Taming The Villainesses

Episode 247.2

Episode 247.2

(EP-247.2) Caged #2

247 – Caged Bird #2

Aira’s explanation made everything clear.

This was akin to the theory of Theseus’ ship.

In honor of the hero Theseus, his ship was preserved.

But the wood used to build the ship would inevitably rot over time. As the rotting planks were replaced one by one, eventually all parts would be entirely new.

In that case, although the ship looked the same as the original ‘Theseus’s ship,’ it was actually different.

Therefore, even if Opal got resurrected, there was much debate over whether he would truly be the same great hero Opal they once knew. 

「You have calmly judged the situation!

You have gained experience points through the talent 《Calm Thinking》.

All job experience +5」 

Elga said, seemingly to have understood to some extent. 

“The problem is that we don’t know what’s up, regardless of what state he’s resurrected in. There’s nothing good about doing things in secret. They’re definitely plotting something nasty.” 

There was no reasonable basis, but Elga’s words sounded very reasonable. When something got plotted in secret, it was usually not for a good reason.

“If that Opal is plotting a rebellion… Hmm.”

Elga hummed lightly.

As a brief silence draped over the meeting room like a curtain, I felt it was my turn to step in.

I said. 

“Speaking of which, since we’re on vacation, what do you think about returning to Angmar for a while?”


Aira tilted her head, and the other ladies blinked as well.

I had been planning to return to the kingdom soon to assess the situation, so this development actually worked in my favor. After all, the headquarters of the Bellhawk Merchant Guild was in Angmar’s Monarch City.

If I could coordinate with Stella Bellhawk and gain access to their headquarters, I should be able to get to Opal somehow.

* * *

Surprisingly, the plan went smoothly.

Except for Mirna, we had no business in the church’s city and was simply meandering around. Adjusting the schedule was easy.

We decided to return to the palace via the teleportation gate, just like when we came to Gracia from Angmar. With that, we could cover the distance that would normally take several days by carriage in the blink of an eye.

Departure was scheduled for tomorrow.

“Unfortunately, I have a lot to do. I’m uncertain if I’ll finish everything by the end of today…”

Mirna wanted to go to Monarch City with us. However, given the amount of work she had, it seemed almost impossible for her to finish everything overnight.

“We’ll depart tomorrow morning. Just thinking about returning to the palace after a long time is already making me tired.”

“I’ll have to stop by home as well. There are documents I need to pick up from the family.”

Aira and Elga were quite positive about returning to the palace. Anyway, even if it took a while, it would be about a week to a month.

Still, just in case, it might be wise to inform Marmar, Professor Balan and others in advance.

“Comrade, we might not see each other for a while! Don’t worry, I’ll look after Keongkeong with the other imps.”

“Yeah. Take care. If anything happens, tell Lady Kalira at the infirmary or Professor Balan in the research wing.”


And so, the next morning.

“Still, is it okay to return so suddenly? Everyone will be surprised.”

I asked Aira, who was preparing to go through the teleportation gate. Hearing my concern, she just shrugged in response.

“I am the Queen. Is there any problem with me returning to my country?”

Well, she had a point…


Finally, the teleportation gate started to activate. Just as the sound, eerily reminiscent of a whale’s cry, filled the air—

“Wait—! I’m going too!”

Mirna, carrying a large bag, came rushing toward us. She had mentioned she might not be able to go to Monarch City due to her busy schedule, but it seemed she was determined to go to Angmar after all.

“With this long-awaited vacation, I thought it would be nice to leave this place where I’ve stayed for so long and finally tour Monarch City, the heart of the world.”

Elga scoffed at Mirna’s words.

“Hmph, do you think we’re going there to play?”

“That’s exactly what I mean!”

“… If you don’t want to bite your tongue, you’d best stay quiet. It’s starting.”


With a loud sound, everything before my eyes was suddenly enveloped in a burst of light. As I tried to hold onto my stretchy consciousness, the scenery gradually changed.


Just like the last time, this teleportation gate was not meant for humans to ride…

While it was convenient to shorten the distance of over a month to just a few seconds, the sensation of having my body turned inside out was something I could never get used to.

“S-someone’s here-!”

Before us stood a group of people, their faces painted with worry, anxiety, and surprise. A man in armor with an array of insignias on his shoulders lowered his spear and spoke.

“Isn’t it the Queen?”

“Yes, Guard Captain Nicardo. Why is there no one welcoming me when I, the Queen, have returned?”

“T-That’s because we hadn’t heard that you were arriving today…! I apologize…! Please, spare my life…!”

Guard Captain Nicardo fell flat on his face, thinking that his head would roll if he displeased Aira.

I could already imagine Aira saying, “How dare you not anticipate my arrival! Incompetent!” in my mind.

But Aira just waved her hand dismissively in annoyance.

“Well, I suppose it can’t be helped. You weren’t informed of my arrival, so I will forgive you.”

The surrounding people looked at each other’s faces as if they couldn’t believe Aira’s words.

━I thought the Guard Captain was as good as dead.

━Exactly. What just happened? Did she really forgive him?

They were likely unaccustomed to Aira’s newfound leniency. As everyone started to whisper amongst themselves, I said to them. 

“What are you doing? Announce the Queen’s return at once!”


It was the return of the Queen to her kingdom after a long time.

Edited by: faker


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