System Of The Undead

Chapter 20: The Hypothesis

Chapter 20: The Hypothesis

"JASON," The ladies screamed and ran in his direction, everyone but Bella, Bella wasn't about to risk her life for him but she hoped that Rachel could handle herself because she did like Jason, as a friend of course.

He has proven to be somewhat selfless but selflessness could easily be translated as foolishness because there was no way that was enough to survive.

Bella looked down, the probability that the zombie would kill Jason was high and if she needed to survive, she would do everything in her power to do so.

Rachel kicked the door, she thought about using the gun on the zombie but she remembered that she had no skill using a gun so he pushed the idea out of her head. She looked over her shoulder and she saw her younger sister, the same sister that was once frozen in place when they were passing the horde, charging at the zombie.

She carried a knife and stabbed the zombie's chest, Lillian didn't care at that moment.

She kept impaling the zombie.

"Leave him alone!" Lillian repeated these words as the knife went in and out of the zombie but of course, this wasn't enough to kill it.

The zombie's hold on Jason broke, this was all she needed and Jason quickly pushed Lillian out of the way because the zombie had reached for her.

He wasn't going to let that happen, not in a thousand years.

Jason turned around to see that this zombie had its entire lower jaw blown off, this explains why it didn't sink its teeth into him. He had none or Jason would have been turned into a victim.

"Give it to me!" Jason asked Lillian, the urgency in his voice told her that she needed to do so right now.

Lillian tossed him the knife to which Jason snatched it mid-air as he jammed it into the zombie's temple, killing it immediately.

Jason was breathing hard and he looked at Lillian with a look of gratitude because while the zombie might not be able to bite him, it could easily rip into his flesh.

"Wait..." Jason had an idea looking at the corpse, he couldn't believe he didn't think of this sooner as he dragged the zombie's corpse into the open space on the rooftop.

"What are you doing?" Bella asked Jason, she was concerned that he had lost his mind.

"The zombies... They act by smell and sound, right?" Jason asked Bella for confirmation and she nodded to affirm his question.

"Then why don't they attack each other? It is because of their smell, isn't it?" Jason said and Bella nodded once again but something was bothering her.

"Were you bitten?" Bella asked Jason.

"Yes Bella, right on my balls," Jason fired back, his demeanour had changed because he saw them more as boys right now.

This was the only reason he could communicate with them better, he spoke to them the same way he spoke to his gaming buddies.

The girls, however, looked down at his balls because they couldn't be sure if he was joking or not.

"I'm just joking!" Jason barked like a man with anger issues, was this the famous gamer rage?

"We need to get out but there is only one way. We need to make the zombies think we're one of them," Jason said but this was easier said than done.

"You want us to get infected?" Bella asked but Jason shook his head as he removed the knife from the zombie's skull and plunged it into his stomach.

The girls looked disgusted by this as Jason used the knife to split the zombie's torso vertically to reveal the decaying innards, maggots intertwined with its intestines and organs.

The stench was overwhelming, so much so that the girls couldn't help but throw up.

However, Jason didn't as he held his breath. He knew he had to keep his cool under this circumstance.

"Why are you doing that?!" Bella asked as she puked some more, Jason was too engrossed in his task to pay her any attention.


[Congratulations, Player Has Been Awarded +1 Intelligence!]

The system informed Jason and this was because the information he just discovered was going to prove to be extremely valuable.

Chronos recognized this and he reached his hand into the zombie's corpse but Rachel managed to stop this madness.

"Stop! We don't know if the infection can only be spread by bites!" Rachel warned him and this made him stop in his tracks.

She was right but Lillian walked right up to Jason with a weird ass smile on her face as she sunk her hand into her pocket to remove a pair of gloves.

It was similar to the one the military wore, meaning that she had snatched it from the room.

"Here you go dipshit," Lillian said and Jason nodded with appreciation but Lillian soon vomited right on him. She covered her mouth but the vomit only increased as Jason just stayed still, disappointed.

"I-I'm so sorry!" She apologized to Jason but he wasn't having any of it.

Jason quietly continued doing what he wanted to do because he was about to smell a lot worse as he smeared the zombie's entrail all over his body.

Wearing its intestines like jewellery and the stench made him blank out momentarily.

Jason couldn't believe that anything could smell so bad, no wonder zombies weren't eating each other. There was no way this smelled good to them either.

Jason was meticulous to avoid the eyes, mouth or any opening on his body because he didn't know how it could be transmitted and didn't want to risk it.

Jason needed to test out his theory and that meant he needed to actively risk going through the horde. If this didn't work then he would most certainly die.

He couldn't ask the girls to follow in his lead because he understood the risk that came with it.

Jason was going to be the Guinea pig of his hypothesis.


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