Taming The Las Vegas Playboy

Chapter 8 - The World's Too Small

During the summertime like this, the restaurant was busy every night. The tables were booked early otherwise, customers would not be able to get in. From the evening to the late-night the staff were working like the busy bees.

The people who worked here were both Thais and Americans. Some were students working part-time. Some were Thai women who married American men and had to work to earn money and sent it to their families in Thailand. Everyone here was like family. Her mother was a very kind boss and all the staff loved her like their big sister.

Two weeks later.

"Hey Wine, is anybody taking care of the VIP room reserved for two guests at 8 p.m. tonight? Make sure it's nice and ready for the guests."

Supa, the 35-year-old manager, said when Wirata came to her at the counter front. Although Wirata was the boss's daughter but during working hours she was treated like other staff, had to follow the manager's orders.

"I see Wimon in there, she probably is taking care of it, don't worry."

Wirata said cheerfully to Supa. Wirata got along well with everyone here.

"Will you go to check and have a quick look for me, please, just to make sure again."

Supa asked as the manager who liked everything curtain, neat, nice, tidy and ready!

Wirata smiled. She liked the way Supa supervised her staff, so efficient. Her mother was lucky to have Supa as the manager here for several years.

Wirata walked into a section on the far left, separated from the main room by a glass wall, the area was divided into 4 VIP rooms. In there, the rectangular table was covered with a white linen cloth. On the top, there were scented candles stood on the beautiful brass stand and a single red rose embroidered in a tall glass vase. The room was booked by somebody named 'James' for two customers, probably lovers. They also had already made a call to order food and drinks in advance!


Throughout the two weeks that Stefan had returned to Las Vegas. He had been very busy with his business. He did not need to open a casino to compete with anyone else in the city because he had better business than gambling.

Stefan came from a very wealthy family, he was one of the two heirs of the giant finance company called 'The Mackenzie Enterprise Group', which was not just financial stuff they had owned, but they also owned a luxurious 7-star hotel in Las Vegas called 'The Grand MC'. In fact, The Mackenzie Enterprise Group had dealt and involved with all sorts of business they could make money out of it.

And one of the businesses which made good profits for Stefan was money trading and 'Quick Loan'. He did it well. Most of his customers were big businessmen and business owners who needed quick money. And in this city, Stefan Mackenzie was well-known for wealth and fast money source. But however, doing business with Stefan, one thing to keep in mind was to keep promises as their lives depended on it.

Stefan hated people who could not do what they promise! He did not compromise, did not reconcile anyone, did not take advantage of anybody. He was always strict and straightforward when it came to money business!

Besides business reputation, Stefan also had a reputation for women! The powerful man who used women like he used toilet papers! But who cared, not Stefan for sure!

He considered himself a generous man when it came to beautiful women he wanted. Ladies who went to bed with him were all willing and happy to play the same game called 'Give and Take'.

Stefan always made sure to pay generously for good and impressive service! He had never heard any bad feedback from anyone who slept with him, not even once! So it meant they all were happy with the payment.

"Are you sure, this is the one?" James whispered to Ben, his close friend and partner.

In these two weeks, they spent most of their time sending people to find Thai women named Violet as the boss had ordered which had to find in the zone where Asian people lived, and according to the internet, Chinatown was the best chance for them. And finally, they had found one!

"Damn you! how could I know? I haven't had a chance to see even the back of her head!"

Ben swore at his partner and whispered back with a frustrated tone. He looked at the picture sent to his email. This 'Violet' girl was smiling to the camera like a model!

"But this one named Violet, she's Thai-American. I don't think she's the one the boss wants but he might like this sexy Violet because she is his taste, woman with big boobs, skin as white as milk."

Ben said again, made James laughed in his throat and that made Ben grinned, too.

Usually, both of them had a duty to find women to satisfy their big boss in bed, so they know well what type of ladies Stefan Mackenzie fancied.

"Tonight the boss is in a good mood. It's been a long time since he was in the mood to eat out with a woman, at least we found one Violet. I hope it won't turn to be violent at the end of the night!" James made a joke and they laughed together.

Ben took his laptop to the office room next to the large living room in this penthouse, on the top floor of the Grand MC hotel.

Stefan stared at the picture Ben showed him. He frowned for a sec but nodded and turned his attention back to his work.

"8 o'clock at Vi Wine restaurant, I will send someone to pick up Miss Violet from her place, boss."

James reported to his boss who was focusing on reading the file in his hands.

"Keep her downstairs, as usual, don't forget."

The boss reminded his bodyguards. No woman was allowed to come up to the penthouse. If Stefan wanted to have fun with any of them, there was a suite room on the lower floor, for that kind of activity. The penthouse was just for family and close friends only!

