Strange Grief Wants to Retire ~ The Weakest Hunter Dreams of a Hero ~

Chapter 3: member recruitment 3

Chapter?3: member?recruitment?3

Chapter 3

member recruitment 3

It was like the world had stopped spinning in just this one place. Noticing the state I was in, Greg-samas lips curved upwards.

“『Strangry』 has only ever selected a few people. Even with this chance it’s not

like you’ll be noticed, not to mention invited to their party.

If we’re lucky enough that they show up, there will probably be some other reason for it.”

An over excited voice. In response to his heated manner Ruda stares back in amazement.

『Strangry』. That word caused my stomach to cramp up.

It was some years back. My friends and I came to the Imperial Capital together and incidentally took that as the name of our party.

Made up of five monsters, in a flash it distinguished itself as a party of youngsters. These days Arch Brave is another party on equal grounds that’s made up of young people.

The official name is 『Strange Grief』 (Kanji – the spirit/soul of grief).

I didn’t know when my throat had become so dry. Because of the tension, I had broken into a strange sweat.

I shuffled deeper into my hood. As if to hide myself just a little more. “W-What’s wrong? Are you feeling ok?”

Seeing me shrink down and the state of my trembling body, Ruda ask after me in concern.

I’m gonna throw up.

“Well I guess it was all just bogus information. I thought it might’ve just been people trying to show off, but I couldn’t help getting some hopes up...”

Greg-sama shrugs his shoulders.

It’s not just 『Arch Brave』 and 『Strange Grief』, most of the parties belonging to Footprints were high level.

Even though Greg-sama was short tempered, if one party was a no show he wasn’t about to make a complaint.

“Hey, what the hell is this! Where’s『Strangry』!” However, it seems like someone else was going to complain.

Eyes turned to the loud voice that shouted out all of a sudden.

At that point was a young boy with burning red hair. On his back was a heavy two handed sword that couldn’t be swung with ordinary strength.

Though he wasn’t tall, you could see that his body was well trained.

Like I’ve said many times before, quick tempers are proportional to how much power a hunter has.

What no one else would say – even Greg-sama, that guy shouted out in front of everyone.

Even with everyone around him as opponents, his eyes showed unwavering confidence. Perhaps he even had the power to back it up.

His sword emitted a unique shine, a characteristic marking it’s creation by inhuman hands.

It’s what people commonly refer to as a Relic (Kanji – Treasure Tool), a treasure that guy must have obtained in a shrine.

His age is clearly lower than mine, but to dismiss him without knowing his abilities was too dangerous.

“There’s so many small-fry around isn’t there. I heard the top guys would be coming, so I came all this way!”

The boy doesn’t wait for anyones response, he just keeps running his mouth. “So young aren’t you? Is your plan to make everyone here your enemy?”

Greg-sama was looking at him curiously and muttered a few words. Although he has a rough look to him, it seems he gained some wisdom in his advanced age.

For treasure hunters networking is important. If there’s a problem with you, it’ll spread in a flash.

It doesn’t matter how strong you are if you’re beyond help.

Maybe this has worked out for him up until now, but the people gathered here are only ones that want to gain positive attention from Footprints.

Moreover these are all skilled people. Having a relic isn’t that rare.

The boy that lost his cool is surrounded by people, but none of them show any indications that they are going to put a stop to him.

Probably because his words speak for the inner thoughts of a lot of the hunters here.

The other ones are watching him make a fool of himself, careful to see what will happen next.

The boy glares with killing intent, trying to intimidate the members of Footprints at each table.

But for the most part no one challenges him. Higher level hunters aren’t used to dealing with naughty kids.

Heating up even further, the boy yells louder. Like a beast trying to intimidate.

“I’m the man that will one day become the strongest hunter, after all I’m already level 4!

Even though I wanted to knock shoulders with the Empires strongest, it’s this boring!”

He said something pretty amazing. He’ll be a big shot, this guy. Either that or die.

He’s still in his mid teens I’d say. Reaching level 4 at that age is certainly incredible.

I can’t say as much for his sky rocketed self confidence and arrogant attitude, but justice goes to the one that keeps on winning.

Hunters lived in that kind of world.

Ruda’s face cramped up. Seems like it was a bit shocking to realise that idiots level was higher than hers.

Don’t worry too much, there’s still the potential he raised his level with the help of a party.

When his frustration was about to blow, a member of Footprints finally approached him.

Someone came out, but it wasn’t any of the recruiting members.

It was the one that had been standing isolated in the far corner of the room, Tino Shade.

She walked over in a casual stride and when she reached the boys side, she looked down at him with cold eyes.

“Huh? What the hell do you want!?”

“You don’t know your place. Lets take this outside”. A penetratingly cold, low voice.

The other footprint members that had been calm rushed over.

“Hey, Tino. Todays about recruiting members, not about causing a disturbance.”

“It’ll be over in an instant. A strike. If Onee-sama was here I’m sure she’d do the same.

If you want to enter 『Strange Grief』 then get past me. If you’re stronger, you can

join I promise you.”

