Taming The Villainesses

Episode 248.1

Episode 248.1

(EP-248.1) Caged #3

248 – Caged Bird #3

Sometimes the world could be unfair.

In favor of villains.

There was a reasonable explanation for this.

Let’s say there is a person who has always done bad things.

If that person does something good, whether it’s a sudden change of heart or a melancholic feeling…. 

━Maybe they aren’t such a bad person after all?

━I didn’t know they had this side to them!

…They are often re-evaluated. 

Someone might point out that this was an exaggerated expression, but in reality, such re-evaluations frequently occur in the world. The once-popular “bad boy” trend was a similar case.

And it was the same with Aira now.

━Oh my…! The Queen hasn’t slapped any of the maids even once this morning!

━I heard she even let off the maids who spilled water earlier!

━T-this is a scam! It’s a fake! This must be a fake Queen!”

Things that would be considered mundane if done by someone else receive great applause when Aira does them.

━Wh-what—! The Queen made a wreath herself…!? I can’t believe it…!

One of the servants who received the wreath made by Aira was so overwhelmed by this astonishing change that he was shaking and even shed tears.

Elga, watching this scene, scoffed and said, ‘Hmph, what a sycophant.’ But I could fully understand people’s reactions.

In the court, Aira was like a hedgehog with her bristling needles, ready to bare her teeth and claws at the slightest displeasure.

You could never predict what she would do.

However, living in a foreign land had given Aira the much-needed breathing space, and unlike before, she was actually keeping the line of human common sense. 

Those who had low expectations from the start were naturally brought to tears when Aira behaved like an ordinary person.

“This place is as noisy and dreary as ever.”

Of course, Aira herself slumped onto the throne, as if exhausted, after dismissing everyone. The court was silent once the crowd had left. 

So silent that my footsteps echoed softly between the pillars and the floor with every step I took. Taking advantage of the silence, I said to Aira.

“But the people liked it.”

“Theo, people have always loved me, the Queen.”

I don’t think that’s case…


The court we returned to after a long time had some changes compared to two or three months ago, but some parts remained the same.

Even in Aira’s absence, the throne was kept sparkling by the maids.

The garden, which the court prides itself on, was in full bloom. The flowers and the powdered faces of the youthful maids were as fresh and lovely as ever.

As time passed, evening arrived.

Jesters and musicians gathered, decorating the palace garden. Many people sat at tables laden with food, laughing and enjoying the banquet.

“Your Majesty, could you make a wreath for me as well…? I would like a variation with thornless roses and tulips.”

“Why not?”

Aira skillfully wove flowers into necklaces, crowns and other accessories for the courtiers lined up to receive her creations.

The servants who received theirs then compared them and shared their admiration from a distance.

━She as graceful as ever.

━Ark’s education must have been effective. I thought it was pointless.

━That guy Theo…, Sir Theo was right. If she just lives peacefully without causing any trouble like this, I don’t think we have to worry.

As I listened to their conversations with my sensitive half-fairy ears, I sensed a large presence approaching me.

When I turned my head, a towering figure with platinum hair, draped in a black cloak, was looking down at me. His appearance evoked a certain woman, but his eyes were red and bloodshot.

“You look well, Lord Reinhardt.”

I spoke first, bowing my head slightly. The man then extended a glass he was holding to me.

“It’s not alcoholic, so you can take it. You must be parched from coming in such a hurry.”

He was probably talking about why we returned so abruptly without a word. If the roles were reversed, I would have been equally confused, so I decided to stay put.

“Thank you for the drink.”

It was grape juice. It wasn’t as sweet as I expected, but it was refreshing. The ice in it made it perfect for soothing my mouth, which was tired from continuous conversation.

Then there’s a brief moment of silence.

His daughter, Elga, might be somewhat soft and open, but her father, Reinhardt, was a cold-blooded and ruthless man, earning him the reputation of the Iron Blood Chancellor.

How dare you with my daughter-!

Just as I tensed up a bit, wondering if he’s going to snap my neck with that kind of feeling, he reluctantly spoke first.

“I must admit it. Sir Theo, it seems you were right.”

“You mean admitting the Queen into Ark?”

“Yes. I thought it was impossible. It’s astonishing to see her so relaxed after just a few months. Now, no one will mock you.”

He was right.

I didn’t know what changes had occurred in the palace during my absence, but most of the people who approached me today were favorably disposed toward me.

At that moment, Aira, who had made wreaths for everyone, stood up with her glass.

“Well then, let’s toast to Angmar’s eternal glory. Also, I’d like to take this opportunity to appoint a court mage, which has been vacant for a long time….”


Aira’s squinted eyes looked at me.


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