Strange Grief Wants to Retire ~ The Weakest Hunter Dreams of a Hero ~

Chapter 2: member recruitment 2

Chapter 2: member?recruitment?2

Chapter 2

member recruitment 2

Inside the building that usually operated as a pub, there was a fervor incomparable to before.

The faint smell of liquor lingered. Most of the tables that were usually out had been stored to the sides of the room.

Aspiring candidates formed a line in the remaining spacious interior of the store.

The atmosphere was burning hot. Ruda who was leading the way widened her eyes when she saw the spectacle.

Seems like she had already completely forgotten about the quarrel from before. “Wow... everyone here is a hunter?”

The store interior still had some tables scattered about.

At each sat several people wearing white uniforms. They would be members of the clan First Step.

Picking a party at random from 『Footprints』 you will find all sorts.

Some parties have a number of prominent members, while some only have a well known leader.

Some parties are looking for attackers, while others want somebody specialised. Every applicant seeks to join a table where they are given a test.

The contents will vary party to party, from interviews to practical exams, there are even parties that put an emphasis on inspiration.

To Ruda who was quite obviously looking lost, I asked a question. “This is your first time?”

“....It’s not yours Cry?”

“....This is my fifth, I guess”

“Fifth time... so many times – s-sorry”

I’m not sure why, but Ruda offers a heartfelt apology.

“No, it’s fine... most likely, today isn’t the first time for a lot of people here I would say.”

Hunters are rated on their merits. Talented people will get picked up right away, but it’s not like people without talent have no chance.

I’m a person that has given up on their own talent, but came here for the slight chance.

That kind of resigned attitude could also be called a talent of sorts.

First off should be some scouting. I took some distance from the people lining up and stood in a corner close to the entrance.

It seems like there are more parties recruiting members than usual.

Even if it’s said that Footprints is recruiting, it doesn’t mean that every one of their parties will come.

However it seems like nearly all of them really have come this time. The number of people wanting to join has also increased.

Was that the reason there was a line going out the door?

Ruda talks to me over-familiarly even though our only connection is some time lining up in the same line.

“Cry, if you don’t mind could you fill me in on a few things? I really don’t know much about this whole thing.”

“...Sure. It’s not a bad idea to have a skilled hunter owe me one”. At the very least she won’t stay a level 3. If she doesn’t die, that is. To my words, Ruda’s facial expression loosens up a bit.

“It’s been a long time since I’ve been to the capital. Let me know the names of the famous hunters.

I think this will be a good opportunity.”

First off, even if you join a party, it may not be suitable for you.

The party will have specific roles outlined, and will have their own strategies and policies.

If you’re able to join an excellent party it wouldn’t be a mistake, but even if you did join a skilled party you might not be able to fit in.

If the difference in talent between party members is too high, it could lead to some bitterness.

I think Ruda’s thinking is on the right track, but the Imperial capital is a place where many hunters confident in their abilities gather.

On the surface they appear human, but they are undoubtedly completely seperate life forms. My friends as well – they were the same way.

“I don’t know what Ruda wants, or even what you are capable of. You carry that dagger, but I’m guessing you have skills that lay outside of combat?”

Giving a scrutinising look over her appearance, I reviewed her equipment. In addition to her dagger, there is a small leather bag on her waist worn in a way that doesn’t obstruct movement.

Perhaps it contains tools for picking?

When a solo hunter is invited into a party, it’s most likely because of their skills in combat.

The fact that they are solo in the first place means they have survived attacks from monsters and phantoms, so their fighting ability tends to be high.

On the other hand, joining for a specialised role isn’t likely, due to a lack of experience.

Soloers have to look out for traps and search for enemies.

You must do everything from forming solutions to fighting in combat – following that logic, their individual skills will be inferior to a member of a party that just has to focus on one thing.

But the person in question already knows this, thrusting that fact in their face will bear nothing but resentment.

Seeing Ruda’s earnest expression, I point to the inner part of the room and continue.

“First off, there’s a rule to this room. The further in the higher the level of the parties.”

Just like hunters are recognised by their level, Explorers gives clans and parties rankings in a similar way.

