The 31st Piece Overturns the Game Board

Chapter 24

Chapter 24

As expected, Borgo cleared the final Gate.

And it was probably easy for him to clear the final Gate as well.

Seol had already activated all of the devices in that Gate and all Borgo had to do was just walk through.

It looks like you werent able to escape yet, you rat bastard.

Seol turned around and looked at Borgo with his golden eyes.

He also noticed Borgos aide right next to him.

Wheres everyone else?

Borgos face stiffened when he noticed that Seol wasnt afraid of him at all. He looked calm and even asked him a question.

Ill be the one asking questions. All you have to do is answer me and then pass me your head. No that wont be enough. Ill cut you into pieces, then spread you out on the stones. You prefer that too, dont you?

So, is it only the two of you?

I said Ill be the one asking questions, you bastard!

Borgo was violently quaking his body in anger.

His voice was shaky probably due to his uncontrollable rage.

But then, his aide changed the topic.

Borgo look over here.


L-Look at all of this treasure. With this, we can

This room was filled with mountains of treasure. Most people would have their hearts pounding with excitement at the sight of these.

His aide turned his back on Borgo and started touching the treasures almost like he was possessed by something.

The aides actions were somewhat expected. The reason he followed Borgo, someone who did whatever he wanted to do, was in the end for treasure.

However, his actions bothered Borgo.




Borgos handaxe was wedged into the aides back.

Why you bastard why

Dont touch it. Hehe Its all mine.

Borgo had already gone somewhat mad.

How could any leader still be sane after losing close to thirty members while clearing a ruin?

Well, Borgo did kill the last person, though so

Regardless, Seol looked at Borgo with a sarcastic glance

I can see it was a miracle that even two people made it here.

Shut up! Shut up! I Im going to take everything! The treasure as well as your life!

Why dont you try it then?

Borgo hurriedly grabbed whatever items he could around him. He stuffed his pockets and then tried to force even more treasure into them even though they wouldn't fit.

He looked like he had completely gone insane.

Haha th-theyre all mine.

And then suddenly, he quickly ran toward something that he discovered and forced himself into a piece of armor.

It was the chestplate that Seol had separated earlier. It was a treasure that had Seol separated himself so there was no way that Borgo wouldnt notice it as well.

The chestplate, conveniently, wrapped itself around Borgo as if he were its owner. He didnt need to adjust it at all as the armor did it for him.

As youd expect from a treasure! Fantastic!

Youll regret that though

It seemed the chestplate wasnt enough as Borgo equipped the helmet as well.

The helmet, just like the chestplate, adjusted to Borgo to fit him perfectly and gave him immense strength.

Because Borgo was exhausted after clearing multiple traps, he felt extremely satisfied by the unknown power surging within him.

Power this power! Ill crush you until you cant breathe with this power!


It looked like Borgo finally became confident after grabbing a spear as well since he only turned around to face Seol now.

Only then did he realize that Seol was only patiently watching him. Seol hadnt interfered with him at all.

Why are you just watching me? Why didnt you stop me at all?

Did no one tell you?

...Told me what?

The name of this ruin.

The Hall of Self-Control.

Borgo looked all around him.

There was one person who told him about something he had to be careful of

- As you can see, I, Kirzhin, finely dismantled these ruins and revealed everything. Theres only two things that we have to be careful of in the next Gates

Borgo already experienced one of the things they had to be careful of but he hadnt experienced the second one yet.

Well, he was about to experience it right now.

Borgo felt someone looking at him and instantly turned around to face them.


The statue of Yzmokan was changing.

Its eyes became red and a forked tongue flicked out.

It was almost like it was furious.

A loud voice boomed out of where her mouth was.

[How greedy!!!]

When she spoke, the entire ruin shook.

Yzmokan spoke in a terrifying tone that more befits a demon than a god.

[You shall pay the price for not being able to control your desires!]


Borgo was surprised, like someone who had been caught stealing.


Borgo suddenly flashed red like he had been hit by a bolt of lightning.


However, nothing happened to him.

More accurately, it looked like nothing happened to him.

Hahaha! Because of greed? Greed is this great Borgos whole motivation. Without my greed, I wouldnt have been able to reach all this way! No one can punish me! I I ur urgh?


Borgos right arm suddenly bent the opposite way.


It looks like youre receiving your punishment.

Sh-shut up! Why is my body moving on its own



This time, Borgos left leg bent in the opposite direction.

Was this because of Yzmokans punishment?

This wasnt the only thing that was hard to understand though.


[Borgo has been afflicted with Yzmokans curse.]

[Borgo is now able to equip all of the items in The Hall of Self-Control without restriction.]

[Borgos HP regeneration greatly increases.]

[All of Borgos stats have decreased by 50%.]

[Yzmokans ghost has stolen Borgos ability to control his body.]

Seol saw multiple messages.

Its starting.

This was the true last trial of The Hall of Self-Control.

It was essentially a hidden stage for this Adventure.




Items started flying toward Borgos body.

There were boots that looked light, sturdy gaiters, a round shield that could be used to quickly defend against attacks, and even a chain that wrapped around his hand.

Borgo was shocked because they came flying to him even though he didnt do anything.

My body on its own!


Borgo took an awkward step. And then


Borgo quickly charged toward Seol.

He was fast enough that most people would lose track of him but because Seol gained the Eyes of Perception, he was able to read his movements.


Borgo threw his spear at Seol.



So youre a man who cant even control himself.

