Starting Today, I’ll Work as a City Lord

Chapter 188: Other World Version Orphanage

Chapter 188: Other World Version Orphanage

Weya stared blankly at Liu Feng’s actions, her body trembling slightly. The mist in her light red eyes grew thicker. She was willing to hear the words “idiot rabbit” for a lifetime.

“Your responsibility now is to be a teacher, not to worry about supporting a family,” Liu Feng said, his black eyes lowered as he looked at the little deer girl peeking out from behind Weya. He continued gently, “Once they are in West Sun City, they are my citizens. Providing them with food and housing is my responsibility, so don’t try to take that job from me.”

“I…” Weya couldn’t hold back the tears she had been suppressing, and they streamed down her face. Her slightly raised lips showed a hint of a smile. “Yes, my lord!”

For some reason, Weya felt her heavy burden lift considerably, as if much of the invisible pressure had vanished.

“Alright, they must be tired too. Let’s take them to their new place,” Liu Feng said with a warm smile.

“Yes, yes!” Weya nodded obediently.

In reality, with her monthly salary of one silver coin, it was very difficult to support over 30 beastkin children. It would be difficult for them to have their fill, as even beastkin children had big appetites.

“Weya, you really are an idiot rabbit,” Anri said softly as she approached. “Don’t worry. Knowing that the children were coming, the young master had people prepare the houses well in advance.”

“Yes, yes!” Weya could only nod repeatedly, unable to articulate her thoughts.

“Let’s go quickly. It’s just noon, and they can still have a good meal,” Liu Feng took the lead and walked toward West Sun City, and Tess immediately followed.


Weya quickly turned and ran towards Mary, leaving Sumi, who was caught off guard, to look blankly at the several older sisters in front of her.

“Wow, a little loli!” Anri’s brown eyes brightened slightly.

“Hey, hey! Anri, what kind of language is that?” Mina, shaking her cat ears, asked in surprise. “Don’t scare the children.”

“Uh… well… it’s nothing. I’ll leave first,” Anri said awkwardly, scratching her slightly flushed cheek, and went to catch up with Liu Feng. Could she really say that Liu Feng had taught her that? He had said that girls as small and cute as her were called lolis, and they were very adorable.

“What’s going on?” Mina followed, shaking her hips and muttering, “Definitely up to some little prank.”

Nicole knelt down and looked at the little deer girl. “What’s your name?”

“I, I’m Sumi,” Sumi said timidly.

“Alright, come with me!” Nicole took Sumi’s small hand and followed Liu Feng.

Sumi turned her head to see that Weya and the others were also coming, and she started walking, occasionally looking up at Nicole and thinking, What a beautiful elder sister.

Weya’s light red eyes curved into a crescent shape as she excitedly said, “Grandma Mary, did you hear what the lord said? The lord said he would take care of everyone.”

“I heard…” Mary gazed at the flush on Weya’s cheeks, sighing inwardly. This foolish girl shouldn’t get too deeply involved. There’s a natural barrier between human nobles and beastkins, and the deeper she falls, the more painful it will be.

Moreover, from what Mary knew, no noble would engage in unprofitable foolishness, except for those profligate second-generation nobles.

Supporting over 30 beastkin children for free for not just for one or two years but possibly for five years or more was a significant expense.

Mary kept those thoughts to herself. She exchanged glances with the other old beastkins. They had discussed things last night that if things went awry, they would make sure the children escaped, even if it meant risking their own lives.

Once they entered the city, everyone was stunned. They all stood there wide-eyed, looking around and occasionally letting out exclamations of surprise.

“Wow! Such a wide and spacious road.”

“Look, those rooms are so beautiful, much better than the wooden huts in the tribe.”

“Big sis Weya, will we live in such houses in the future?”

“Big sis Weya, do you like that handsome big brother from earlier?”

“Big sis Weya, your face was red earlier…”

The conversation took an unexpected turn, and Weya nearly fell over in surprise. Blushing, she used her expertise in facial expressions to answer the inquisitive little lolis.

Weya straightened her face and instructed, “Don’t talk nonsense. You should refer to that person as Lord City Lord, understand?”

“Oh, oh! Got it.” The children whispered among themselves, still on the same topic.

They arrived at a courtyard with a sign on the gate that read: “West Sun Orphanage”.

Liu Feng pushed open the gate and entered. The courtyard had been owned by a merchant, and after exchanging it for a small house, it was now vacant and suitable for use as an orphanage.


In the main house, Liu Feng opened the door to reveal over 30 wooden beds arranged in two large rows. The beds were covered with new burlap quilts filled with animal fur.

“Come in and see your new home,” Liu Feng stepped aside and said. “For now, you will stay here.”

The new houses Liu Feng had built could not accommodate over 30 people at once, so this spacious house was to be used temporarily for the beastkins. New houses would be built after the second phase of construction.

Mary and the others walked into the house curiously, their eyes wide open as they stared at everything inside. The 30+ beds and the quilts touched their fragile hearts.

“This…” Mary thought of how, in the tribe, there were no beds or quilts. The orphans had to make do with some dry grass on the ground and huddle together for warmth. Now, everything was prepared for them, which left Mary and the others at a loss, feeling as if they were dreaming. It all felt unreal.

“These are the most basic things,” Liu Feng said slowly with a light smile. “The children at the orphanage will all attend primary school. The City Lord’s residence will help pay the tuition, and those who perform well in exams and achieve top ranks will receive rewards.”

“Your meals will be covered by the City Lord’s Mansion until you are 15, including food and lodging. You have to work for other things yourself.”

“When you turn 15, you will be adults and should take responsibility for yourselves. Of course, just remember to pay off your tuition.”

People tend to become complacent. If Liu Feng took care of everything, these orphans might come to see it as a matter of course. He would not raise a group of parasites.

As long as there was still pressure in life, the orphans would strive to improve and become elite talents.

Liu Feng was nurturing the future, not reaping immediate rewards.


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