There are differences between parties belonging to the same clan.

Deep into the room was a large table, there was a noticeably large amount of hunters gathered around it.

“That’s the strongest party recruiting right now – Arch Brave (TN- Kanji meaning ‘Children of the Holy Spirit’).

Never heard of them? Their average age is 21 years old, and with only six people they captured a level 7 shrine.

The elite of the elite.”

They stand out even in the Imperial capital that’s thick with monsters.

Each member has so much talent you would think they were touched by god, not to mention their leader that’s praised by the public as a hero.

Incidentally, the 『White Wolves Den』 that Ruda attempted was a level 3 shrine. As the level ranking of a treasure shrines goes up by one, the degree of difficulty increases tenfold.

The gap between this girl and them is like the distance between heaven and earth.

If you enter into that party, your success is guaranteed.

If you don’t manage to enter... well if one of their members gives you a little bit of praise, another party will probably try to scout you.

Whether you’re solo, or have little experience, you’ve most likely heard their name. As expected Ruda draws closer and asks in a small voice.

“...Well, I’m just going to ask but... do you think I have a chance?”

“That depends on you. Though, as far as I know Arch Brave has never recruited a member from here before.”

It’s the biggest name in the capital. If you’re young, you’ll definitely try once or twice to get in.

The party members already perfectly compliment each other, perhaps the hunters trying to be recruited don’t even expect to pass in the first place.

The lot swarming there probably just want a chance to see them close up, or have the pretext of forming some type of connection with them.

While looking at the crowd of people, Ruda didn’t complain and let out a sigh. When she heard of the level 7 shrine, she probably realised it was too difficult for her.

I continued to inform her of the other parties in the room. Most of them had names you would hear if you stayed in the capital for a month or two.

Ruda was a soloer so she just hadn’t heard of them, but it was all information that was easy to get if you spent a small amount of time investigating.

I pointed out the different parties one by one and gave them an evaluation. There were rarer parties then usual participating this time.

It seems like most of Footprints is recruiting this year.

Listening to my drawn out talk, Ruda speaks to me in amazement.

“...Cry, you’re pretty well informed. I’m getting tired just listening to you talk.” “Just this much is natural though.”

“...I’ve been meaning to ask but, what do you wish for in coming here?” “What I wish for? ...Nothing really... I...can’t really do much, I guess.”

I don’t have a specialty. And I’m not an all rounder either, I’m just bad at everything.

Jack of all trades and master of none... below that. That’s me.

I don’t have the courage of a hunter and I don’t have their hot-headed passion either.

The passion I had when I still believed in my own talent dissipated before I knew it. Hunters have a high risk, high reward occupation. There are even statistics that 70% of hunters die inside treasure shrines.

I don’t have the fortitude to swallow down a risk like that.

I have the excuse that I’m not as talented as my friends, but the real reason is probably that.

I want to throw up.

“I see......then, if you want to, would you like to form a party with me?”

To my weak willed words, Ruda makes a proposal in an unnaturally bright voice. I think she’s actually serious. My heart constricts and breathing becomes difficult.

In a world of good for nothing hunters, Ruda is a genuinely good person. I’m almost certain she isn’t just saying those words to play around.

However holding back someone else from being successful is so agonising I can’t endure it.

“Thank you for your offer, but I don’t need your sympathy. For the sake of your future you should be on the lookout for the party that is most suitable for you.”


Thrown off a bit, I touched the silver chain hanging from my belt which calmed me down slightly.

I needed a way to casually change the topic of conversation.

Arch Brave’s recruitment table. In the same inner part of the room there was a large table where no one was seated.

I exaggeratedly pointed at it.

“O-Oh? Hey, that reminds me, that empty table over there, I wonder why no one packed it away?”

“You’re kidding me, you guys, you really came here without knowing anything?” “! ?”

The large man we got entagled with outside was approaching us with a smirk. His face was red from being caught up in the excitement.

His overly developed muscled arms and riveted armor gave him a wild style that looked even more brutal when viewed under the interior lighting.

I don’t know what results he obtained, but he seems to be in a much better mood than before.

