Starting Today, I’ll Work as a City Lord

Chapter 187: The Place Cursed by God

Chapter 187: The Place Cursed by God

The midday sun was bright and sunny.

“The weather now doesn’t feel like it’s heading into winter at all,” Liu Feng said as he stood in front of the gate of West Sun City, looking up at the blazing sun.

Today marked the 5th day since Mina left the castle. They had received a message that she and the others would be returning soon.

“Young master, 5 years ago, it didn’t snow here in the winter,” Nicole explained softly. “Since the Wrath of the Goddess of Ice and Snow, every winter, as the cold wind blew through the Forbidden Mountain Range, it starts to snow and get cold here too.”

A cold wave? Liu Feng thought that was the only thing that could cause such sudden climate changes in the region. This was something he couldn’t change, not even on Earth. It was simply a change in the weather, and sometimes it was just a natural disaster.

“Is the kingdom beyond the Forbidden Mountain Range by the ocean?” Liu Feng turned to ask Anri.

“The ocean?” Anri tilted her head, searched her memory, then shook her head. “I don’t know. I rarely went out before, and no one mentioned an ocean.”

“I see. I wonder what it’s like over there,” Liu Feng said curiously.

“It’s all ice and snow. Without a bonfire for warmth, many people can’t survive a day and will freeze to death, and there’s nothing to eat,” Anri said with a hint of sadness. “It’s a place cursed by god.”

“Don’t say such foolish things,” Liu Feng gently tapped Anri on the head and said calmly, “In fact, survival is possible in frozen lands; it just requires survival skills and equipment.”

“Really?” Anri looked up suddenly, her brown eyes sparkling as if she had discovered a new world.

“Of course. If there’s a chance in the future, I’ll take you to experience the art of surviving in the land of snow and ice,” Liu Feng nodded firmly.

“Is that a promise?” Anri asked seriously, looking up.

Liu Feng smiled lightly. “Yes, it’s a promise!”

“Young Master, why haven’t Mina and the others come back yet? Could something have happened?” Tess asked nervously as she paced.

“With a bunch of kids, how could they possibly move quickly?” Liu Feng sighed.

According to the information, Mina and Weya had only brought back a group of beastkin children and a few old beastkins, which was unexpected for Liu Feng.

He had anticipated various things, but not a group of beastkin children. However, this made him even happier. Elites and the like were nurtured from a young age. When West Sun City reaches a development bottleneck, a large number of skilled individuals will be needed. The children would perfectly fill this gap, preventing a generational disconnect.

After all, there weren’t enough children in West Sun City. Education and welfare for children also needed to be started. Liu Feng already had a plan in mind.

As for why Liu Feng was personally waiting at the city gate, it was because he had just been inspecting the greenhouses and decided that he may as well as welcome them back since he was already here.

Clip-clop. Clip-clop. Clip-clop.

“They’re here!” Tess exclaimed excitedly. “Wow! So many little beastkins.”

Liu Feng saw them too. From a distance, the slender figure was still vibrant, and he let out a slow sigh of relief.

“Wow! It’s the lord, he personally came out of the city to greet us,” Weya exclaimed. Her previously worried heart, which had been unsettled by Mary’s constant reminders along the way, was now instantly soothed. Her light brown eyes felt a bit teary.

“Lord? That noble?” Mary squinted her murky eyes towards the city gate and could vaguely see a young man dressed in fine clothes.

As they got closer, Mary’s eyes widened, and she immediately lowered her head. The noble’s attire was indeed magnificent, and he was handsome, which made it understandable why Weya was drawn to him. His good looks naturally created a favorable impression.

However, Mary hadn’t expected a noble to be waiting for them at the city gate, which left her somewhat flustered.

“Welcome home!”

Liu Feng met Mina’s blue eyes and said gently, “You’ve worked hard on the journey!”

“It wasn’t hard!”

Mina shook her head. Her slightly tense face relaxed as she stepped closer to Liu Feng. She turned to look at Liu Feng’s profile and inhaled the familiar fragrance, which instantly refreshed her weary body and mind.

“Mina, did you get hurt?” Anri asked with concern.

“No, it was just minor issues along the way,” Mina replied softly.

“Welcome back!”

Nicole spoke gently, pulling out a snack from her pocket. Her gray eyes glanced around before quickly placing it into Mina’s mouth.

Tess, with her sharp eyes, noticed this. Her purple eyes sparkled, and she leaned over, only to have Anri give her a swat on the rear.

“Mm…” Mina’s blue eyes widened slightly. She instinctively bit into the red bean cake. Was this Nicole’s way of showing care?

“Here, let me carry your backpack!: Tess said, pouting as she took Mina’s backpack and slung it over her shoulder.

“You don’t need to…” Mina thought about the cola she had been reluctant to drink in the backpack.

“Don’t be polite with me,” Tess waved her hand, her eyes occasionally darting to Nicole’s pocket, where there were still some red bean cakes. She had only tasted two pieces that morning.


Liu Feng temporarily ignored the interaction among the beastgirls. Looking at the 30+ people in front of him, most of whom were beastkin children, he smiled warmly. “West Sun City welcomes your arrival!”

This sun-like smile calmed the anxious beastkin children. Many of them would remember this smile from the city lord for years to come.

“…” Mary was silent. There was nothing she could say now. She had to see everything for herself.

“Lord, I can work to support these beastkin children. Please take them in,” Weya took a few hurried steps to Liu Feng and bowed deeply, pleading, “Please don’t drive them away.”

“When did I say I would drive them away?”

Liu Feng was slightly taken aback and then pinched the rabbit-eared girl’s ear, saying irritably, “They’re not your responsibility to support. What do you take this city lord for? It’s just a few more mouths to feed; it won’t bankrupt me.”

“No, that’s not it, I… I…” Weya looked up, her mouth quivering, tears welling up, unable to articulate her thoughts.

Weya recalled Liu Feng’s words that as long as the beastkins were willing to work, they wouldn’t starve.

But now, a group of beastkin children, most of whom were seven or eight years old, would be very hard to support through work alone.

“You really are an idiot bunny!” Liu Feng chuckled as he gently rubbed the rabbit-eared girl’s nose with his finger.

Were there suitable jobs for children? Of course, there were many, such as small, easy, manual tasks.

But did Liu Feng need children to work for him? Absolutely not. He hadn’t fallen that low.


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