Sword, Magic and Academic Society

Vol. 1 - Ch. 59 - Emission Magic Research Club (2)

"Holy sweet! That's so cool!"

The excitement inside me was at an all-time high. I mean, would you look at that smoldering beauty? That was precisely the magic that I was dying to use! Why in the name of freaking fantasy did I not have a talent for it!?

If only I had that talent, I would have practiced it all day long until my body could no longer endure!

"That's amazing, you two! How much mana did you use just now? How does taking a stance affect the time it takes to complete the spell? What’s the speed when you launched it? Can the size and temperature of the fireball be adjusted? Can you change its trajectory midway? Can you only shoot from the palm? More like, is it possible to make the fire manifest in a place away from the body? Is there a limit to rapid shots? How can you pull off such a mysterious phenomenon?"

I asked all the questions that I could think of. I had memorized the slightly difficult formulas of magic theory, but at the end of the day, it was just hard to come up with a concrete image. As they say, what better way could there be than experiencing it first-hand?

There were also a few half-hearted theories that I just couldn't wrap my head around… I would have verified them by myself if only it was possible.

My barrage of questions was met with perplexed expressions from my classmates. Well yeah, this must be something obvious for them.

"...I don't think there's much to explain when you yourself have a solid grasp on the magic theory part. Right now, I consumed 200 mana while Leo should have used about 800. It's easier to increase the strength of a spell the more mana amount you have. It feels like… utilizing body-strengthening magic, I guess.

The spell construction time and contracting it to increase its concentration largely depends on how well you can operate external mana. Also, it's generally difficult to control the trajectory of magic or change its attribute when you cut off the link connecting the magic to the body. For the other questions, it's possible to use another way to shoot magic in theory but this too is within the domain of external mana operation expertise and the result is usually not worth the time you sink into practicing it. So generally, no."

I see… I hadn't touched on this topic simply because I couldn't practice it, but the training of external magic was mainly reliant on external mana operation, which was also used for scouting.

And I guess, since the maximum strength of a spell was dependent on inherent mana capacity, the only other way to do so was to start with mana compression.

I had noticed the importance of scouting magic when I accompanied Riyad-senpai on his collection trip, maybe it was about time for me to start on it.

External mana operation worked on the same principle as internal mana circulation, so I believe I had the talent for it. But I also had loads of things to do after archery practice and my explorer work, so to be honest, I wasn't just too keen on starting it… Frankly speaking, I believe I could train myself in mana operation more sincerely and thoroughly than anyone else— no, scratch that, I could definitely take that path to its extreme that no one else has reached. Not that it mattered… since I didn't have that future.

Even if I did train my mana operation skills, what next? It wasn’t like I would be able to use emission magic. I just didn't have any confidence that I would be able to persevere on this path and when I reached that conclusion, I put a seal on these thoughts. Well, yeah, it would certainly not be a complete waste considering I could use this skill for scouting, but honestly, this motive wasn't good enough to clear away the gloom.

In my final analysis, this wasn't the type of magic that I wished for. But, keeping it out of my mind… wasn't going to cut it, huh?

Now that I had cleared his assignment, I would be able to get in touch with a master through the mediation of Godorfun. But, if what I want still turned out to be on the other side of the horizon… I would just quietly learn scouting magic. I mentally resolved myself.

"What happened? You are making such an anxious face..."

"...It’s nothing. Anyway, what type of magic can all of you use? I really want to see it!"


After Leo's and Dol's performance, I get to see the others' magic as well. And it was so exciting! I also asked them any questions that came to my mind.

It turned out that Jeu was a holy magic user said to be possessed by 1 among 5000 people.

There wasn't anyone wounded around so I couldn't check out the healing effect, but she did perform buff magic. The cascading veil of golden mana, just like her hair color, as she prayed was truly a mystical sight to behold.