Dampening the mood, Ruda narrowed her eyes and glared back at him. “...What business do you have with us? Gonna get all mad again?”

“Don’t be like that. Your senior hunter Greg-sama just wants to help out the little guys.”

Greg-sama... haven’t heard of him. Saying that, I only have a small fraction of knowledge.

I’m a little familiar with the hunter world, but it’s only of the top level hunters that everybody knows about.

There are way too many strong hunters I have no knowledge of, and there’s also the possibility that he just hasn’t done anything to stand out yet.

“The table next to 『Arch Brave』 is the table of the founding members of


Although, they aren’t coming this time either looks like.” “The founders... party?”

Ruda blinks back, and Greg-sama lowers his voice as he continues.

“Footprints have held a number of recruitments, but this time there are a lot more people than usual.

Just the other day, the shrine that no one else could crack was captured by 『Holy

Spirit』and even he came. The usual recruiters『Iron』 and 『Sacred Lightning』

are also here.

And... look, see the guys standing about with footprint marks other than the party members?”

Greg-sama gave a fleeting glance at a sullen looking male hunter standing with his arms crossed against a wall.

The clothing worn isn’t the same as the recruiters uniform, but if you look closely they have buttons in the design of footprints on their collars and sleeves, and a footprints accessory hanging.

There are rules that a clans symbol must be displayed somewhere visible.

“Ordinarily you’d think there’s little meaning for all these hunters of footprints to come here without the purpose of recruitment.

But there is that reason.”

In response to his way of trying to imply a hidden meaning, I decide to interject.

Greg-sama has done a suprising amount of investigating, but I know a little bit more.

“...Those are solo hunters belonging to Footprints.”

” ! ? They joined as soloers... you can do something like that?”

“Parties need to be made of at least one member... So you just apply as a solo party and join that way.

You have to have be considerably skilled though...” In other words Ruda didn’t have the ability.

Looking away from the man, he points near the empty table to a bored looking girl that’s staring off into space.

Shes wearing a tightly fitted black leather combat uniform. A dagger hangs from her belt, her hair is cut short and she’s dressed for ease of movement.

Her age is most likely less then Ruda.

“That’s Tino Shade. She’s level 4, and she’s a soloer of Footprints. She’s a famous member.”

“That little girl is...”

“...You probably shouldn’t say anything extra. Her age, looks, and quick temper are irrelevant.”

Her role is thief.

Not a person that steals things. It’s about looking for signs of enemies and intercepting them, and the name comes from their skill with traps and locks. If it’s the White Wolves Den, she could capture it by herself. She’s an existence above Ruda. One of Footprint’s monsters.

Greg-sama looks my way as if he only just realised I existed. He has an interested gaze.

“...You don’t really look like a hunter, but you seem to know a lot don’t you.”

“That’s because gathering information is important. Well actually that girl is... the apprentice of an acquaintance.”

I pull down on the hood I was still wearing to try and hide my face. More specifically, it’s my friends apprentice.

In other words my friend is even more of a monster than that girl. Probably isn’t worth mentioning.

“An acquaintance?”

“You’re a soloer and yet you still came here, I really don’t get it...”

Maybe she wants to stop being solo and came here in search of a party don’t you think?

It’s not certain you’ll be able to fill your specialty in the outside world.

Greg-sama tilted his head to one side at me, then crossed his arms proudly and smiled down on me.

“It must be that. That you know? Everyones come here because... of a rumour. Today, one of the parties that hasn’t recruited anyone in a long time,

someone from First Steps founding party – 『Strangry』(嘆霊 grieving soul) is

coming to recruit for the first time in years.”

Translator Notes

Some more nicknames.

Arch Brave is made of the Kanji “Children of the Holy Spirit”.

So when they mention ‘Holy Spirit‘ it’s most likely referring to Arch Brave, and perhaps their leader at that. Sorry if this has been unclear.

Strangry is, well for now lets just say the katakana is Stoguri.

Referring to yourself with Sama is very arrogant. So when Cry says Greg-sama every single time he mentions him (from the safety of his own thoughts), I believe it is in mockery.


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