Strange Grief Wants to Retire ~ The Weakest Hunter Dreams of a Hero ~

Chapter 48: Level 8 ②

Chapter?48: Level?8?②

Chapter 48

Level 8 ②

Within the darkness, I ran without looking back and without being able to see.

It was stressful. The sound of my heart felt frightfully nearby. I exhaled white breath that floated hazily in the dark.


A curtain of total darkness had descended all around.

I had been barely able to see in the faint moonlight before, but now a thick cloud had covered it throwing the area into near pitch black.

The grass was tall and overgrown, making the ground exceedingly hard to run through.

I simply recklessly rushed through it.

The only thing I could be sure of was the feeling of Tino’s hand gripped in my right.

There were intermittent high pitched metallic sounds coming from behind us distantly, indicating that Liz’s battle still wasn’t over.

Was it a really strong enemy...? I stifled down a sense of powerlessness I hadn’t felt in a long time.

I didn’t abandon her. I truly didn’t abandon her. My combat abilities were worse than garbage. If even Tino was just extra baggage, then this was the best choice.

If I could use Relics I could offer some support but... After all, I really shouldn’t go outside without Relics.

Right now I could use the Safe Rings and the 『Dogs Chain』 that had been recharged.

And also the one I didn’t use in the White Wolves Den with a single charge of magic stored... I really couldn’t fight against a monster like that.

After running for some time, when the noises became less audible I finally came to a stop.

I didn’t know how far we were because I couldn’t see anything, but with this much we shouldn’t get hit by any sudden attacks.

Behind me, Tino matched my pace and came to a stop. Unlike my rough breathing, hers was undisturbed.

Tino didn’t say anything, she only looked up at me with pure eyes watching me breathe heavily.

Her gaze was like she was condemning me for leaving her teacher behind, and I gave an involuntary sigh.

I had always been depending on my friends. My level 8 status was from their achievements – like a house built on sand.

But it’s not like I had ever depended on them because I wanted to. Liz and I were old friends. I always tried to give my best up until the last.

I spoke while conscious that what I was saying sounded like an excuse.

“It’s okay. Liz alone is enough for that. Tino, we should do what we are capable of.” “Yes. Master.”

This wasn’t an unsightly desertion. It was a strategic retreat. As if understanding, Tino nodded with a serious expression.

Now that things were calm, one problem remained.

While getting my breathing under control, I turned around taking a look at our surroundings.

Where was this?

From the beginning, the one that had guided me to the shrine was Tino. I wasn’t even sure what direction the way back was.

If I could see the main road I could probably work it out, but as it was I could barely see a few meters ahead of me.

My good junior was just staring at me silently. Looking closer, what was in her eyes wasn’t blame but expectation.

Her eyes were sparkling as if she was with the person she admired. It must be because Liz had been blowing so many half truths into her ears. It would have be better if she was condemning me instead.

It was a bit like this back at the White Wolves Den too.

It was good I was able to stumble upon the injured people coincidently that time,

but I didn’t think it could work out like that once again. I felt like throwing up.

I raised my white flag. Putting on a facade, I spoke with a hint of warning to my voice.

“Tino... I am weak.” “...Yes... Master is weak!”

...It’s fine for me to say, but when it’s said back so readily it feels a little different. “B-But, for people, power isn’t everything you see.”

“Yes. Power isn’t everything!”

Tino’s eyes are wide and she’s nodding. Apparently she’s just agreeing with everything. Are you a devotee?

As I felt foolish I checked with her straightforwardly. “Tino, do you know which way the Capital is?”

“?? Yes. Of course, it’s that way.”

Do you have a compass inside you?

Tino blinked curiously, and then pointed diagonally right in front of us as if it was only natural.

Looks like this time we didn’t have to backtrack. Well that’s right. No matter how poor my sense of direction was, I couldn’t escape in the wrong direction every single time.

“Tino, I’ll rely on you to be alert!” “Yes. Master!”

Thank you for your energetic reply. But Tino stayed in place without moving forward.

I waited for a moment like that, and then gave more directions. “That’s right. I guess I’ll let you lead the way as well.”

“Eh!? But I’ll just be in the― ...Y-Yes. Please leave it to me Master.”

