Star Wars: The Holy Empire

Chapter 12: The time has come

Chapter 12: The time has come

"Jerid, may I see your face please?" asked Padme

"As you wish" I said

I brought my hands to the back of my mask, and undid the fasten straps that strapped the Revan mask to my head.

Very slowly, I was taking off my mask.

After a few seconds of suspense, and with Padme gazing with curiosity. I finally took off my mask.

Behind my mask was a similar face from my previous life but my face in this life looks much more handsome. I had dark blonde hair with sky blue eyes with a smooth face and skin. I was reborn in this world as a 16 year old boy.

"How old are you?" asked Queen Padme

"I am 16 years old, your Highness. I said while thinking 'Technically I am 25 years old mentally but now I am physically 16 years old.'

"Your 16 years old, and your already very powerful!" said Padme with awe

"Yes, your Highness." I replied

"Jerid, while we are alone, I want you to call me by my name." said Padme "I really want you to call me by my name instead of 'Your Highness'"

"Yes, Padme." I said calmly

"What are your dreams, Jerid?" asked Padme

"I wish to create a universe where everyone can live in peace and harmony. Where there is no war" I said "Also I wish to have a big family."

"This is a wonderful dream." said Padme "How will you accomplished your dreams? Will you create an organization like the Jedi Order?"

"No, for me to create a world where everyone can live in peace and harmony. I must create an empire. " I said with my fist clenched with determination "You see, the Republic you know is corrupt and weak while the Jedi Order is arrogant and stubborn in their ways and unable to change. To bring peace to this world it must have a firm ruler."

"An empire isn't the answer to peace in the galaxy." said Padme "In an empire there is no senate or representatives for the people, an empire is basically a dictatorship."

"You are right about that Padme, but have you ever considered that your Republic is doomed to fail because politicians can become corrupt and power hungry" I said

"But not every politician is like that. There are definitely good people in the senate, and the good will prevail." replied Padme

"True there are good people in the senate but because of the corrupt and cowardly senators in the Senate, there will be consequences for the Republic. Such as the speed to make decisions in a crisis. In an empire, there is no Senate to make decisions for the government, an Emperor can make a decision right there on the spot while a Senate needs a lot of time to make their decision. Can you see the plus side"

"That might be true but when the emperor of this empire dies, and the next in line is rotten what will happen then?" asked Padme

"That will be impossible, since the Emperor will be immortal" I said

"EHHH! Immortal, what do you mean by that?" asked Padme with surprise in her tone

"The Force is a metaphysical, spiritual, binding, and ubiquitous power. It can be found all around us, and it's very powerful. Just like how I can use the Force to heal, and attack. There are many ways to use the Force, like telepathy, telekinesis, healing, attacking and the list goes on. With the Force, it's possible to make the impossible, possible. I can even use the Force to stop me and anyone close to me from aging for ever, but right now I am not powerful enough to do that." I explained to Padme "Padme, its getting late.

"What about the Jedi Order then? Why do you dislike them so much?" asked Padme

"I don't really dislike them but the Jedi Order is too old fashioned and stubborn in their ways. For instance, a Jedi must get rid of their emotions and attachments. So that means they can't fall in love." I said "The Jedi Order knows that the lost of a love one or a dear friend can cause a Jedi to turn to the Dark Side because it has happened before so they made it a rule that a Jedi must get rid of such attachments, and to do so will make them stronger but for me I believe that such attachments can make you strong because it gives you a reason to fight and become stronger so you can protect them. Also in a different time, this rule was the Jedi Order's downfall "

"Wow" Padme awed and then she asked curiously "What do you mean it was the Jedi Order's downfall?"

"Sorry Padme, I can't tell you that." I said "Now, we should head back now for dinner."

"Alright Jerid, lets head back." replied Padme while thinking about our little talk.

"Also Padme." I said

"Yes, Jerid." replied Padme

"In the coming month and years, you will see a new side of the Republic, the corrupt side but don't give up on your ideals and beliefs." I said "You are a great person, and you will do a great job as Queen of Naboo. I know you are scared and don't have a lot of faith in yourself to be a good Queen but you should believe in yourself because I believe in you and I know you will be great."

"Ok" said Padme blushing

After our walk and talk in the Palace Gardens, we went inside for dinner. That was what everyday life was like for us when we were together. I would guard her, and when she wasn't busy we would have our little walk and talks.

Besides doing my job as the Queen's bodyguard, most of the time I would be committed to my training regime. I would mediate for 2 hours a day to strength my bond with the force and my mental abilities. When I first meditated, I received a surprise. When I meditate, I am able to increase my exp. I found out that 1 hour of mediation is able to give me 100 exp. With the two and half months of meditation, I was able to gain 15,000 exp

Besides meditating, I would do 3 hours a day of lightsaber training with the 5 Marksman-H training remote Droids I have in my inventory inside my ship's cargo bay. When I first started the training, I had a hard time deflecting the shots fired by the droids but after awhile I got the hang of it and now the droids can't even touch me, even when they were in rapid fire mode which was like being shot at with 5 light machine guns.

After that was my force training which I did for 2 hours a day. I would test out my force abilities and try to make sure I could use each one efficiently. After two and half months I am able to use most of my force abilities efficiently but I couldn't use the [Thought Bomb] since it was too powerful.

As I continued my training in the hangar, I felt a disturbance in the force. I felt 6 giant spaceships appearing in the space above Naboo. I stopped my training and looked up at the sky from the open hangar bay doors.

"The time has come" I said


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