Super Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 147 Wizard Garden Purification Law

Phantom Island, outside the Wizard Garden delineation range.

An old man with a full head of silver hair was waving his alchemy stick. He put all kinds of materials that had already been refined into the underground alchemy array. Magic is embedded in the alchemy array, and changing phenomenon cover all over the array. The Wizard Garden in the hands of the elderly man became more and more substantial. Vaguely dispersing an ancient atmosphere.

Sanders stood behind the silver-haired old man and was very respectful towards him. Even though the silver-haired old man’s strength was one step lower than his. But as an alchemy master of Sky Machinery City, Guercio, nicknamed “Silver of the Moon.” His title is enough to deserve his respect.

Alchemy masters are already rare in the Southern Region, and Guercio is older than Jailall. Despite his nickname as “Silver of the Moon” he is not as well known as “Mithril Shaper” Jailall. But in fact, Guercio’s original title is “Master Silver of the Moon.” No one could beat “Master Silver of the Moon” in changing alchemy material. Later, he hated his title “Master Silver of the Moon,” which led to his change in title to “Silver of the Moon.”

Guercio, it was Sanders who paid him a lot of crystal to help him refine a Wizard Garden!

After two months of refining, the Wizard Garden has begun to bear fruit. Through the sparsity of clouds and mists, one can vaguely see the situation inside.

Sanders is looking forward to the Wizard Garden and wonders what laws will emerge. He’s been here these days in case of others snooping around.

As Sanders watched Guercio’s progress, Housekeeper Goode hurried up to Sanders and whispered a word in his ear.

“Master Guercio, I am leaving a little in advance.” Sanders frowned after listening to Goode’s story.

Guercio waved casually, his eyes showing no sign of being separated from the Wizard Garden at all.

Retreating to an empty place. Sanders looked at Goode, and asked in a low voice. “There was an attempted assassination on Angel by mortals?”

Goode nodded: “Yes, but it’s not a big problem at the moment. Someone is there to protect him. I sent my dark shadow servants to explore the situation. It seems that Lord Nisi’s disciple had made a move.

“Nisi’s disciple…” Sanders thought of the man who provoked Angel many times on The Savage.

“Lord, do you want to talk to Lord Nisi?” Goode asked.

Sanders waved his hand: “No, don’t make trouble over such a little fuss. If Angel can’t even handle this little thing, he doesn’t deserve to be my apprentice.”

After hearing this, Goode began retreating back.

“Wait a minute. How far has Angel come in his practice?” Sanders called out to stop Goode.

Goode recalled the message from his staff and said to Sanders, “At present, he doesn’t seem to have built a mental force model yet.”

Sanders chuckled and whispered, “It seems he’s still struggling with the 36-Bit Spatial Coordination System Positioning Method.”

Yes, the loss of time from precise positioning is enough to drive anyone mad. Sanders himself has been working tirelessly lately, but with his computational ability, he is now able to calculate the second coordinate of the third plane. It is estimated that it will take more or less ten years for him to finish the calculation of all seven planes.

Everyone’s mental space is not the same. The coordinates he calculated are unsuitable for Angel. Therefore, Angel must calculate all the coordinates by himself in order to reproduce the < Singularity Scattering Mediation > perfectly.

But with Angel’s ability, it is estimated that it will take a longer time and he will definitely miss the golden age for the window of practice.

Sanders does not want Angel to waste his time on this, but this guidance method was originally put forward by him. He can’t tell Angel directly that he should not use the 36-Bit Spatial Coordination System to locate his initial point and change his positioning method. Although the Singularity Scattering Mental Model constructed would be absolutely defective after doing so. It is definitely better than any other guidance method in the world right now.

If he said that out loud, wouldn’t he be slapping himself in the face? Therefore, in his notes of experience sent to Angel. He only suggested that Angel should change the positioning method.

Sanders thought for a moment and said to Goode. “You tell Angel that in a year. Sky Machinery City’s Wizard Garden will be open to the outside world on the condition of climbing to the top of any Sky Tower. Sky Machinery City’s Wizard Garden Law is “Purification”, which can improve the chances of promotion to a formal Wizard to a certain extent.”

Goode nodded. “I’m going to talk to Master Pat right now.”

Sanders: “Go forward.”

Sanders knows Angel wants to improve his strength as soon as possible, so he used Sky Machinery City’s Wizard Garden as bait. In the hopes that Angel can give up as soon as possible and switch to another positioning method.

That night, Angel received a message from Goode.

After Goode left, Angel fell silent. The “Purification” Law, which increases the chances of advancing to a formal Wizard, was so tempting. If the news spreads, it is expected to make many Wizard Apprentices go crazy. As long as they are a Wizard Apprentice…

The same goes for Angel.

Goode said the matter was still confidential and has not been disseminated. If it had been spread widely, the event would still be at least half a year from now. Angel can already foresee the madness from the apprentices in half a year, and it is estimated that every Sky Tower everywhere will become a bloody killing field.

