Sweet Doting Husband: Sorry, my Wife is a little Crazy

Chapter 47 - I’ll See Who Dares To Stop You!!

Just as they were about to enter the class, Sia's cell phone rang. Looking down, when Sia noticed the familiar number she frowned slightly. According to her understanding, her sworn wouldn't call her during the class hours until and unless there was something important to report.

Excusing herself from her friends, she walked further away from her friends and accepted the call

"Hello? Ninth, what's the matter?"

"Little Red, seventh brother met with an accident and is now admitted in the hospital. His condition is serious"

"What!" Shocked, Sia asked hurriedly "What exactly happened to him?"

"Little Red, I can't explain everything now. Seventh bro needs blood urgently and only you have the same blood type as his"

Hearing that Sia almost burst out. Trying to calm down emotion, Sia said in a shaky voice "Wait for me…I'll be there as soon as I can"

Ending the call, Sia did not waste even a single second and hurriedly rushed downstairs. At the same moment, An Ran who had momentarily stepped out of the class also saw Sia rushing downstairs.

Feeling anxioys, An Ran hurriedly rushed to her friends and reported at the same time, a lackey of Meena who also happened to see Sia rush downstairs in hurry hurriedly picked her cell phone and informed Meena about Sia's situation. Though they did not know what did Sia speak with the other person, based on Sia's expression, she could tell that she was in hurry.

Meanwhile in Sia's side…

Skipping two to three steps at once, Sia arrived downstairs at the shortest time. Just as she was about to rush to the entrance, she was suddenly blocked by five girls and also a few boys who had probably followed the five girls.

Pausing on her steps, Sia gazed at the five girls and said coldly "Move"

"hoho…what's the hurry little girl? We haven't even introduced ourselves yet" a man standing next to Mena said with a laugh.

Ignoring the young man's comment, Sia looked at Meena and said coldly "Look, I'm in a hurry and I don't have time to waste on idiots. It would be better if you just scram out of my way"

"oh! Why should I listen to your words? Are you my father or my grandfather?" Meena sneered sarcastically

"Don't test my patience" Sia said in a low voice and clenched her hands tightly to control the raging inferno that was boiling inside her.

"Hoho….what's this? Our dearest Sia is loosing patience? Ah, what a surprise….the girl who could never be bullied is now…loss of words? Don't tell me that your scared after seeing the people behind me..huh?"

"I'm warning you for the last time….get out of my way" Sia warned in a dangerously low voice which made the boys and girls standing in front shiver involuntarily.

Getting back to her sense, Meena yelled "What are you guys doing standing behind? Get hold of that bitch and bring her to me. I want to see til where she can run off her mouth"

Accepting the orders, a few young men walked towards Sia to catch her.

Seeing that the boys were almost near Sia, Meena ordered sarcastically "Just get hold of her and don't do anything to her. I want to torture her personally. Let me see how she will escape from me!!"

Seeing the group of men nearing her, Sia's aura turned colder and just as she was about to confront the boys, a frosty cold voice was heard from behind "Scram"

Identifying the familiar cold voice, he boys who were rushing towards Sia subconsciously stopped on their tracks and looked at the handsome young man standing at the entrance.

Emitting a cold dangerous aura around him, Mu Jun slowly walked towards Sia and spoke in a relatively gentle tone "Go, I'll see who dares to stop you"

Nodding her head, Sia thanked him and rushed towards the entrance. Just as she took three steps, she heard Mu Jun call her


Turning her head, Mu Jun did not wait for her to respond and asked instead "Do you know how to ride the car?"


Throwing his keys to Sia, Mu Jun said "It's parked right outside the school"

Catching the keys, Sia nodded her head and thanked Mu Jun before rushing out of the school.

Staring at her back until she disappeared, Mu Jun finally turned his gaze and looked at the five girls and the rest coldly. Shuddering under his cold stare, the people who were being stared at subconsciously took a step back. Just as they thought they were done for they heard Mu Jun say "Worry not, I won't do anything for you" Just as Meena and her group were about to relax, they heard Mu Jun's next words and they involuntarily shuddered "Because the one who should punish you….is not me"

Seeing their scared face, Mu Jun smiled faintly and said "Good luck"

With that said, he turned around and walked upstairs to his class. Just as he was about to reach the class, he suddenly thought of something and made his way to the teachers office room to inform to the teacher and ask for leave on behalf of Sia.

Meanwhile on the other side, Sia with the help of Mu Jun's car rushed to the hospital at the shortest time possible.

Stopping the car right in front the entrance, she passed the key to the vallet and rushed inside hurriedly and made her way to the eleventh floor hurriedly.

Outside the operation theatre, Yun Xia, Sia's ninth brother was walking to and fro anxiously. When he heard the elevator door open, he looked at towards the elevator expectantly but then when he saw an average girl dressed in school uniform walk out of the elevator, his expectant eyes suddenly turned dim.

Just as he was about to give up his hope, the average girl dressed in school uniform approached him and called "Ninth Bro!"

Hearing the familiar voice, Yun Xia was startled and he hurriedly looked around but other than Sia, he could not find anyone else in the corridor.

Looking down at the average looking girl, he called consciously "lit-little Red?"


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