Taking advantage of the beauty being poor, fooling her into being my girlfriend

Chapter 552: Going to Great Lengths to Sneak a Snack

Chapter 552: Chapter 552: Going to Great Lengths to Sneak a Snack

An Nuonuo trotted out the door.

Outside was her delivery, a big box.

She was about to carry the box back inside when one of the female bodyguards stopped her.

“Ma’am, the boss instructed before he left that all deliveries must be inspected by us.”

This was an obstacle Jiang Xu had set up to prevent An Nuonuo from buying ice cream online.

“Sure, go ahead and check.”

An Nuonuo cheerfully handed the box over to the female bodyguard.

After opening and checking, they found it contained items like aromatic grasses, milk, cream, and fresh milk.

All very normal items, so they were returned to An Nuonuo.

An Nuonuo successfully brought these items back home.

Only then did she start to dance with joy and cheer.

She had passed the first barrier.

Wasn’t Jiang Xu not allowing her to eat ice cream?

So, after much contemplation, An Nuonuo came up with a brilliant idea.

Make her own.

She looked up what ingredients were needed to make ice cream online, and then bought them.

Coming to the kitchen, she took everything out and started making it according to the video.

When Jiang Xu arrived at the company, he immediately dove into work.

It was a three-way operation now.

Jiang Xiaoyan had joined the science research team that had come from the Capital city two days earlier.

The fastest route was by sea, and they had already covered a section of the journey.

The most difficult task was on the officials, who had to deploy a large amount of manpower and resources, even needing satellite coordination for cover.

To ensure the transportation was foolproof, they even conducted a drill, diverting the world’s attention.

All sides were puzzled.

Why suddenly hold a drill without any prior signs, did something big happen?

The most nervous was Ghost Country.

The drill location was close to them.

Many there were worried, wondering if it was targeted at them.

A number of them started shaking in fear.

And as for the higher-ups of A-Si Mai Company, one of the main parties involved, they remained clueless about the situation.

Some continued to live a life of debauchery, others traveled, and some went to other countries to make investments.

Two days later, in the early morning, Jiang Xu came to Magic City Port.

He glanced at the time now and then, his anxiety barely hidden.

The port was bustling even in the wee hours, with numerous ships from all over the world docking there.

To avoid drawing attention, the port was not closed off.

Agents sent by the officials also loitered nearby, posing as ordinary people.

Finally, Jiang Xu saw his own ship appear in the harbor.

He walked towards it with a steady stride.

At the same time, young people dressed unassumingly came from all directions, heading towards the same destination.

It seemed ordinary, but in reality, countless eyes and equipment had locked onto that ship.

After the handover, Jiang Xu boarded the ship and went to the warehouse.

He saw the neatly arranged and disguised photolithography machine parts.

It was only a portion, but the core components.

At that moment, Jiang Xu’s emotions surged.

Even if they were incomplete,

with these parts, the cost and time to develop a domestic photolithography machine could be greatly reduced.

These were quickly transported to his own chip factory.

It was late, so JiangXu didn’t disturb the researchers.

He’d wait till morning.

Night owl Lu Yi got the news and came running back, disheveled.


He held the parts in his arms, laughing uncontrollably.

Then he turned to hug Jiang Xu, but got kicked away: “Get lost.”

Lu Chao didn’t care either and rubbed his hands vigorously, “Brother Xu, you really did it, you actually managed to bring it back. How on earth did you do it?” Jiang Xu: “Some secrets are better kept unknown.”

Lu Chao used his laughter to cover the shock in his heart.

Anyone with a bit of sense knew how incredible this was, but Jiang Xu had done it.

Just how terrifying was the power behind him?

Lu Chao couldn’t help but think back to a time not long ago when, after his own brother returned, the two had a brief conversation.

At that time, Lu Yi had hinted at something.

If possible in the future, they could try to take control of the entire chip industry for themselves.

At that moment, Lu Chao hadn’t refused.

After all, that was a market worth trillions. No one could resist being tempted.

But now, he had completely abandoned such thoughts.

Sometimes, being too greedy doesn’t end well.

If he could just keep his own shares safe, he would be thankful enough.

Tonight, Jiang Xu personally stayed to watch over the place.

Lu Chao didn’t go back either and stayed with him in the warehouse.

Outside, the security was incredibly tight; it was like an impregnable fortress. Early in the morning, the group of scientists who got the news swarmed over. Seeing the parts of these lithography machines, their eyes shone with excitement.

It was like a martial arts master who had found a peerless secret technique, unable to let go.

Jiang Xiaoyan also came over.

Jiang Xu gave her an encouraging look before heading back to the company.

Another two days passed.

The remaining parts from both land and air had been transported back.

The next step was to decrypt these five lithography machines.

Decrypting them was just the first step; the second was to make sure that the people from Ghost Country would not find out.

The second step was more challenging, but Jiang Xu was confident he could achieve it.

He always believed that the people of Dragon Country were the smartest in the world.

Especially in terms of creativity and transformation ability, it’s no exaggeration to say they’re unrivaled.

No other country’s people could compare.

All that remained was to wait quietly.

By the time Jiang Xu got home it was already past three in the afternoon; he could finally relax.

“Nuonuo, I’m home,” he shouted into the house as soon as he walked through the door.

No response.

Could she be sleeping at this hour?

Jiang Xu changed into slippers and saw that the light in An Nuonuo’s study was on.

She was probably inside watching a drama and hadn’t heard him.

Jiang Xu crept up quietly, ready to surprise her.

“Nuonuo, I’m home.”

Standing by the door, Jiang Xu suddenly pushed it open.

“Cough cough cough…”

The sudden opening of the study door made An Nuonuo cough violently.

Her first reaction upon seeing Jiang Xu wasn’t to happily run over and throw herself into his arms.

Instead, she sprinted to the bathroom at the speed of a hundred-meter dash. With a “bang”, she slammed the bathroom door shut.

“Huff huff huff…”

An Nuonuo leaned against the door, gasping for breath, continuously patting her own conscience.

She looked thoroughly rattled.

That’s right, she had just been sneakily eating homemade ice cream, and had already finished her third one.

She was about to start on the fourth when Jiang Xu returned unexpectedly, nearly scaring her to death.

After calming down, she wiped her mouth in front of the mirror and straightened her clothes.

She sprayed a bit of perfume on herself to cover up any lingering smell before preparing to go out.

But An Nuonuo’s hand was on the doorknob, and before she could open it,

Jiang Xu’s slightly deep voice came from the outside: “An Nuonuo, come out and take your punishment!”


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