James and Ben had their favourite restaurant. A Thai restaurant named Vi Wine, where they liked to order delivery on their own time. Also the boss, Stefan liked Thai food as well. He even had it more than American food. Which was quite surprised to people who did not know Stefan, his bad-boy look did not tell that he liked Asian dishes. Italian food, maybe.

The VIP room had a soft yellow light. The aroma of Thai essential oils smelled lovely. Wirata looked at the clock, the time was nearly 8 p.m. And Mr. James something who booked the table should be on his way here.

Wirata walked to stand in front of the door with Wimon to welcome the VIP guests. Minutes later, a luxurious black BMW car with dark films on, drove in and stopped in front of the restaurant. A tall man opened the front door, then ran to open the back door, letting another tall man stepped out, which obviously he must be the boss. Wirata saw some mafias parade cars like this in this city, Las Vegas was full of godfathers and influential people just like this one.

The tall, athletic body, wearing a dark blue shirt and pale denim jeans was standing waiting for someone to step out of the car. Wirata was shocked when looking at his face. Her hands turned chill with terrifying!

Oh, my God! This crazy evil mafia, Pichani's boyfriend! ... The bad mafia who dared to kiss her and offered her to go to bed with him! His face was smooth, his eyes were dark blue. He looked dangerous in his cool looks. She knew by her instincts that he was dangerous!

Wirata bent her down head and looked at the floor immediately tried to hide behind Wimon. Her heart was pounding fast and her brain was trying to figure out the quickest escape route she could make.

He stood right there in front of her, so close! Waiting for a sexy woman who just stepped out of the car. The woman put her arm in his arm.

Stefan nodded to Ben, who was the driver, signalled him to find a place to park, while James followed behind. Stefan looked up at the sign above, the name pronounced 'Vi Wine', when looked in front of him, he saw two waitresses stood there to welcome them. They greeted in Thai traditional way with two hands put together at the chest and bow a little.

Stefan frowned a little when glancing at the woman at the back, something felt familiar but she ducked her head down, looked funny in his opinion. He stopped paying attention. It happened to him sometimes that women couldn't stand his charms and was shy to look straight into his eyes, Stefan thought with amusement.

"Welcome to Vi Wine, please follow me."

The waitress who stood in front said and led them inside. Stefan and his date followed. Somehow, Stefan turned back to look at the other waitress, but she was already gone!

"We'll wait outside, boss"

James said to Stefan. For Stefan, his bodyguards were close to him. He didn't have formality with them, treated them like friends and brothers. That was the reason why all his bodyguards could die for Stefan Mackenzie, because when it came to a dangerous situation, they believed Stefan would do the same for them, too!

Stefan followed the waitress into the restaurant. It was packed but, still nice with Thai traditional music turned on. The staff were polite and efficient. This place had class!

Stefan looked at his date, knowing in his head, this one was not the one he was looking for, but tonight he was feeling in the mood of eating out with a beautiful woman for a change. Normally, he did not take women out, but they would be sent straight to his suite room instead when he wanted one.

She sent a charming smile at him with an incentive gesture. Stefan grinned. Maybe tonight might not be too bad after all.

Violet... His mind was thinking of that nice smell of the young woman, she smelled like flowers in the rain. He could not get her scent out of his head.

"Nok, could you please take care of the VIP guests for me? I got a headache, don't feel fit enough to serve in there, but I'll do the washing up for you. Wimon is with them right now."

Wirata asked a waitress named Nok to cover her duty in the VIP room.

"A headache? Oh, you should take a painkiller, Wine. And don't have to do my job, let somebody else do it."

Nok said with concerns in her eyes, Wirata touched her shoulder and smiled thankfully.

"Don't worry about me, I can handle the job, I can see you nearly finish it."

Wirata said. Nok nodded.

"Okay, I'm going now, I'll tell your mother that you are not feeling well."

"Oh, no, don't tell her, I don't want her to worry, I'll take paracetamol later."

Nok sighed and nodded then quickly walked to the VIP room.

Wirata let out a sigh of release, went to the staff locker room. She changed from the Thai dress to a T-shirt and jeans and put on an apron. Then she went to the washing room. Wirata could not believe that she would see his face again. The world was obviously too small!

This evil mafia guy had just left Pichani only two weeks ago and now he was with a new girl already! Wirata thought and was pulling her face with disgust!

Wirata finished the washing-up at about 10 p.m. Thought that the VIP guests would have gone by now. Usually, two hours for dinner were considered a long time for a man who dated a beautiful woman. Normally, they would want to do something else rather than eating Tom Yum Koong!