Holy magic was still shrouded in a layer of mystery for the major part, like on what principle it activated, so there wasn't much explanation out there. Buff magic made it possible to circulate mana more smoothly and reduce the amount of mana usage. Ultimately, it provided an elevation in power, speed, or stamina. Apparently, it was an amazing feat for Jeu to be able to use it at her age.

Al was an ice mage. Ice magic was also a rare talent found only among 1 in 1000, and those who had it were called double attribute users. To be precise, the talent for ice attribute definitely came hand in hand with water attribute.

He also has a huge mana capacity, around 5000 compared to the other Class A students, and more than double mine.

I was so excited to see another new element, but apparently, neither water nor ice magic had any offensive magic. Ice magic was mainly about freezing over touch, and Al showed this by freezing a wooden stick that was in the training facility in one second.

Weeeell~... It sounded handy to have someone who could put up a shower in the campground and he could also encase hunted prey in ice to make it an easy task to bring them back. Honestly speaking though, it was pretty plain.

It wasn't the ice magic that I was expecting. I asked 'What about Ice Lance?' which was met with a 'What the heck is that?' and a confused expression from him.

When I explained one of the basic techniques of ice magic in fantasy, hurling ice spears, he spoke about how difficult it was to bring out that level of precision to create an ice spear, and most of all, that it would simply shatter in the end. So it didn't even need to be of ice, and he denied its possibility.

To make my point relevant, I utilized all the knowledge I had amassed during ice-cream development in my previous life and emphasized points like how when ice was cooled down at minus 70C temperature, it became harder than steel.

I also brought out my knowledge from games and novels and talked about other ways of utilizing ice magic. For instance, he could freeze the floor instantly and take away the opponent's mobility.

"Each and every one of those applications is so difficult, just thinking about them makes my head hurt," Al said, explaining how absurd the ice magic I was talking about was. In response, I gave Al my second first and last order as the supervisor of the club, "If you have time to come up with excuses, then use that time to think of how you can make it possible! This is an order!", and gave him the assignment to ponder about the possibilities.

So far, it was all eye candy to me. However, it was Dol in the end who left me speechless.

I never expected him, who perfectly fit the template of 'I am a mob character' with his burdock-looking face, to be an actual master as the holder of quad attributes— Fire, Water, Earth, and Light. All of them were valuable elements, with Fire which was said to be found in 1 among 15, Water in 1 among 50, Earth in 1 among 100, and topping them all, Light element in 1 among 4000.

While a single human capable of having all those elements was a matter of genetics to some extent, it was simple multiplication. So, Dol was practically the holder of unparalleled talent that only one in three hundred million people had.

That being said—

“Well, I hardly trained in other elements as fire magic has exceptional adaptability in battle. The best I have done with the other elements was to conjure water to wash my hands, create a small platform with soil to sit down on when outside, or make a light to read books at night. But the main thing is that my mana capacity is hardly any better than you, around 3000. Honestly, I don't see any point in flailing my hands in all directions since I’ll just end up as a jack of all trades but master of none.”

His reasoning was enough to make me cry rivers of blood. Damn you, Burdock-face!

He was rolling in dough but crying about where to bake it… I almost couldn't support myself as I tried to wrap my head around that. I mean, if I had even a modest element in my arsenal, you could bet I'd be gunning for the title of the world's greatest mage!

“Dol… Do you know the saying that Spire Janneyro, the founder of clinical magic, left behind? "Those who aspire to be a mage must keep chasing after the prism of endless possibilities that lie beyond for them to recover." I couldn't agree more. For crying out loud, you're the demonic commander Rudolf Austin, how can you let yourself be confined with such a meager goal!? Note it down, alright!?

The first ironclad rule of the Emission Magic Research Club: Immediate expulsion of club members if they ever strayed from the path of a Mage!

At the very least, everyone should be striving to discover the slumbering possibilities within themselves as long as they're participating in club activities! This is your supervisor's first and last third order.”

I immediately pushed to set the first ironclad rule of the club using my first and last order #3 as the supervisor.

“...Again and again, how many more are there of these so-called first and final orders...?”


