Spy Mage System

Chapter 274 - 274 A TSA Terminator

274 A TSA Terminator

Awe gripped my heart as it thumped with fright coursing through my veins. What should I do? What can I do?

I looked beside me, seeing a pole that was laid on the ground. Bingo. I swiftly snatched it and scurried from under the bed.

As I looked up, I found myself right away startled by the powerful swing from the agent. Brie luckily ducked, which she rolled to the side, twirled a 360 and then converted to a swing.

Their wands clashed and clanged as I scrambled to my feet and rushed to the rescue.

But one swing was too fast for me to even get closer. I reeled back, seeing the pole past me before I stumbled and I grabbed the body of the bed.

Brie grunted as she threw many swings at the TSA agent, but the agent shoved her off with a kick.

Brie moved a few feet, or a few yards in this instance, from the kick. But she quickly got up to her feet and prepared for the next attack.

Two swings she gave, and two she missed. The agent swooped into a twirl, getting into the stance that implied something bad was going to happen.

She suddenly shot forward, her wand whirling up so fast to where it was barely even noticeable.


The TSA agent landed with a hard hit to Brie’s shoulder, that she flew from the ground, and into a sofa, tipping it over.

I hurried after her, ready to swing my pole at her head.

The TSA agent vaulted onto the bed, and after Brie, who stared up in fear and hurried away. She got up to her feet, with her wand firm in her hand. They both battled courageously, although Brie was being pushed back.

Brie quickly swung towards her head. Or I assume from the point of view I had, but the TSA agent dodged the attack, then jumped and kicked her in the chest. The TSA agent merged to flip down to her feet, whereas Brie was finding herself in a pile of pans.

“Connor!” she shouted, causing the TSA agent to turn her head menacingly.

What did she just do?

“No, no, no,” I muttered with a plea in my voice, as the agent slowly walked as if she was some sort of terminator, which in this case, she was. “Wait,” I pleaded. “We can work something out. Please, don’t—”

But she did.

She sped right towards me, as I yelled, and dashed for my life. I ran towards Brie’s direction, hearing the thundering footsteps of the agent behind me. “No! No!” I shouted, feeling my voice tremble in fear. “Please!”

I reached Brie, who was now just on her feet. I grabbed her hand, and we ran through the dishes section, with the lights glaring here and there like little candles guiding us through the dark path.

Except for the fact there is a lion chasing after us.

“We need to go, quick!” I shouted. “We’ll find some other place—” A bookshelf or some other type of shelf decided to reveal itself at the last minute, causing us to separate in different directions.

What do I do now? What’s going to happen next?

I expected to hear footsteps slowly fading away into the distance, but it scaled louder, meaning only one thing: she was right behind me.

I shrieked in terror, seeing her face barely shown in the light, and the little shadows of her movement after me. I looked forward, now seeing a table spawn up in front of me, in which I went to the left this time.

She was still after me!

“Go away!” I shouted, but she obviously wouldn’t. But then, a chair with legs that had wheels popped up, and I quickly swung it towards her.

She basically climbed it while it was moving.

I needed something more weight to take her down or to give me enough space to find Brie and to book it from here.

I saw two this time, which both combined could do more work. I paused, using my Perk this time to swing both chairs in her direction like missiles. But she slid between the crack of the two chairs, meaning another failed attempt.

I thought I was going to die.

I looked to the left, seeing a dimly lit area, which led to what I think was the door. Escape was just a few feet from me. I looked behind me, and she was still hot on my tail, but I was going to escape, just you wait.

I darted towards the door, my eyes locked in, but soon I realized it wasn’t the door out of here. It was the door to one of those souvenir rooms that were created in the middle of the store.

I crashed inside of it, tumbling over a toilet that happened to just be in my way. I flipped over, feeling my brain race inside my skull. But my eyesight was still sharp enough to see the incoming wand.

I somersaulted backwards, dodging the crushing hit, before I stumbled back to my feet, and raced ahead. “Brie!” I shouted, my voice cracking from the damage of my screaming.

“Brie isn’t here to save you,” I heard the agent say, which her voice, not raspy, or low as if there was a frog in her throat, but menacing as if she was a hitman, saying the last words I’d ever hear until I was finally dead.

As if my throat recovered, I screamed a scream of terror. I barged out of the little model of the room, in which she followed behind me close.

“Brie, Brie!” I shouted, but then an idea popped up in my brain.

I looked to the side, squinting my eyes to see if I was close to the dishes section. I wasn’t exactly too far away, but I still had a bit to run before I reached there.

I marked my location, and I shot towards that place, still hearing that TSA agent behind me. She didn’t know what was coming.

I was slowly reaching that coveted mark, just praying for it to be closer than I thought.

Soon enough, I saw the bed we were planning to sleep on right next to us, meaning I was very close. I looked back, the TSA agent running with no sign of fatigue.

I nodded, then looked back forward, and quickly got a pan and swung it as hard as I could.

I could feel the tingle inside my hands once the pan collided with the agent. She fell onto her side, and shock was written all over my face.

But I couldn’t waste any more time. I needed to find Brie, then hide.

Quickly, I ran, looking around to see if Brie could be anywhere. I looked to the side and saw another bed, although this one had no sheets.

But that didn’t worry me, because under the bed was the spot I was interested in.

I slid under and curled up into a ball under the bed. Silence followed the room for a moment until you could little taps.

A little tap.

Another little tap.

Another little tap.

Another little tap.

Another slightly louder little tap.

Another slightly louder little tap.

Another slightly louder little tap.

Another very loud little tap.

Another petrifying tap.

And one last tap, in which her shoes finally revealed themselves, showing that she was right beside this bed.

Then suddenly, she dropped, as my eyes widened, and my throat hurled at a scream. But she covered my mouth and said, “What are you screaming for? It’s me!”


Brie shook her head and looked to the side. She lowered her head to hear if any footsteps were coming. She then raised it back up slowly, then turned to me. “I think we’re good,” she said silently.

I found that very hard to believe.

“How is someone just gonna leave because they didn’t find two kids,” I reasoned, to which she ignored.

She stayed silent, which then I stayed silent too, waiting for any echoing sound to erupt. But there was nothing.

She could be actually gone.

“Alright, let’s find that bed again, and—oh, we’re gonna need an alarm clock.”

“What happened to your phone?” I asked. Then her eyes widened even more once she crawled out from under the bed.

“The charger.”

At that moment, my eyes widened at her. “See if you can find a charger anywhere, okay? Meet me back at this bed,” Brie said, in which I quickly nodded.

We both separated—again—in which I searched around to find any sort of charger.

I’m not sure if they sell chargers in furniture stores, but just in case someone left it here, that would be very useful.

“Did you find anything?!” I heard her shout.

“No, not yet!”

We spent a bit of the night searching for a charger until I found this black cord that led to an outlet and also—a black charger.


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