Taming The Las Vegas Playboy

Chapter 9 - Kick Ass Girl

Wirata jumped into a taxi. She turned to look at the back, saw the bodyguard of the mad man turned around after he could not find her.

What was wrong with this evil mafia?

What did he want from her?

Her heart was pounding like crazy, he kissed her again, yuck! Wirata rubbed her lips so hard could not wait to get home to rinse her mouth and brush her teeth. The taste of mints and wine from him made her feel dizzy and disgusted.

Stefan walked into the penthouse with frustration and anger. He went straight to the bar, pouring whiskey into a glass and then tipping the whole lot down his throat.

"That's great! Just a little woman! But the big fucking bodyguards still managed to miss!"

The thick angry voice said to James and Ben who were standing near the door with their heads bow a little, made sure there was some distance between them and the boss. Just in case!

Stefan touched his jaws, felt sore as hell, got bruises both his face and his pride! No one could know about this unacceptable incident. Stefan Mackenzie got punched by a girl! Especially, Bernardo Costa, his enemy! His name would be destroyed unrecoverably!

Her fist was unbelievably hard and heavy, no joking! Stefan poured more whiskey into the thick glass. The girl who dared to punch Stefan Mackenzie would not be able to live peacefully from now on. She would face consequences and she would be VERY SORRY for this.

He would make sure of it. His thought so focused and was all about this Violet, the arrogant girl who dared to fight against him. Who would ever think she was kick-ass!

"The staff said there was no woman named Violet working there. I think she might just walk by. "

James said after letting the boss drank some more whiskey to calm himself down. Stefan went to sit on a large dark brown leather couch, raised his hand to rub his jaws again.

"Hm, ... Would you like some nice frozen peas for your face, boss?"

Ben asked, noticing that his boss kept rubbing his jaws since he got punched hard. The boss quickly turned his head to give him a fiercely look. Ben flinched, he quickly stepped away and gave the boss a sheepish smile. He also made sure he was far away from the boss's heavy foot.

"Get out! Go find her, and stay out of my face until you get her and bring her to me."

The frustrated voice roared.

"Uh, what about the woman in the suite?"

It's James's turn to ask. There was a French model waiting in the special suite room, the luxury room that Stefan used for having fun with women.

This seven-star hotel of the Mackenzie family. The top floor was Stefan's penthouse and never welcomed any stranger. He loved and cherished his privacy more than anything. However, family and friends were allowed to come up here. For example, Sam Mackenzie, his only brother. He sometimes came to stay here when he visited Las Vegas.

For temporary women, they came to the suite room once and that was it! They would never see the room again. Because Stefan only had sex with each woman once.

Yep! only once, and after paying her with a big fat check. He forgot her right away. Some women might not be so happy for his quick turning away but nobody complained when they looked at the numbers written on the check.

"Send her back. I am not in the mood."

The voice was harsh, washed the whiskey down his throat for the second time.

"Hm, but this woman was sent from John White. She's kind of your taste."

James gave more details in case the boss wanted to change his mind. Stefan sent a cold gaze to his bodyguard. He recognized the name 'John White'. The owner of a luxury pub in the city. His longterm debtor. He sent women every time he could not pay interest!

"Didn't you hear what I just said, James?"

The cold voice of the boss was telling James and Ben that they should get out quick before something could fly. Something like the glass in his hand, for example!

"Yes, boss!"

The bodyguards said in tune, bowed and dashed out of the room like a flash!

"Fucking hell, James. How come the boss missed that girl for two years. Did you see her face? So sweet, so young, so beautiful!"

Ben said to his partner while they were in the elevator. The two of them had their own private suite rooms in the hotel building.

"You bet! From now on this girl won't be able to hide anywhere. But don't you think it's strange that she's in Las Vegas? Maybe, it's our boss's destiny."

James criticized and used the word that made Ben paused.

"What do you mean by DESTINY?" Ben did not get what his friend tried to say.

"Well, a man like our boss, he never believes in anything apart from his money! Maybe, God has sent this girl to tame his egos down a little and makes him believe that there is a woman who can punch his face without hesitation."

James said then laughed, Ben also choked with a laugh after hearing.