“‘Sup, Allen. I heard you are working as an explorer to earn a living. How is it now?”

Dol, the demon director, said as he approached.

Noticing my arrival, as someone who rarely showed up in the club, the other members sent their stares my way while whispering among themselves.

“I truly apologize for my absence, director! I have settled my financial problem for the time being, so I will now be frequently showing my presence in the club! I’m looking forward to learning the ropes here from you!”

My behavior toward Dol immediately stirred the members.

"Good grief, can you just talk normally like in the classroom..."

"No, nay. You're the boss here, so it would be ludicrous of me to not pay my respect. If anything, the others don't seem to be as respectful toward you as they should be."

With that said, I swept my condensing gaze, laced with a roughness that I'd acquired through my wild adventures of exploration work, over the members present, prompting a gasp from them.

"Look at you, acting like a delinquent... That said, it's impossible for me to be strict on people."

Ah~! I quickly pulled Dol to an uncrowded spot.

"Didn't I say you don't have to be strict on members? What you're doing is forging an organization. It's not any mind-bending game. Yes, just act like usual and simply ask the club to act the same."

"Like usual...?"

The efficiency with which this guy handled tasks wasn't something an average joe was capable of pulling it. Scratch that, his competence in various tasks far eclipsed just doing things skillfully, and that was very much evident in the data from the Hill Road Club’s morning activities.

This guy was another unparalleled talent among this year's Class 1-A, which was said to have the best of the talents in all these years. Leaving aside his oh-so 'I am a mob' face.

"Have faith in yourself, pal! Not everything you see in data is indicative of your overall talent. Trust me, Leo is no match when it comes to what you’re capable of."

I got carried away a bit too much when I established this club, but I have seen what this guy was truly capable of from up close in this one month of acquaintanceship. He just needed to be more confident about himself and my words, and he would surely blindside the world with his talent. There was no way I could let such a talent be buried underneath his own sense of worthlessness.

The day he broke out of his shell, using this club as a catalyst, I was sure I would be able to see the magic that my heart sought after.

"Haa… Why are you so sure when even I’m not confident about myself? Well, whatever. I’ll try to throw a stone in the pond and see what comes out."

As Dol said that, I could see a flash of determination shine briefly in his eyes.

When we went back to where everyone was, Al approached.

"...Are you alright, Dol? It would do your health no good if you keep following everything that Allen says. By the way, Allen, what about the knight order?"

Al was quite lax in his approach, but this was just as important. A strict person by no means could draw in moths to this organization, after all.

As a matter of fact, I have been able to get a certain knight commander to be my master through the mediation of Godorfun and had been visiting the knight order a few times in the week. Well, concretely speaking, I was now a provisional member of the knight order as a trainee which was supposed to happen in the summer of our third year.

He truly lives up to his reputation as Godorfun 'the right hand of the King'. I mean, this sort of preferential treatment would surely have otherwise incited discontent among others for sure… At least that was usually how the template went.

"About that, I’m going to visit in moderation in parallel to keep up with my studies. I had been skipping the meeting so far, but I don't want to miss out on these precious once-in-a-week club activities anymore."

Al seemed delighted hearing that.

"That's great. The other members would also be glad to see you here more frequently. You know, there are quite a lot of people who want to work alongside you. Look over there, that girl with the braided hair is apparently a huge fan of yours."

Seeing our gaze at her, a cute and neat-looking girl with braided hair turned her gaze downward seemingly in embarrassment, her cheeks dying in a shade of crimson.

W-What a cutie! Ah, but he said a fan, huh? I might break the impression of me that she held so it would be really tough trying to talk to her.

"...Anyway, what kind of research do you want to do?"

Al asked in a concerned tone. Knowing that I couldn't use emission magic, he probably was worried about my feelings.

Kukuku. But you see...

"I have caught a glimpse of my path as a mage. It's not going to be worth that much compared to all of you, but I’m going to pile all the knowledge from the research here and aim to be a Mage."

Al, Dol, and the other members around fell silent after hearing my positive declaration.


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