Sword, Magic and Academic Society

Vol. 1 - Ch. 58 - Emission Magic Research Club (1)

One month had passed since Allen cleared Godorfun's assignment. One day, after school—

"Yo, Allen! It's so rare to see you around."

Club president Al called out while approaching me with a smile.

The Emission Magic Research Club was something I had created on a whim, but I didn't come here too often. If anything, I think my visits here could be counted with just one hand.

The emission magic that only heaven’s chosen like Al were capable of using felt like poison slowly chipping away at my spirit, so I usually kept my distance from this place. Still, it has been a while, and looking at it now, the number of chosen has increased to a frightening degree...


The first day when Allen established the Emission Magic Research Club— concretely speaking, it should have been around the time when Allen just joined 'Apple House' and started taking explorer work.

I founded the club along with Al, Leo, Jeu, and Dol in the beginning.

Our place of activity was the magic training grounds of the Royal Academy. It was as big as a soccer stadium without a ceiling, however, the walls surrounding it looked exceptionally sturdy.

Al, Jeu, and Dol were the only ones among us five who had opted for the Class 1-A mage course.

It was said that only 1 among 10 was capable of attribute conversion— in other words, the ability to output magic as an attribute like fire or water through a catalyst. Since they were the holders of rare talent, mages alone were tested separately for practical skills during the assessment and also received points for emission magic in addition to basic martial arts.

The gist was their marks were added to their overall score, so it was easy for special talent holders like them to pass. But at the same time, the Royal Academy's cutoffs for mana capacity and academic ability were just as severe in the entrance exam.

Naturally, no matter how lenient they were on practical skills, the count of mages usually hovered around 25 among the 100 students in a grade. On the other hand, almost half of the 25 first-year mages were assigned to the D-class, and the remaining ones would usually settle among the classes close to D.

Furthermore, whether they took practical classes alongside their knight course elected classmates or not, they were also taken into account for the practical skills score. And considering that they have their own mage training, their numbers grew thinner as you moved up in class ranking.

In fact, it was rather a common scene to see none in Class A depending on the year. This was why this year's class was touted as one of the finest bunch to have as many as four mages in our class.

It reminds me of my first training class. Everyone's eyes nearly popped out in surprise when I told them that I didn't have the talent for attribute conversion.

"Just what are you thinking, Allen? You are already blessed with incredible body-strengthening magic, so shouldn't you rather be focusing more on it than considering the possibility of using attribute conversion? I think I now understand why you were so detailed about magic theory despite taking regular classes, but… it should be no more than a waste of time for you. Hah, I really want to see what goes on in your head."

I mean, we were talking about magic research in a world with magic, you know? Not doing it would be like eating a crepe without cream! Though those were my thoughts, to others it seemed to be just a waste of time for me.

"Leo, a human's life is not something that can be dictated by some words. There's something called unrequired futility and required futility. I may not have the talent, but researching the treasure trove of countless possibilities that is emission magic with my classmates is just as important to me. Sometimes, you just have to go out of your way to come up with various possibilities other than just sticking to the standard solutions like cram schools or tutors which may get you your desired result. There are heaps of things that you can never reach with just conventional means."

This was a phrase quoted by a scholar, one of the Nobel prize winners, in my previous world. Not that I understood it down to every last word, but as long as it worked in alluding my way, so be it, eh? I forcefully concluded the conversation with it.

"...Fine, whatever. It's not like there's any disadvantage for us except for Allen, and the more places to train myself in the better it is for me. However, things are a bit chaotic back at home after our enrollment and it needs my attention. I also have to look after the Hill Road Club in the morning as its vice president so you may not see me around every day. I’ll participate whenever I can until I’ve sorted out my schedule if that's alright with you."

As Leo opened up about his situation, Jeu also raised her hand nervously.

"I also have a few things to attend to for the same reason. If it’s not much… I would also like to participate on a voluntary basis like Leo-san..."

Well, they are the top among the nobles, a world far apart from poor nobles like us whose one foot is cemented in poverty. They must have their own obligations to attend to.

"Of course. I’m not asking you to change your schedule. Besides, the focus is mainly on the research front rather than the training. It's really meaningless to appear every day when we don’t have any common research theme specified. The Club President will be the one to handle when to set the date for meetings and so on. And so, Al, Dol. Who between you two wants to be the president?"

Al and Dol looked surprised when I steered the conversation toward them.

"Hold on. Aren't you the club president? Why are you bringing us up?"

"Surely you jest. You know how laughable it would be if the talentless me spearheaded the club, no? But since I’m the one pushing to establish the club, I’ll just be taking a supervisory role… Specific, what to do and so on will be up to the president.

