Suddenly, I Became a Slime

Chapter 7: Hearing Anew

Chapter 7: Hearing Anew

After gazing at the sky for a while, I cautiously glance around.

Judging by the language they used in my memory, it seems like I haven’t fallen into another world, so to speak.

Escaping various threats and emerging from the sewer seemed like the right decision, but the future looks daunting.

For instance, let’s say someone spots me.

At first, it might be somewhat okay.

My reflection in the water appears closer to a human silhouette than a monster or an animal.

Upon closer examination, one might categorize me as a non-human creature, but at a glance, I seem pretty human.

…from a distance.


Even if it’s fine at first, rumors will slowly spread. Reporters will come rushing, and streamers or similar folks will flock in droves.

Honestly, how can one endure living without seeing a moving liquid monster themselves?

It’s not like I can’t understand them.

I, too, occasionally engage in behaviors that could make others tilt their heads or frown, just for a ‘little’ stimulation in my everyday life.

I have no intention of causing harm to anyone, not even as much as the size of a fingernail.

Well, there was a minor issue of things not going as I wished, but at least my mindset is like that.

Anyway, if things get too noisy, there’s a high chance those guys who chased me in the sewer will come looking for me.

No, it would be more accurate to think that they will definitely come looking for me.

So, without hesitation, I close my eyes and prepare myself to throw my body beyond the iron grating.

If they let me live normally after being captured, I might consider it, but such things wouldn’t happen.

That’s why I decided to first figure out where I am.

I still don’t know what to do next… But if possible, I want to go back home first. Even though I’m not the same, there’s no place like home to seek solace.

And so, after surveying the surroundings.

The place where my body is stuck seems to be… a drain.

It’s for sure when you see the rain pouring in vigorously.

It seems I managed to get out from a sewer drain.

People might call this ‘washed out,’ but I decided to call it an escape.

It seems quite gloomy around, with the rain pouring and the sun setting.

I thought my luck was pretty good in a way, but then I realized what good luck is when I’ve become like this.

As I scan the surroundings with dissatisfaction… I see something strangely familiar.

It doesn’t take long for me to realize an unexpected fact.

The place where I escaped along that dark stream…

…was near my house.

I think it’s truly a bizarre coincidence.

<!-- slime -->

Since a familiar place was in sight, finding the house where I used to live wasn’t that difficult.

Fortunately, it was dark and raining, so arriving in front of the house was easier than I thought.

Simply following the drainage ditch along the road was a very easy task. Easier than taking candy from a child.

I thought I might have to fight against a rat staring at me when I was halfway home, but being a cowardly fellow, it hesitated to approach, eyeing me cautiously.

Looking at the fellow, I remembered my ‘friends’ I left in the sewer.

I probably won’t be able to see them ever again.

We didn’t even get to say goodbye.

Perhaps they might be happy that I disappeared.

It’s somewhat regretful.

But besides that, a strange feeling of discomfort lingered as I approached the house.

However, I couldn’t figure out where that feeling was coming from.

Maybe it’s because my body has transformed like this.

Instead of returning home like the golden phoenix, I ended up returning home like a jellyfish.

It can’t be helped if my mood feels uneasy.


I stuck my head out of the drain and looked outside.

Only the lamppost a little further away blinked, illuminating the surroundings.

As I pondered how to enter my tiny sanctuary, a few options were presented to me.

One was simply rushing straight home as I am.

It didn’t seem bad, considering it was night and raining.

But the risk seemed too high, so I decided to hold off for now.

Next, go inside through the drain pipe on the wall.

Realistically, this seemed difficult.

Even if I managed to squeeze my body in somehow.

…I don’t even know how to navigate the pipe to my apartment, let alone if I can crawl up there in the first place.

What if I crawl in but end up in a different apartment?

And then bump into someone!

That would be the worst.

And the last option.

Having considered that far, I looked at a sturdy cardboard box left in a slightly dark spot.

The last option was to flip that and move around.

…This isn’t a game. What crazy idea is this? Who knows what might happen.

But after careful consideration, it didn’t seem like a bad option at all.

Once inside the box, no one would know what I am.

If I just stood there, maybe people would mistake me for a delivery package.

