Suddenly, I Became a Slime

Chapter 8: In the dark room

Chapter 8: In the dark room

*Cluck, cluck.*

It was an ordinary room with white dust piled up.

At first glance, it seemed ordinary, but inside, there was something strange.

*Cluck, cluck.*

There was a quivering mass resembling jelly flopping around. The silhouette shrouded in darkness was unclear, but it felt like that of a little girl.

It stayed still for a while, trembling on the floor.

Eventually, it suddenly got up, taking steps with a squelching sound.

With a sticky sound as it moved, circular footprints were imprinted on the white dust piled up on the floor. The small footprints seemed more animal-like than human.

Perhaps feeling the taste of dust that entered through its feet, the part clustered into a face shook lightly. The jelly-like hair spread out like an umbrella.

If it could make a sound, it would probably sound like ‘Yuck.’

After pausing and shaking its head for a moment, it resumed its steps. It was a firm and decisive movement, as if it had a clear goal.

It arrived at the refrigerator.

Without hesitation, it opened the refrigerator wide. With sticky hands attached, the refrigerator easily revealed its interior.

However, as it inspected the refrigerator, it touched its forehead with its hand, seeming slightly bitter.

Following its gaze inside the refrigerator, it was filled with packs of discounted beers bought at the convenience store.

Was it worried about getting drunk?

Deciding not to reach out with its jelly-like soft hands, it gently closed the refrigerator door at last.

It appeared content with the fact that the electricity was still running for the time being.

After closing the refrigerator, it moved its steps once again.

Its next destination was the sink.

The accurate target seemed to be the pantry hanging above the sink.

It reached out its hand in front of the sink. Obviously, it couldn’t reach the pantry, so it was aiming to climb up to the sink.


A bluish hand touched the silver sink. Feeling the coldness, it shivered and jumped up onto the sink as if crossing a hurdle.

Or at least that’s what it intended to do.


But it didn’t seem that easy.

With its sticky body stuck to the sink, it struggled to climb up, stuck.

However, determined not to give up, it repeated climbing up to the sink.

The result was… failure.

*Splat! Creak! Thud! Creak!*

Frustrated by the failure, it pounded the sink cabinet with tiny and soft fists.

Startled by the small noise, it hesitated, then sighed as if contemplating and crossed its arms as if lost in thought.

As if finding a solution, its arms stuck together.

Seemingly finding an answer, it scurried off and brought back a box it had overturned.

Then, it flipped the box onto the sink.


Climbing on top of it, it attempted a small jump back onto the sink. Finally, managing to get up there.

*Teong, teong.*

With a look of joy on the sink, it playfully kicked its foot around.

…Although it immediately stopped due to the loud noise, it seemed quite elated.

After some twists and turns, it reached the cupboard and, with a squeak, opened it.

Inside, instead of a fridge, there were piles of food products like ready meals and cup noodles.

Nodding its head in a somewhat proud manner, it reached out, taking out food items and neatly stacking them on the sink.


Was this the manifestation of its will to protect the food?

Its body, instead of being sticky as before, boasted a refreshing and fluffy texture. However, it seemed to be completely absorbed in the food, not noticing it.

*Twitch, twitch.*

After tossing all the cup noodles and ready meals on the floor, it seemed satisfied.

Eventually, it hopped off the sink.


Though its height momentarily decreased from the impact, it quickly recovered.

Sitting in front of the cup noodles, it seemed to ponder as it alternated between the cup noodles and the sink.

Seeing the stove, it seemed to be considering whether to boil water.

After hesitating for a moment, it tore open the cup noodles packaging.

As the torn plastic entered its body, it made bubbling sounds and slowly melted away.


After opening the lid of the ramen cup, it took out the contents and gently sprinkled the seasoning on top.

It didn’t seem to care much as the seasoning sprayed everywhere.

The pale yellow noodles were gradually covered in a reddish hue.

Satisfied, it gazed at the noodles covered in seasoning and then lifted them up.

It absorbed the noodles into itself.


Its slimy body shivered slightly. Perhaps due to the spicy taste, a faint red hue appeared on its bluish body and soon disappeared.