"Not a bad joke after all."

Ben said to James. The elevator stopped at their floor. The two got out.

"But I must admit, this sweet Thai girl has got the power. She can make the boss's temperature goes up like a rocket bursting the sky. Ha Ha!"

Ben made more jokes. This was new to their team, Ben would make sure the rest of the bodyguards knew what just had happened. But however, he had to make sure that it was well behind the boss's back! Otherwise, their backsides would get kicked, hard!

"Okay, let's get serious. We've got work to do. Where the hell should we start this time? I've run out of ideas." James changed the topic.

"Well, I'm feeling half dead right now. Let's called it a night, tomorrow is not here yet."

Ben put if off. James looked at his partner and shook his head.

"I don't know why you're half dead when it was me who ran after the girl, and you're just resting your badass in the car.

"So I guess you're also half dead. See you in the morning, buddy. Let's pray that we have some luck tomorrow."

Ben concluded, slapped James's shoulder. James sighed and nodded since he was tired as Ben said. He walked into his bedroom, felt heavy in his head when thinking about the big assignment.


Wirata did not come to the restaurant that week. She told everyone there if anybody came and asked for her, just said they did not know anything.

Later, Supa told her that there were some guys came and asked for a woman named Violet. Wirata knew straight away it was THEM, the bad mafia's men. And Supa made sure the staff not to tell them anything, just like Wirata asked.

The following week, Wirata came to help her mother at the restaurant by entering the back door. She was very careful when leaving as well. At the age of eighteen, in the city that was full of influent people made Wirata became prudent and wise. She was glad that she had followed her mother's advice about taking Taekwondo and Karate lessons.


One month later

"Very good! for one fucking month and still can't find her!"

The insulting loud voice made James and Ben jumped and gave their boss sheepish smiles.

"Ah, we've looked everywhere, boss. She might be just passing by and she might be from Boston. And had already gone back. Um, I think, maybe, forgetting her is the easiest way. She's just a girl, there are many beautiful models and movie stars out there waiting for you to call."

James said, tried to be brave to suggest the boss, which sometimes he listened. But this time as soon as James finished, the boss roared and sent a sharp gaze saying YOU ARE DEAD! That made Jame's hair stood up! Felt the cold in his spine!

"You probably forget who I am, James! Do I have to remind you?"

Stefan said to his bodyguard who dared to suggest such things that he would never do in a million years. James shut his mouth immediately and stepped backward right that minute.

"I don't like anyone to challenge my power. If I didn't teach that girl to know who she is dealing with. you two don't ever expect to rest until you found her. Understand?"

James and Ben nodded instantly, knowing that apart from the girl who would not have peace,  it was the two of them too, who would not be able to sleep peacefully.

The woman was really had power over the boss's thoughts without him realizing, and she hadn't done much at all. James couldn't imagine what's gonna happen if they really met face to face. Somehow, James had a strange sixth sense feeling sending a strong signal to his mind that this woman would be the woman God sent to teach the special lessons to Stefan Mackenzie. James did not know what, but he bet he was right!

"Just take your chicken shit face out of this room, and come when you have the woman."

Stefan waved his hand unhappily to his men. James and Ben did not hesitate for a second to disappear with a relief!

Sam Just arrived here at the family hotel. He stayed in a suite room in the family private zone. He did not want to stay at the penthouse because knowing that his brother liked his one space and privacy.

"Hey, what happened? You two look like shit."

Sam greeted James and Ben at the penthouse door when the bodyguards just walked out.

"The big storm's spinning inside."

Ben answered. They were close, could say that the Mackenzie family took their bodyguards into the family, not like servants, but more like friends and brothers.

"What? Now? Why?" Sam asked with a surprise.

"Long story. But, you better go see your brother first. Maybe you could make him feel better."

James suggested Sam. They did not feel frightened when it was Sam. But Stefan was another story. The bodyguards felt both love and respect with fear. Stefan was raised to be a strong leader, to lead the Mackenzie Enterprise, so his characters were nothing soft nor gentle.

"Alright, you two aren't looking good, go get fresh air. I'll be here for a week. You can tell me the whole story later."

Sam said then walked to the penthouse.


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