These days, people aren’t that interested in their neighbors, so this might be an effective strategy.

Let’s make an exception for those people stealing packages.

After weighing my options, I decided that now was the time to move boldly.

I really missed the instant noodles stacked inside my apartment.

With determination, I slowly moved, equipping myself with a cardboard box.

In the corner, there was a very trustworthy box with a large stapler firmly stuck in it.

The generously sized box made me understand why other people’s house cats like boxes so much.

So, I carefully turned the box over and poured all the waste that had entered my body into the drain.

Feeling the sensation of the asphalt, I dashed towards the house.

The asphalt that I had never directly felt due to shoes felt rough and hard.

Squirming along, I eventually passed through the unlocked glass door.

When I look at the loosely opened door, I think of the neighbor woman who argued with the homeowner.

The homeowner’s grandfather wouldn’t listen to a damn thing about fixing the door.

But today, silently, I expressed gratitude towards him.

Thanks. Grandpa. Still, shouldn’t we fix the door?

The next obstacle I faced was the staircase.

It was an old building without even an elevator.

I had to climb quite a few stairs.

When buying, I tried to convince myself it was good exercise and had a nice view, but now it just irritated me.

*Thud, thud.*

Every time the box hit the stairs, it felt like my nonexistent heart was pounding.

As I was climbing the stairs smoothly,

*Boom! Crash!*

A loud noise came from downstairs as the glass door opened.

My squishy body trembled.

Due to the gap between the stairs, I quickly moved and found a spot in the corner.

I hoped that it was someone from the lower floor. Shaking in the dark box, I trembled.

*Thump, thump.*

Just by listening, footsteps that seem exhausted and weary can be heard slowly approaching.

Well, if someone is leaving work at this time, it would be strange not to be exhausted. Moreover, it’s raining.

*Thump, thump, thud.*

The footsteps on the flat ground soon turned into the sound of climbing the stairs.

*Thud, thud.*

The sharp footsteps echoed inside the box.

Sadly, the unidentified footsteps showed no signs of stopping. It seemed they wanted to pass by me.

*Thud… thud.*


The footsteps were gradually getting closer.

Eventually, they stopped in front of me.

I did not have cold sweat anymore, so should I say jelly is flowing instead.

Now, it feels like my nonexistent throat is drying up.

I never thought not needing to breathe would be so appreciated.

I felt like I was truly dead, crouching still like a stone, hoping for someone to pass by.


*Tap, tap.*

With a light tapping sensation on me, a familiar voice echoed somewhere.

“Who on earth delivers packages here… But is this even a package? I can’t see a delivery slip.”

A tired female voice.

As she touched me lightly, the box tried to float in the air, so I desperately reached out my sticky hand to grasp the box.

After a few taps, she eventually said in a voice filled with annoyance.

“…I don’t know. As long as it’s not mine, it’s fine.”

*Tock, tock.*

The footsteps that lingered in front of me finally seemed to move away and start climbing the stairs again.

*Tock, tock… Thump… Clang. Beep beep beep beep beep click.*

The sound I longed to hear finally reached me.

Confirming that the one who touched me had entered their apartment, I quickly continued my climb.

*Thud, thud.*

Accompanied by sticky sounds.

I finally made it to the front of my apartment.

But there was no time to be happy. I couldn’t relax until I went inside.


I quickly came out of the box and climbed on top of it.

I reached out my hand out of habit, but since my hand couldn’t reach it, it was an inevitable choice.

I climbed on top of the box and started opening the door.

*Thud, click.*

*Sticky, click.*

*Squishy, squeak.*

*Plop, squeak.*


I pressed the number.

*Click, clatter.*

With a click, the front door opened. I grabbed the handle by jumping from the box and clang! The door opened.

After confirming the door was open, I held onto the handle with my elongated arms, carrying the box inside.

I threw the box inside and closed the door.

*Clang! Clatter!*

I heard the sound of the door locking.

I brushed off the dust and went inside.

My familiar room came into view.

The dust had piled up, giving the impression that nothing had changed since the last time I left.

Feeling a prickly sensation.

First, I looked for something to eat.

…My stomach was growling so much.

Considering how frantic I had been moving and thinking, it was only natural.


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