Star Wars: The Holy Empire

Chapter 13: Trade Federation's Blockade of Naboo

Chapter 13: Trade Federation's Blockade of Naboo

As I continued my training in the hangar, I felt a disturbance in the force. I felt 6 giant spaceships appearing in the space above Naboo. I stopped my training and looked up at the sky from the open hangar bay doors.

"The time has come" I said

As I look up in the sky, I could feel the presence of 6 Lucrehulk-class Battleship which is like a trademark of the Trade Federation. From my memories I remember that each of these Lucrehulk Battleships should have 50 C-9979 landing crafts, 1,500 Vulture Droid Starfighters, 1,500 Trade Federation troop carrier, 550 Multi-Trop Transports, 6,250 Armored Assault Tanks and 329,000 B1 Battle Droids with an unknown number of Droidekas on broad.

With all six battleships combined, it brings the Trade Federations forces of the blockade of Naboo to a total of 300 C-9979 landing crafts, 9000 Vulture Droid Starfighters, 9000 Trade Federation troop carriers, 3300 Multi-Transports, 37,500 Armored Assault Tanks, and 1,974,000 B1 Battle Droids.

When I am able take control of these six battleships, I will have the start of my Holy Crusading army but I have to act quick if I want to take these battleships and put them under my control since I know that 4 of the battleships will leave in the future, leaving only two to blockade and invade Naboo.

After thinking of my plans for these 6 battleships, I started walking to the hanger's exit. As I exited the hanger, I noticed a bunch of the pilots from the Royal Naboo Space Fighter Corp rushing to the hangar from the barracks near the hanger, some of the pilots were still getting dress while half-naked and one who was hopping to the hanger trying to get his boots on. The pilots were tumbling about in a chaotic fashion. They were a complete mess which shows how inexperience and pathetic they are. If they were a true military, they would have been dressed in uniform and in the hanger already waiting for orders.

I turned my head and ignored there tumbling about and I started walking to the throne room to meet Padme who had just recently finished her summit with the representatives and a Governor from the neighboring planets in the Chommell Sector. The summit was her hope to make ties and bonds with the neighboring planets in the system, which will help Naboo become stronger.

As I was walking calmly through the halls, a lot of officials and Royal Guards were running about to here and there with panic faces because of the 6 Trade Federation ships encircling Naboo. I continued walking calmly ignoring all of the panic and chaos.

I soon was walking into the throne room to see Padme with a darken expression, she was talking to Viceroy Nute Gunray through a holo-terminal on her desk. I can easily tell from her expression that she was unhappy about what's going on.

"Why is the Trade Federation surround Naboo, Viceroy Gunray?" asked Padme

"We are blockading Naboo in protest of the Republic's Prop 31-814D Bill, Queen Amidala" said Viceroy Gunray

"Viceroy, this blockade of your is illegal and I demand you to leave Naboo space at once!" demanded Padme

"Queen Amidala, our blockade is perfectly legal, so there is nothing you can do to stop our blockade." said Viceroy Gunray

"You will not be able to this utter nonsense for long, I will inform the Republic of your illegal blockade and they will have you stop your illegal actions at once." said Padme while cutting off the communication link with the Viceroy

Padme was upset with the Viceroy and his illegal blockade of Naboo. Her Advisory Council were in the throne room as well when she was talk to the Viceroy.

"Gentlemen, we need to ask the Republic's help." said Padme "Send an urgent message to the Supreme Chancellor Valocrum, requesting the Republic's help in this crisis."

"Alright, your Highness" said some members of the Advisory Council.

Padme turned her head to me

"What are your thoughts of this matter?" Padme asked me

"I will only tell you this, there is a greater conspiracy to this matter at hand then you know but I will help guide you and protect you through this crisis" I said

"Why won't you tell me what's going on?" asked Padme "I want to know what's going on so I can have more information so I can know how to protect my people."

"This crisis is an important journey for you to go on" I said "This crisis will help guide you and make you stronger. This crisis is your destiny and will help shape you into who will become in the future."

"Alright" sigh Padme with her eyes closed and her head leaned against her throne

"What should we do know?" asked Padme

"We will wait for the Chancellor to send two people to negotiate, and then your journey will begin." I said " I will be heading out"

"Where are you going?" asked Padme

"I am going to make some preparations that will help us in the future." I said

I slowly walked out of the throne room and soon I was out of sight of Padme's sight. I headed back to my room where HK-47 and RED were waiting. I soon entered my room to find HK-47 polishing his DXR-6 disruptor rifle while RED was in a corner in sleep mode. When I entered my bedroom, HK-47 stopped what he was doing and RED soon woke up from sleep mode.

"HK-47, the time for you to have some fun is almost here." I said to Hk-47

"Statement: I am so happy, Master." said HK-47 "Statement: I have been getting bored of this doing nothing lifestlye. Query: Will I be able to do a lot of killing of meatbags?"

"You won't be able to kill a lot but there will be quite a few for you." I said

"Statement: That is so sad but at least I can kill some meatbags" said HK-47 "

"You will be destroying some droids as well

"Ok, you two, stay here until I get back." I commanded

I soon held my hand out. I started using the Force to tear open a hole in space and time. What appeared before me was a black hole with a height of 7 feet and width of 4 feet. The black hole was one of my many powerful Force powers, [Force Travel]. With this power, I am able to travel to a hole in space and time and travel anywhere in the universe in a matter of seconds. As soon as the [Force Travel] gate appeared in front of me, I walked through it and disappeared from the Naboo Royal Palace .

+Author's Note: I am here to inform you that my work is not dropped and not to worry but I am super busy with my work. One of the teachers at my school has left, so I am taking over some of his classes, and there is a summer camp for some little kids next week so I will be busy but I will try to release a chapter once a week for my Star Wars and Ultron fan fic. I am sorry for worrying my reader. I hope you continue reading and loving my stories.


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