Steel and Sorrow: Rise of the Mercenary king

Chapter 27: Debts are to be repayed

Chapter 27: Debts are to be repayed

''I hope I have not made you wait too long''

A lively, red-haired girl with a sprinkling of freckles across her cheeks bustled over to their table, balancing two plates in her arms. Alpheo couldn't help but notice the resemblance between her and the tavern's owner, most likely her father.

The size of the building indicated that this was a family-owned business, he did not care much, it was one of his habit , to look around and observe when bored.

Asag and Alpheo gracefully pulled their hands back to make room for the girl to set down their meals. In his peripheral vision, Alpheo caught a glimpse of Asag stealing glances at the girl before quickly looking away when their eyes met.Meanwhile the girl eyes rested on Alpheo .

It was strange for him to think that this awkward young man had saved his life back in Arlania.But it was him of that he was sure. He did not know if he would have been able to wrestle back the dagger, or if the soldiers would have been stronger and pierced his neck with the blade. He did not like to think about it, it made him feel ....weak.

Looking down at his plate, Alpheo realized that this would be the first time in his second life that he would taste meat. He had never had the opportunity before, not as a slave or even as a simple farmer's son. The sight of two perfectly roasted pieces of meat accompanied by fresh vegetables made Alpheo's stomach growl in anticipation. Without hesitation, he dug into his meal.

Decades had passed since Alpheo last tasted meat, and despite its less than impressive flavor, there was something satisfying about it. For once, he felt like a proper man instead of a lowly slave or beast.He was no tool, no animal to be whipped when tired out, he was a man , or at least he believed himself so.

Glancing over at Asag, Alpheo saw him delicately savoring each bite of meat. It was clear from the expression on his face that he too was thoroughly enjoying the meal .

The two ate in silence, piece by piece the meal shrank in dimension , until the plate was completely empty. He and Asag had their belly filled by the meal, and while Alpheo had his thirst satiated by the ale, Asag simply accepted water as a drink.

The girl soon came back and took the plate back, and as she did so her eyes met Alpheo's giving him a small smile.

He did not reciprocate. Soon she got the hint and with a sigh left the table , leaving him and Asag alone. She was a pretty girl, just like that one was ....and thinking about it made him remember things he did not want to.

As Alpheo looked around at his men, enjoying their drinks and meals, he was interrupted by a soft voice from his silent companion.

"Thank you," Asag said, his voice barely audible above the din of the tavern.

Alpheo turned to him, eyebrows raised in surprise. "For what?" he asked, genuinely curious.

"For not asking about it," Asag replied, his voice growing slightly stronger. "The scar, I mean. Most others would always want to know about it, and they'd keep pressing me until I told them. But you didn't. Instead, you gave me company and offered me a meal. It's been a long time since I shared a meal with somebody. I missed the feeling. I'm usually very silent, as you may have noticed, yet you didn't distance yourself and instead kept silent with me. Why is that?"

Alpheo understood the unspoken emotion behind Asag's words. He sensed the lad fighting the urge to cry, to release the pent-up emotions that had been building inside him for far too long. Loneliness was like a dagger, slowly pressing through the back till it reached the heart.' The worst thing about being a slave was the feeling of being alone' , Alpheo thought .The days and nights passed alone without anyone to talk to except himself,, nearly made him insane. Whips and beatings were bad, but that feeling of being disdained and ignored by the whole world, was worse....and so he always made sure to sorround himself with people.

With a sympathetic nod, Alpheo shifted his gaze away from Asag, giving him the space he needed to speak his mind.

"I was a farmer, you know?" Alpheo began, his voice tinged with bitterness.He did not know why but he felt it right to tell it "I didn't even know which village I was living in, let alone the lord that claimed ownership over me. I worked all day and ate scraps like a dog. Some days, I'd even go into the forest and eat grass or roots just to fill my belly. I had five brothers, but I didn't know them very well. We were strangers, sharing blood but nothing else. My parents barely took notice of me."

As Alpheo spoke, memories long buried resurfaced, each word carrying the weight of years of neglect and abuse. He recounted the day that changed his life forever, the day he was sold into slavery by his father.

"One day, as I was working in the fields, I noticed my father speaking with someone, smiling and laughing. That man extended his hand and left a silver coin in my father's hand. My father accepted it, all smiles and laughter. Then, he came to me, grabbed me by my sleeve, and put me in chains. I struggled, calling for help from my parents and brothers, but they did nothing. They just watched, indifferent to my suffering."

Alpheo paused, his hands trembling with suppressed emotion.

"I hung myself in place, clawing at the ground with my toes, the slaveres punched me and pulled , but I did not move.Then my father approached me , for one moment I thought he changed his idea and would keep him ''

He chuckled a bit, like hearing a joke for the first tine ''He slapped me,and then he apologized to the men, as if I were nothing more than a piece of property to be bought and sold, that refused to work . It happened so long ago, but... I thought I was over it."

Asag remained silent, his eyes locked on Alpheo's trembling hands.

'' My own blood and family betrayed me for a silver coin, the family I was given by the gods has denied me . There I understood that what mattered was the family I instead made. Once I became a slave , I befriended some of my comrades.The nights alone were the worse. Many died and yet with those that survived I organized the escape. '' Alpheo stopped looking at his hands and moved to Asag ''You saved my life back then , you are among those of the family I have chosen. You are my brother Asag, I care for you like a brother should. Like they should have had ''

The silent boy shook a bit as he gave one deep breath , did hearing that someone cared for him caused this ?Or was it just Alpheo's story?

Noticing his look, Alpheo knew it was the first. He rose from his seat as he patted Asag's shoulder. ''I am going to take one more drink and then I am going for a piss, wait me here.''

As he approached the counter he made sure to attract the red-hair girl attention , he then took five silveriis from his pouch and moved them towards the girl . Her eyes widened a bit , before she smiled seductively at Alpheo as he exted her hand to caress his.

''Not me , go to my friend. Make sure to make him believe you like him , seduce him for a bit ,stroke his cock a bit and then bed him.''

''You sure these are for your friend?Won't you rather have me?'' She said with a smile as she gazed At Alpheo's eyes.

He gave her an icy stare ''Don't make me repeat myself , I can easily find another one that catch his eyes''

''Well you won't need to'' She said with a sigh , dropping the act as she rose from the counter and walked towards Asag.

He watched as she approached him and put his hands on his shoulder while whispering something in his ears. Asag shook a bit and then smiled.

He watched a bit and then turned, he was always someone that paid back any favor he received , and yet he also never forgot a slight , not even from his own blood.

''Debts are due for everyone'' he muttered as he left the tavern to piss the ale away.


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