Is she someone that can’t move without being instructed? Someone that couldn’t move without orders or Liz-chan that moved on her own, which one was better?

“There’s no need to hurry. You don’t need to run, just take it slow. I don’t think it’s a problem for you, but it’s dark around here so take care ok.”

“...Yes. Master.”

I gave additional orders. It was a bit pathetic, but I was already worn out.

If I needed to run it wasn’t as if I couldn’t, but I wanted to preserve my stamina for when it was important.

Under my directions Tino began walking cautiously, as if to smother the sound of her footsteps.

Tino was dressed in black from head to toe, and had black hair. If I carelessly lost sight of her she would assimilate straight into the darkness.

If I strayed away from Tino here it would be the end. I followed her small back closely.

The pitch black darkness coiled around us like a monster. It was as if only where we were had been cut off from the rest of the world.

I should have at least replenished the Owl’s Eye with mana. But it was too late for regrets.

“Um... Master. That golem earlier... what was it?”

While walking, Tino spoke in a breathless voice. I wouldn’t know something like that.

Maybe it was a boss that rarely appeared, but for it to come out at a level 1 shrine was like some sort of scam.

It was possible that Tino or I had pulled it with bad luck, but regardless once we returned to the Capital we really had to update the records.

But while I had no recollection of it, Liz had seemed to be familiar. Yeah, what was it she had said-

“That one huh... Right, it’s 『Akasha』. It’s a golem with a little bit of power, so it’s

only natural your attack didn’t work.”

I gave Tino a quick reply. If I answered her with total confidence it would help ease her anxiety.

Decide when it’s time to decide. That’s the way 『Infinite Variety』 does things.

“Akasha!? It can’t be, you mean the infamous 『Tower of Akasha』...? Tower of Akasha?

I frowned at the name.

It was a name I really hadn’t heard before.

She said it was infamous so I supposed it was, but unfortunately it wasn’t in my memory database.

Tino had spoken seriously. Around the Capital there were several infamous organisations (I mean, Strange Grief was also infamous). Judging from her voice though, it should be a well known one.

But it was probably unrelated to this matter.

That had been a phantom. Just a boss. I had never seen such a huge golem created before, even by Sytry that had been crazy about golem research for a time.

In the first place, it was a golem that could rival Liz who had taken on a level 8 shrine. Even someone like me unfamiliar with alchemy could tell it wasn’t something that could be created with current technology.

But there was too little information to say they were completely unrelated.

It seemed like a connection was there because the names were similar. I probably couldn’t say they were completely unrelated. No, I could.

I answered with a fluffy reply. I would check the details over with Liz afterward.

“It’s not as if they’re unrelated, but when I said 『Akasha』 I meant it was the name of the golem. It’s only natural Tino wouldn’t know it... I don’t know the full details either-“


“W-Why, does the likes of you know that name!?” “...Eh?”

At that moment, in a place where no one else should be, a third voice cut in. It was the voice of an elderly man.

In the lead, Tino lowered her stance and unsheathed her dagger.

The plains north of Zebrudia were vast. Furthermore this was far from the main road. There shouldn’t have been any people around.

Not knowing what was happening, I stared with amazement in the direction the voice had come from.

And, I saw something incredible. a


“...Pu~” (withheld laughter)

A hoarse voice. Impossible is what I should be saying.

Why? Before I could ask that question, I couldn’t hold back some laughter from coming out.

From a hole in the ground―― the hole Liz had previous called a sand rabbit nest, the upper half of an old man in a grey robe was poking out.

A man. His wrinkled face spasmed, and he glared at me like I was his parents enemy.

I wasn’t sure why but it was just too funny.

The situation was like a horror, but I was weak to surreal things like this. While I was smirking, the old man crawled out of the hole with unbelievable sprightliness for his age.

Tino raised her left hand and stepped out in front as if to protect me. “What’s with this mana... just an ordinary person.”

He was saying something, but he couldn’t be talking to us.

“?? What’s this? A rabbit?? Did you come out to make us laugh?”

I didn’t get it. I was aware it was a rude thing to say having only just met, but he was also just as bad.

What do I do? While I was grinning in confusion, more robed people crawled out of the burrow.

He wasn’t alone. No matter what age or gender, they all crawled out with desperate expressions on their faces. It could only be called a comedy.


