System Of The Undead

Chapter 19: Tide Shifting?

Chapter 19: Tide Shifting?

General X was standing on a pile of corpses, he looked like he was having fun as he had made a wall with the bodies of the corpses making it harder for the zombies to get to him.

He managed to save the sniper as he too assisted in defending, it felt endless and they had run out of ammunition so they had to use their melee weapons.

The fight was difficult and they were slowly being pushed back but they stood tall regardless.

"We need to leave!" The sniper cautioned but X wasn't listening to him because he understood the consequence of abandoning his post right now.

If he left then he could kiss the lives of his men goodbye.

X looked at the grenade in his pouch and hoped that it wouldn't come down to it or the entire building could crash if it was used.

The building was already old so this would be the final nail in the coffin.

"Go, General! I will hold them off!" The sniper said but this was what took the General by surprise because there was no reason why he should be the one to sacrifice himself.

That was what this would be, the one that stayed back was certain to die.

X knew that they stood a better chance together so why was his man trying to get rid of him?

"You were bitten..." X muttered under his breath but the man he was talking to didn't respond to him.

"Go..." This was the only thing that escaped the sniper's lips because being bitten was a death sentence, there was no reason that X had to put himself in harm's way for him.

"A General doesn't abandon his men, I will stand with you until we both die here or emerge victorious!" X reassured his man.

This brought a smile on his comrade's face but his eyes soon lingered, spotting the grenade on his superior's jacket flak.

They could hear footsteps approaching them, but this wasn't the usual pace of the zombies, someone was running towards them.

It was Jason, Clementine and Sam, they had survived and the zombies in their path were quickly dispatched but the problem with this was that the commotion was drawing even more zombies to their location, making it an endless stream.

Jason and the rest jumped over the heap of corpses but Jason was worried because he didn't see any of the ladies he came with; by the look of things the zombies hadn't breached this check point.

"Where are the girls!?" Jason asked but he was ignored because Clementine chimed in, she noticed that the sniper was looking pale and wanted to know what was wrong.

"Are you okay John?" Clementine asked, placing a hand over his shoulder.

"Don't call me that, I don't have an identity. I just do as I'm told," John said and that explained why no one called him by his name.

"Answer me, John!" Clementine didn't care for that because she could tell that even his temperature had increased.

"I was bitten," John said, revealing the bite on his wrist, this was the most vulnerable part of their suit.

Clementine's eyes immediately welled up with Sam looking away, he knew if he looked he would cry too.

Jason had no time for this and slipped away during their grieving process, he wasn't connected to either of them as they had just met.

He had a priority and he wasn't about to lose sight of that.


"The gunshots have stopped..." Rachel said, bending over, she saw zombies in the distance coming towards the building.

They were still far so if they wanted to jump down, now would be the time to do just that.

Rachel looked over at Lillian and Bella, she knew that doing this might very well kill them because they might lose the ability to defend themselves but she assumed everyone in the building would be dead.

"If we're going to leave then we have to do so now before those zombies come though. We have nothing to break our fall so we will definitely be injured..." Rachel said but her voice cracked. She was scared shitless and it was only now just showing but she was more worried about her younger sister.

Lillian had a smaller body so the probability that she could die was quite high but Rachel had no intentions of letting that happen, she planned on using her body to break her sister's fall.

She would give her life in a heartbeat if it meant her sister would live.

The door soon bulged and Rachel immediately pointed her gun in the direction of the door.

Ready to blast whatever came through that door and the moment it opened, Rachel let loose a bullet without even paying attention to what was coming through it.

"WHAT THE FUCK!?" A masculine voice.

"Jason?" Rachel called out, luckily she had a shit aim and had completely missed her mark but an inch closer, Jason would have been hit so he escaped narrowly.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!? DO YOU JUST FUCKING SHOOT ANYTHING IN SIGHT WITHOUT EVEN FUCKING LOOKING!?" Jason was livid, he had no plans of dying in this apocalypse, not even for the sisters.

"I'm sorry...." Rachel blurted out, this was the first time that she was apologizing to Jason.

"Fuck you and your apology! You're as shit as your aim, I came to check on you and I was nearly met with a bullet in my fucking head! You know what? Fuck you, Rachel!" Jason shouted but this did well to ease the tension as the girls began to laugh at him.

Lillian laughed the hardest but before things could proceed any further, a growl was heard right behind Jason as a zombie grabbed his shirt and yanked him through the door.

The zombie heard his voice and had managed to track him, they didn't know where the zombies were entering from as the idea was that the barricade was keeping the zombies at bay. This, however, was soon tossed out.

"JASON!" The girls screamed in unison.


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