Within half a year, it was his best chance for advancement. As long as he goes to the top of Sky Tower within half a year. He will be able to effectively avoid trouble. After many apprentices frantically begin battling in Sky Tower after the news spreads.

However, it is not so easy to reach the top of Sky Tower in half a year.

In the case with the Sky Tower’s system. If he wants to reach the top quickly. He can’t wait for the summary of points to advance to the next level at the end of the season. He must advance to the next level by crushing the competition with his strength.

This is a bit difficult for Angel presently. Although Sky Tower generally only has First or Second Level Apprentices involved. But this level is not one in which he can crush anyone right now.

He has not even crossed the boundary of transcendence at present. And it is very difficult for him to reach the point where he can crush the vast majority of Second Level Wizard Apprentices within half a year.

Generally speaking, Sky Tower needs the strength of a Second Level Elite Apprentice to reach the top. Once reaching the top of Sky Tower, they will be eligible to go challenge Infinity Battle Tower. Most of the apprentices who go to Infinity Battle Tower are good Third Level Apprentices. Which have showed impressive performances in Infinity Battle Tower even before they advance to official Wizard. For example, Nausica’s mentor “Van Tesser.Komedya” hit Infinity Battle Tower’s 100th floor with his Third Level Apprentice strength.

Angel’s goal today is not Infinity Battle Tower, but to get to the top of Sky Tower before the news spreads around!

But how can a person who does not boast actual combat ability compete with other Wizard Apprentices within half a year?

Angel buried the news in his heart for a while. At present, the most important thing for Angel is to open up his third plane. As long as the third plane can be cut out, the subsequent calculations can be deduced through the Holographic Tablet’s high calculation ability.

In order to construct the most perfect Singularity Scattering Mental Model in his body, he must use the 36-Bit Spatial Coordination System Positioning Method… Even if Angel hears the hidden implications from Goode’s message. He knows Goode must have received instructions from Sanders, but Angel does not take it to heart. Because Sanders didn’t know he also had a cheat-like existence, the Holographic Tablet.

On the one hand, is Sky Machinery City’s Wizard Garden ‘Purification’ Law, and on the other is the perfect Singularity Scattering Mental Model. Although Angel wants both, if he can only choose one, he will choose the latter. But… If there is enough time, Angel also wants to get to the top of Sky Tower after building the perfect mental model.

It may be too greedy of him, and an insatiable desire, but the dream is always there.

Angel no longer thought about it. He put all his thoughts on calculating the third plane coordinates. If time permits, Angel is willing to fight crazily to get to the top. But the premise is that his perfect mental force model is complete.

The cut for the third plane requires three coordinate points. Angel spent two months at his first breakthrough coordinate point. So, from this moment on, all his energy was devoted to calculating the other two coordinate points.

His “calculation” state opens again, and big sets of data comes in like a torrent, constantly scouring Angel’s spirit to bear the upper limit of the data sets. Half an hour later, Angel fainted to the ground.

When he woke up, he continued turning on the “calculation” state. Angel had no intention of resting at all and devoted all his waking moments to “calculation.” Even when he ate and drank like a starved ghost, there were major formulas in his retina that merged with the data and did not slacken a single step.

Time flies fast during such a crazy practice.

The limit of his “calculation” state ability has been increased. Going from half an hour to one hour. This greatly improves Angel’s speed of calculation.

A month later, the second coordinate point was captured by Angel. At this time, a year has passed, and it came to the Month of Recovery.

When Angel accidentally saw the calendar, he remembered he seemed to have missed his birthday in the Month of Frost. Before he knew it, he was fifteen years old.

Although his birthday was missed, Angel did not care. He wasn’t in Pat Manor with his brother and mentor to celebrate his birthday. In this strange mainland continent, no one knows it was his birthday, but what does it matter?

After the Month of Recovery, he entered the countdown. Angel finally produced the third coordinate.

With a flash of white light in his mental space, Angel cut off the third plane with his mental force acting as his blade!

Looking at the three bright intersecting planes in his mental space, the corners of Angel’s mouth showed a smile.

His energy was exhausted at this time, but he did not rest for the time being. Instead, he recorded the coordinates of the third plane on the Holographic Tablet and then combined with all the previously recorded data. He let the system calculate the fourth plane independently.

Some crackling was heard on the holographic keyboard for a while, then a system message pops up on the desktop: [Computing Start, Estimated Time: 504 Hours, 43 Minutes, 51 Seconds]

Angel breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the countdown begin falling.

504 hours, or about 21 days.

Even the Holographic Tablet will take 21 days to calculate the information. If Angel replaces it with his human brain. The estimated time required is absolutely astronomical. It is no wonder that this positioning method will disappear in the river of history. Because it’s too harsh, apprentices don’t have the time to spend on it at all.

As the Holographic Tablet calculates, Angel stretches out and goes back to his bedroom to rest. Angel hadn’t rested on his soft bed for several months, and he was still unused to it when he laid on it. He was so tired, after a while, he soon drifted off into a sweet dream.


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