Super Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 148 Future Plans

Perhaps the completion of the third plane let Angel unload the burden on his heart. So, when he finished the third plane. He slept very heavily.

It had taken two days of rest before he naturally woke up.

When Angel woke up. He had sat in his bed for half an hour, relishing in the aftertaste of his relaxed spirit. Angel didn’t get out of bed to take a bath until he smelled the sweat and sour odour coming from his body.

After the bath, Angel was completely refreshed.

Back in the quiet room, the Holographic Tablet was still working at full force in calculating and sort out the data for the rest of the planes. Angel did not need to take care of it. He meditated for a moment.

After meditation, Angel did not know what to do for a while. Slowly, he lazily leaned against the wall for a time. Then he decided to take this opportunity to sort out and plan for his future direction.

The direction of his Future Plan, considering his current vision and goals, and the extent of his time. He divided it into three stages.

The farthest vision. Of course, is the pursuit of truth, self-realization, and seeing how far he can go on the path of a Wizard. These are his most long-term goals and aspirations at present, which is temporarily out of reach.

A slightly closer goal is the five-year deadline with mentor Jon and his agreement with Morrow.

The five-year deadline with mentor Jon is his greatest motivation for working hard today. But five years, with a Wizard’s sense of time, is a blink of an eye that may pass by soon. He wants to achieve his goal of saving Jon, but the time is too short. Of course, it’s not entirely hopeless, at least Angel has some ideas right now.—

In the final analysis, the root cause of Jon’s problem is not the disease but the exclusion by the world consciousness. So, the solution is naturally. Of course, to figure out: How to protect exotic plane visitors from the exclusion by the will of the world?

This is a question that Angel is afraid to ask Sanders. With Sanders’s “insight,” it is easy to break through his inner thoughts. And if it involves the “Extreme Sect followers” and “recycling”, it will be even more complicated.

In these five years, he can only collect information from every plane to solve this problem. This needs to be put on his agenda. His target of inquiry and information collection. Even if he cannot get the answer in a short period. He can also rely on his own accumulation to buy another “Healing Ice Coffin” magic pattern scroll for another five-year extension for his mentor. This being the case, he can put it aside for the time being.

As for the agreement with Morrow, his flexibility is even greater. Morrow used “Healing Ice Coffin” in exchange for a promise from Angel. Once he reached a Second Level Wizard Apprentice, he would need to go with him to explore a certain relic.

Angel firmly believes that as long as he builds the perfect mental force model. His magic absorption rate will be more efficient than ever seen before. His magic source will be able to grow in a short period. So, a Second Level Wizard Apprentice. He believes he will reach that level soon. However, because Morrow has not set a rigid time limit. Even if Angel is promoted to a Second Level Apprentice in a short period. There is no hurry to go to White Coral Floating Island College to fulfil his promise.

For the time being, Angel decided to place the agreement with Morrow after he had resolved mentor Jon’s problem.

Apart from the most far-reaching vision and medium-term goals, Angel’s biggest immediate concern right now is naturally the near and short-term goals.

It is definitely his goal to construct a mental force model as soon as possible, establishing the magic source and promoting himself to a Wizard Apprentice. But besides that, Angel has another wild ambitious hope: “The Wizard Garden of Sky Machinery City” mentioned by Goode.

He wants to go farther than anyone else on the path of a Wizard. This is still empty talk, but it is not without hope. It is possible to open Schrodinger’s box and what jumps out is not a cat but a sabre-toothed tiger, so anything is possible. But to go further in the Wizard Plane. At least a premise must be met. He has to be an official Wizard first!

Sky Machinery City’s Wizard Garden has the Law of “Purification.” According to Goode, it can increase the chances of an Apprentice advancing to an official Wizard. Even if it is just a 0.1% chance increase, Angel doesn’t want to miss it.

But the chances of achieving this wild ambitious hope are too low. It’s really hard for him to get to the top of the Sky Tower in a short time.

Originally within the same rank, the Blood Branch is the most powerful. In the Sky Tower’s battle arena, it limits the scope and range of battle. For example, Lord “Cochlea” Van Tesser. The big boss of the Blood Branch battled in close-range all the way up. Even hitting the 100th floor of Infinity Battle Tower.

Even if Angel breaks through to a Wizard Apprentice level and learns a few spells. If he wants to fight against a Wizard in the Blood ranch, the outcome will not be so good.

Therefore, Angel’s wild ambitious hope can only be kept in his heart for the time being.

After sorting out the Future Plans, Angel was completely idle. He had planned to read the books recorded in the Holographic Tablet. But at present, the Holographic Tablet is calculating the coordinates of the remaining four planes. In terms of computing power, although he does not know whether opening other documents will affect the efficiency of the calculation. He is afraid of the 1 in 10,000 possibilities that it will cause a malfunction. So, he can only temporarily give up for the time being.

At present, when Angel can’t practice. He simply gives himself a short vacation and relaxes for a time.

During this holiday, Angel doesn’t want to think about people he hates or anything bad. Anger and sadness cannot make him feel better, so it is better to take advantage of this time to relax his state of mind and improve himself.

