Steel and Sorrow: Rise of the Mercenary king

Chapter 26: Getting information

Chapter 26: Getting information

As Alpheo and the group walked throughout the city , and while his men asked around for direction to the nearest taver, Alpheo was busier looking around and gazing at the infrastructure of the city.He passed most of his life closed in a house or in a camp, he had no opportunity to thoroughly observe cities in this world.

And honestly he was rather impressed, the roads were made of stones and were wide, while buildings were at least three meters farther from the road. And while the roads were unclean by the waste of both humans and animals, at least the citizens did not need to look down on their feet as they walked on the road.

As for the houses , they were all made of wood and three floors high, they were usually rented to other peoples . In some of the houses, like a hen among her chickens, from some chimneys came black smoke.Which greatly surprised Alpheo as he did not think that even commoner to get access to a fireplace that would directly bring the smoke outside the house

'Still considering the current technology and knowledge , I would say that the city is well-structured, the only downside is the bad smell, it seems like there is no sewer here ', he mused as he walked ahead.

After five minutes of walking around , the group of nine stood ahead a small tavern. The men looked at Alpheo expectantly,already knowing what they wanted Alpheo let out a sigh.

"You can each have one drink," Alpheo announced, distributing a silverii to each of his companions. "Now, that coin I gave you is enough to pay for one drink each and many more. I want you to go around and offer drinks to whoever can tell you news regarding the capital. Any questions?"

Silence greeted his inquiry as the group eagerly rushed into the tavern, their excitement palpable as they sought out potential sources of information.

However, one member of the group remained outside, flicking the silver coin in his hand with a troubled expression. Asag, , seemed hesitant.Some small hairs started growing in his head as apparently he was making an effort in trying to cover the scar using his hair.

"Something the matter, Asag?" Alpheo inquired, noticing his reluctance.

"I'm not comfortable in these places with so much alcohol," Asag admitted softly, tossing the coin back to Alpheo.

"Are you sure?" Alpheo asked, concern evident in his voice. Since their escape from camp, Alpheo had made a point to keep Asag close, as he was the one that saved his life .He had observed Asag's aversion to alcohol during their time together, but he didn't pry further,knowing it had something to do with his scar.

"Yes, I'll just walk beside you," Asag murmured, falling into step behind Alpheo as they entered the tavern together.

As Alpheo and Asag stepped into the tavern, they were greeted by a cacophony of sounds and smells that assaulted their senses. The air was thick with the pungent aroma of ale, mingling with the unpleasant odor of sweat . The tavern was crowded, filled with rowdy patrons engaged in various activities—some drinking heartily, others engaged in animated conversations, and a few hunched over their cups in solitary contemplation.

Alpheo wrinkled his nose at the overpowering smell of alcohol that permeated the air, mixed with the foul stench of unwashed bodies and spilled ale. He glanced around the dimly lit room, scanning the faces of the patrons. He noticed his men with cups in hands engaging in conversation with some of the customers.

Asag, following closely behind Alpheo, kept his head low, his gaze fixed on the floor as if trying to avoid the sights and smells of the tavern. Despite his discomfort, he remained by Alpheo's side.

Alpheo settled onto a stool at the counter, his gaze fixed on the bartender as he wiped down a dusty glass. Asag took a seat beside him, his eyes drifting to the worn wooden surface of the counter.

The bartender, a stout man with a genial expression, glanced at Alpheo and Asag as they sat down. "Can I get you anything?" he inquired, his attention shifting between the two newcomers.

Alpheo considered for a moment before responding. "It depends. Do you serve food as well?"

The bartender nodded eagerly. "Of course, we have a few options available. What would you like?"

"One cup of ale for me, and your best dish for my friend here," Alpheo ordered, gesturing towards Asag.

The bartender raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued. "No drink for him?" he questioned, eyeing Asag.

"No drink" Asag replied quietly, his gaze still fixed on the table.

Alpheo tossed a silver coin onto the counter, indicating that the bartender should keep the change. "Make sure to pour yourself a drink too," he added, flashing a friendly smile. "And while you're at it, join us. I have a few questions I'd like to ask."

The bartender accepted the coin with a grin, disappearing briefly into the depths of the tavern. He returned moments later with two cups of ale, one for Alpheo and one for himself.

"The food will be out shortly," he informed them, passing Alpheo his drink.

Alpheo took a sip of the ale, finding it disappointingly weak. "Tastes like water," he remarked, shaking his head in mild frustration.

Meanwhile, the bartender downed his own drink in a single gulp, displaying impressive prowess.

Then leaned forward "So, what are you curious about?" he asked, turning the conversation back to the matter at hand.

Alpheo leaned in closer to the bartender, his eyes intent. "I'm curious about the latest news around here. Anything interesting happening in the capital?" he inquired casually.

The bartender paused, a hint of surprise flickering across his face. "You don't know?" he asked incredulously. "The emperor is dead."

Alpheo's eyebrow shot up in surprise. "Dead? No, I hadn't heard," he replied, genuinely taken aback by the news.He has been on the road most of the time and this was a genuine surprise. 'This explain though why we have not been pursued, not only the army was defeated but the emperor kicked the bucket too' he mused with a chuckle

The bartender nodded solemnly. "Yes, it happened about a week ago. Someone from the capital came through here, spreading the word. The emperor passed away, and now the youngest of the three princes has ascended to the throne, with his mother acting holding down the fort as regent. We are diving in shit if you ask me " he explained, his voice tinged with a bit of fear, he knew the reason ,everybody knew it .

Alpheo raised a quizzical eyebrow at the bartender's revelation. "The youngest, huh? What about the eldest?Did he really accept that?''

The bartender shrugged nonchalantly, his tone casual as he continued polishing a glass. "Well, the eldest is up north, tending to matters there. As for the other, he is off in the east, handling their own affairs," he explained.

Alpheo leaned in, curiosity piqued. "And why exactly are they scattered all over the place?" he inquired, his interest evident.

The bartender shrugged once more'' The fuck I know? Well, next time they swing by for a drink, I will ask them " he quipped.

"Interesting," he murmured thoughtfully. "Thank you for the update you can keep the coin , just bring me whatever plate you are bringing my friend here and you can keep the rest."

The bartender nodded with a smile ''Thanks for your patronage my goodman'' before leaving to tend to others guests. Meanwhile, Alpheo smiled as he gazed at the ground 'Seems like the empire will soon fall in civil war...three brothers, one throne, and the youngest sitting on it with the mother as regent.Ah , what ripe times to be alive!So many great men shall arise and so many more shall become dust' . And such information cost him so little while bringing him so much.


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