tried to escape but Jamad was too strong for him to escape from.

Let me go!


Jamad kicked up his right foot onto Borgos chest.




Borgo looked quite pitiful after he was kicked by Jamad.

The chestplate was strong so it didnt dent at all, but Jamad had held onto Borgos arms. Borgos arms were separated from the rest of his body.

Graaar It hurts

Borgo didnt feel anything when he cut off his own hand but it seemed that this attack was quite effective. He was hunched over in pain.

Get up. Dont tell me youre already done?

Ill kill you Ill kill you, you savage fucking troll!

You wouldnt have been able to say that to me if you met me when I was still alive. The humans Ive met have all begged me to spare them. No, thats wrong

Jamad gave a monstrous smile.

Did they eventually beg me to please kill them instead?


Borgo had finished regenerating. The moment Borgo was able to stand, he tried to charge at Jamad but realized that he had no weapons in his hands and paused.

[Borgo used Use Treasure.]


He grabbed a long spear this time.

This time, Borgo moved cautiously. He circled around Jamad and aimed for an opening.

Youre afraid.

Who? Me? The great Borgo?

Are you not?

Hah! Dont make me laugh!


This time, Jamad moved first.

His energy itself was carving through the stone as he collided with Borgo.


Borgo instinctively swung his spear at a sharp angle but Jamad deflected that with ease.

[Borgo used Use Treasure.]

[Borgo used Use Treasure.]

Borgo, in a fit of rage, threw the spear.

And as Jamad tried to block it, Borgo grabbed two daggers. He chose the daggers to take down Jamad with speed.

Haaa! Die! Die!



Die already!


Jamad dodged all of Borgos attacks with simple evasive maneuvers.

He then started his counter.

You are overambitious, without the plans to back it up.




You are fast, but you lack willpower.

Bam. Bam.



You are nothing more than audacious and impulsive.



Jamads fist landed on Borgos chest.

And Borgo went flying.


Black blood dripped out of Borgos mouth in chunks.

Wh-what are you

Like you said, Im just a savage troll.

How could I How could you defeat me, the great Borgo How does this make any sense?

It does make sense. Its just that the world is filled with things no one can comprehend.

Jamad, even in this situation, was taking glances at Seol. He assumed that Seol was thinking about the time he defeated him.

But still, thats what makes it fun.

Aaaargh Shut up!! Im still not done yet!

As Jamad restrained Borgo, Seol thought of the Rock Molar Tribes backstory.

When the members of the Rock Molar Tribe choose their leader, they dont only take shaman abilities into consideration.

A resilient mind, a strong body, completeness of techniques they considered all of that.

And in Maels words, Jamad was already one of the greatest chiefs in Rock Molar history in terms of strength and dignity.

Jamad wasnt only the tribes strongest shaman and most dignified leader, he was also a trained fighter.

There was no way he would lose to someone nothing more than a tyrannical ruins hunter.

Borgos feeling pain.

It meant that Jamads attacks were effective on him.

And it was clear that Jamad was also looking for an opportunity to finish this out.

It might end soon.

Borgo ground his teeth as he glared at Jamad.


[Borgo used Use Treasure.]

[Borgo used Use Treasure.]

[Borgo used Use Treasure.]

[Borgo used Use Treasure.]

[Borgo used Use Treasure.]

Treasures started floating around Jamad.

Various weapons, sharp and blunt, flew at Jamad.



Even Seol, who had faith in Jamad, felt his hands getting sweaty. It was an insanely powerful attack.

It looked like a difficult attack to survive.

Seol couldnt see Jamad after the many treasures that flew at him.

[Skill link activates.]

[Borgo's Unique Skill: Decisive Blow activates.]

[Borgos next attack will deal double damage.]

[Shoves effect activates.]

[You will be dealt additional damage if you collide with the terrain due to Shoves effect.]

Unfortunately, even Borgos Unique Skill triggered as well.

Borgo swung a long sword, aiming for Jamad.


Jamad! worriedly shouted Seol.


Ur Urgh

Crumble Crumble

Jamad was surrounded in armor made of rock.

It was a skill that definitely suited him.

Thanks to that skill, Jamad was unscathed by Borgos attack.


Jamad stole Borgos sword and slid it between his ribs.

Krgh Kargh

Are you done regenerating?


Jamad pushed Borgo deeper into the wall and stabbed him with the sword.

Borgo was pinned to the wall because of that sword and hung there.

It hurts so much

Do I still look like a pushover to you?