So, in the following period. Angel’s life became: Singing, practising calligraphy, sorting out Professor Jon’s miscellaneous studies, playing with Toby from time to time, leaning on the deck chair, being half-tired on the balcony, raising his legs, feeling the cool breeze, looking out at the distant mountains and rivers and recalling the good old days.

Angel didn’t know this scene was recorded by the shadow servants and passed onto Goode, who then reported it to Sanders.

When Sanders saw the image in the crystal ball. He was so angry he couldn’t find anywhere to vent. He was concerned about Angel’s mood and asked Goode to prompt him to give up the 36-Bit Spatial Coordination System Positioning Method. The unexpected return for his care was this.

If Angel had not been afraid of going out because he was being assassinated and stayed at home every day. He would have been just like an aristocrat!

If Angel is in this state of laziness for only one or two days, it would be fine. But according to the shadow servants, it had lasted for a whole two whole weeks!

Sanders was cold-faced while his anger was boiling and had not dissipated underneath. Even Goode, who had been around Sanders for more than a hundred years, was somewhat shocked and a little scared.

“You go and tell Angel to be promoted to an apprentice within a month, or else… I’ll announce the dissolution of our mentor-apprentice relationship.” Sanders voice was cold, but Goode could feel his unbearable anger.

Goode resigned and retires to another room.

Sanders watches Angel in the crystal ball with a leisurely expression. His face showed an angry expression of hatred and getting ready for blood and steel. If the Wizard Garden hadn’t reached a critical step, not allowing him to dare leave for a moment. Otherwise, he would have gone to “teach” this unaccomplished apprentice in person.

Apprentice Town No. 8, Angel’s residence.

Angel was foolish. He didn’t think about it, but Sanders caught him taking a mini vacation. Moreover, it has reached the point of “threatening to dissolve his relationship between mentor and apprentice.”

“Master Pat, that’s all the Lord says. Don’t let the Lord down.” Although Housekeeper Goode was covered in a black robe, his face was obscured by a mask, and his expression could not be clearly seen. However, Angel heard a lot of care and concerns from the fluctuations of Goode’s voice.

Angel was silent for a long time. The expression on his face changed quickly, sometimes surprised, sometimes dull and at other times helpless… Goode guessed Angel should be struggling with whether or not he wants to give up this legendary positioning method. So, Goode did not open his mouth to urge Angel.

After a while Angel’s expression became calm. Goode thought: Is he deciding? Does he want to abandon the 36-Bit Spatial Coordination System Positioning Method and change to another positioning method. Or to continue to be unrepentant and obsessed over the ?

“I see. I’ll be promoted to an apprentice within a month.” Angel said.

Goode breathed a sigh of relief and was convinced Angel had chosen to “switch to another positioning method.” So, with a smile, he patted Angel on the shoulder to reassure him and emphasize solemnly:

“There is a certain reason that the 36-Bit Spatial Coordinate System Positioning Method has long since disappeared in the long river of history. The Lord requests that Master Pat changes to another positioning method, not to change the Scattering Singularity Mental Force Model. At the same time, you can take a more contemporary guidance method in the world. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself and hurry up.”

Goode finished and drifted away with a satisfactory answer.

After listening to Goode, Angel didn’t react at first. When he calmed down and thought carefully, he suddenly understood what Goode meant as well as his intention for coming here!

So, his mentor thought he was wasting his time? So, in this way, he used this method to wake him up and not let him be obsessed over the positioning method and instead use another positioning method, saying they are the same while under the vast sea and sky.

At this point, Angel has no simple explanation. Should he go tell Sanders that he has a cheater-like existence that can conquer the 36-Bit Spatial Coordinate System Positioning Method in another week?

Angel decided to remain silent. Now that Sanders has misunderstood, let him continue to misunderstand. In any case, whether or not he changes the positioning method, the final construction of the mental force model is the “Singularity Scattering Mental Force Model.” When the model is really built. Even a legendary Wizard cannot tell which positioning method he had used to build it.

The countdown on the Holographic Tablet is 173 hours, 33 minutes, 27 seconds.

That translates into a little more than a week.

Knowing those shadow servants are watching him from time to time. Angel dare not appear on the balcony or even in the courtyard for now.

But there’s nothing he can do while stuck in the house. Angel simply takes a book and pretends to be serious about his study. He runs to the balcony for a breath of fresh air. In fact, his mind was running like a horse, and his eyes were dull and scattered while he covered his head.

Sanders learned from Goode that Angel had changed the “positioning method” and was a little relieved. Later, in the images from Goode. Angel’s “serious study” on the balcony satisfied Sanders, and he paid no more attention to Angel… He believed that with Angel’s talent, it would be more than enough time to be promoted to an Apprentice in one month after changing the positioning method…

The clock hanging on the wall turned the hour hand two more times.

On this day, the Tree Spirit seemed to be very merciful and compassionate. Unfurling the huge leaves around Apprentice Town No. 8, and slowly uncovering the area. The warm sun shines down on the town, covering the various buildings with a golden glow in Apprentice Town No. 8.

Angel moved a bench and put it under the mistletoe in his yard. He pretended to be studying hard but was actually sleeping under the sun.

Just as he was about to fall into a deep sleep, there was a sudden sound at his entrance.


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