stakes - gambling with gods.

Chapter 14 First Day.

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In vicinity the tent:-

Zack's Pov:-

With a tinge of reluctance in my heart, I braced myself and teleported away, knowing that I had to do what was necessary to ensure my survival on this first day. The familiar sensation of teleportation enveloped me, and when I reappeared, I found myself standing just outside a tent, undoubtedly belonging to my senior officer.

The tent was situated in a strategic location, surrounded by bustling activity and the constant hum of soldiers preparing for their duties. The canvas of the tent stood tall and sturdy, its olive-green colour blending seamlessly with the surrounding environment.

As Zack approached, he noticed the entrance flaps of the tent held open, revealing a glimpse of the interior. The tent was spacious and well-organized, with various sections clearly delineated. The air inside carried a faint scent of leather, ink, and the unmistakable aura of authority.

Entering the tent, Zack was greeted by a sense of purpose and professionalism. The walls were adorned with maps and charts, meticulously detailing battle plans and strategic positions. Shelves lined with neatly arranged books and files occupied one side of the tent, a testament to the knowledge and expertise required for military operations.

The center of the tent housed a large, sturdy table covered in maps and documents. Here, officers gathered to discuss strategies, make decisions, and coordinate their troops. The table served as a focal point, a place where important decisions were made and information was shared.

Nearby, a set of sturdy wooden chairs provided seating for the officers, each meticulously carved with intricate designs. The chairs, although functional, exuded an air of elegance, reflecting the prestige and authority of those who occupied them.

A row of lockers stood against one wall, displaying neatly hung uniforms and equipment, each item carefully arranged and ready for use. The gear was a testament to the readiness and preparedness of the soldiers who called this tent their temporary home.

Soft, muted lighting illuminated the tent, casting a warm glow that created an atmosphere of focus and determination. The gentle flicker of lanterns hung from the ceiling provided a sense of calm amidst the bustling activity outside. Conversations between officers could be heard, the occasional sound of boots marching outside served as a constant reminder of the military presence surrounding the tent.

As I stepped into the tent, the conversation among the officers abruptly ceased, and all eyes turned towards me. The man standing at the center of the attention never wavered his gaze, his stern eyes fixed upon me. With a gesture, he signalled the rest of the officers to leave the tent, and without hesitation, they complied.

"You're late. What happened? You were granted direct teleportation access, were you deliberately trying to make me wait?" the man's voice carried a tinge of anger, his words laced with impatience.

"No, sir. I apologize for any inconvenience caused. I was bidding farewell to my friends," I replied respectfully, careful not to come across as confrontational.

"Alright, let's begin with discussing your role as my assistant. Originally, we were to en route to a tier-2 pirate city after pick you up. However, we've received reports from our scouts that a massive hobgoblin army of 10,000 strong is set to attack a nearby village. While it's not our primary mission, we find ourselves in a unique position. We are the closest force capable of defending the village against such an assault. Therefore, we must take on the responsibility of protecting them. Now, my questions to you are: What is the strength of the hobgoblins, and do you understand the significance of owning a village?" My senior officer provided me with crucial information while posing relatively straightforward questions.

"Yes, sir. Hobgoblins are typically classified as common-rank creatures, equivalent to tier-2 1-star strength. However, for them to amass an army of this magnitude, it suggests that their leader is either an uncommon beast or a normal hobgoblin on the cusp of reaching uncommon level. Given the numbers, the former seems unlikely, as they would require at least 100,000 hobgoblins to follow such a leader. Hence, it is more probable that we are dealing with a normal hobgoblin whose strength may be roughly on par with tier-3 1-star," I shared my deduction with confidence.

"Correct. Currently, we have 800 tier-2 soldiers and 3 tier-3 soldiers. In your opinion, what would be the most appropriate course of action for us?" he inquired, seeking my input.

"With our considerable strength, launching a direct assault and overpowering the hobgoblins seems feasible. However, the most prudent approach would be to establish a defensive perimeter around the village, creating a base and waiting for the hobgoblins to initiate the attack. This would allow us to leverage our advantages and counter their offensive strategies effectively," I responded, presenting what I believed to be the best course of action.

"Why should we adopt a cautious approach if we possess sufficient strength? Wouldn't it be more efficient to swiftly eliminate the hobgoblin threat and proceed to our original mission location?" he inquired skeptically, his tone reflecting his lack of belief in my perspective.

