Strange Grief Wants to Retire ~ The Weakest Hunter Dreams of a Hero ~

Chapter 23: The Spirit of Grief Wants to Retire

Chapter?23: The?Spirit?of?Grief?Wants?to?Retire

Chapter 23

The Spirit of Grief Wants to Retire

“I was, mistaken.”

『First Step』 Clan House Lounge. Gilbert looked around at the members of the temporary Party.

The conquest of the 『White Wolves Den』. After returning alive from the hell like request, one day had already passed.

Gilbert had been carried out while he was unconscious so he only heard about it later, but the weakened rescue targets had been safely delivered to the Imperial Capital.

The request from the Explorers Association had been accomplished successfully. The abnormalities of the White Wolves Den became under the supervision of the Explorers and the Empire. Before long they would gather high level Hunters to investigate it.

“I had thought I was far stronger. I had thought I was becoming stronger. But – I’ve still got a way to go.”

The purgatory sword could be seen leaning beside him.

Until now Gilbert hadn’t had any one to rival him. Even though he had some close fights, he had been able to win with just his own strength.

He held pride, and thought that if only time passed he would soon become the strongest. However in this hunt he had noticed a rift, that he was far far away.

He didn’t hold a grudge after abruptly being almost half-killed. Gilbert didn’t remember anything from that moment.

It’s not that he had let his guard down. Rather, his mind had been tense. In spite of that, he still didn’t remember what had been done to him.

That just went to show how huge the difference was between him and her. At first he was alone.

He met companions that had talent and power. And still they encountered

Phantoms that could only be defeated if they cooperated.

Finally, they met a monster that could only be defeated by working together as one.

And of course the one that lead them, Infinite Variety, was at an even further off place.

The incredibility, every action he took Gilbert confirmed with his own eyes, yet he still couldn’t comprehend them.

Probably because the places they were standing in were too different.

The events occurred over a short time period, but for Gilbert Bush they were experiences that had created lingering changes in his perspective.

It had been a dangerous mission with almost no reward, but it was still worth it.

It was only over the space of one day, but he looked at the companions he had come to understand to some extent through battle, and spoke.

“I still have a way to go, I couldn’t see the peak at all. For me right now, it’s totally unlikely for me to arrive there. ...To my previous party... I’ll apologise, and once more, I’ll retrain from the beginning – I’m going to start over.”

“...I see”

Tino responded by giving a small nod without a change in her expression.

Hunters grew. Through fighting, through defeat, and by knowing of the summit. There wasn’t just a few with middling resolve that became disheartened.

But despite seeing a huge setback, and knowing of hopelessness, he still had a strong will.

In that case, there wasn’t much to say to Tino. Gilbert stood up with a refreshed expression.

He hefted his bag on his shoulder, looked at his companions, and finally spoke to Tino.

“Sorry but, would you thank Infinite Variety for me? Because, I gave him all sorts of trouble. Later... that’s right... you’ll see, I’ll soon get to the point where I can catch things like bullets with my bare hands.”

“You probably won’t, I don’t think.”

Tino said with a dejected expression.

To her clear disbelief, Gilbert thrusted out a pointed finger.

He shouted loudly. As if to make a declaration.

The members of Footprints in the lounge turned toward Tino’s table to see what was happening.

“Don’t get me wrong. I haven’t given up on being the strongest yet! I’m just changing up my methods. I’m soon gonna catch up. To you as well, Leader! Seeya!”

“Ah... Gilbert, you forgot this – “

Gilbert started to leave at a quick pace, and Ruda called out to stop him. She pointed to the Purgatory Sword that was leaning against the table.

It would be crazy for a Treasure Hunter to forget the weapon that was more

important than their life.

But Gilbert didn’t look back. His eyes were only slightly open, and his voice that was returned was rough.

“I already don’t need it anymore. For me right now it’s a weapon that has lost it’s usefulness! It’s certainly powerful, but if you rely on Relics you’ll never be strong! Just like 『Severed Shadow』, I’m going to be able to catch bullets with my bare hands!”