"Mom, I think I'll go home now, got a bit of a headache."

Wirata told her mother. Her mother touched Wirata's forehead with concerns.

"Oh, darling, why didn't you tell me, go home and don't forget to take medicine."

"Don't worry, mom, I won't forget."

"Ring me as soon as you reach home. Okay?"

"Sure. See you at home mom. Love you. Bye"

Wirata hugged and kissed her mother on the cheek. She grabbed her brown leather jacket, put it on. The big leather bag on her shoulder with a cap on her head then left the restaurant.

Wirata rushed to cross the road, could not see a black car was speeding towards her! The car headlights splashed brightly, lit in close distance, along with the loud shouting noise!

Just before it hit her, the driver quickly turned the steering wheel to the side and stomped on the brake! The car stopped dead!

Wirata stood still in the middle of the road, frozen with a shock! Her face was as pale as paper. The car door was swung open, a tall man walked straight to Wirata.

"Are you okay?"

James asked the young lady who was rushing to cross the road without looking around.

He stared at her face, big black eyes wide open with shock. James pulled her to the side of the road near the car.

"Uh ... no - Yeah, I'm okay." Wirata answered, still a bit shaking inside but, quickly recovered when knowing that she was safe, nothing happened.

She looked up to the man, he was looking at her with worrying. Wirata shrugged and was going to apologise, but then the window of the back seat of the car was lowering down. There was a man sat in there, he looked straight at her.

"If you want to commit suicide, just hold your breath so others will not suffer."

The low husky voice spoke to her. Wirata got her consciousness back and remembered him right away. The bad evil mafia!

Her fear turned to anger. He dared to speak like that to a person who nearly got hit by his speedy car!

Evil soul!

"Go to hell!"

The angry voice shouted back with brave eyes stared back to Stefan, made the bodyguards gasped. He turned to look at the boss as his sharp eyes grew dark.

Before anyone could think, Stefan pushed open the car door and walked straight to the young lady who was standing with her huge eyes dark with anger.

Stefan stared at the young beautiful face, her lips were slightly parted, looking at him with no blinking. Stefan frowned, he was feeling familiar with that shocking gesture. He thought he had seen this kind of shocked face before.

But... sure as hell that he had never met this beautiful woman in his life.

The face was so pretty, her mouth looked soft and sweet made his mouth-watering. There was no way he could forget her face. But, still felt so familiar, things were mixing in his head and his mind.

"Funny enough, recently, somebody told me to go to hell as well. But since you are here, let's go together!"

finished his speech, big hands pulled Wirata against his chest, his head bent down and right that second his mouth was on hers!

Wirata was shocked once again. Never in her life that she would think there would be a man to dare to kiss her without permission on the side of the road like this!

Stefan got the sweet scent that was stuck in his mind for two weeks. He tightened her body closer. thrust the tongue into her mouth, felt his heart was racing with her flowers scent but before he could taste her any longer and deeper...

"Ouch! Fuck! My foot!"

The swear escaped and the strong arms let loose because of the pain shot up from his foot. The slender body spun around and sent a fist to his jaw! Hard and fast!

Stefan could feel his face and foot hurt like hell!

"Ouch! God! What the fuck!"

He swore fiercely, his hand reached to grab her arms but missed by inches! She was so quick. The slim body ran forwards the buildings nearby and disappeared.

Ben and James were in shock. They forgot the duty of bodyguards completely as they had never seen a woman stomped on the foot and punched on the face of Stefan Mackenzie before in their fucking lives!

"Wow!" They were exclaiming at the same time.

"What the fuck are you waiting for! Go get her now!"

Stefan shouted with an angry voice. That woke James up and the bodyguard hurried to run after the slender figure with a beautiful face.

Minutes later, James ran back.

"She's gone, can't find her, boss."

He reported with an exhausted voice.


Stefan swore again and again with anger. He tried to control himself. It was not often that Stefan had lost control like this. Stefan turned to his bodyguards. 

"Ben, find a taxi for her."

Stefan said to Ben, 'Her' referred to 'Violet' in the car. Ben rang the taxi call centre right away.

"James, go to the restaurant, ask them, find out about that girl."

Stefan gave the order to James. James then ran back to the Vi Wine restaurant straight away before the boss got mad.

In fact, he was already mad!

Stefan was frustrated, could not believe that he would see her again in his own town like this. Also could not believe he let her slip out of his hands for the second time.

The girl who dared to deny his offer!

Dared to curse him!

Stomped on his foot!

And most importantly punched him in his face on the busy road in Las Vegas!

That was definitely too much!



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