The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player

Chapter 207: The Next Target (1)

Chapter 207: The Next Target (1)

Before calling Christine, Ryu Min dialed Jeffrey first.

“Really? She’s on her way?”

Christine was coming to Korea.

“And the reason?”

“She seems to want to hear the next round’s prophecy from you, Prophet.”

‘She could have just requested it over the phone, but she’s coming in person.’

After all, it wouldn’t be polite to insist on hearing such life-changing prophecies over a mere phone call.

“Jeffrey, tail Christine. I’ll contact you when the time is right. Lure her to the place I want.”


‘I was originally going to use the prophecy as an excuse to summon her, but…’

If Christine was coming on her own, there was no need to call her.

‘It’s best if she doesn’t know I’m involved at all.’

What if the Ma Kyung-rok’s ears caught wind that Ryu Min had summoned Christine?

He might find himself the target of a misguided arrow.

And then, the target might naturally shift to his brother, Ryu Won.

‘That’s why I’m not recklessly pulling out of the stocks either. I need to play the victim.’

It would be absurd for a prophet to fail at stocks, but he could always claim he couldn’t foresee the future.

‘When the time comes, I’ll have to call Seo Arin too. But of course, using the Black Scythe’s number instead of mine.’

He intended to lure both to one place to expose the Ma Kyung-rok’s true nature.

This was all based on the fact that the Ma Kyung-rok was committing these crimes.

‘I need to entrust Ma Kyung-rok’s surveillance to Ju Seong-tak first. I have other business to attend to.’

Ryu Min didn’t have the time to tail Ma Kyung-rok himself.

He needed to track the Messiah’s movements.

‘And I need to meet John Delgado as well.’

There was something he needed to test with John.

Whether or not he could use Sariel, who was now his summoned entity.

‘They’ll likely gather in that cabin again, as usual.’

He could already see the kind of conversations they would have in there.

‘They’ll probably be talking about me, the Swingman.’

In that case, it wouldn’t be wise to show up in his Swingman persona.

He needed to listen in on their conversations, so he planned to use invisibility to monitor them.

“Hyung, going somewhere again?”

“Yeah, I’m heading abroad for a bit.”

“To see that Japanese girlfriend of yours?”

‘A Japanese girlfriend?’

It seemed he had been misunderstood just because he said he went on a hot spring trip to Japan.

“Well, yeah, something like that.”

“Haha, then I approve. Have a good trip, Hyung!”

“Yeah, I’ll be back.”

Ryu Min thought that having a girlfriend, albeit unintentionally, wasn’t a bad excuse.



With one punch, the table in the cabin split apart.

“How can this be happening? Our members have been taken down!”

The one fuming with anger, his face flushed red, was none other than Yang Chui Wen.

He had just confirmed through the 12th round results screen that the Black Scythe’s assassination mission had failed.

The name “Black Scythe” had taken first place on the leaderboard.

But he wasn’t disappointed just because the mission had failed.

The other apostles present felt the same.

There was still the alternative plan that the Swingman had proposed.

But then…

“Damn it, which bastard killed my members…”

Returning to reality, he was faced with something horrifying.

All 28 of the Black Society members who had been directly under Yang Chui Wen’s command were dead.

As a player, Yang Chui Wen had been able to avoid trouble because he was inside a well-secured bunker home, but…


“Damn it! Shit!”

Now, he had no ordinary subordinates left.

All that remained was his right-hand man, the player Zhang Sui.

“Calm down. You’ll break the table at this rate.”

The Messiah’s founder, the Spaniard, tried to calm him down, but Yang Chui Wen glared at him with bloodshot eyes.

“You think the table is the issue? My subordinates are all dead!”

“You can always recruit more members, can’t you? I’m sure there are plenty of thugs willing to join under China’s number one, Yang Chui Wen.”

“Damn it, do you think I’m a psychopath with no blood or tears? These were my people, like family! They ate from the same pot as me, enduring hardships together!”


Seeing Yang Chui Wen shouting in anger, the Spaniard kept quiet.

It seemed that the organization was an important part of Yang Chui Wen’s life.

For a while, the only sounds in the cabin were heavy breathing and furious shouts.

“I’ll kill him. I don’t know who it is, but I’ll cut his belly open, pull out their intestines, and strangle him to death.”

At that point, the Dark Soul spoke up, unable to bear it any longer.

“Hasn’t the culprit already been revealed?”

“The culprit? What nonsense are you talking about?”

“Think about it. During the time of the crime, we were all in the otherworld, right? So the culprit must be an ordinary person, and the only ones who knew about the operation were the Black Society members. The answer is obvious: it’s an inside job.”

“So you’re saying that, damn it, one of my members betrayed me? Is that what you’re saying now?”

“Who else could it be? Unless you’re suggesting someone from Messiah betrayed us, it had to be one of your own who went rogue.”

“Do you want me to shut that mouth of yours?”

Yang Chui Wen glared with murderous intent, but the Dark Soul remained unfazed.

“Then let me ask you this. You said you found bodies in front of the villa before attacking the Black Scythe, right? Was anyone missing among your members?”

“…There’s only one. Zhang Chen.”

“Ah, then that guy must be the culprit. Just before the operation, he must have stabbed his comrades to death, returned home, and taken care of the rest of the organization.”

“But Zhang Chen was found dead along with the other members of the organization.”

“Then someone must have silenced him, or he may have killed himself after completing the job.”

“…Damn it, it’s not something to talk about so lightly. Zhang Chen wasn’t the kind of guy who would betray…”

“Do traitors walk around with ‘traitor’ written on their faces? Or do they give hints beforehand that they’re going to betray?”


“The ones who are good at killing are also good at acting. They wear a mask in everyday life and reveal their true colors when the time comes.”


“What does a damn Jap like you know!”

Yang Chui Wen denied it, but the Dark Soul looked around at his companions as if to ask if they agreed with him.

“Do you all think I’m wrong?”

No one responded to the Dark Soul’s question.

Silence meant agreement.

I'm currently Translating the following novels: Pick Me Up! | A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War! | The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player. If you want to support me and read more chapters please subscribe to my Patreon!


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