“That’s why, I’m giving it to Infinite Variety! No... I’ll let him take care of it I think. I’ll leave it here until I become strong! Just watch me, I’ll be back for it soon!”

“Oi Oi, nothing has changed right?”

Greg’s voice was shocked. However his expression indicated that his words weren’t serious.

The purgatory sword without it’s ability as a Relic, was a powerful weapon. Obtaining it soon after becoming a Hunter, Gilbert had been swinging it for a long time. Battles would become harsh without it.

There was no way that the person himself didn’t understand that. However, with that understanding, the boy still threw away his weapon.

That was his resolve. Resolve that could only be understood by him. No one else could taint it.

Tino frowned slightly and hesitated, then called out to Gilbert’s back. “Gilbert.”

“...What is it?. I’m not going to quit.” “No, I don’t want you to quit but...” Gilbert would surely become stronger.

Tino couldn’t see a persons future, and couldn’t know it so soon after being in a party together, but it was a hunter that the Master of ingenious schemes invited.

And once she had taken a deep breath, she dropped her shoulders and spoke. Hoping that his future would remain bright.

“Onee-sama’s mask was specially made not to have holes at the eye sections... so when she caught those bullets, she shouldn’t have been able to see anything at the time... If your aiming for her, you should... you should also keep that in mind, I guess...”


§ § §

Both mentally and physically, I had been completely exhausted in one day. A 『Safe Ring』 was a measure of defense in a time of emergency.

So when more than half of them were used up, it exemplified how dangerous the

risk to my life had been.

“Great work, Cry-san. The Explorers. Looks like they’re in an uproar doesn’t it?” “Mm-“

My whole body was swaying in the office chair as I listened to Eva.

The outbreak at the White Wolves Den was of a scale that is rarely seen.

This time, somehow everyone had returned alive. But by all rights it was the kind of anomaly where the first Hunters to see it usually died.

It was nothing but good luck that were no casualties.

If it wasn’t for Liz-chan that had returned running at an absurd speed, everyone including myself would have been annihilated.

I looked over to the largish sofa and watched as Liz slept holding her knees.

After all her fatigue had piled up, her drawn in body was sleeping without stirring. If she didn’t wear that eerie mask, it could be said that she looked cute.

I was the one that designed the mask. I had made a mistake when I forgot to add eyeholes, but if Liz and the others kept using it on missions that wasn’t my responsibility.

Even though she truly couldn’t see anything with it on, she moved with composure.

Since the first time we came to the Imperial Capital, there had been no indication that Liz and the others speed of growth was slowing down.

It might have been wrong of me to stop going to Shrines, but the difference between me and them was no longer only one hundred or two hundred times.

I don’t personally experience it since I’m always lying back at the top of the Clan House. That had been the first time in a while I had actually gone out to a Shrine, but it was a nail driven into my head filled with peace. It made me truly understand.

Does Liz-chan really notice?

To me already long ago her figure – has been seen as a hero.

Her character is straightforward, and there was room for improvement but, it’s a fact that she can somehow live in human society.

I breathed a deep sigh, prepared myself for the worst and spoke. “I’m going to quit being a Hunter.”

Eva looked at me with eyes like ‘he’s saying that again’. Since I said it a lot she didn’t believe me.

But, I was serious this time.

“This time, I know that I put Tino and the others in grave danger. I can’t stand at the front with my strength anymore. It’s been too long, and I was of no use whatsoever.”

“Tino-san said that Master was a God and such.”

“Although I didn’t mean to, I did something bad to Tino this time. I don’t think quitting is enough to make up for it, but I’ve already had enough. Ahahaha... Am I too old I wonder?”

“You’re, the youngest person at the top aren’t you?.”

“I feel like if I continue as a Hunter, next time I’ll make a mistake that can’t be undone for sure. That’s what I’m afraid of. I already have a little bit of money, I should return to the rural countryside and live a life of seclusion.”

