Taking advantage of the beauty being poor, fooling her into being my girlfriend

Chapter 553 - 553 Do you still want to perform for you?

Chapter 553: Chapter 553 Do you still want to perform for you?

In the study.

The atmosphere was very heavy.

Jiang Xu sat upright in his chair, staring expressionlessly at An Nuonuo, who stood before him with her head bowed, not daring to take a deep breath.

At this moment, An Nuonuo was the very picture of a child who had made a mistake and was being scolded by a parent.

“Ha,” Jiang Xu sneered coldly, “An Nuonuo, oh An Nuonuo, you’re really something, aren’t you?

Tell me, how many ice creams have you sneaked while I was away?”

“Not… not that many,” An Nuonuo said weakly, “Five… no… six, just six.” Jiang Xu didn’t believe her tall tales; he figured it was probably more than six in just one day.

“Don’t be mad,” An Nuonuo said softly in her own defense:

“Before I eat ice cream, I always eat something first and drink some hot water

to fill my stomach, and then I eat it.”

Jiang Xu: “Should I praise you for that then?”

An Nuonuo didn’t dare to speak anymore.

Jiang Xu was very angry now: “Why don’t you ever listen to me?”

An Nuonuo grabbed her own ears with both hands, pouted, and said pitifully, “I was wrong, brother, please give me another chance.”

This pitiable look was truly heartrending to see.

Even if Jiang Xu was fuming with anger, it had mostly dissipated by now.

But he needed An Nuonuo to kick this bad habit once and for all.

Occasionally eating one or two was fine, but left unmonitored, she would eat so much every day that it would inevitably lead to major problems.

After some thought, Jiang Xu had an idea.

He said sternly, “Is there a possibility that you haven’t gotten pregnant because of eating too much cold food?”

“What?” An Nuonuo’s face changed color, “That can’t be, can it?”

Seeing her reaction, Jiang Xu knew he was onto something.

Continuing with a stern face, he said, “How is it not possible?

Think about it. Neither of us has any physical problems, and I’ve been so diligent, but it hasn’t worked out.

The only mishap is your constant craving for cold treats; it could very well be because of that.”

An Nuonuo’s face turned pale.

She had been successfully tricked by Jiang Xu.

“I won’t eat them anymore, I won’t eat them ever again,” An Nuonuo said, clearly frightened.

At the same time, she felt very guilty.

Could it really be because of her gluttony that she had been unable to conceive?

Seeing how guilty An Nuonuo felt, Jiang Xu felt a bit remorseful, but he didn’t plan to say much more.

Her guilt would last only a moment, but if it could help An Nuonuo kick her bad habit, then it was worth it.

“Alright, let’s put this matter behind us,” Jiang Xu said as he pulled An Nuonuo into an embrace.

Her body was soft and fragrant.

He whispered in her ear, “Have you missed me?

An Nuonuo nodded slightly.

Feeling something stir, her ears turned red.

She knew what would happen next.

The next


After ending the call, Zhou Qingyue quickly sent over the stock code.

The stock was issued at three yuan.

Less than half an hour after it hit the market, it had already risen by 4%. It was probably all because of Zhou Qingyue, who currently had the highest domestic popularity.

Stocks like this are tightly bound to an individual.

The hotter Zhou Qingyue gets, the more the stock rises.

Conversely, if there’s any issue with her personal reputation, it would plummet like crazy.

Jiang Xu had quite a lot of confidence in Jiang Xiaoyan.

So, he directly invested a billion yuan of his private funds into it.

Then he took a screenshot and posted it online with a caption: Congratulations to Zhou on her company’s listing. I have great confidence in it and plan to hold for the long term.

The stock had already been very hot today, and now with Jiang Xu stepping in, it immediately had a great impact on the stock market.

Within less than ten minutes, there was a surge to the daily limit. Soon after, Zhou Qingyue sent Jiang Xu a long list from her backup number. The company that she would be partnering with Jiang Xiaoyan planned to roll out several high-quality works in the next two months.

Zhou Qingyue said she was confident that, in two months’ time, she could drive the stock price up to ten yuan.

If so, the billion that Jiang Xu had invested would turn into about seven billion yuan.

Jiang Xu thought that raising the stock price to ten yuan was not a big problem.

It could even go higher.

After all, this wasn’t one of those companies that went public just to raise funds.

Time flew by, and before they knew it, it was the day before the start of the school term.

They would be sophomores this semester.

Time really flies.

On the day before the start of term, Jiang Xu received some good news from the chip factory.

Two difficult problems had been solved.

One was a positioning issue, and the other was an authorization issue.

Upon receiving the news, Jiang Xu headed straight to a research lab specifically set aside for them inside the chip factory.

“Long time no see, did you miss me?”

As soon as he entered, Jiang Xu heard a familiar voice.

He turned his head and said, “Holy shit, who are you?”

With unruly hair and deep dark circles, looking listless as if hardly different from a homeless person on the street.

“Fuck off, you can’t even recognize me, can you?” Jiang Xiaoyan hit him.

“No, how did you turn into this?” Jiang Xu’s first glance over, he thought she was a savage.

“What do you think?” Jiang Xiaoyan rolled her eyes hard: “You think solving these two big problems so quickly happened because of what?

It’s because all of us have been working around the clock, to the point where I’m feeling a bit, you know, out of sorts.”

“You’ve worked hard.” Jiang Xu patted her shoulder.

Then he turned to the other researchers in the lab and thanked each of them.

They were the unsung heroes.

■■Everyone, I am truly grateful,” Jiang Xu said, bowing deeply to them:

“I won’t say too much. On a personal note, I’d like to donate two billion yuan to the Science Academy as research fund.”

Loud applause broke out on the scene.

They’d actually been in dire need of research funds recently, and Jiang Xu’s donation was like a timely assistance in the snow.

Everyone’s gaze toward him became much friendlier.

For Jiang Xu, spending two billion yuan to gain favor with these top physicists, biologists, and so on, was a very cost-effective move.

“By the way,” Jiang Xu said seriously, “there’s one more important thing.”


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