Jamad had appeared in front of Seol and blocked off the initial attack.

Seol looked at Borgo and saw a different interface from before.

[[Yzmokans Ghost (Borgo, the Ruins Hunter)]

Rank: Rare

Estimated Level: 8~10

Borgo was a Ruis Hunter active around Nobira. He has broken the rules of The Hall of Self-Control. As such, he has been cursed by Yzmokan and forfeited his body to become a ghosts puppet.

Basic Skills: [Squeeze Lifeless 2], [Use Treasure 1], [Mercenary Weapon Arts 2], [Quick Dodge 1], [Destroy Weapon 1]

Unique Skills: [Decisive Blow 1]]

This interface even talked extensively about Borgo himself.

Seol quickly realized what this was.

This is the effect of The Eyes of Perception!

The fact he could see information like this when he was still inexperienced with it proved how great those eyes were.

I can kind of guess what those basic skills do. Still, I need to be careful of his unique skill.

As Seol was thinking to himself, Jamad turned around and asked him a question.

Hey, Snowman. What are you thinking about?


Stop doing something so boring as worrying and trust me. Worrying about beating a weakling like this is just a waste of time


Rumble Rumble Rumble

Borgo grabbed the massive armor that was next to him and threw it at Jamad.

Jamad was able to grab it, even though he was in the middle of talking, but was pushed back by it.

You Youre the reason I became like this!! I-I will kill you no matter what

Borgo moved strangely.

He was moving as if he was controlled by a parasite.



The chain flew at Jamad in a diagonal line.

However, Jamad reacted to it more than appropriately.

Not so fast!


The chains wrapped around the Mountain Fists.



The two of them were trying their best to pull each other in with the chain.


Let go, you arrogant

Hah! Dont want to.

Jamad scoffed and flexed his muscles even more.

The shadow was violently shaking.




In the end, Jamad broke Borgos arm with the chain.

But that wasnt all.


Jamad used that momentum to pull Borgo into him.

And then


He kicked Borgos side with a clean kick.

The sound that it made was more than just vicious.


Thud Thud


Borgos arm was separated from his body and his side was caved in. There was no way anyone would be able to stand with those injuries.

However, something unexpected happened.

[Get up. Protect the Hall.]

When Yzmokan spoke, Borgo instantly regenerated.



Jamad landed another attack on Borgos side.

Borgo, despite being in pain, laughed.

Hahaha I am invincible. Haha I will protect the treasures in the Hall.

Borgo drooled while enduring the severe pain and even spoke back.

He had already become a mindless doll.

Seol scowled.

If Borgo didnt have his stats decreased, he wouldve been able to overwhelm them easily.

Hmph! Ill simply break you to the point you wont be able to stand again.

Dont you dare touch my treasures!



Borgo was getting faster.

It was as if the ghost in Borgos body got accustomed to it. There couldve been another reason for it but regardless, it wasnt a good situation.



Jamads fists were bashing in Borgos armor and shield. Still, it looked like Borgo wasnt taking any damage. More accurately, he was ignoring all of it.

Fuck off, you damned troll!

Jamad was able to predict Borgos attack and got into a stance.

[Borgo used Use Treasure.]

[Skill link activates.]

No! Its dangerous!


As Seol was shouting at Jamad, a sword flew toward Jamads back.



Jamad was able to barely deflect it but his hands were numb.

And there was also the fact that Borgos real attack was still left.

[Borgo's Unique Skill: Decisive Blow activates.]

[Borgos next attack will deal double damage.

[Shoves effect activates.]

[You will be dealt additional damage if you collide with the terrain due to Shoves effect.]


Suddenly, there was a warhammer in Borgos hands.

I told you to fuck off!





Jamad was crushed into the wall after breaking through two pillars.


Rubble fell on top of Jamad and kicked up dust. It was clear how powerful of an attack Borgo landed on Jamad by seeing the aftermath.

Borgo, sure of his victory, slowly approached Seol.

Hahaha Hahaha It looks like theres no one else left. What a shame, huh? You just might end up dying in a place like this

Seol scoffed at Borgo for being sure of his victory so soon.

...Why are you laughing? Ah! Its that, right? I also smile and laugh when I get mad. Were the same, arent we? Youre mad because you cant accept the fact that youre going to die, right?

I haven't lost yet, though.

I can see that youre scared, haha! How unsightly.

[Borgo used Use Treasure.]




A long sword flew from the pile of treasures and landed in Borgos hands.

He held it in a reverse grip and raised it over his head.

He was about to stab a summoner who lost his summons with the sword.


But just as he was swinging it



Jamad, who flew all the way back, appeared in an instant and pulled Seol back.

Seol was quickly able to escape from Borgos attack with Jamads help.




Jamad grabbed Borgos wrists as he was about to swing his sword into Seol and stopped him.



Jamad scowled as he cracked his neck.

Fools are quick to become greedy but slow to see fear.

...Wh-what are you saying, you fucking troll!

I, Jamad, shall teach you fear.

Jamads eyes grew fierce.

[Jamad has changed to the Earthquake Stance.]

Rumble Rumble Rumble

Jamad and Borgo, who was in contact with him, were both shaking.

The ability that Karuna himself struggled with was activating.

Because unlike you, I

Fuck off! Aargh Get away from me right now! Youre nothing!



Jamad broke Borgos wrists again. the type that gets angry when Im upset, said Jamad.

Those were the last words they shared before they returned to fighting.


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