Sweet Doting Husband: Sorry, my Wife is a little Crazy

Chapter 48 - Hasn’t Been A Month And You Have Already Forgotten Me?

Looking down at the average looking girl, he called suspiciously "Li-little Red"

"...it hasn't even been a month since I saw you and you have already forgotten how do I look? Say, are you suffering from amnesia?" Sia asked coldly

Hearing the familiar cold voice, Yun Xia jolted back and stuttered "Oh…it's indeed Little Red but…uhh…what happened to your face? When did my gorgeous baby sister turn into an ugly duckling?"

Realizing that she was still wearing her disguise, Sia sighed and replied "Forget it…it's not the right time to have a chat. Tell me, what happened to seventh brother? how's his condition?"

"He is still undergoing the operation. The doctor said that he had lost a lot of blood and we needed to arrange for one at the shortest time but because he has a rare blood group, many blood banks don't have AB negative blood group"

"Isn't there one which stores Ab negative blood group?" Sia asked with a frown

"There is but they were all purchased by our enemy before we could get hold of one. If we had tried to force our way then I'm afraid seventh brother's whereabouts would be exposed. In the present situation, we cannot afford to leak our whereabouts, or else the consequences would be dire. So With no other choice, I could only approach you since seventh bros condition was serious" Yun Xia said with a sigh

"then what are you doing here wasting your time? Bring me to seventh brother and let me provide him my blood" Sia said anxiously

Shaking his head, Yun Xia replied "Little Red, the seventh brother doesn't need your blood anymore."

"What do you mean?" Sia asked with a frown

"A patient's relative also happened to have the same blood group as seventh brothers so he volunteered to donate blood after he knew someone needed blood. After donating the blood he went back to take care of his wife"

"Hmm…Ninth bro, help me thank the person who donated blood for seventh bro and also if there's a need then help the patient to pay his expenses or else you can grant them a wish"

"Got it"

Looking at the operation theatre, Sia asked "how long has the operation been going on?"

"Almost two hours. After another two hours or so the doctor should be done with the operation" Yun Xia explained

Nodding her head, Sia turned around to walk towards the VIP restroom and said "Ninth bro, follow me. Before Seventh bro wakes up, we need to deal with the enemies. It's time to show them that they messed with the wrong person"

Inside the VIP restroom, Yun Xia ordered his men to guard the doors and not let anyone inside before he made walked in and closed the door.

Sitting on the long couch, Sia sat there with her hands folded and legs crossed emitting a cold aura around her. Staring at Yun Xia, she ordered "Spit out…how did all these things happen?"

"Sigh…..it's like this. The previous day seventh bro drove to the mountains to pay respect to his beloved grave but when he was returning back he was suddenly attacked by the enemies. Because the enemies carried guns and also were more in number they had the upper hand. With no other choice, he could only escape from there but when he was running down from the cliff an enemy shot his leg causing seventh brother to lose his balance and fall from the cliff. Thankfully seventh bro's luck was good and he fell on a lush tree but because he was injured and had lost a lot of blood, he was lying already unconscious when we reached him" Yun Xia explained

"when this incident happened, what were the bodyguards doing?" Sia asked with a frown

"That's exactly what I don't understand. When I interrogated them they said that they suddenly received news that I was attacked by the enemies and needed reinforcement. Soon after that they received a call from the seventh bro and were ordered to head to the southern estate while he moved to make his way there in the chopper" Yun Xia said with a frown

After analyzing the story, Sia said "If I'm not wrong someone must have made up this situation. When the third bro visits his beloved graveyard he never lets anyone follow him, leaving all his bodyguard guard at the foot of the mountain. When the guards were guarding the foot of the mountain someone tipped them with the wrong information. To confirm their suspicion, they used third brothers cell phone to call them and used the voice changer while speaking and when the bodyguards left the mountain the enemies lurking in the dark took the opportunity to attack the third bro"

"But, before the third bro enters the mountain, the mountain is thoroughly checked before he is allowed to step inside. With our men's sharp eyes, how could they even escape even if they are hiding? And that too such a large number of them! And also, even if the enemies could use voice changer, how can they imitate seventh brother so perfectly such that even seventh brothers most trusted bodyguard Kyu and Lyu weren't able to notice the difference"

"Isn't it already clear? The people who were assigned to check the mountain either failed to complete their duty or…they weren't our men, to begin with. And I'm sure it must be the later one and about the voice changer, to imitate seventh brother so perfectly, that person must have been a good observer or he must have spent quite a good number of days staying beside seventh brother "

"Little red, you mean--" Yun Xia asked doubtfully

Smiling coldly, Sia summarized "The only person who has the power to assign men to check the mountain, has spent time with seventh brother, knows seventh brothers whereabouts and also….the only person who can access seventh brother's cell phone other than us….who else can it be other than…. Assistant Chang"

"Assistant Chang? Now that you have reminded me, I haven't seen assistant Chang since the previous day. I thought he was killed by the enemies" Yun Xia explained his thought

"Killed? We can only say that after finding his body" Sia replied coldly

Just as Sia finished speaking, Yun Xia's cell phone rang. Picking up the cell phone, when he heard the other side inform, his frowned slightly and looked at Sia

Raising her eyebrow, Sia asked, "What happened?"

"They found assistant Chang's body"

"Oh! Then ask them to bring it. I want to see whether he is the real deal or a fake" Sia replied with a wide smile.

After an hour, a group of sturdy bodyguards walked inside carrying a dead man. After cleaning him up, they brought the dead body to an empty room where Sia along with Yun Xia was waiting for their arrival.

Looking at the dead body, Yun Xia frowned and said "It's Assistant Cheng!"

With an evil smile on her face, Sia said "Not necessarily"


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