Tino called out to me. Unlike me that couldn’t stop smiling, her face was deadly serious.

A single trail of sweat fell down her face, giving her graceful profile a cold impression. She looked like she would jump at the others at any moment.

Hm? Was this... bad maybe?

As I thought that, the group that came out of the burrow took up stances.

Looking closer, these people seemed like Magi. Robes and staffs. There were six people.

Because of the darkness I couldn’t make them out well. However each of them held a staff, and stood a few meters in front of Tino and I as if to block the way forward.

Hmm???? Hmmm? What was this situation?

“Infinite Variety, why are you here – no, more importantly, where did you hear that name! It’s a weapon that hasn’t been put into combat even once – It’s impossible!”

Everyone was on edge except me.

The leader of the group, the old Magi, shouted indignantly. Why did he know my alias?

...It was bad of me to laugh, but I didn’t think he had to get that angry.

Tino was holding her dagger menacingly so I touched her shoulder and stood in front of her.

The old man and his group stepped back as if pressured.

I didn’t really know why it was like this, but I needed to sincerely apologise. Even if I didn’t think I was the one at fault.

I felt like hunters lacked the skills to avoid conflict.

“Aah, this was my bad. It was totally our fault. I wasn’t considerate enough. I was just surprised, because I didn’t think humans would come out of a sand rabbit nest.”

See, if you apologised like this the other party would also understand. “!? W-What did you just say!”

“No well, you see, generally no matter who it is, you wouldn’t expect to see so many people fit into such a tiny burrow right? My bad. I didn’t mean to step on you like that.”

It was weird... I apologised to the old guy (perhaps a sand rabbit researcher or something) but his face became even more distorted and red. I could understand even in the darkness, so he must have been that much angrier.

“No, It’s not like I’m trying to look down on you or anything. It’s not wrong to go into burrows and there’s no law against it. Yeah, I also think it’s a magnificent thing.”

“D-Didn’t you hear what I said, I asked where you heard that name!”

We couldn’t... communicate. Well, self important nobles were everywhere.

I was a small fry, but since I was level 8 I had some experience meeting with prideful nobles.

Liz and the others had been banned from places before for getting out of control. The old man probably wasn’t a noble, but from the way he carried himself he could be upper class.

However, what name was he talking about?

I crossed my arms, and observed the old man. Could he have overheard what Tino and I were talking about earlier?

To put them at ease I spoke with a calm smile.

“You mean 『Akasha』? If it’s that... I heard it from a friend. They’re an excellent little one.”

“...What...did you say...”

The old Magi’s eyes went wide, and he ground down on his teeth. Wasn’t his reaction odd?

Mmm... Maybe we didn’t know what the other was thinking because the gap in our ages was too big.

I gave a quick glance back at Tino, but she was also still on guard. Well I guess anyone would be on guard if a suspicious group of people suddenly emerged from a burrow.

Maybe these people were afraid of the huge golem? From their expressions I saw subtle lines that didn’t give me anything else but that impression.

Pointing my thumb out to the noises continuing behind me, I spoke in a gentle voice.

“Aah, it’s ok. If it’s that golem then don’t worry, my friend will finish up with it soon. If you want to, we can go back to town before it’s done with...”


After trying to calm them down, the elderly man’s expression really hadn’t softened at all.

He was shaking with rage. He must have high blood pressure.

Perhaps it was time for my kneeling down for forgiveness skill?

However, I didn’t know what I was supposed to apologise for, so as a Master of kneeling down I couldn’t permit myself to. My adorable junior was also watching.

While I was having difficulty, something cold went down my spine and made me shiver involuntarily.

This was – the same feeling as when a phantom or monster was in front of me. It was what they called killing intent.

...I didn’t mean to make him so angry he would want to murder me. “You, dare, to mock me――! Who do you think I am――”

It came. Don’t push on his pride. Don’t push on his pride... I answered while smiling without any hostility.

“I know. Since you were in sand rabbit nests at this hour – you must be the famed throughout the Capital, sand rabbit researchers right? ......Actually, I’m a fan.

Please give me your autograph.” “-...I-I’ll kill yoooooooooooou!” “Eh-!?”

The old Magi raised his staff overhead and shouted in a rage. Was I too unreserved!?


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