Please stop Im scared Please

Borgo was dying while creating a puddle of blood beneath him.

Please kill me already it hurts

Jamad gave a demonic smile.

In the end, youre saying those words as well.

Jamads giant hand grabbed Borgo by his helmet.

Hand Your big hand! Isnt it way too big? Hahaha

No, thats just your fear.


Borgos head was crushed with his helmet.

It was silent for a second.

Borgo wasnt regenerating anymore.

Haah Haah

Jamad also seemed to have used a lot of strength as he was gasping for air.

Seol was silent during this moment but his viewers were going wild.

[Take this has donated 300 Madness!]

[Take it!]

- This is how you donate.

- Hurry up and donate more! Now!

[InTheFuture has donated 300 Madness!]

[Mom, when I grow up, Ill be like Jamad! Mom, when I grow up, Ill be like Jamad! Mom, when I grow up, Ill be like Jamad!]

- Get out of the way! Im going to be Jamad!

- How dare this fucking savage troll!

[Jamad-chan has donated 400 Madness!]

[Fear Punch! Fear Punch! This guys a god! Seriously, he just dismantled him like it was nothing!]

- What the fuck is Fear Punch? LOL

- This is insane. Jamad is seriously insane.

- And Snowman has a monopoly on him? Snowman, who are you really

- ???: A troll and a human. A forbidden love this might not be that bad?

- Someone ban him LOL

- I think Im going to throw up hahaha

[Snowman ATM has donated 300 Madness!]

[Holding back laughter.]

- Pffft thats just your fear pffft

- How was he able to not laugh after that lol

- Because if he did Jamad would blush and shoulder bump him.

- And your shoulder would disappear from that so you cant laugh.

- Seriously, how was Jamads fight real? This reminded me of when I was in highschool and had to buy lunch for the school bullies I suddenly hate Jamad now

- I already bought them lunch and even gave them money for change.

- Stop triggering my PTSD :(

[Snowman has donated 300 Madness!]

[Jamad, youve become strong. Youre at least as strong as me now maybe even stronger than me.]

- Huh?

- What are you gonna do about it though LOL You think you can punch me, your summoner? KEK

- So Jamad is the MC and the MC is a summon, right?

- Yeah hes a summon with no real abilities.

- It must really be hard for you, Jamad :)

And after that, he saw multiple messages.

[You have defeated Yzmokans Ghost (Borgo, the Ruins Hunter).]

[You have earned the achievement 'Pacify'.]

[You have earned the title 'Ghost Slayer'.]

[You have received additional rewards.]

Jamad turned around and faced Seol.

I told you to trust me.

Seol nodded in response.

Jamad snorted as if he was satisfied with it.


Seol and Jamad both went to check the reward chest.

Seol was enveloped in a golden light.

Seol, without hesitation, opened the chest.



[You open Yzmokans gift, the best possible reward.]

[You have leveled up.]

[You have leveled up.]

[You have received skill points.]

[You have acquired Ghosts Armor(Purified).]

[You have acquired Helmet of Control(Destroyed).]

[You have acquired 920 gold coins.]

[You have acquired 877 silver coins.]

[You have acquired 25 medium red potions.]

[You have acquired 13 medium blue potions.]

Seol was confused after looking at the list of rewards.

...Armor? Helmet?

Images flashed in his head.

Seol had separated a chestplate and helmet earlier because they shone but because the color was eerie, he chose not to take it.

And then Borgo forcefully used them.

And now it returned to him in a purified state. Seol couldnt help but laugh at the strange circumstance.

[Woah thats crazy has donated 400 Madness!]

[Those items are so good How are you gonna just steal from a corpse though? LOL]

- The demons are applauding your actions.

- So you had a plan for everything, Snowman!

- He used him as a sacrifice to purify his items lmfao

[Close has donated 400 Madness!]

[Jamad! You shouldve taken off his helmet before you killed him! Its all your fault!]

- Jamad: What?(Muscles)

- Its alright. The helmet looked stuffy anyway.

- The helmet looked shitty anyway haha right, everyone?

- Thats a sour grape fallacy! Thats a sour grape

After receiving everything that he expected to receive as a reward, he tried to check their stats.



Seol turned his head to the strange sound.


The statue of Yzmokan had returned to its original goddess-like appearance and radiated white light.

And standing next to that statue was Jamad.

Yzmokans statue spoke.

[You, who have overcome greed, have a strong will.]

[Yzmokan is blessing Jamad.]

However, that wasnt the only message that popped up.


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