The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player

Chapter 208: Slave Contract (1)

Chapter 208: Slave Contract (1)

“Black Scythe…”

John Delgado muttered with a dazed expression.

The person he had sworn vengeance against was standing right in front of him.

Not in the other world, but in reality.

‘This is no time to be spacing out.’

John quickly gathered his thoughts.

In the past, he would have attacked on sight, but now he knew better.

To challenge the Black Scythe was nothing short of suicide.

“Are you… really the Black Scythe?”

“Would you still be asking that after seeing this scythe?”

Ryu Min swung the scythe threateningly.

Startled, John unconsciously checked to see if his limbs were still attached.

“You… you really are the Black Scythe. How did you find my house?”

“Is that what’s important right now?”

John shook his head.

How he found the place didn’t matter.

Why he came did.

“What brings you here…?”

“What do you think?”

Answering a question with a question might seem like a game, but John knew better.

The Black Scythe had come fully aware of everything.

“You’re here for revenge… aren’t you?”

“Go on.”

“Our group did something, and you’ve come to collect the price for it.”

“Hah. I thought your head was just for decoration, but I guess it’s not that bad.”

Ryu Min smirked and got straight to the point.

“As you suspected, I know that your group, the Messiah, attempted an assassination. The attempt was well-timed. Instead of taking one of our soldiers hostage like last time, you planned a hit while I was in a narcoleptic state. Whose idea was it? Dark Soul? Yang Chiu Wen? The Spaniard?”


As expected, Black Scythe knew everything.


‘He even knows the group’s name and the apostles’ nicknames…’

John never imagined he would have such detailed information.

‘Could Swingman really have been the traitor?’

A chill ran down his spine, but that wasn’t important now.

Considering what they had done to the Black Scythe, it wouldn’t be surprising if his head were to roll right there and then.

‘I can’t die like this. Not like this…’

The thought of a surprise attack didn’t even cross his mind.

No matter how powerful the summoned creature was, it was nothing but a candle in the wind against Black Scythe.

How could an angel summon stand a chance against someone who could wipe out 30 enemies with a single bolt of lightning?

Especially when John was already under a penalty?

‘Fighting back with force is the worst option. There’s only one way to survive.’


John Delgado abruptly dropped to his knees.

“I-I’ve made a terrible mistake, Black Scythe. I am truly sorry.”

“You’ll need to explain what you’ve done wrong for me to understand.”

“I made the mistake of joining the Messiah, a group that dared to oppose someone as mighty as the Black Scythe. I foolishly attempted an assassination that could never succeed, causing you undue trouble. I will immediately withdraw from the lowly group known as Messiah, so please, I beg of you, grant mercy to my worthless life…”

“You sure do take your time when begging for your life.”

Though he said that, Ryu Min was pleased.

He could sense the sincerity in John Delgado’s plea.

‘He’s not just trying to weasel his way out of this. He’s genuinely afraid and wants to cling to life.’

The thought of revenge had almost faded from John’s mind.

Of course, there was still some bitterness left, but he had almost given up.

‘He’s probably thinking he just needs to survive until round 20 somehow.’

John knew that revenge was a luxury he couldn’t afford right now.

“It’s good that you’re sincere.”


“Yes. I’ll spare your life.”

“Th-thank you! Thank you so much…”

“But there’s a condition.”

The mention of a condition made John’s happiness short-lived, and his eyes widened.

“Wh-what condition…?”

“Just have a duel with me.”

“What? A d-duel?”

“Yeah. I’ll apply the conditions now, so take a look. It’s not a bad deal for you, so decide after you see it.”

Ryu Min manipulated the system window in the air and sent a duel request.

John Delgado, looking at the conditions on the request window, was shocked.

[The opponent has sent a duel request to ‘John Delgado’.]

[Duel Type ▶ A Simple Sparring Match That Won’t Result in Death]

[Victory Condition ▶ Land a Single Hit]

[Winning Result ▶ The loser becomes the winner’s slave, serving them as their master for life and obeying their commands.]

[Opponent’s Penalty ▶ Prohibited from using any equipment or skills, cannot move a single step until the duel ends, and must forfeit the first strike.]

[John Delgado’s Penalty ▶ None]

[Do you accept the duel under these conditions? Y/N]

‘W-what is this?’

John knew what a duel request was.

But the conditions attached were absurd.

‘The loser becomes the winner’s slave?’

This was nothing short of a slave contract!

‘There’s no way I can accept this. Absolutely not.’

But if he won?

He could, in turn, make the Black Scythe his slave.

That would be a far more satisfying revenge than simply killing him.

‘The question is whether I can win a duel against the Black Scythe…’

Common sense said there was no way he could win.

It was a fight with no chance at all.

Yet John hesitated.

‘He won’t use skills or items, won’t move, and even gives up the first strike?’

The possibility of winning wasn’t zero after all.

‘The conditions are good. As long as I can land even the slightest touch, I win.’

With the first strike in his favor and an opponent who wouldn’t move like a scarecrow, how could he lose?

Despite the favorable conditions, John didn’t easily succumb to temptation.

‘He must believe he has a chance of winning, or he wouldn’t propose such conditions. He’s trying to make me his slave with this duel request.’

The intention was obvious, almost too obvious.

Even knowing this, John couldn’t bring himself to say he would refuse.

He might be killed on the spot if he did.

‘No, I’m sure he would. That cold-blooded bastard definitely would…’

So there was only one way out.

Contrary to the Black Scythe’s expectations, he would win the bet and make the bastard his slave.

This was John Delgado’s one and only chance, the only way to escape this situation.

[The duel has been accepted.]

[The duel will begin in 10 seconds.]

I'm currently Translating the following novels: Pick Me Up! | A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War! | The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player. If you want to support me and read more chapters please subscribe to my Patreon!


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