With bubbling sounds, the noodles floating inside it slowly melted away.

Awkwardly but with a satisfied look, it prodded the spot where the noodles were melting, then feeling unsatisfied, it tore open another cup of ramen.

Consuming the contents in a similar way, it gazed at the remnants it left behind pensively.

Looking at a plastic wrapper that entered unnoticed, it tensely shoved the ramen container into its body.

Watching the container slowly… very slowly melting, it eventually spat it out with a ‘puh!’ sound.

No matter how it thought about it, this doesn’t seem right.

After filling its stomach like that, it wandered around for a bit, then approached the fridge again.

Then, it took out a beer it had previously overlooked from the fridge.

Holding a large can in each hand, it made its way under a small (actually quite huge to itself) bed with a clinking sound.


Pulling the melting plastic with its hand to get the can, it hesitated and stared at it with a thoughtful look.


It poured the beer out through a small hole.

A golden stream flowed as if passing through its throat.

In the center of its bluish body, golden ripples swayed as if something golden was embedded.

Eventually, after opening the rest of the beer cans and chugging them down, it pushed aside the remnants of cup ramen and beer under the bed.

Then, pulling off the thin blanket on the bed, it crawled under the bed like it wanted to sleep there, too.

Dust that had piled up thicker under the bed floated in its body. The beer can and cup ramen that had been pushed out a moment ago also entered its body and floated around.

The bluish-looking apartment dweller looked at the scene blankly as if it was drunk.

It wrapped itself tightly with a blanket around its body, crouching as if it wanted to sleep.

*Bubble… bubble.*

Various things made gurgling noises in its body.

Whether it fell asleep or was lost in thought,

Only itself, laying under the bed, seemed to know.

<!-- slime -->


NameHan Hosu██Age2█OccupationOffice workerResidenceLocated in ██-do, ██-si, ██-dong, a one-room apartament.Family RelationsNone

  • No records of working for partner companies were found in the investigation results.
  • Confirmed no spouse or lover.

According to the investigation, he was captured on nearby CCTV before the incident occurred. With no sightings afterward, he is the most probable candidate suspected to have fused with ███-KR.

Confirmed absence from work after the incident.

  • The company attempted to contact him but received no response.

Reputation was neither good nor bad. Lack of close friends is attributed to occasional peculiar behaviors, but further confirmation is required.

We planned to send surveillance to the residence after the ███-KR lockdown, but it is currently on hold.

  • Ridiculous waste of resources since the proper situation assessment is still pending! (redacted)

High likelihood of fusion with ███-KR into ███-KR-1 presumed.

  • Uncertain whether any sense of self remains, but displaying signs of intelligence requires further verification. (redacted)
  • Appears to have inherited intelligence, necessitating detailed investigation and separate classification from ███-KR.
  • Subsequently decided to classify as ███-KR, assigning classification number ████-KR, pending risk assessment until further confirmation.
  • List of possible names: Lime, Squishy, Blue Blob, Liquid Monster, Crocodile Drool, Sticky Creature, and Squirming Shadow, among others, but postponed until secured.

After searching the so-called sewer five times since the blockade, it was concluded that the so-called ‘Damn Snot’ seemed to have escaped through the sewer.

Referencing Research Report 9 on ██-KR, attempting to track ‘Damn Snot’ led to radio silence. Deemed to be challenging.

Disposed of ██-KR-B (Crocodile) five times during operations to observe peculiar changes, yet no alterations were observed.

Proposed expanding the search radius and dispatching personnel to the assumed residence of the fusion candidate, Han██.

  • Requested to provide handling instructions if found at the residence. (redacted)
  • Requested evaluation on the possibility of maintaining the human sense of self. (redacted)


██ Branch Control Team Leader Hwang██

  1. Conduct the operation on the premise of securing the target.
  2. Methods are at discretion, but minor casualties are acceptable.
  3. Upon securing, the subject must be held in a separate containment chamber.
  4. Post-securing contact is restricted to authorized personnel only.
    • ██ Branch Manager.


██ Branch Manager Park██


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