And since Jeu and Leo are both busy, this only leaves you two. Anyway, decide who among you is going to be the president, and who will be vice president."

I spoke in a matter-of-fact tone. When it came to flinging away responsibility, it was best to push the matter onto the other party without letting them comprehend the situation.

Mujikka-sensei would be the advisor of the club. I got the vibe that she was some sort of big wig, possibly even the vice chairman, despite her young age. I decided to give it a shot when I approached her to consult about the club. Surprisingly, she readily agreed. It seemed that she was a mage as well and was looking forward to the club activities.

"...I will be the vice president. Being the middle child of three siblings, I've been adept at gauging people's moods and maintaining a balance since childhood. For the president position, a charismatic person like Al is most suitable."

While Al was lost over the situation, Dol took no time to read the situation and made a swift decision while astutely pushing the presidency role to Al.

Clever and decisive— this was a move so like him.

"You! That's not fair, Dol! Even I have three sisters older than me—"

Al tried to follow up with a counter, but I intervened. I figured the conversation would just escalate into a pointless argument if I let him continue. I was already itching to see everyone's magic.

"Oh, that's a great idea, and it makes sense! Both of you are equally capable and I believe you’ll be able to manage the club in your unique way... But Dol's words have weight. A charismatic, straightforward to a fault, and humble person like Al who intentionally downplays himself really fits as the club president."

"Huh, I don’t intentionally downplay——"

"But you see, Dol, when the top of the chain is not sufficiently strict, then the burden to keep everyone on the same page would fall on the shoulder of the No. 2 in the hierarchy. If history has taught anything, beauty is just skin deep.

Don't you want to capitalize on this chance and experiment your way to create a formidable organization through the activities of the Emission Magic Research Club, Dol? The crux here is not about fostering talent, but fostering an organization through rigid rules. Establish some strict rules! Right, from today onwards, you shall be 'The Tyrant Director - Rudolf Austin'!"

I think I got carried away a bit too much. This idea was taken after a certain organization that earned its fame in Kyoto as a peacemaker during the end of the Edo era in my previous world. (T/N - The Edo era ended in 1867, and the organization is Shinsengumi— established in 1863. Sparing the explanation, the organization was known for its strict discipline and combat prowess)

"Wait, what? How did it change to director from vice president? I’m sure I just said I’m better at maintaining equilibrium as the middle link by assessing other's intentions—"

"Don’t sweat over it! I believe you can break through your own shackles and achieve new heights! This is my first and last order as the supervisor! Anyway, what type of magic can you guys use?"

I forcefully steered the direction of the topic to prevent Al and Dol's objections. Their looks told me they had a mountain of things they wanted to speak out against.

I only knew about Leo having a fire attribute since that was what he used in our mock battle last time. I hardly heard any words from the others about their talent.

"In my case, it's fire attribute magic."

"Huh? So your attribute is the most common one, Leo? It's surprisingly ordinary if I have to say, not that I should be the one saying it as someone who doesn't have even the most common attribute."

The fire attribute magic talent was quite common to the point that if I approached 15 people out on the street, one of them would surely have it. And we were talking about a cheat-existence like Leo. I wouldn't bat an eye if he came out as a Hepta Mage, the master of seven elements. So imagine my surprise when he said he had the most common fire attribute.

Hearing my words, Al explained while giving me an 'Ah this guy really knows nothing' gaze.

"...While the number and type of element does increase a person's value, what makes everyone call Leo a heavenly prodigy is his explosive mana capacity and the skill and talent to sufficiently move that huge mana reserve at will. It was a wall no normal person could transcend… Or at least, that had been the case so far. We just happen to have a monster who easily toppled over that record of Leo in the entrance examination like eating candy."

Who are you calling a monster? Sheesh, each and every one of you is so rude.

"Better yet, let me show you. I also have the same fire attribute. What do you think, Leo?"

Following Dol's words after Al's explanation, Leo answered with a grin.

"Presi— I mean, As you command, Director!"

Jeu burst out in laughter hearing that, Dol looked like he was enduring a headache, and I was satisfied with the situation.

Leo and Dol stood abreast and jutted out their palms forward. In the blink of an eye, a rapidly expanding fireball appeared on their palms. Dol's fireball stopped at about 30 cm in diameter, but Leo's continued to expand in size and when it was near 1m in diameter, he immediately launched it forward.


The fireball crashed into a target on the sturdy-looking wall.

"Holy Sweet! That's so freaking cool!"

E/N - I’m pretty sure Mujikka and Godorfun talked about this club while discussing the MC’s assignment with the Hill Road Club. He wasn’t in Apple House yet at that time. Did I remember it wrong? (It was mentioned in the passing, not exactly than)


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