stakes - gambling with gods.

Chapter 15 Being Made A Fool

"Gather around, everyone," I called out, projecting confidence and authority in my voice. The scouts shifted closer, forming a circle, their attention solely focused on me. "As of this moment, I am assuming command of the scouting department. Our mission has changed, and we will be defending a nearby village from a hobgoblin attack, instead of launching a direct assault on the enemy forces. It is crucial that we gather as much information as possible about the enemy forces and devise a strategic plan to repel their assault."

"But weren't we already planning to do all of this?" Maria's uncertainty rang in her voice, questioning the sudden change in our mission.

David, always composed and level-headed, chimed in with a calm reassurance. "That's right. The lieutenant was pulling your leg. In fact, we are already nearing completion of our base around the village. It should only take another day or two to finish the remaining work."

"And what about these documents and maps?" I questioned, my eyes narrowing as I gestured toward the spread of papers and charts on the table.

"Those documents and maps serve a dual purpose," maria explained, her voice filled with a hint of intrigue. "We can also use these documents during our negotiations with the village's owner, accentuating our losses and emphasizing the value of our protection,"

David chimed in, his voice resonating with shrewdness. "By highlighting the potential dangers and damages that the hobgoblin attack could bring, we can secure a more favourable agreement and ensure that our efforts are duly compensated."

"But don't we receive our payment from the empire?" I questioned, seeking clarification on our financial arrangements.

David shook his head, a faint smile playing on his lips. "Indeed, we do receive compensation for the missions assigned to us by the empire. However, when it comes to unexpected endeavors such as defending a village that falls outside the empire's jurisdiction, we are not entitled to any payment. The empire doesn't provide us with funds for such endeavors, regardless of the losses we may incur. That's why it becomes necessary for us to secure compensation from the village's owner. Boy there is so much to you still have to learn."

"So, they were all fake, and our preparations are almost done? Then what am I supposed to do?" My voice quivered with a mix of relief and confusion.

"Technically, you have nothing to do for the time being," Maria said, a hint of reassurance in her voice. "Although your involvement may be limited, you will still have an achievement to your name, even if it is largely credited to the lieutenant who carried out the majority of the work."

I took a moment to collect myself, allowing her words to sink in. "Okay, I understand," I replied, a sense of responsibility settling within me. "But do we have any information on when the hobgoblins are planning to launch their attack?"

Emily stepped forward, her eyes focused and determined. "Based on our intel, it is most likely that the attack will occur in three days. They seem to be gathering their forces and preparing for the assault. We believe they won't strike before then."

Appreciating their insights, I nodded in acknowledgement. "Thank you both for the information. You've done well in your reconnaissance efforts. For now, you can take some time to rest and prepare. There isn't much immediate work for you at the moment."

"However," I continued, a spark of determination igniting in my voice, "I want you to remain vigilant and ready. Keep a close eye on any developments and report back to me immediately if there are any changes or new information. Our success depends on staying one step ahead of the enemy."

They nodded in agreement, as they made their way out of the tent. Alone in the tent once again, I contemplated the task ahead. While there may not be immediate work at hand, my mind couldn't help but drift to thoughts of Charlotte. Her presence lingered in my thoughts; her touch still etched upon my cheek.

With a sigh, I pushed aside my thoughts of Charlotte for the moment and refocused my attention on the task at hand.

With no immediate tasks at hand, I decided to devote my time to practicing and honing my ability. By this point, I believe I have grasped the essence of this ability, I realized that it revolved around the manipulation and control over the fundamental balance and equilibrium of objects, forces, or systems. In collaboration with Ayaan, we focused our practice sessions on maintaining a state of equilibrium regardless of the circumstances.

To aid in this endeavor, I wielded a urumi sword, a flexible and challenging weapon to master. Its unruly nature tested my ability to remain centered and poised. Every swing and movement required precise coordination and control. It became a personal quest to achieve a harmonious balance between my body and the weapon, allowing me to wield it with unparalleled efficiency.

After investing a considerable amount of time practicing alongside Ayaan, and enduring the scolding from Charlotte as she healed my wounds, I had made significant progress in wielding the weapon. Now, I could execute precise movements without being struck for the majority of the time. The mastery of my weapon had reached a point where I could effortlessly manipulate its balance, seamlessly transitioning between using it as a whip or a long rapier. The fluidity and control I had developed allowed me to adapt to any combat situation with ease.

However, despite my success in wielding the weapon, my abilities seemed limited to that specific object. Whenever I attempted to use the same level of mastery on any other item, my efforts were met with disappointment. It appeared that my skill was confined solely to that particular weapon, leaving me unable to replicate the same level of control and precision with other objects. It was a realization that brought a sense of frustration and a reminder of the boundaries that existed within my newfound abilities.

For now, I had set my sights on achieving the same level of mastery with a bow. The weapon I possessed was a finely crafted longbow, crafted from a combination of sturdy wood and sleek, polished metal. Its curved limbs exuded strength and flexibility, designed to withstand the tension of the drawn string. Adorned with intricate engravings, the bow exhibited a touch of elegance that added to its aesthetic appeal.

The grip of the bow was wrapped in supple leather, providing a comfortable and secure hold. The string, taut and well-maintained, whispered promises of power as it awaited the release of an arrow. Along the length of the bow, small notches were carved to ensure precise arrow placement and consistent shots. It was a weapon designed for accuracy, requiring both physical strength and honed technique to unleash its full potential.Ne/w novel chaptš¯’†rs are p/u/blished on no/vel(/bin(.)c/o/m

And what I yearned to achieve was a simple yet profound goal: to manipulate the power that resided within each arrow. It was not enough for me to simply hit my target; I sought to infuse my shots with a precise amount of force, harnessing the very essence of power and directing it towards my desired outcome.

Stepping outside the tent, I surveyed the camp, realizing that I lacked knowledge of a suitable practice area. Determined to find a suitable spot to hone my skills with the bow, I approached the guard stationed to my tent.

The guard's expression turned apologetic, and he sighed before responding. "I'm sorry, sir, but I must disappoint you. As this is a temporary camp, we do not have a dedicated training ground for any specific weapon. You will have to wait until we reach the next city, where you can find a suitable place for practicing."

I couldn't help but feel a tinge of disappointment at the news. However, I understood the limitations of our current situation. Nodding in understanding, I replied, "I see. Thank you for letting me know."

The guard nodded in acknowledgement, appreciating my understanding. " If you need any assistance or have further questions, feel free to approach me."

"Thank you. Your assistance is greatly appreciated," I replied with gratitude, appreciating his willingness to help.

Since I couldn't engage in direct training, the idea of visiting the nearby base near the village sparked my curiosity. Eager to explore this possibility, I approached the guard once again and inquired about the base.

The guard's face lit up with a hint of excitement as he realized my enthusiasm. "Certainly, sir! I'd be more than happy to show you the way," he replied, pleased to assist me.

With a grateful nod, I followed the guard as he led me through the camp, navigating the paths with familiarity. We ventured beyond the temporary camp's perimeter, making our way towards the base situated near the village.

As we walked, the guard provided me with some background information about the base, sharing details about its purpose and the units stationed there. After a short journey, we arrived at the base. The sight before me was a bustling hub of activity, with soldiers engaged in various tasks, preparing supplies, conducting drills, and maintaining equipment. The atmosphere was one of purpose and readiness.

As the guard led me towards the base near the village, he shared a piece of crucial information that caught my attention. With a serious tone, he explained that our platoon, including myself, did not have permission to enter the village. It seemed that owner had made this decision, perhaps due to concerns about our potential exploitation of the village in the future.


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