Point blank. She has grit to stop just out of range of his long sword. The quick tempered idiot boy isn’t much different.

He looks ready to spring at Tino at any moment while she’s surrounded by members trying to talk her down.

I don’t know which one is in the wrong.

“Leave the fool alone, he’s a waste of time. We have directions to end things peacefully whenever possible!

We all share collective responsibility, so we’ll be punished alongside you!” “Hah!? Who’s the fool! I’ll beat you to death!”

“It’s you, you idiot! Go die on your own so we can get back to work!”

Some of Footprints members start to backtalk the boy with the attitude problem.

It’s a superior clan and everything, but in the end it’s made of the same types of people.

Everyones a monster, and they’re all looking for the slightest chance to exercise their power.

Like pouring fuel on a fire, the uproar spreads further.

It was preferable that not many objects were left laying around, because it wouldn’t be strange for a weapon to be drawn now.

And if someone pulls out their weapon, it can’t be stopped halfway. The fight won’t end until one of the two are dead.

A fight between fellow treasure hunters is a disaster.

All the people here are hunters, and among them not just a few are in posession of


If they start using them, one or two buildings could easily be blown away. “Ohh! Well well! The strength of 『Footprints』, let me see it!”

Greg-sama starts to instigate in a vulgar voice. Everyone else is also getting drawn

in. Some among them are members of Footprints. It’s already spiralled out of control.

I pull on Ruda’s sleeve who was watching stunned, I speak softly.

“Ruda. It’s better to give up this time and leave. If a fight breaks out we can’t stay. We’ll get sucked into it and get killed.”

Hunters can’t handle being made light of.

If you’re attacked, then attack back. And if they attack back, then attack back. It’s a negative chain. Even if it’s collateral damage, it won’t be forgiven. It doesn’t end until the last person standing runs out of strength.

Tino shrugs her shoulders, then taps the tips of her shoes to be sure. I recognise her behavior, she intends to blow off his head.

A well trained hunters kick will easily cave in the ground and break through walls.

The guardians of treasure shrines can’t be harmed with only heavy weapons – those 『phantoms』, so it’s not unbelievable.


“My ability to detect danger is the only thing I have self confidence in. Come on, before the fight begins lets leave...”

“B-But, I, came here to find a party!?”

It’s impossible. They all have muscles for brains. Which is more important, joining a party or your life?

This is how I’ve managed to live for the last five years. Ruda doesn’t understand how high level hunters fight.

It really would have been better not to come here. I regret it while trying to persuade her.

“I-I get it. I’ll help you search! I’ll help you out next time! Right now... living is more important.”

“! ? I-I understand. Ok.”

The temperature of the room which was already hot, rises even further.

The young boy was holding his sword – and it was burning. Relic. A tool endowed with inhuman power.

Crimson flames coil around the blade, the brightness illuminates the unfazed face of Tino.

From the corner I creep towards the exit.

It’s a miserable feeling. But it’s safer. The back and forth argument can be heard continuing behind us.

“I’ll think things through after I slaughter you. It’s something I learned from onee- sama.”

“...Fine then, shorty. Come at me, I can’t promise I’ll be able to take it easy on you!” “Are you gonna destroy the place. Huh? If you’re gonna do it, do it outside!”

If they do it outside, the Empire’s knights will definitely come flying over. These days everyone is more sensitive to problems involving hunters.

If you drag in regular people it’s inexcusable.

Outsiders keep fanning the flames.

I don’t want to think about it too much, but some are the voices of Footprints members.

It’s getting too chaotic. “Yeah, do it! Ready—Fight!!” “Hey don’t stir them up...”

A screaming voice. A coarse whistle. So noisy.

As we stealthily head towards the exit, someone gave the start signal. Almost simultaneously the wind blew.

The air in the room that was heated up, in one instant was blown away. The sudden shock made me fall on my butt. My hood fell off.

Ruda who was behind me gave a short scream.

Something cast a shadow on my field of vision. My heart was thumping loudly. I timidly looked up.

Ruda’s eyes were wide open and let out a tiny voice. “...when did what time....”

Clear eyes like black diamonds were looking down. It was the one who was facing the boy a moment ago, Tino.

Her evenly cut hair flows back after a short delay. An elegant pair of bare legs were before my eyes.

The sullen facial expression is gone, she looks at me absentmindedly. “U-Um... what is it...?”

Ruda asks in a quavering voice.

Tino doesn’t answer, but she speaks to me in a voice that has an equal tremble.

“.........Ah...W-What, What are you doing? Master? Since how long have you been here?

Ah- ...I’m gonna throw up.

Translator Notes

Terms I’ve made arbitrary decisions about so far:

Relic – I’m not calling them Treasure Tools, it sounds awkward to me.

Explorers – I debated attaching Guild or Co to the end, but didn’t.

This Chapters Nickname:

Strangry – Strange Grief

The katana is something like Storanji Guriefu so in Japanese the nickname is Stoguri. Strangry is the logical translation, but sounds too much like Hangry for my liking.

I might try not to use Strangry much. Unless someone has a better idea.


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