"I understand your desire to swiftly complete our original mission, sir. However, the uncertainty surrounding the hobgoblin army's leader makes it prudent to exercise caution. My suggestion is based on analysing their past behaviour and tendencies. It is possible that their leader is indeed an uncommon beast, which would require us to rethink our approach."

As he nodded, acknowledging the validity of my perspective, he posed another question, his skepticism still evident. "You still haven't answered my question regarding how being near the village can aid us in defeating an uncommon beast. Please elaborate."

"As you are aware, sir, a village falls outside the jurisdiction of our empire. It requires authorization from the empire for an individual to establish a village, which demands a population of at least 10,000 and an individual at mid-tier-3 strength. Having an additional tier-3 individual significantly increases our chances of successfully defending the village," I explained, shedding light on the reasoning behind my suggestion.

"Excellent, it appears you possess the qualities necessary to be an officer. We need to refine our plan.," he stated, his tone unwavering. "Since you are highly qualified, your role will be to oversee our scouting department until you are assigned to this specific platoon. Furthermore, as this is not a particularly challenging task, you will assume command, providing you with valuable learning experience. And do not forget to record all the expenses we incur from now on; we can use that to our advantage with the village's leader exploiting," he concluded, leaving the tent and leaving me alone in contemplation.

I hurriedly chased after him, calling out, "Sir, wait!" He came to a halt, turning his head to face me, his voice laced with annoyance as he asked, "What is it?"

"Sir, I have a question. Why are we heading towards a tier-2 pirate city? I was informed that, as a new recruit, I would be spending most of my time in a tier-1 city to train," I inquired, seeking clarification on the matter that had been on my mind since the mention of the city.

"Because I am here, and I possess enough power to protect you from any regular thug. Do not waste my time with such nonsensical questions from now on," he replied, his tone dripping with sarcasm.

Acknowledging his words, I saluted him and turned back towards the tent. Determination coursed through me as I made my way through the bustling camp, my eyes scanning the surroundings. Spotting a soldier nearby, I approached him with purpose.

"Soldier, I need you to gather all members belonging to the scouting department and bring them to my tent immediately," I commanded, ensuring that my tone carried the gravity of the situation. "Tell them it's urgent and that I need to speak with them at once."

The soldier nodded, recognizing the importance of the task, and swiftly set off to carry out my orders. With that taken care of, I realized I still needed directions to my own tent. I glanced around, searching for any signs or markers that would guide me in the right direction.

Soon enough, I noticed a seasoned soldier, adorned with numerous badges of experience and wisdom. Making my way towards him, I respectfully approached and saluted. "Excuse me, sir. Could you please assist me with directions to my assigned tent?"

The soldier returned my salute and gave me a warm smile. "Of course, young one. Your tent is situated just beyond the central command area, near the eastern perimeter. Look for the blue flag with a silver emblem; that's where you'll find your temporary base."

Expressing my gratitude, I thanked the soldier and set off towards the indicated location. As I walked, my mind buzzed with a mix of anticipation and a sense of responsibility.

Arriving at my tent, I noticed a man standing just outside, his posture tall and vigilant, emanating an aura of strength and watchfulness. It was evident that he served as a guard, entrusted with the task of ensuring the security of my tent. I approached him with a nod of acknowledgment, He returned the nod with a hint of a smile, his gaze sharp and focused.

I stepped inside, the familiar scent of canvas and leather filling my senses. It was a modest space, furnished with a sturdy wooden desk, maps, and various documents. Taking a moment to settle in, I entered the tent and found an array of neatly organized belongings provided by the army.

In one corner, a stack of freshly pressed uniforms awaited me, each adorned with the insignia of my rank. A collection of sturdy boots stood at attention, ready to accompany me on my missions. Nearby, I discovered a gleaming set of armor, polished to perfection and fitted to my measurements.

With my belongings in order, I turned my attention to the upcoming meeting with the scouting department. They were a vital part of our mission, responsible for gathering intelligence and providing crucial information that would guide our actions. As the newly appointed manager, it was my duty to lead and coordinate their efforts effectively.

Preparing for their arrival, I reviewed the reports and maps that had been placed on the desk. Each document held vital details about the village under threat and the surrounding terrain. I studied them intently, familiarizing myself with the layout and potential strategic advantages. It was essential to have a clear understanding of the situation and formulate a well-informed plan of action.

Moments later, the soldier returned, accompanied by the members of the scouting department. Two women, Maria and Emily, stood alongside a skilled and seasoned male scout named David. They entered the tent, their eyes filled with curiosity and anticipation. It was now my responsibility to lead and guide them, ensuring that our scouting efforts would be efficient and effective.


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