I did’t need a large amount of money. I didn’t need luxury. I just needed enough money to live a modest lifestyle. Having time for work and hobbies. Work and Hobbies. Didn’t it sound nice? A world where there was no danger to your life?

I can’t deal with Phantoms anymore. Just remembering makes me shake a little. The human missile as well, I never want to do it again.

Even with the boy Gilbert and Greg-sama, they seemed like such minor character types, yet they held an appropriate amount of power.

There was already no place for me to do anything.

The times had changed.

The Golden Age of Hunters. It was a little too dazzling for me.

To my words charged with real emotion, Eva lifted her glasses and stared as she spoke.

“I’m just talking but, I don’t think Cry will be able to live a peaceful life ever again. You would need to change your face.”

“That’s too terrible.”

If only Liz didn’t destroy the Reverse Face...

“But, it should be fine if I go so far no one knows me. My face is plain so, if you like you can pretend I was dead -“

“Ehehe... Well, if Cry-chan quits then I’ll quit with him...” Before I knew it Liz was hugging me from the back of the chair.

The chair shook with the weight of two people. I checked on top of the sofa to make

sure, but only the mask remained.

Huh? She was lying fast asleep earlier right? Was she a ghost or something? “No no no, Liz still has a dream right?”

Or rather, the goal of every member of Strange Grief.

Level 10. The pinnacle of Treasure Hunters. To reach it, we had become hunters.

I gave up on it quickly, but it was out of reach for most Hunters. But Liz and the others had the talent to make it.

Liz’s certified Level was still only six, but she transfers a portion of her achievement points to me as the Leader. So if it wasn’t for me she would be at least level 7.

Liz smiled as she rubbed her cheek tightly against mine.

Her temperature was much higher than mine and transferred over. Hunters full of energy had a much higher temperature than an ordinary person.

And that heat demonstrated the large difference between myself and Liz.

“Well, if Cry-chan quits it’ll be all right. But if you’re alone it’ll be boring, and I’m already the strongest anyway?”

Her voice was bright and sweet, but to give up on that dream for such a simple reason, I knew it wouldn’t be good to abandon it.

Hunters have talent. But that talent only shines with effort. Liz and the others, the effort they had put in until now, the bloodshed, was more severe than any other Hunters from the same generation.

But I didn’t hear that she had said any lies.

If I quit, at least Liz would follow me without hesitation and choose the path of retirement.

Should I quit? Should I quit I wonder? I shouldn’t quit? Maybe I shouldn’t... It isn’t as if I don’t have that feeling. Is it impossible?

“If Liz disappears, the whole party will collapse won’t it?” “It’s ok. Because at that time everyone else will quit.”

Liz, indifferently said something incredible. My shoulders quivered unconsciously. I had no path forward, but Liz and the others were different.

Their ability was well known throughout the Empire, they held considerable influence, and they were strong.

Some officially belonged to national organisations, while others have had offers from nobles and the military.

Some people would definitely be sent to chase after them. It was very likely that high level Hunters would be sent.

And if they found out that the reason had been because of me, I would incur some strong enmity. There was a good chance I would be killed.

It was needless to think about.

In the first place, I couldn’t let the others effort go to waste because of me.

I tried to come up with something for a while, but my pitiful brain full of complacency couldn’t think of anything.

“.........I have to hang in there a little longer do I?” “Yep. Hang in there! I’ll also hang on!”

Liz rubbed her cheek on mine, and swung her legs while I gave out a lifeless voice.

That’s it. No more going out to Shrines. That bastard Gark, having the nerve to impose a strange request on me.

I’ll never accept a request while Ark is away again.

I looked away from reality, and carved that into my mind.

Translator Notes

Chapter title is the same as the Series. (Prev. translated as Strange Grief wants to retire)

Still unsure. Whatever it is, it seems to refer to Cry. (His sigh, his despair, his grief, all applies).

-Going back over the raw of chapter 4, he names himself as ‘Nageki no Bourei'(series title) at the end. But it’s unclear to me whether the author wants that to be Strange Grief or Spirit of Lamentation or what have you.


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